Madden NFL 25 News Post

UTC has posted three Madden NFL 25 hands-on articles.

Madden NFL 25: Hands On Impressions from Buckeye Part 1

Gone are the days when your blocker would attack the safety and leave the linebacker to blow you up in the backfield. Does it work? I can confidently say that yes it does. Both builds I have played have had excellent blocking logic to where I didn’t have many instances of “What in the world are you doing!” moments. The blocking is much more natural, and maybe its just the placebo effect but the impact blocking seems to have improved as well. Blockers can still shed blocks thankfully, that hasn’t been the issue in the past as much as completely not recognizing the threat… now we don’t have to worry as much about defenders being ignored completely on an overload blitz.

Madden NFL 25: How Fatigue and Stamina Affect Gameplay

Don’t think for one minute that this feature will only affect the ball carrier; you will see stamina affect ever player on the field from wideouts to defensive linemen. I know we have all played guys online who’s favorite play is all streaks or runs a no huddle offense the entire game; in Madden NFL 25 guys will have to think twice about that. If you’re not careful your speedy Mike Wallace-like receiver will be subbed out for quite some time do to exhaustion. On defensive side of the ball you will see some very interesting one on one situations. Think you’re going to beat Chris Johnson to the corner before he turns up field with a tired Patrick Willis? Think again. Abuse your stamina meter and you will surely find your self being left in the dust.

Madden NFL 25: Smitty’s Initial Impressions

Lastly, the aspect that was able to stand out (for the defense) in that early build was the addressing of the Defensive Pursuit Angles. This has been an eyesore for many years and to see this addressed alone should make the “pursuit” rating actually matter now as well as realistic chase downs. I can’t speak on anything else on the defensive side of the ball until I possibly get another chance to play the game in a more refined state.

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Member Comments
# 41 SageInfinite @ 04/25/13 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by ch46647
They probably touched it up a little, but I can assure you there was no overhaul to OL/DL animations. Believe me, if they overhauled line play that would be their #1 selling point.

EA needs to do three main things as far as OL/DL play goes:

1. Add animations- TONS OF ANIMATIONS. Literally 250 +
2. Get rid of the static "patty cake" blocking they have now, and add a sense of struggle and IMPACT to blocks.
3. Get rid of the coin flip "Win or Lose animation that plays out every time". Replace it with the ability to drive blocks forward, back, left or right.

Also, completely re-write the Defensive End programming. Pass rushing is such a HUGE part of football and it is an absolute disaster in Madden.
YES. Also I don't understand why they programed the tackles to "attack" the DE's on pass plays when they should be dropping back to form the pocket around the QB.
# 42 SageInfinite @ 04/25/13 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
They could be saving it for E3? OR a future announcement, they didn't hire Clint Oldenburg and overhaul the blocking game for nothing guys.
JP you've been here long enough to know you can't give Tiburon the benefit of the doubt, lol.
# 43 ch46647 @ 04/25/13 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
They could be saving it for E3? OR a future announcement, they didn't hire Clint Oldenburg and overhaul the blocking game for nothing guys.
They told us what Clint has done so far, he has re-written the blocking AI so lineman block who they are supposed to. (EA has claimed to do this in the past)

However, that is only half the problem, the other half is lack of animations for OL/DL. EA will probably be overhauling that for the next-generation.
# 44 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/13 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
JP you've been here long enough to know you can't give Tiburon the benefit of the doubt, lol.
True, but when I asked this person about pass blocking, he said he could only speak on run blocking right now and there was a reason for it which he could talk about later.
# 45 ch46647 @ 04/25/13 02:49 PM
It just amazes me looking at PS2 gameplay how much smoother it is then 8 years of Next-Gen. It is truly amazing how much higher quality the PS2 Madden was then this generation.

Here is a decent video. (Put on mute to ignore this kid though LOL)

# 46 DeuceDouglas @ 04/25/13 03:15 PM
Another thing I'd like to see in regards to the stamina is the cumulative effects over the course of the season at the more demanding positions. If you're giving your back 50 carries a game, it shouldn't just take it's toll for that game only. It should roll into next week and even play a part over the course of a season based on toughness and stamina ratings.

