Game Informer has posted their hands-on preview of NBA 2K14, as Matt Bertz lists 25 things you need to know about the game, which includes gameplay, presentation, online and association mode details.
I feel like VTCRB is going to have a heat attack when it comes to Association. Kidding aside I'm disappointed with the lack of attention that the Association mode has gotten over the past few years. As a primarily offline Association/Franchise gamer I am not happy. I'm sure 2k will put out a fine product but they really need to address some of the key issues involving Association mode.
LOL. I got my Nitro Ready. Hahaha. In all honesty what is has me doing is sticking with Madden, NCAA14, CH2k8 and NBA2k13, instead of buying 2k14. I will just have to see how Most of the Association Guys like 2k14, before making Final decision on purchasing the game. Just no sense in me spending months Editing(Roster and Draft Classes) and Learning 2k14 IF it has same issues as 2k13. Makes sense for me to just stick with 2k13.
It sounds like they've improved the absolute basics but the meat is coming with next gen, which is totally reasonable.
Last time there was a shift they continued to make improvements to the PS2 version but the big improvements came with the PS3 and 360 versions. I'm guessing it's gonna be the same with future versions.
It sounds like they've improved the absolute basics but the meat is coming with next gen, which is totally reasonable.
Last time there was a shift they continued to make improvements to the PS2 version but the big improvements came with the PS3 and 360 versions. I'm guessing it's gonna be the same with future versions.
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If that is the case TELL US. Then we have a Reason to buy NEXT GEN. Issue Statement saying ISSUES from Current gen Association HAVE been FIXED in the NEXT GEN Version, more details coming soon.
If that is the case TELL US. Then we have a Reason to buy NEXT GEN. Issue Statement saying ISSUES from Current gen Association HAVE been FIXED in the NEXT GEN Version, more details coming soon.
I'm probably gonna wait out the 2k14 purchase as well. I've been playing alot of 2k13 lately and I don't think I would mind it for at least another few months. I'm hoping that my first assumption is wrong and 2K pulls off their greatest Association mode to date.
NO mention of the mess that is player progression? So we are now going to have to wait months again for quality roster guys like PP and VRTCB to go through and fix it?
For comparisons sake, i am going to respost what i have said in other association threads and let's see how many of these issues seem to have been addressed (I am assuming there will be no more association announcements and this is all the improvement it will get).
"There are many more issues, but here are the most basic ones which wreck the whole mode:
Player progression is ridiculously messed up. After a couple seasons every team has numerous 90+ and 80+ rated players which means great players don't stand out, great teams don't stand out and most teams are around .500. This also leads to half the league looking for max contracts. It's just an absolute mess. And this also means no one can start a realistic association until a quality roster team has spent several months adjusting every single player rating and potential. This is such a basic issue to fix if they actually tested association. Players all decline and hit their peaks at the exact same stage in their career's.
The default generated draft classes are just as bad, if not worse, then the real players ratings. They also have extremely high potential. No busts, all end up rated as stars. To make it worse, they have extremely low tendencies. You have big men with high 3pt tendencies even though they are horrible 3pt shooters. Guards with high close and inside shot tendencies even though they are horrible inside but good outside shooters.
Trade and FA logic is horrible. You will have Cp3 choosing to sign with teams like the cavs and twolves even though he would never do so in real life, not to mention they already have quality point guards! Kyrie Irving ends up as a backup point guard! The only trades that ever occur are involving bench warmers and role players. Never any starters or stars. Players are handed out contracts depending on their overall and potential rating, instead of how they played during the preceeding season. A player who had 6 points on 45% shooting and played 10 minutes could get a max contract.
There is no logical team building for any CPU teams. What they do just does not make sense. They have no plan for their team. What SHOULD happen is: Rebuilding teams should trade veterans for young assets and picks. Contending teams may be inclined to do the opposite. A season could be given up as a team sets up cap space for a big FA class etc.Or there could even be teams that perennially contend for 6-10 seeds because that's what their owners tell them to do.
Teams aren't given the correct draft picks. For example the Lakers have all their draft picks for the next 5 years even though in real life we have traded half of them away. You can't trade protected picks. You can't stash picks in Europe. You can't trade picks that are more than 2 years away.
The draft logic is terrible. You might have a draft where Andrew Wiggins is by far the best prospect. But the CPU will go ahead and not draft him until the 18th pick.
They removed the D-league for no apparent reason.
Player roles makes no sense. It's guaranteed that all players rated above 66 want to be a role player. All players rated above 72 want to be a sixth man. All players rated above 80 or so want to be a starter. Players in real life who are sixth men such as JR Smith, Manu etc will never be set as sixth men by the CPU. They will always start. The CPU also generically assigns the same amount of minutes for the same rated players. For example a player will always be given 36 minutes if they are rated between 80-84. There are no defensive specialists or 3pt specialists. Star players are always happy no matter what when given sufficient playing time. They never get frustrated at their team not winning or not being number one option etc.
