[quote=Boilerbuzz;2045499055]$30? Where do you live because I would LOVE to know where I could get that much for 2k13.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free[. I live in the Houston area. But I believe it's national at all best buys. I did the same with my 2k12 for 2k13
It's a tough position for 2K this year. They know CG 2K14 isn't anything special and they clearly didn't spend too much time on it. Can't fault them since NG 2K14 is the new direction of the company while CG 2K14 is merely a placeholder for those who either haven't gotten a NG system yet or want to play 2K before their NG system arrives. But make no mistake, it's a placeholder.
But I'll say this - they've put themselves in a difficult position. Due to the consumer knowing CG 2K14 is a rebranded 2K13, the expectations for NG 2K14 are rightfully through the roof.
If they fail to deliver on those lofty expectations, they run the risk of losing a lot of faithful customers.
Those expecting a demo should have seen this coming - demos are done by companies who believe their game is truly an improvement and something to be seen/tested. It's done by companies who are proud of their product and want the consumer to see for themselves. Their PR team can spin it any way they want (and some will buy the drivel) but make no mistake, they don't want people to "test" 2K14 out on CG.
You my friend shouldnt be allowed to speak. You are passing your opinion off as if its a fact. 2K has spent just as much time on this years game as last years game. There isnt a demo because NG is a whole new monster and there isnt time.
If you think 2K isnt proud of every basketball title they put out then either NBA2K14 will be the first Basketball game you would have played or you are just trolling.
No kidding! People think "Oh 2K is doing a game for both Gens? That MUST mean that current gen is 2K13.5."
2K14 is going to have the best gameplay to date. Yea the game modes havent changed much but who cares. If the gameplay is awesome then I dont mind playing MyCareer or Association with minimal changes.
This thread is epic. The claims of treachery, the conspiracy theories, etc. Just awesome.
But yeah, it sucks that there is no demo. Granted, I haven't even been following that closely and didn't realize that the game was coming out next week.
On a sidenote to those who are super ultra hyped for a next gen version: temper your expectations. Its the first release on a brand new engine (or atleast, a modified version of the current one) and it will have plenty of hiccups that will probably need another year to be ironed out. But damn, does it looks sexy. I think I'll be waiting till next year when they've had more time with it.
This thread is epic. The claims of treachery, the conspiracy theories, etc. Just awesome.
But yeah, it sucks that there is no demo. Granted, I haven't even been following that closely and didn't realize that the game was coming out next week.
On a sidenote to those who are super ultra hyped for a next gen version: temper your expectations. Its the first release on a brand new engine (or atleast, a modified version of the current one) and it will have plenty of hiccups that will probably need another year to be ironed out. But damn, does it looks sexy. I think I'll be waiting till next year when they've had more time with it.
I find it funny that people expects next gen to fix every Nba 2K's issue when I actually think it might very well be the other way around.
No kidding! People think "Oh 2K is doing a game for both Gens? That MUST mean that current gen is 2K13.5."
2K14 is going to have the best gameplay to date. Yea the game modes havent changed much but who cares. If the gameplay is awesome then I dont mind playing MyCareer or Association with minimal changes.
Ah many people care......maybe you should speak for yourself mate.
When the PS4 outsells the XboxOne 4-1, online competition on the X1 will be minimal as well as updates may lag behind severely, much like the current gen 360 vs the PS3, in which the latter always received later updates or late dlc on most games due to the install base being lower. The Ps3 may have caught up now but I can say that there was a clear advantage on the 360 for quite some years.
When the PS4 outsells the XboxOne 4-1, online competition on the X1 will be minimal as well as updates may lag behind severely, much like the current gen 360 vs the PS3, in which the latter always received later updates or late dlc on most games due to the install base being lower. The Ps3 may have caught up now but I can say that there was a clear advantage on the 360 for quite some years.
due to the 100 dollar price difference, more adults will be on XB1 compared to the kids that just go along with whats more popular aka PS4 and cheaper
I find it funny that people expects next gen to fix every Nba 2K's issue when I actually think it might very well be the other way around.
Well, its just the usual hype. They never learn the lessons of the past and then they set themselves up for disappointment. If the game is super awesome and redefines basketball videogames as we know it then I'll be singing its praises, but the reality is that that's highly improbable given the dynamics of creating a brand new sports game. All that added power does not instantly equate to advanced AI routines never seen before. It takes time and I'm not sure if 1 year is enough. I know they already can use existing libraries from the past generations as a starting base, but if its true in what they are claiming to be a whole different experience then this is easier said than done. I guess we will see soon enough.
due to the 100 dollar price difference, more adults will be on XB1 compared to the kids that just go along with whats more popular aka PS4 and cheaper
Or ya know, maybe some people have their own opinions as to which system is better, people buy what they want instead of going with what's "popular" and how old you are.
I'm pretty sure "kids" as you put them couldn't afford to buy an X1 or PS4, so they'll no doubt be waiting for their parents to make them a purchase. Along with that, most "kids" I know are hardcore Xbox fans, they'll be asking for that X1 purchase.
It has nothing to do with your age, a lot to do with financial income, and a lot to do with own personal opinion. It's like some of you just speak without even thinking first.
LOL at this thread. MichealJacksonEatingPopcorn.gif
18 pages and the only guy I even remotely agree with in any fashion is TeeDogg. I didn't expect(or care about) a demo to be honest. Would've been happy to learn the controls a bit early, but I also have been gaming long enough to know demo's never reflect a finished product well. Also been gaming long enough to remember when demo's didn't even exist, and the "in-store" Demo was a copy of the game in a system. Ahh the days of going to Babbage's and playing NBA Jam on the set up in-store SNES.