If I was doing it, I would say a small adjustment like further into the season instead of starting the game at 100% stamina he only starts at 97% and as the season goes on if he continues to take a pounding, the amount of stamina he starts with each week lessens.
# 47 BezO @ 04/25/13 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
He means blocking logic and animations. I had a conversation with one of the Game Changers today and EA has some blocking info under embargo still. Specifically regarding offensive line animations/interactions and pass blocking.
Pray with me fellas...
# 48 Armor and Sword @ 04/25/13 04:39 PM
I have been reading all the articles for both NCAA 14 and M-25.

While I really like what I am reading......both games are a wait and see till black Friday for me. By then the OS community and the members I trust the most will have broken down every aspect of the game, gotten the patches and then I can see if I want to upgrade from NCAA 13 (which is a game I love) and finally.....finally get the Madden I have been wating for since last gen (05 and 07). While I got enjoyment out of Madden 10 and 12... Madden 13 was a monster letdown of epic proporations.

I will say it again though. I really like what I am reading about IE 2.0 and the new running game, blocking AI and defensive angles.

I hope to read some more great enhancements about Connected Franchise for the offline player. And see even more improvement in presentation and immersion off the field.
# 49 vannwolfhawk @ 04/25/13 04:49 PM
"One thing is for sure, this year’s game is going to showcase an offensive-heavy attack, reminiscent of Madden NFL 04 when the “Playmaker” controls were introduced."

This makes me nervous... I hope they gave defense some love and counters to all that was done on the offensive side of the ball. Defense wins championships and I like to play that old school style of play like the 85 Bears.

I passed on last years game for the 1st time ever since the first release of madden. It just felt stale to me and when playing the demo things like the RB falling when hitting my OL's back killed it for me along with the lack of OL/DL interactions. I want to have the ability to be a DE and swim move, power move, and shed blocks left or right. I want to feel like I can play a difference with a elite pass rusher. If I am playing with a MLB like Patrick Willis (never would as Im a Seahawk's fan) as an example and Im being blocked I want the ability to shed a block left or right. I felt like in the past if I got blocked I was out of the play for good. I also really hope all this blocking and running upgrades translate to better special teams plays and open that part of the game back up as it should be IMO...

The point is I think it's great to have cutting and working on the running game, run blocking, along with the additions to the passing game from last year but without equally working on the defense and giving some counters I will be frustrated again as I cant stand playing in 42-38 shoot out games.

Again, remember I passed on last years game from just my experience with the demo so I might have missed some things added in patches last year or from a lack of stick time with the retail version. I just so missed playing a football game last year for the 1st time ever especially with my Seahawks playing like they did last year. I will be purchasing day 1 no matter what this year because I cant take another year off with the Seahawks primed for another run at a Super Bowl! :-) I just hope we hear some news on the defensive front and it wasn't forgotten about. I did hear better pursuit angles which is great but we still need more IMO... I need my legion of boom represented in M25!!!

Great write up's though! I'm excited to see how the run game feels when on the sticks!
# 50 CT Pitbull @ 04/25/13 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Legend Killer
Same here as well. We know the human team will be affected. But the big question becomes how will the AI team be affect by this new stamina meter as well. If so how will this affect the subbing of guys into the game at the right time on the AI team. Will it work right for the AI period. That is my question.
this is a BIG one..im all for dynamic fatigue but if i play a game vs. the CPU AI and A. Peterson carries the ball 4 times in a row in the first quarter and then he disappears from the game until the 4th ..there is a problem. or if he carries all game and then is absent from the game in the 4th quarter completely, there is a problem...its happened before in EA football i hope it doesnt happen again
# 51 rootofalleli @ 04/25/13 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by CT Pittbull
this is a BIG one..im all for dynamic fatigue but if i play a game vs. the CPU AI and A. Peterson carries the ball 4 times in a row in the first quarter and then he disappears from the game until the 4th ..there is a problem. or if he carries all game and then is absent from the game in the 4th quarter completely, there is a problem...its happened before in EA football i hope it doesnt happen again
This times a million. Tiburon REALLY struggles to polish and tune. I'm sick of reading about sliders and hidden effects of penalty sliders and priority sliders and so on. I'm tired of having literally millions of possible games within Madden - we need a handful that work instead. I don't want to find out that you can get realistic fatigue as long as you play 11 minute quarters with 20 second runoff, 97 DPI, 53 Holding, All-Pro difficulty, and on Fast speed. And your team has to run a spread offense and aggressive 3-4 defense. And if you change teams or your MLB retires, it breaks. But only in online franchise, because the settings don't work the same offline or in play now. Obviously I'm exaggerating, but so many random little things screw with the tuning and make it impossible to create the experience that EA should be creating.
# 52 KBLover @ 04/25/13 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
The fatigue has me excited but if it turns out to work properly, for the love of god, allow us to create custom packages, use combo packages and do formation subs outside of the game.

