NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports has posted an NBA Live 14 blog detailing BounceTek, their dribbling mechanic. The videos show that they have eliminated some of the flaws seen in the dribbling animations that were seen in NBA Live 10. They are looking to squash all of the canned animations and bring you more responsiveness.

  • The dev team recaptured all of our dribble animations in order to give players the responsiveness they were looking for.
  • Our technology allows us to ensure that movement is as fluid as it should be in order to deliver authentic gameplay.
  • Our dribbling has something called "Authentic Responsiveness," which means the ball is controllable when it touches the player’s hands, ensuring that control is responsive when it should be and unresponsive when it should be. While that sounds counterintuitive, it's important to create the depth required in a top-notch dribbling system.
  • Depth is created through decision-making and risk-reward options that forces users to think about what they want to do with the ball in their hands.

NBA Live 14 will only release for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles, later this year.

Check out the blog and let us know what you think of BounceTek.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Taylor_0330 @ 07/18/13 07:48 PM
I like how Live 14 showcases how the ball never gets stuck in the player's hand. The dribble seems and how he changes pace with each dribble seems fluid. Looking back on Live 10 that was terrible! Seems like the fundamentals are back baby!!!! Live 14 "EA It's in The Game!"
# 22 youvalss @ 07/18/13 08:17 PM
Nice little info, not much. The video is meaningless for me. As long as it's not shown during actual gameplay, I don't consider it something to watch.

Maybe they should release a X-Ray version of Live 14 with the red and green lines. Release the tech, not the game.

# 23 Rasco11 @ 07/18/13 08:47 PM
Looks way better than Live '10 dribbling no doubt, but still hard to see complete translation to new physics. Definitely a positive building block though. For now, wait and see.
# 24 Jano @ 07/18/13 08:52 PM
The video was ehhhh.. I mean I feel I already knew most of that. I would have much rather seen how it plays out in traffic or get a look at what happens when they lose the ball. That honestly looked like 2K13 in dribbling department I didn't see anything there that separated it from that game.

But I guess since they using Live 10 as their reference point then yes it DOES look better. But next time it will be great to see how this Bounce Tek changes the one on one and transition game. I hope they release some videos like that next.
# 25 thedream2k13 @ 07/18/13 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jano
The video was ehhhh.. I mean I feel I already knew most of that. I would have much rather seen how it plays out in traffic or get a look at what happens when they lose the ball. That honestly looked like 2K13 in dribbling department I didn't see anything there that separated it from that game.

But I guess since they using Live 10 as their reference point then yes it DOES look better. But next time it will be great to see how this Bounce Tek changes the one on one and transition game. I hope they release some videos like that next.
I hope it's not like 2k13 where u can dribble while never losing control in traffic. I hope this dribble mechanic requires timing to perform the moves. No bball game has had that yet
# 26 Jano @ 07/18/13 09:03 PM
Well that's what I'm thinking will be the case in the end thedream2k13. But it would have been nice to see more emphasis there, maybe I'm expecting too much right now...

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# 27 Gramps91 @ 07/18/13 09:12 PM
This certainly isn't bad news but dribbling is really only one aspect. I hope they focus on other areas of the game too. That being said, the dribbling does look very nice!
# 28 SageInfinite @ 07/18/13 09:29 PM
The read was better than the videos. I hope the game looks that fluid when it's actually "in game". EA seems to have trouble once you get everything going in the game. Their "wire frame" tech demos always for the most part look smooth. I liked what I read though. I honestly can't wait to see more, even with their pathetic performance this generation. I hope they can win me over and I actually am excited to buy Live. I really can't wait to see actual in game footage, it'll be awhile before we get that though.
# 29 WTF @ 07/18/13 09:35 PM
Even though it's not in game, they have my attention. Give me a fun game, that plays realistic, and I'll give it a go.
# 30 quehouston @ 07/18/13 09:41 PM
I thought it looked great.

I don't see how people are saying this looks like 2k13, because the ball warps there too. Maybe not to the extent of Live 10, but it happens.
# 31 mlp111 @ 07/18/13 10:34 PM
I really wasnt impressed by anything i saw, other than the foot-planting which looked good, but other than that, the videos were so so.....
# 32 thedream2k13 @ 07/18/13 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Talk about gimmicks.
cmon son, read the blog and understand what they are trying to do. dont just look at the video and comment smh
# 33 stillfeelme @ 07/18/13 10:49 PM
Yeah the video was ok but without context of having the controller in your hand or seeing what inputs are being pressed it is hard to see. Especially the part of what control you are not allowed to have. I also would like to see how these dribbles are impacted with defense being played.
# 34 m1ke_nyc @ 07/19/13 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by WISports
Talk about gimmicks.
Giving the ball its own physics is a gimmick ?
# 35 gento @ 07/19/13 04:56 AM
I'd love to hear more of what they've been working on besides "BounceTek"
# 36 swaggedout @ 07/19/13 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Profit89
Can we finally see a gameplay video please. I've heard enough about bounce tek, i want to see some 5-on-5
I don't think they are going to show 5 on 5 anytime soon for the fact that, we haven't seen much from Madden 25 yet. I don't recall getting much info on basketball before the football season starts.
# 37 twenty3 @ 07/19/13 08:51 AM
I'm optimistic. ..but come on how are you gonna compare nba live 10 (current gen) to nba live 14 (next gen)? Apples and oranges people...apples and oranges.
# 38 Sparkles @ 07/19/13 10:20 AM
Why are we complaining about something that will make the look and feel good???? I think it's a great addition. Hope there's more to come
# 39 m1ke_nyc @ 07/19/13 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by twenty3
I'm optimistic. ..but come on how are you gonna compare nba live 10 (current gen) to nba live 14 (next gen)? Apples and oranges people...apples and oranges.
Because they are showing what the power of next gen is capable of.

And to everyone talking bout 5 on 5 vids, its July and EA Sports still has another football title to release. Its silly to expect heavy marketing from a game that's still 4 months out and has another game being released soon from the same company.
# 40 BQ32 @ 07/19/13 10:33 AM
You guys saying it looks like 2k13 are ridiculous cool-aid drinkers. In that game it is routinely possible to take a player such as Lebron/Carmelo/Durant, drive straight downt the paint towards the basket continuously dribbling while body to body with a defender and other defenders around and the ball never coming loose. To make it worse many times the player will unnaturally slide right by the defenders or in worst case the ball will warp right through the opposition lol. Think you can steal the ball when that is happening? think again because more times then not the it will be called a foul or the defenders hand will warp right through the ball or offensive player. Looks like 2k, pffff.

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