The salary cap randomly goes up by 2 million every year so in 10 seasons it will be set at 78 million (Its 58 million in real life).
80% of the leagues coaches are fired each season for no reason. Every single single generic coach that replaces them are given A ratings in offense and defense. All scouts, nba scouts, trainers are generic. All staff in the coaching pool is generic. Assistant coaches can't be promoted to head coach.
Assist leaders rarely have over 9 a game. Rebound leaders rarely have over 10 a game. Scoring leaders rarely have over 25 a game. Team stats each season are really messed up compared to real life. Minutes leaders rarely have over 37 a game. MVP's are rarely given to the best player. Same with DPOY and MIP. The stats engine just has to have a bigger range of results. Also teams take way to many FTA and barely any 3FGA every season.
You can't have 4 team trades.
Players are never rested, matchups never change, and coaches never experiment with different lineups. In real life game to game players recieve different amounts of playing time depending on if they are playing well. In the Playoffs each series coaches should be using specific lineups depending on what type of team they are playing.
Every year in the playoffs you will have 6th and 8th seeds in the conference finals.
Teams in FA never overpay (or get players under market value) like they do in real life.
When players suffer significant season ending injuries there are no consequences. They should automatically have their potential and/or durability lowered. Look what happened to Brandon Roy and Greg Oden.
In the playoffs and at the end of close games the crowd is never animated as they should be.
I'm sure there are things that I have left out, and trust me there are many more smaller issues. I know this seems like a very long list, and some of these might not seem that significant, but they really get in the way of a solid association mode. Also, everything I have listed is just existing issues that should be fixed. We would just be happy with this, let alone all the new features which could be added (Improved draft scouting, get rid of the overall rating system, expansion, summer league, dynamic player progression system allowing for busts such as what PES has, ability to be an owner and dictate the financial aspect of the team, intricate player moral system, the ability to watch a game in progress (just watch it in hoopcast, which 2k already has) and intervene in the 3rd or 4th quarter liked Live used to have, etc).
*** Highlighted IMO what are the absolute worst issues."
I count two minor things that SEEM to have been addressed. The slow return from injury, and the 'Shooters with hot hands see their minutes increase, and slumping players spend more time on the bench.'
Oh well looks like association guys are going to have to wait ANOTHER year for any chance at real fixes, because i don't have much faith 2k paid much attention to it for next gen this year either.
If that is the case TELL US. Then we have a Reason to buy NEXT GEN. Issue Statement saying ISSUES from Current gen Association HAVE been FIXED in the NEXT GEN Version, more details coming soon.
I feel your frustration but they have to sell current gen. You saw the sales numbers for madden ? You won't hear a peep about next gen and how awesome it is until CG ships which is smart business IMO since you have possibly 4-5 million in sales possible in cg vs what 500k-2 mil next gen ? (year 1)
There is no pressure on anyone to have to buy cg before hearing about next gen and it's advantages. Just gamefly it or wait a couple weeks to see what next gen is about after cg ships.
I feel your frustration but they have to sell current gen. You saw the sales numbers for madden ? You won't hear a peep about next gen and how awesome it is until CG ships which is smart business IMO since you have possibly 4-5 million in sales possible in cg vs what 500k-2 mil next gen ? (year 1)
There is no pressure on anyone to have to buy cg before hearing about next gen and it's advantages. Just gamefly it or wait a couple weeks to see what next gen is about after cg ships.
No disrespect but how many sales are they going to actually lose? I mean by telling us NEXT Gen has Association Mode fixed, you basically are ensuring a NEXT GEN sell PLUS the Next Gen game.The guys who Love Crew, etc will still buy the Current Gen. I think my frustration boils down to all of the cloak and dagger stuff from 2k as far what is in game, what isnt in game. Advertising BIG reveals, ASKING for feedback and then basically Ignoring feedback when it comes to Association Mode. Anyway enough with my Rants. LOL. I will be done with feedback,etc on 2k14.
No disrespect but how many sales are they going to actually lose? I mean by telling us NEXT Gen has Association Mode fixed, you basically are ensuring a NEXT GEN sell PLUS the Next Gen game.The guys who Love Crew, etc will still buy the Current Gen. I think my frustration boils down to all of the cloak and dagger stuff from 2k as far what is in game, what isnt in game. Advertising BIG reveals, ASKING for feedback and then basically Ignoring feedback when it comes to Association Mode. Anyway enough with my Rants. LOL. I will be done with feedback,etc on 2k14.
Madden's lost 33% of their sales from last year. That's a lot.
While researching player data, Visual Concepts discovered many of its users aren't using the play system. Since plays allow you to be more successful, the developers wanted to expose them in a new way. In NBA 2K14, pressing the left bumper automatically selects a new play for you to run. If you want to page through play options, you can still do this with the d-pad.