This is actually what I want to know about.

If this is in the game, I'll get the fatigue and injuries like I want it - did it for M12.

But if auto-subs are a mess again (still don't get that), and no packages - ugh. Just...ugh.

And hopefully it impacts the CPU team in the same way as the User.
# 53 SmittyD81 @ 04/26/13 10:18 AM
Hey everyone, this is Smitty (author of the last article listed and Game Changer). after reading all of the different posts, it's good to see a fair level of optimism, but we all know the history with EA when it comes to football gaming especially in regards of NCAA football and Madden football. So, what I recommend to everybody here is to take these articles for what they are, personal impressions of a build of a upcoming title. If you want to remain optimistic I definitely can respect that because I'm doing the exact same thing. Like I have stated in the article, the game showcases potential, but will it be lived up to. At the end of the day, it all comes down to efficient execution. We all know that EA has struggled with this over this generation that's not new. What I suggest that people should evaluate this game very strictly what a fine tooth comb before you make that purchase decision. What I mean by that is, evaluate all the E3 footage if necessary, way to the game demo drops and play it extensively. If that's not enough, then rent the game and evaluate it according the what you personally were looking for out of the title. If it doesn't suit you at that point, then leave the game on the shelf and save your money. So, we definitely cannot deny the fact that these guys are at least attempting to address gameplay issues that we've all harped on for numerous years. Yes it's shamefully upsetting that it's taking an entire generation just to get fundamental aspects of the sport corrected. One thing that cannot be denied though, is that they are finally listening to us on some kind of level. Now, is it worthy of a purchase? That remains in the hands of the consumer, and in regards of this forum, the hands of the simulation football gaming community.
# 54 ch46647 @ 04/26/13 11:08 AM
^^^^ Smitty just "Get's It". I think he is my favorite Game Changer.

Smitty, I would be curious to hear your thoughts on Next-Gen Madden and if you think EA has learned from these last 8 years....
# 55 SmittyD81 @ 04/26/13 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by ch46647
^^^^ Smitty just "Get's It". I think he is my favorite Game Changer.

Smitty, I would be curious to hear your thoughts on Next-Gen Madden and if you think EA has learned from these last 8 years....
I appreciate the compliment, but I'm just keeping it 100%. The only Madden title I've purchased on next-gen was Madden 09, and that was ONLY due to playing Madden 08, (which is the most efficiently realistic one on next gen in regards of gameplay imo). All the rest have been rentals. The quality of the game hasn't arrived to the ballpark level that 2k had brought with their titles. So, my feeling of Madden on this gen in one word, would be "disappointed". In these last 2 games though (M12-13), it's been about gameplay and building around it to try and solidify a core (something that had been lacking over the past 8 years). Even M25 shows promise in regards of what's being worked on, but we have to see how they finish. So, in regards of PS4, XBox 720, I'll say that they have potential to make great things happen, but I have to literally play, not see it to believe it. When the time comes though, I'll definitely be on it like white on rice. BELIEVE DAT!!!
# 56 SmittyD81 @ 04/26/13 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Good stuff man. Let me ask you, is there some embargo/NDA about pass blocking for M25, as if they have something to reveal later? A OS poster mentioned something along these lines he heard from someone but one EAGC stated he knew nothing about it, so I thought I'd ask you too.
I don't know if there's any additional embargo or not, but I honestly couldn't even talk about the trenches because it was very buggy at best from playing it at a pre-alpha state. So, I couldn't give a "taste of things to come" preview for you guys at the moment. If I get a chance to play a cleaner build, and I'm able to reflect on it publicly, I'll most definitely let you all know.
# 57 ch46647 @ 04/26/13 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by SmittyD81
I don't know if there's any additional embargo or not, but I honestly couldn't even talk about the trenches because it was very buggy at best from playing it at a pre-alpha state. So, I couldn't give a "taste of things to come" preview for you guys at the moment. If I get a chance to play a cleaner build, and I'm able to reflect on it publicly, I'll most definitely let you all know.
Smitty, I have liked quite a few things they have done the last two years as well. It does seem like the team is focusing more on realism and trying to get Madden back to the point where it was a great game.

