Madden NFL 25 News Post

UTC has posted three Madden NFL 25 hands-on articles.

Madden NFL 25: Hands On Impressions from Buckeye Part 1

Gone are the days when your blocker would attack the safety and leave the linebacker to blow you up in the backfield. Does it work? I can confidently say that yes it does. Both builds I have played have had excellent blocking logic to where I didn’t have many instances of “What in the world are you doing!” moments. The blocking is much more natural, and maybe its just the placebo effect but the impact blocking seems to have improved as well. Blockers can still shed blocks thankfully, that hasn’t been the issue in the past as much as completely not recognizing the threat… now we don’t have to worry as much about defenders being ignored completely on an overload blitz.

Madden NFL 25: How Fatigue and Stamina Affect Gameplay

Don’t think for one minute that this feature will only affect the ball carrier; you will see stamina affect ever player on the field from wideouts to defensive linemen. I know we have all played guys online who’s favorite play is all streaks or runs a no huddle offense the entire game; in Madden NFL 25 guys will have to think twice about that. If you’re not careful your speedy Mike Wallace-like receiver will be subbed out for quite some time do to exhaustion. On defensive side of the ball you will see some very interesting one on one situations. Think you’re going to beat Chris Johnson to the corner before he turns up field with a tired Patrick Willis? Think again. Abuse your stamina meter and you will surely find your self being left in the dust.

Madden NFL 25: Smitty’s Initial Impressions

Lastly, the aspect that was able to stand out (for the defense) in that early build was the addressing of the Defensive Pursuit Angles. This has been an eyesore for many years and to see this addressed alone should make the “pursuit” rating actually matter now as well as realistic chase downs. I can’t speak on anything else on the defensive side of the ball until I possibly get another chance to play the game in a more refined state.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 infemous @ 04/25/13 02:18 AM
"When you add in the fact that “zig-zag” running has pretty much been eliminated and foot planting animations are heavily in effect…"

Pretty much isn't good enough.

If I can weave as a Running back in Madden 25, I will refrain from purchasing.
# 22 infemous @ 04/25/13 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by RGiles36
Me as well -- what tempers that stamina excitement a bit is that they allowed the auto-sub settings to not work in CCM all year in M13. For the stamina impact to be maximized, they must fix the auto subs in their career mode(s).
And stamina must have an affect throughout the season.

A player with 70 stamina/injury/toughness would probably get injured before he got to 200 carries... while a 99 in all those categories RB would be able to survive 350 carries.
# 23 Hooe @ 04/25/13 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by slick589

I'd love to see this along with a wear and tear injury system tied to the injury rating. Have a guy with 70 injury and a sprained ankle linger longer than a guy with 90 injury. Also the guy with 70 injury has more of a chance of re injuring that same ankle over his career.
The bold is already accomplished in the game to an extent via the Toughness rating; that rating affects the severity of injuries endured and their duration.

To the larger point, a revision to the injury system to allow for a player medical history and recurring injuries would be a great addition.
# 24 TheTruth437 @ 04/25/13 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by infemous
"When you add in the fact that “zig-zag” running has pretty much been eliminated and foot planting animations are heavily in effect…"

Pretty much isn't good enough.

If I can weave as a Running back in Madden 25, I will refrain from purchasing.
EA has already tried to implement better foot planting this gen with Madden 11. In short, it wasn't properly implemented into Madden 11 and the game suffered as a result. I was at least hoping for movement/locomotion on par with the FIFA series but for some reason, it just didn't pan out that way.

If EA doesn't implement proper foot planting this second time around, then I'm almost certainly not going to buy Madden 25.
# 25 infemous @ 04/25/13 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by slick589
I knew about the toughness rating but I was more referring to the doubtful and probable injuries making a return. Also playing with injuries and taking more or less of rating hit depending on the injury/toughness rating.

A guy who breaks his leg in week 17 should firstly have that injury carry into the following season. That needs to be included firstly, before anything else.

He should then have a 'recovery' period in which the player can be listed as doubtful or probable. If you leave the player out of action throughout the time frame until they are 100% the re-injury chances should be almost non existent and ratings should return to normal.

