NCAA Football 14 News Post

NCAA Football 14 is available now for EA Sports Season Ticket subscribers. Post your impressions here.

As a reminder, this is not a topic for questions. Please use the NCAA Football 14 Q&A thread for that.

Game: NCAA Football 14Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Flightwhite24 @ 07/05/13 01:12 PM
Not that the demo was bad but it runs really smooth on PS3. Button response is greatly improved.
# 2 urlacher51 @ 07/05/13 01:30 PM
Retail copy, gt FISHxEYEDxFOOL

Pass defense seems tighter then compared to demo.
Playing on varsity default, 5 min qters
Arizona me vs Arizona State , first half ASU 10 Arizona 0
So far I like the way varsity is playing.
Im 3/11 20 yards passing and cpu is 10/17 148 yards passing,
Gonna play second half now.
# 3 richmondn96 @ 07/05/13 01:38 PM
Just played one half at Best Buy with Louisville against Notre Dame in Chicago.

ND's helmets look great (at night) on 360. But if I remember correctly that was the case last year.

I got beaten badly on All-American. That's a good sign to me. Looking forward to a real challenge.

Uniforms and accessories looked great.

Saw an awesome catch animation. UofL WR made a one handed grab on the sideline.

Halftime show was good. Remains to be seen if it will get repetitive and become a button-through.

Only thing that concerned me is that I thought were were too many Louisville fans. But there were still ND fans spread throughout. I even heard some ND chants. (ND was the "home" team)

Overall, very impressed. Can't wait till Tues.
# 4 urlacher51 @ 07/05/13 01:43 PM
Also want to add that the cpu is defending the option better compared to the demo.
So far in the game im playing Arizona me vs ASU, the cpu is covering the QB more than the HB as for defending the Read Option.
I felt like in the demo the cpu didn't defend the QB that well on Read Option plays.
# 5 urlacher51 @ 07/05/13 02:02 PM
Im seeing some nice over throws by me and the cpu.
Or it could be neither team's QB's are rated that high, ASU QB 89, ARIZONA QB 81 me.
# 6 tan_man @ 07/05/13 02:26 PM
Very smooth game play!

I love this game!
# 7 urlacher51 @ 07/05/13 02:40 PM
Lost the game ASU 1O- ARIZONA ME 0, I missed 3 fgs 35, 38, 45.need to work on my kicking.
Some stats 5 minute qters default varsity.
ASU QB 13/21 1TD, 151 yards passing, ARIZONA QB me 9/21 2ints 107 yards passing.
ASU rushing 13att for 37 yards, ARIZONA me 19att 73 yards.
Didn't see any glitches this game. Nothing really to complain about.
Only negative was on 3rd and long cpu picked HB screens a few times.
Gonna give All American a try and im going to adjust the speed threshold to 25
On default not seeing enough separation.
# 8 gator3guy @ 07/05/13 02:44 PM
The inverted veer was long overdue.
# 9 Motown @ 07/05/13 02:44 PM
No QUESTIONS in this thread folks...IMPRESSIONS ONLY!
# 10 Strategizer @ 07/05/13 02:58 PM
For Mizzou fans: the new field and the miz-zou chant are in the game! This makes me so happy.
# 11 bad_philanthropy @ 07/05/13 02:59 PM
Quick note: There is a tuner update available already.
# 12 HoundsOfHowl @ 07/05/13 03:01 PM
For those wanting to know about Neutral Site games, you can schedule Neutral sites even with your conference games. Thats pretty dang awesome!
# 13 HozAndMoose @ 07/05/13 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Strategizer
For Mizzou fans: the new field and the miz-zou chant are in the game! This makes me so happy.
thank god. Damn teambuilder had the correct field when you looked at the stadium but looking at just the field it was still the old one.
# 14 premierplayer @ 07/05/13 03:12 PM
I had to turn off the game due to the jaggies. I have the PS3 version. Is there anything I can do to make it better?
# 15 Neverwhere @ 07/05/13 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by premierplayer
I had to turn off the game due to the jaggies. I have the PS3 version. Is there anything I can do to make it better?
Jaggies? Can you elaborate on that?
# 16 premierplayer @ 07/05/13 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Neverwhere
Jaggies? Can you elaborate on that?
THe graphics and crowd look terrible. I havent played in a few years so not sure if that is just the way it is. I can't read the numbers on my guys its that bad. I see the videos and it seems fine but maybe the videos are from 360 version?
# 17 gator3guy @ 07/05/13 03:18 PM
CPU still calls too many screens

Originally Posted by premierplayer
I had to turn off the game due to the jaggies. I have the PS3 version. Is there anything I can do to make it better?
That was the first thing I noticed when I hopped into the game.
# 18 mrprice33 @ 07/05/13 03:18 PM
Assisted tackles are being registered correctly. Yessssss
# 19 Neverwhere @ 07/05/13 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by premierplayer
THe graphics and crowd look terrible. I havent played in a few years so not sure if that is just the way it is. I can't read the numbers on my guys its that bad. I see the videos and it seems fine but maybe the videos are from 360 version?
Might be your video resolution. The crowd/sidelines aren't the best in terms of graphics, but the numbers on-field and on-field players should look pretty good. Are you using a standard TV or a HDTV? Standard is going to look a lot worse than HD will.
# 20 HozAndMoose @ 07/05/13 03:20 PM
They gave all of the coaches win loss records but they dont appear to be correct. More work for the roster guys. EA should be able to get coaches in the game.

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