Madden NFL 25 News Post

UTC has posted three Madden NFL 25 hands-on articles.

Madden NFL 25: Hands On Impressions from Buckeye Part 1

Gone are the days when your blocker would attack the safety and leave the linebacker to blow you up in the backfield. Does it work? I can confidently say that yes it does. Both builds I have played have had excellent blocking logic to where I didn’t have many instances of “What in the world are you doing!” moments. The blocking is much more natural, and maybe its just the placebo effect but the impact blocking seems to have improved as well. Blockers can still shed blocks thankfully, that hasn’t been the issue in the past as much as completely not recognizing the threat… now we don’t have to worry as much about defenders being ignored completely on an overload blitz.

Madden NFL 25: How Fatigue and Stamina Affect Gameplay

Don’t think for one minute that this feature will only affect the ball carrier; you will see stamina affect ever player on the field from wideouts to defensive linemen. I know we have all played guys online who’s favorite play is all streaks or runs a no huddle offense the entire game; in Madden NFL 25 guys will have to think twice about that. If you’re not careful your speedy Mike Wallace-like receiver will be subbed out for quite some time do to exhaustion. On defensive side of the ball you will see some very interesting one on one situations. Think you’re going to beat Chris Johnson to the corner before he turns up field with a tired Patrick Willis? Think again. Abuse your stamina meter and you will surely find your self being left in the dust.

Madden NFL 25: Smitty’s Initial Impressions

Lastly, the aspect that was able to stand out (for the defense) in that early build was the addressing of the Defensive Pursuit Angles. This has been an eyesore for many years and to see this addressed alone should make the “pursuit” rating actually matter now as well as realistic chase downs. I can’t speak on anything else on the defensive side of the ball until I possibly get another chance to play the game in a more refined state.

Game: Madden NFL 25Reader Score: 5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Steve_OS @ 04/24/13 09:29 PM
# 2 Steve_OS @ 04/24/13 09:33 PM
# 3 mike24forever @ 04/24/13 09:34 PM
Good read. This has been a part of the game that been ignored for too long.
# 4 ERA @ 04/24/13 09:34 PM
Already disappointed in EA, Madden 13 was the last straw. If this doesn't have any changes that will actually affect the game, its a no buy for me.
# 5 secondsolution @ 04/24/13 09:43 PM
Sounds promising. Every article has mentioned the fact that over using a player can lead to injury. I'm hoping that this means the injury system has been completely reined. I'm guessing there will be more of that in the Connected Franchise blog.
# 6 bcruise @ 04/24/13 09:56 PM
The better facets of this game are definitely being highlighted by the articles coming from outside the EA offices. Thanks for posting Steve.
# 7 Hooe @ 04/24/13 10:13 PM
I'm very interested to see the new stamina mechanic in action. Good write-ups.
# 8 RGiles36 @ 04/24/13 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm very interested to see the new stamina mechanic in action. Good write-ups.
Me as well -- what tempers that stamina excitement a bit is that they allowed the auto-sub settings to not work in CCM all year in M13. For the stamina impact to be maximized, they must fix the auto subs in their career mode(s).
# 9 Hooe @ 04/24/13 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by RGiles36
Me as well -- what tempers that stamina excitement a bit is that they allowed the auto-sub settings to not work in CCM all year in M13. For the stamina impact to be maximized, they must fix the auto subs in their career mode(s).
Agreed, and a release with minimal bugs in general is of high-level importance too, IMO.

I loved Madden 13 and still do, but CCM was buggy as hell upon release (not really disputable) and it took about three patches and two months to get it into the form that I enjoyed so much.
# 10 LaW97 @ 04/24/13 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by RGiles36
Me as well -- what tempers that stamina excitement a bit is that they allowed the auto-sub settings to not work in CCM all year in M13. For the stamina impact to be maximized, they must fix the auto subs in their career mode(s).
That's exactly what I was thinkin.

I mean, this jus sounds like what auto subs are supposed to be
# 11 SageInfinite @ 04/24/13 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
This stuff sounds good and if it were announced last year for M13 I would have been elated but I'm just not "moved" this year. I don't mean that in a bad way either because ALL this stuff has been sorely needed, I'm just finally dull to the hype. I have a much more workman like approach to EA football at this point and the games are going to need to be solid come E3 to show me anything.