You, as a coach, would have the choice to bring a player back early but may face the player being less highly rated in an appropriate rating (such as agility) and they may also have a higher probability of getting hurt.

A guy with 99 toughness may recover quicker than someone with a 70 toughness rating, while also having a less dramatic hit on their ratings during the probable/doubtful period.

The current system feels too random.
# 26 infemous @ 04/25/13 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by TheTruth437
EA has already tried to implement better foot planting this gen with Madden 11. In short, it wasn't properly implemented into Madden 11 and the game suffered as a result. I was at least hoping for movement/locomotion on par with the FIFA series but for some reason, it just didn't pan out that way.

If EA doesn't implement proper foot planting this second time around, then I'm almost certainly not going to buy Madden 25.
I agree completely. Having played FIFA and really feeling the effects of height/weight/strength/momentum as well as realistic movement (to an extent) I expected Madden to follow their lead.

If the left stick controls with regards to player movement are still overpowered and render juke, spin and trucking moves almost useless in Madden 25, the new feature will be proven to be entirely pointless.

The air of uncertainty surrounding the removal of 'zig zag running' has me worried. If it'd have been properly dealt with, having any move on the left stick dictated by realistic physics and movement, then I am sure EA would be promoting the **** out of it. Not allowing it to be mentioned in passing the way it has been.

It seems to me that all they've done is tried to create a more attractive and effective alternative without addressing the root cause of the problem. Obviously, when people realise that a spin move uses stamina but a sharp cut on the left stick doesn't, they will abandon the spin move and just weave their way through defenses like they have for as long as I can remember.

I'll also be intrigued to know if the amendments to pursuit means that zig zagging does not 'shake off' a trailing defender as perfectly as it does currently.
# 27 K_GUN @ 04/25/13 08:39 AM
sounds like we finally have some foot-planting.....just need to *see* how it looks now....
# 28 ch46647 @ 04/25/13 08:53 AM
One of my biggest issues with "Run Free" is that this is really only focusing on the ball carrier. By all accounts, this game needs a complete overhaul of locomotion/footplanting/Acceleration-De-Celeration/Running Animations, to ALL PLAYER ON THE FIELD.

How silly is it going to look if the RB's are planting their feet but everybody else on the field is gliding and sliding all over the field with no representation of how a real person would run.

The NHL team just did a complete re-write to their skating engine last year, and the results were great. They have a much smaller team, and much lower budget. Why can EA Tiburon not add locomotion like FIFA and NHL have?

# 29 therizing02 @ 04/25/13 09:23 AM
It's really difficult to have a positive or negative opinion on the new "features" given EA's track record of executing the intent of the new additions in the game. My biggest fear is the same as it is every year. And it's that they put too much time working on and implementing new things into the game and ignore some of the biggest issues of last year's game (predictable play calling and broken stamina). I understand that in the first trailer they won't come and talk about fixes, but new running action and any other feature is irrelevant if it doesn't resolve some of the grating issues from M13. Football is a very intricate game on and off the field and there are a lot of areas if not fixed or implemented properly can render the game unplayable. Finally....

......when someone at OS gets a chance to spend time with the game and post their thoughts, then I'll listen.
# 30 kbomb1upc @ 04/25/13 10:59 AM
I read this in the first UTC article

While we are still talking offense I figured I would go ahead and touch on this a bit. Blocking animations have been added to and improved to ensure the correct assignment is adhered to at the proper time.
What new Blocking animations is he talking about?
# 31 secondsolution @ 04/25/13 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by therizing02
It's really difficult to have a positive or negative opinion on the new "features" given EA's track record of executing the intent of the new additions in the game. My biggest fear is the same as it is every year. And it's that they put too much time working on and implementing new things into the game and ignore some of the biggest issues of last year's game (predictable play calling and broken stamina). I understand that in the first trailer they won't come and talk about fixes, but new running action and any other feature is irrelevant if it doesn't resolve some of the grating issues from M13. Football is a very intricate game on and off the field and there are a lot of areas if not fixed or implemented properly can render the game unplayable. Finally....