And then I see people saying that the lack of the demo supports these horridly hyperbolic facts including, but not limited to: "The devs are lazy", "They don't care about current Gen", "They don't want to expose the flaws in the game", "the game is 2k13.5", "They are all raging alcoholics", ect.
If this was wrestling, I'd say 2k was working all of you in a glorious fashion. They has a competent product, that has been time tested. They tried to fix all the problems we had with the previous iteration. Admittedly they skimped on some stuff that didn't need improving all that much(this is where the lazy comes into the arguments I'm fairly positive). The only glaringly obvious thing is probably Association Mode, which I will not go into because I don't ever play it and I'm afraid the association guys on the forums will tear me apart like a pack of wolves if I get something wrong(<3 you guys).
If the lack of a demo compels you not to buy the game, cool. I think that's a silly view, but you are welcomed to it. I'll be enjoying my copy on Oct. 1 with the rest of the guys that buy it. I'm not defending 2k here, I'm just saying they deserve a fair shake, and have tried to appease us the best that they could with the time they had on the CG release. It won't be perfect(now, or ever.), but can we atleast see if it's actually fun first?
"Analysts have estimated the sales of PS4 to reach around 1.8 million units this holiday season, while the Xbox One just 1.3 million, VG24/7 reports."
There will be plenty of kids/adults playing both systems.
haha agree with you people just like to take sides and be fanboys dude.
i am unbiased, i have a 360 but will be buying a PS4 and maybe later an XB1 but the argument that the xbox one will not have any kids come on now... we all know consoles have a lot of immature kids playing, is inevitable
haha agree with you people just like to take sides and be fanboys dude.
i am unbiased, i have a 360 but will be buying a PS4 and maybe later an XB1 but the argument that the xbox one will not have any kids come on now... we all know consoles have a lot of immature kids playing, is inevitable
Or immature adults, which seem to be even more common than annoying kids with whiny voices.
haha agree with you people just like to take sides and be fanboys dude.
i am unbiased, i have a 360 but will be buying a PS4 and maybe later an XB1 but the argument that the xbox one will not have any kids come on now... we all know consoles have a lot of immature kids playing, is inevitable
If anything, I think the XBone will have more Kids on it, due to children's inherent nature to latch onto anything they think is cool. "MY XBOX IS AWESOME. PS3 SUXS! XBOXONE RULZ! SONY IS DUM!". I know, having a 6 year old younger brother(while being in my late 20's), and I can see how the mindset is. If they think it's cool they want the next one until they think that one sucks. I see PS4 being bought by level headed adults looking at what they want out of a system, and what they don't want, seeing as XBONE Screwed the pooch out of the gate, and has been playing P/R Catch up ever since the initial announcement. This is all opinion, granted, but I know plenty of friends who were die hard XBox fans that all cancelled the live subscription and preordered PS4s as soon as Xbox announced it's original policies.
If anything, I think the XBone will have more Kids on it, due to children's inherent nature to latch onto anything they think is cool. "MY XBOX IS AWESOME. PS3 SUXS! XBOXONE RULZ! SONY IS DUM!". I know, having a 6 year old younger brother(while being in my late 20's), and I can see how the mindset is. If they think it's cool they want the next one until they think that one sucks. I see PS4 being bought by level headed adults looking at what they want out of a system, and what they don't want, seeing as XBONE Screwed the pooch out of the gate, and has been playing P/R Catch up ever since the initial announcement. This is all opinion, granted, but I know plenty of friends who were die hard XBox fans that all cancelled the live subscription and preordered PS4s as soon as Xbox announced it's original policies.
I agree with one small exception. I think the reasonable, mature adult didn't flip out with MS's early policies. Let's face it, most people play online or while connected to the net anyway. Many liked not having to trek to stores to get a game that may be sold out. I think many of the folks having a tantrum were the kids. But that's just my guess.
With respect, I think this kids/adults back-and-forth is kind of silly and full of huge, off-base generalizations. For instance, I am certainly not a child, but I totally admit the XBox One news initially really threw me off and amongst my gaming adult friends and family, their feelings were the same. I suppose it depends what you mean by tantrums though.
It seemed it may have been suggested that all mature folks are cool with being locked into the internet to play offline games all the time. For me, not to go too far off topic, I didn't like the idea of something that didn't need to be online, to be required to always be online. I'd have the same negative feelings if my toaster function were tied to always being online. Maybe it's paranoia, but I just wouldn't like the feeling of knowing my ability to play, say offline Association, is completely dependent upon whether my shaky internet connectivity is up and running.
That initial release, combined with the funky game policies (the inability to play a game without downloading it to the machine, at which point the game could become locked over time and not as easily borrowed) just hit me in a funny spot. I do not believe it had to do with immaturity.
I feel a little silly getting involved with this conversation though. I apologize for intervening.
I don't want to speak for anyone, but I think tantrum is the key word. I too thought Microsoft made some poor judgement choices in the beginning. I thought they were terrible for the gamers. Especially the younger gamers who depend on used games and may not have internet. But the over reactions were amazing lol. Similar to being disappointed with no demo vs launching wild accusations and chaffing comments about the Devs over it.
I don't want to speak for anyone, but I think tantrum is the key word. I too thought Microsoft made some poor judgement choices in the beginning. I thought they were terrible for the gamers. Especially the younger gamers who depend on used games and may not have internet. But the over reactions were amazing lol. Similar to being disappointed with no demo vs launching wild accusations and chaffing comments about the Devs over it.
Ha, well done with the quick quote. I thought better of stepping into this conversation but it worked out, because I agree with you. I find it unfortunate when the tantrums and illogical overreactions outweigh measured responses. Sometimes it feels reasonable criticism is too readily lumped in with the crazy.