For instance, I am reading the blogs that sound good, thinking about things like, "how does this effect special teams?", "are injuries represented differently?", "can WR/DBs "stumble" after jump catches/ints?", etc. While the improvements sound good, I can't escape the "checks in mail feeling" of the last 8, going on 9 years, with regard to having a reasonably complete football game. I hope the issues from this console gen are truly the reason next-gen Madden has been this way and Madden on new consoles feels reasonably complete out the gate.
It's because usually if EA doesn't tell you they worked on something so they can get a pat on the back they don't touch it or either they regressed in that area. Football in compartments.
# 12 Danimal @ 04/24/13 10:38 PM
How does that site have 30 hours of game play in on the game?
# 13 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/24/13 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I'm very interested to see the new stamina mechanic in action. Good write-ups.
Same here as well. We know the human team will be affected. But the big question becomes how will the AI team be affect by this new stamina meter as well. If so how will this affect the subbing of guys into the game at the right time on the AI team. Will it work right for the AI period. That is my question.
# 14 Hooe @ 04/24/13 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Danimal
How does that site have 30 hours of game play in on the game?
How many GCs are there on-staff? Between two community events and (I'm guessing) three guys, assuming each person played five hours each time, that's 30 total hours.

This is just me wild-guessing, admittedly.
# 15 Danimal @ 04/24/13 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
How many GCs are there on-staff? Between two community events and (I'm guessing) three guys, assuming each person played five hours each time, that's 30 total hours.

This is just me wild-guessing, admittedly.
Wait what? The Game changers have their own site. I thought EA had a site for them.

What rock have I been living under. LOL

Thanks for the info.
# 16 GoodImmigrant @ 04/24/13 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by RGiles36
Me as well -- what tempers that stamina excitement a bit is that they allowed the auto-sub settings to not work in CCM all year in M13. For the stamina impact to be maximized, they must fix the auto subs in their career mode(s).

the other question is, if all my players at one position are tired, will players at different positions start being subed-in in their place? for example, CBs/TEs/RBs being subed-in when WRs are tired. or WRs for CBs.
# 17 roadman @ 04/24/13 11:40 PM
I enjoyed these write-ups, especially the last one, with the words, potential and execution.

It has the "potential", now the execution must be performed.

I also liked the last one with the good sounding potential that pursuit angles are much better.
# 18 SageInfinite @ 04/24/13 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
It has been stated so much that it has been just accepted but it's nonsense that things basic to football have to be "featured" into next-gen Madden.
Exactly. We should be into the details and nuances by now. Signature things specific to players, play styles, ect. I mean how can we get signature running style and animations when we can't even get good basic running animations?

Funny thing is from what I've noticed is it's gotten worse. I don't remember guys being that hunched over while running. Same thing last year when they "improved" the passing game but killed this qb sig throws and didn't add any. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't touch the passing game this year, due to the fact that last year they didn't touch the running game.
# 19 Skyboxer @ 04/24/13 11:57 PM
If the stamina works like it's supposed to and ratings, especially as far as the special moves, do work (80 rated player in spin shouldn't pull off great spins like a 95 rated player) then yes it has potential to be a great thing.

However as much as I love this I still wish they would incorporate a real coach mode.
I would love to be in a coach only league where player personel managing and coaching is paramount.
Here's to hoping.

Can't say I'm not getting a wee bit excited for Madden.
# 20 TreFacTor @ 04/25/13 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by slick589
One of my big problems with madden is their language. I played RB at a D3 school and know many people who have played RB at equal or higher levels than myself...and not once has any one of us said " did you see me string that combo together in the backfield!!"

Madden is still going through an identity crisis after 8 sub par releases on HD consoles. Adding things in like XP from role playing games and now stringing together combos like fighting games. Madden doesn't realize that all it needs to do to be good is be a real football game. The most basic parts of football, running, tackling, blocking, and catching if all done even average at best by EA would make the game great. As it stands the fundamentals of the game are ignored for gimmicks and arcadey features.

The Show and NBA 2k followed similar paths. Get the fundamentals down then focus on the little things/nuances that make people love the respective sport. Until madden can get the fundamentals right we will never see a level of detail similar to those games, where people at times have to double take to see if it real or a video game.
They are listening. I can see some of the issues I myself have had with Madden this gen, and can see some of the suggestions that we as vocal simulation football gamers have provided in the improvements, but it's the execution....it always comes down to how do they get it done and that is the most disappointing part this generation of Madden. It's truly disheartening to see the run free video and see that all of the running backs ran the same. The only difference they will have is their ability to freeze or otherwise manipulate the defensive ai into performing certain animations (however physics based) and the tree of available moves according to ratings. As I have the last 3 games, I'm going to wait to see what the first few patches are supposed to fix before I even think about picking the game up (at a reduced cost of course).

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