My concern here is that in 2k13, the play-calling system was flawed and not as useable as in 2k12 or 2k11. If the data they used was only from 2k13, then this would give a very skewed and not very representative picture of what players actually use.
In previous NBA 2K games, plays were normally run off of scripts. Veteran users could often see the play unfold early, anticipate what a player is trying to do, and take it away before it developed. The AI within the play system now has options and picks the right one based off what the user is doing. For example, if Ray Allen is supposed to curl off a double screen and you go over the top of that screen to try and intercept the pass, he'll either flare lower to get open or cut back door on you.
This is really good news. I hope what I experience is as good as this bullet point leads me to believe it can be.
My concern here is that in 2k13, the play-calling system was flawed and not as useable as in 2k12 or 2k11. If the data they used was only from 2k13, then this would give a very skewed and not very representative picture of what players actually use.
Yeah, I'm sure the reason most people don't use plays is that the system is flawed...
500 new customisable arena sounds? So after a free throw miss will we be able to add sound to that? After a player fouls out will we be able to add "hit the road Jack?"
maaan....I got this feature to work once but now I can't even stream music from my pc through the 360. If we are able to customize more arena music stuff I'm going to try and make it work...
I really wish the pc version allowed us to do would less of a hassle adding the music....
Not sure why everyone is overreacting to a game they need would get minimal attention in the midst of next gen. I just hope next gen has gone to a new level. Let it play out.
Well the preview sounds good in many ways, but the Assoc info is disappointing. It feels like they've neglected this mode for so long that's it's now, not so important to them. Associated mode is what made me buy this game year in and year out.
And no CAP info? I beg 2K to look at what MLB The Show does in regards to their creation tools, and take a leaf out of their books. I don't think I can play assoc mode again and draft a bunch of manikins year after year.
To be honest, I'm buying the game with the better assoc/franchise mode for next-gen...
NBA 2K gets high marks year after year for its good (relatively great) representation of basketball in its gameplay. I stop short of great or excellent representation, because of the hit or miss play calling. Only great representation when compared to other sport games like Madden.
Game reviewers and 2K fans do not hold NBA 2K accountable for the lack of improvements to its game modes (with the exception of MyPlayer) from year to year. The Association and CAP modes have been largely unchanged for years. That is unacceptable. Madden is criticized (overly, in IMO) from year to year for an array of reasons, yet 2K gets a free pass on game mode improvements.
I've been playing 2K12 on PC using mods for the past two years (playing old seasons and setting up dream matchups from past seasons). No 2K13 for me and no 2K14 (this gen or next) unless significant improvements are made to Association Mode. The weak tweaks they're highlighting for the current gen version tells me all I need to know about the chances there will be any significant improvements to 2K14's Association Mode... Clearly 2K thinks Association Mode is nearly perfect and only in need of minor fine tuning.
I hear you. To be fair though, is there a single console game out there that's really making strides with dynasty/association/franchise mode?
I don't play other sports games as much as I used to, but from reading the boards on here, it seems like fans of every game are disappointed with lack of improvements in that area.
Maybe it's more of an industry-wide thing for some reason.
I hear you. To be fair though, is there a single console game out there that's really making strides with dynasty/association/franchise mode?
I don't play other sports games as much as I used to, but from reading the boards on here, it seems like fans of every game are disappointed with lack of improvements in that area.
Maybe it's more of an industry-wide thing for some reason.
I think you're right.
I still believe NBA2K has the best franchise mode out of all the sports games.
The NHL series has been lacking for a long, long time. It's actually quite embarrassing with how few options there are.
Then there's the Fight Night series. Don't even get me started.
With how prevalent online gaming has become, I think most development company's are relying on gamers to create their own online dynasty modes.
But for a near-40-YO gamer like myself, I only play offline.
So there is a lot to be desired when it comes to these offline franchise/dynasty modes.
Saying that, when I had NBA2K12, it was the most absorbed I've been in a career mode in a long time.
I think you're right.
I still believe NBA2K has the best franchise mode out of all the sports games.
The NHL series has been lacking for a long, long time. It's actually quite embarrassing with how few options there are.
Then there's the Fight Night series. Don't even get me started.
With how prevalent online gaming has become, I think most development company's are relying on gamers to create their own online dynasty modes.
But for a near-40-YO gamer like myself, I only play offline.
So there is a lot to be desired when it comes to these offline franchise/dynasty modes.
Saying that, when I had NBA2K12, it was the most absorbed I've been in a career mode in a long time.
I feel you there. The push toward online fantasy gaming (MyTeam, Crew, MyPlayer) by developers (while often ignoring offline) is kind of killing me a little. I wish there was a an NBA game out there that focused largely on the fantasy "make your own star and buy him gear by earning online points" angle while there was another quality NBA game out there that remained primarily focused on a real-life replication.