The problem is that no matter what functionality they add, the game doesn't represent it well. I believe this is because of broken code or a horrible animation engine. Regardless, if the animation system is broken and everything just looks stiff, herky jerky, and doesnt play out as it should. Then they can add all the best features in the world and it wont look very different, and wont play how it should.

It sounds like EA is going to use the engine from Battlefield to drive next-generation games. Maybe if they use that engine and layer the things they have done the last two years on top everything will look, play and FEEL so much better. If they can layer these things on top of an excellent engine, and overhaul locomotion, OL/DL and WR/DB interactions. Madden could really start Next-Gen on fire.

This is a big "IF"

**The key is ORGANIC game play. Madden has the most static, and predictable game play of any sports game this generation. Honestly, the PS2 versions of Madden were far more organic**
# 58 SmittyD81 @ 04/26/13 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by ch46647
Smitty, I have liked quite a few things they have done the last two years as well. It does seem like the team is focusing more on realism and trying to get Madden back to the point where it was a great game.

The problem is that no matter what functionality they add, the game doesn't represent it well. I believe this is because of broken code or a horrible animation engine. Regardless, if the animation system is broken and everything just looks stiff, herky jerky, and doesnt play out as it should. Then they can add all the best features in the world and it wont look very different, and wont play how it should.

It sounds like EA is going to use the engine from Battlefield to drive next-generation games. Maybe if they use that engine and layer the things they have done the last two years on top everything will look, play and FEEL so much better. If they can layer these things on top of an excellent engine, and overhaul locomotion, OL/DL and WR/DB interactions. Madden could really start Next-Gen on fire.

This is a big "IF"

**The key is ORGANIC game play. Madden has the most static, and predictable game play of any sports game this generation. Honestly, the PS2 versions of Madden were far more organic**
Yeah, that's been a problem on this generation. The current team, in my opinion is trying to make the best game possible. Considering that they're redoing so much just to try and break even so to speak. While I commend their efforts, it's all gonna come down to efficient execution on what was fixed from last year, and what was implemented/upgraded this year. We definitely want that organic gameplay. It's just that it's gonna take time to realistically and effectively get it there. That's why I stress that if it's not there to you, don't purchase.
# 59 SageInfinite @ 04/26/13 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by SmittyD81
Yeah, that's been a problem on this generation. The current team, in my opinion is trying to make the best game possible. Considering that they're redoing so much just to try and break even so to speak. While I commend their efforts, it's all gonna come down to efficient execution on what was fixed from last year, and what was implemented/upgraded this year. We definitely want that organic gameplay. It's just that it's gonna take time to realistically and effectively get it there. That's why I stress that if it's not there to you, don't purchase.
Just wanna say I'm a fan smitty. I've watched a ton of your videos over time and I appreciate your perspective.

I don't know if you can answer this but have the devs ever spoken on the limitations or hurdles with this animation system and why things look so awkward,goofy, and stiff this generation?
# 60 Smoke6 @ 04/26/13 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I feel you BUT the key to this is how it gets "tuned" between now and the final game. Considering they still refuse to add a "sim" setting, as far as we know now, who knows how effective fatigue will be after their initial balancing act on release or after the first patch which the natives are restless about their Superstar player(s) being sluggish, injured and/or fumbling in the 4th quarter from exhaustion. I feel using the wrap up the ball button should be required for any player with a low carry rating to prevent fumbles, to add a User risk that needs to be accounted for with those players

This is why the Connected Franchise blogs for M25 are going to be so important because quite honestly this is a must have at this point. For all the good things they are talking about and there are some really good things, it will all be diminished if they don't come full circle by now. Things like team management formation subs, at least the HC09 wear-n-tear system, playbook knowledge, access to Gameplans, etc, have to be there to compliment the game play improvements. If not, like you alluded to, it will make good things like fatigue, be received poorly due to a lack of being able to game plan for them.
I wish I had a GIF or an IMAGE to express how you just crushed my heart BigF !

For a minute I completely forgot we were dealing with EA over that lil tidbit of info. Thanks for grounding me bro!

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