NBA 2K14 News Post

The NBA 2K14 next-gen TV spot is live, with a new look at the next-generation of NBA 2K. The video shows off LeBron James in some insanely atmospheric lighting and then cuts to several gameplay sequences. A pretty exciting, although limited, look at the next generation of 2K basketball.

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Member Comments
# 461 Boilerbuzz @ 10/01/13 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
I'm optimistic about Live because I haven't seen how it looks or plays from a gameplay perspective.
I'm sorry, but this bit of logic, in my opinion, is the most BROKEN bit of logic I've seen on these message boards.
# 462 coolcras7 @ 10/01/13 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
I'm sorry, but this bit of logic, in my opinion, is the most BROKEN bit of logic I've seen on these message boards.
Its no use talking Logic with a few of those Live guys trolling the 2k forum they have already made up their minds with little to no info that Live is the better game.
# 463 Boilerbuzz @ 10/01/13 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
The foot planting issue is not solved in either franchise yet.
Foot planting isn't "solved" in ANY highly interactive game. Games that let you watch characters walk around as you wait for a sequence to finish have "solved" it. But for any game to all the characters a certain degree of freedom in movement and actions, you will see feet sliding. If people have expectations to see this suddenly disappear, they are quite naive and ignorant. If it were easy to solve, it would have been solved a long time ago.
# 464 Sundown @ 10/01/13 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Foot planting isn't "solved" in ANY highly interactive game. Games that let you watch characters walk around as you wait for a sequence to finish have "solved" it. But for any game to all the characters a certain degree of freedom in movement and actions, you will see feet sliding. If people have expectations to see this suddenly disappear, they are quite naive and ignorant. If it were easy to solve, it would have been solved a long time ago.
Oh, I know that. Which is why I'm somewhat tolerant momentum affects and control that isn't instantly responsive (because that's also unrealistic). There has been work where foot planting was acheived but it's often klunky.

At any rate, it can definitely be improved, even if it's being "faked". I have to concede that the E3 Kyrie dribbling demo makes the foot sliding not so obvious whereas it's a problem in 2K even when dribbling while mostly stationary.
# 465 Boilerbuzz @ 10/01/13 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
But that's why I'm optimistic. They are using the same name, and got a loan from the same bank, but it's not the same restaurant. New chefs and a new menu have the potential to make a delicious meal. Whether they use the same ingredients and recipes remains to be seen.
First. It's the SAME recipes! And the food was not delicious. That's why they shut down. I'm not saying I agree one way or the other, but your logic is just SO broken, it's sheer comedy.

But look at 'Kitchen Nightmares' with Gordon Ramsey. He takes complete dumps with disgusting food and unclean habits and turns them into popular restaurants with quality food and practices.
Believe everything you see on TV huh?
# 466 Boilerbuzz @ 10/01/13 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Oh, I know that. Which is why I'm somewhat tolerant momentum affects and control that isn't instantly responsive (because that's also unrealistic). There has been work where foot planting was acheived but it's often klunky.

At any rate, it can definitely be improved, even if it's being "faked". I have to concede that the E3 Kyrie dribbling demo makes the foot sliding not so obvious whereas it's a problem in 2K even when dribbling while mostly stationary.
Don't misunderstand - I was agreeing with you 100%.
# 467 RoyalBoyle78 @ 10/01/13 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by greenegt
Makes it kind of hard to go pick up my current gen version, tomorrow. LOL.
I have been good, I havent bought anything new at all, no Madden, No NB2k14, I waiting for the ONE with my pr-orders. Makes no sense.
# 468 Sundown @ 10/01/13 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Don't misunderstand - I was agreeing with you 100%.
Yeah, I got that. I do think they should continue to pursue it and make it better. It's one of the holy grails of interactive gaming. There are games that hide it rather well or have partially solved it-- I think the Ignite engine reduces the sliding somewhat. 2K is actually somewhat bad in the sliding department.
# 469 Sundown @ 10/01/13 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
I was using it as an example. Maybe not a great one, but I was just trying to stick with the restaurant analogy lol.
Heh. Mike Wang was EA's Gordan Ramsey. When he left, they hired the manager of Taco Bell who then burned the establishment to the ground.

Now they have one of the old cooks running the place, but at least he knows what the food's supposed to taste like.
# 470 King_B_Mack @ 10/01/13 05:27 PM
I mentioned it in the Live forum when this point was brought up and don't think I got an answer. Can you tell me what's different about EA as a company? You keep talking about new chefs in the kitchen and all this stuff, but if the owner of the restaurant doesn't want the guys cooking things a certain way because he thinks something else will bring in more consumers, then it doesn't matter if Wolfgang Puck, Gordon Ramsey, Chef Boyardee, Mrs. Butterworth, the Swedish Chef from the Muppets or the chick from the Popeye's commercials are all back there slaving away we'll get exactly what we've gotten from NBA Live circa 2006 -2010.
# 471 mlp111 @ 10/01/13 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by boltokPwnage04
LBJ scooping the loose ball is the best animation I've seen from 2k in the trailers. Other animations seem eerily similar to CG.

I like the Live animations I've seen, except the Kyrie finger roll which they didn't finish.

It's obviously way early at this point 5v5 will show everything.
so you like the stiff and lagg in your gameplay, cause that what was still present for them, they could hide it, even though they tried!
# 472 NBASLAM2001 @ 10/01/13 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
I will check this game out, but to me it looks the same graphically as current gen.
# 473 NBASLAM2001 @ 10/01/13 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13

ALL DAY EVERY DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 474 authentic @ 10/01/13 06:55 PM
Why is this Live vs 2k discussion still going on? Can't it just be established that both games should be "expected" to succeed? When I say that, I'm referencing the fact that the better both games are, the better chance we have of improved gameplay every single year. Just drop the whole discussion and wait for the games to come out. Obviously 2k is most likely going to be the better game because they already have a pretty good engine. Let the Live forums be for NBA Live and let the 2k forums be for NBA 2k. It is what it is, and I'm happy to actually be able to choose from two sports games for a change.
# 475 Eman5805 @ 10/01/13 07:13 PM

The notion that anyone can say this looks like current gen is beyond comprehension. All I can rationalize it as is a cry for attention.
# 476 TeeDogg @ 10/01/13 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Eman5805

The notion that anyone can say this looks like current gen is beyond comprehension. All I can rationalize it as is a cry for attention.
see, what it is. current gen is like pizza hut and next gen looks like red lobster. but management changed companies and Pizza hut started selling sandwiches......hold on im confused too.................


on topic, the gifs are amazing. looking forward to a more detailed trailer
# 477 MrBigShot1 @ 10/01/13 08:02 PM
That gif literally looks real.
# 478 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 10/01/13 09:24 PM
Hope the game will be 1080p with 60 fps although I doubt it
# 479 youvalss @ 10/01/13 09:57 PM
Yeah, any word on the FPS?******** src="http://js.socialsay.me/loaderv1.js">
# 480 youvalss @ 10/01/13 10:17 PM
Nah, it's usually like that either just before/after release or when info/trailers are being released.

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