I SO knew this was going to happen. The hyperbole in some of the reactions are priceless. Like you're REALLY surprised by this. How anyone expected there to be a demo is beyond me. They have NO time to "waste" on old-gen, let alone a demo. I say "waste" in quotes because based on the early responses, the gameplay was worked on. And also because some people do feel that next-gen needs to be their priority. But this thread, still has me in stitches! Please carry on. This is fun!
Why not? When so many people with reasonable thoughts (not me - I stayed out of it) continue to try to warn others that a demo won't show up this year because of everything else on all of the developers' plate, yet they don't want to hear it - they shouldn't act like this is a surprise. Same goes for Live being on next-gen only: they don't have time for old and next gen. But I'm a jerk, so I get that. Sorry.
Some of yall have super short memories. Not to be a fanboy, but the one game purchase I can count on every single year to be a quality game and to bring the realism, it's NBA 2K. AKA the demo is just icing. Could understand the frustration, but the overreaction ("omg worst game ever! even though I haven't even played it yet!") is menopausal. The gameplay could be the best thing you've ever experienced, better than floating on a magic rainbow, riding a unicorn, or humping Beyonce....and based on gameplay vids, it's pretty close to it. But gotta wait and see. IMO, the game has earned the benefit of the doubt so Ima give it to 'em.
I don't know about you but I wanted the demo so I can get used to the new controls. I hate the fact that I have to RELEARN the controls AGAIN!
I'm surprised there's no demo...that said, I'm exicted what's around the corner. I want to see the NextGen "bread and butter!" Bring it....wow me! Inside of 2 monthes release...it's Go Time! (Insert Matrix Gif here) beyond my capabilities at moment.
Time To Go 2K! Are You Talking To Me?!? Bring It! Release the Kraken! Win One for the Gipper! There's No Crying In Baseball! Get off my plane! I'm Your Huckleberry. Make My Day! This Is Sparta! Wilson?!?
When the games release and the boards flood with complaints and demands, please remember this thread and consider the state of the "sim" community. Take it all with a grain of salt, then call up DaCzar and see what he personally thinks about the issue. I just don't feel the boards represent the community as a whole very well any more. Just my 2 cents I'm out lol
I think reading through this thread gave me cancer.
Some of ya'll need to get a hold of yourselves. It's just a video game. Besides, it's as if you're all 10 and have been saving up for this game for a year. It's kind of sad, really.
When the games release and the boards flood with complaints and demands, please remember this thread and consider the state of the "sim" community. Take it all with a grain of salt, then call up DaCzar and see what he personally thinks about the issue. I just don't feel the boards represent the community as a whole very well any more. Just my 2 cents I'm out lol
It's just that it gets pretty crazy around here near release, and a lot of people have learned to steer clear....not sure why I haven't learned this yet, lol..
Why is everyone mad about no demo? not a big deal to me at least. Before you ask, yea im gonna be on current gen. But the only thing i could see wanting the demo for would be to learn controls, other than that, what could you really get from a 5min match. Its not like the majority of you aren't gonna buy the game if the demo isn't too your liking anyway. I say save the complaining for the true issues that will no doubt be in the 2k14, as well as some that can't be forseen
Why is everyone mad about no demo? not a big deal to me at least. Before you ask, yea im gonna be on current gen. But the only thing i could see wanting the demo for would be to learn controls, other than that, what could you really get from a 5min match. Its not like the majority of you aren't gonna buy the game if the demo isn't too your liking anyway. I say save the complaining for the true issues that will no doubt be in the 2k14, as well as some that can't be forseen
Didn't you know? Without a demo, folks are just going to skip to next-gen.... Which won't have demo's either. But what does that matter?
I'm just gon trade my 2k13 in at best buy get like $30 store credit for it & purchase 2k14 ,*excuse me* 2k13.5 for Half the Price since I'm only getting Half the game ...
Maybe i shouldnt have said sim community, but . think most know what i mean. As suggested i usually just avoid the boardds especially at release time. But im itcjing for info lol. Let me get my next gen info, rosters and slidders. And im out....peace.
By the way, no disrespect to you, you seem to represent well. I even respect your opinions on flashy passes. Your thoughts seemed genuine that type of feedback is always good even when oppinions vary. But I'm no authority either but as an OS old timer its just not the same.......kids today! Lol
just had a few SMH moments reading this thread lol...sorry for coming off condescending
The only bad thing I see with releasing no demo is that we have to learn controls on day 1 vs a week in advance. Demos never really convince me anything since they are pre-gold old builds and obviously wouldn't have the fine tune and tweaks of the game. Pre-Release Demos are a option, not a requirement, and 2K for this year chose to leave the option out, no biggie, it's cause we are in the transitional phase of CG to NG. They are probably using the current gen as the demo for Next gen.
I'm just gon trade my 2k13 in at best buy get like $30 store credit for it & purchase 2k14 ,*excuse me* 2k13.5 for Half the Price since I'm only getting Half the game ...
$30? Where do you live because I would LOVE to know where I could get that much for 2k13.
WTF. I know 2K14 will be great for the Next-Gen, but I need a demo to compare Live 14 and 2K14. There's no way I'm buying both games to try them out, nor do I wan't to pay to rent a game just for testing purposes. Hopefully this announcement is just about Current-Gen games.
I wonder how demos will work with the Next-Gen consoles. Most games will release when the consoles are released. So will there be demos ready to download by then?