Watch the TV trailer but they blurred something here. You can clearly see OKC players on the bench by facial features in the trailer. I saw Steven Adams. Also they were detailed enough to where you can spot faces and kicks.
This is an older approved screenshot. Our current build has the uniform correct as well as the addition of his new tattoos (come on people, you're slipping!).
Naw man we on top of things, 2k been had issues with getting colors and accessories right, cmon man.
This is an older approved screenshot. Our current build has the uniform correct as well as the addition of his new tattoos (come on people, you're slipping!).
How bout more accurate skin tones for Lebron and a correct NBA game ball?
Have no idea why they would put lebron's beard on his worst day in the game rather than a cleaner cut lebron which what we see most of the time in a real game(at least better than the next gen pic).
Also, why does he look so angry? He should have a more pleasant expression! LeBron enjoys the game of basketball!! We should have Dynamic Moods for next gen 2k....
Maybe we can sim a conversation with a teammate that determines how a player will feel throughout the game...
I admire a lot of y'all's ability to get excited over a screenshot. I just can't do it. It's the same with CGI...don't show me that crap, I want to see the GAME IN ACTION.
Yeah after looking at the screenshot in HD and zoomed in the detail is very good. Different textures and the tattoos and most importantly the face. The most important things I would agree on is the body types, skin tones (Think Tyson Chandler) and jerseys...
But alot of you are comparing a screenshot compared to actual live, 5v5 gameplay... Lighting and shadows and textures are gonna look different then a screenshot captured in one type of light. IF the lighting will improve how everything looks in game which I think it will... Lets wait till the video this week to pass judgement.
This is an older approved screenshot. Our current build has the uniform correct as well as the addition of his new tattoos (come on people, you're slipping!).
What about the warriors blue uniform? it still looked too light in the tv spot.
Also, why does he look so angry? He should have a more pleasant expression! LeBron enjoys the game of basketball!! We should have Dynamic Moods for next gen 2k....
Maybe we can sim a conversation with a teammate that determines how a player will feel throughout the game...
Why doesn't 2k care about emotions?
Really guys? are we discussing an expression in one single screenshot?