......when someone at OS gets a chance to spend time with the game and post their thoughts, then I'll listen.
The CPU constantly running the ball in 13 ruined the game for me. If that same. predictable play calling is present in 25 then someone should be fired. The AI was horrendous in 13 (this includes play calling, game play and CPU teams). It needs to be fixed for the game to even be playable IMO
# 32 roadman @ 04/25/13 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by kbomb1upc
I read this in the first UTC article

What new Blocking animations is he talking about?
I think he meant blocking logic, who blocks who.

At least, I hope that's the case.
# 33 MurkMurda @ 04/25/13 11:25 AM
GET RID OF BALLHAWK on defense pleaseee!!!!!
# 34 Smoke6 @ 04/25/13 11:27 AM
Don’t think for one minute that this feature will only affect the ball carrier; you will see stamina affect ever player on the field from wideouts to defensive linemen. I know we have all played guys online who’s favorite play is all streaks or runs a no huddle offense the entire game; in Madden NFL 25 guys will have to think twice about that. If you’re not careful your speedy Mike Wallace-like receiver will be subbed out for quite some time do to exhaustion. On defensive side of the ball you will see some very interesting one on one situations. Think you’re going to beat Chris Johnson to the corner before he turns up field with a tired Patrick Willis? Think again. Abuse your stamina meter and you will surely find your self being left in the dust.

Ok, this tidbit has me freaking excited and my heart racing to actually see this in action. I am having a hard time believing that we are finally getting a "chess" aspect put into this game to make people play wisely.

One thing I hope for is this is true is that there is no glitch that would give the offense a boost of some sort when everyone should be tired in some way or another even in no huddling situations.

C'mon EA, this has made my faith in you meter rise a bit, lets keep it up please!
# 35 DeuceDouglas @ 04/25/13 11:51 AM
The fatigue has me excited but if it turns out to work properly, for the love of god, allow us to create custom packages, use combo packages and do formation subs outside of the game.
# 36 DBMcGee3 @ 04/25/13 02:07 PM
Meh, doesn't sound too bad, but it never does. Thank sweet baby Jesus for demos.
# 37 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/13 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I think he meant blocking logic, who blocks who.

At least, I hope that's the case.
He means blocking logic and animations. I had a conversation with one of the Game Changers today and EA has some blocking info under embargo still. Specifically regarding offensive line animations/interactions and pass blocking.
# 38 roadman @ 04/25/13 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
He means blocking logic and animations. I had a conversation with one of the Game Changers today and EA has some blocking info under embargo still. Specifically regarding offensive line animations/interactions and pass blocking.
Not sure why the embargo, though.

That area falls under game play.
# 39 ch46647 @ 04/25/13 02:26 PM
They probably touched it up a little, but I can assure you there was no overhaul to OL/DL animations. Believe me, if they overhauled line play that would be their #1 selling point.

EA needs to do three main things as far as OL/DL play goes:

1. Add animations- TONS OF ANIMATIONS. Literally 250 +
2. Get rid of the static "patty cake" blocking they have now, and add a sense of struggle and IMPACT to blocks.
3. Get rid of the coin flip "Win or Lose animation that plays out every time". Replace it with the ability to drive blocks forward, back, left or right.

Also, completely re-write the Defensive End programming. Pass rushing is such a HUGE part of football and it is an absolute disaster in Madden.
# 40 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/13 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ch46647
They probably touched it up a little, but I can assure you there was no overhaul to OL/DL animations. Believe me, if they overhauled line play that would be their #1 selling point.

EA needs to do three main things as far as OL/DL play goes:

1. Add animations- TONS OF ANIMATIONS. Literally 250 +
2. Get rid of the static "patty cake" blocking they have now, and add a sense of struggle and IMPACT to blocks.
3. Get rid of the coin flip "Win or Lose animation that plays out every time". Replace it with the ability to drive blocks forward, back, left or right.

Also, completely re-write the Defensive End programming. Pass rushing is such a HUGE part of football and it is an absolute disaster in Madden.
They could be saving it for E3? OR a future announcement, they didn't hire Clint Oldenburg and overhaul the blocking game for nothing guys.

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