MLB 13 The Show News Post


Okay...Finally the time is here!

In the Vault: O.S.F.M2013 by RidinDwnKingsley
Link to file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/0pdx99

Thank you everyone for your patience in regards to this year's release.

We had one hitch towards the end....and I (we) are hoping that everything is alright with that one member.

That being said... I have to say that this year's group of editors have put together a tremendous effort with this year's version of the O.S.F.M.

I want to thank each and every member participating on the chart and from the work thread... but there are a couple of guys who I just have to mention, that went above and beyond with their effort and support.

yanksdaniel99 picked up quite a few teams that were vacant as we got into the process. It was a big help with him setting up those clubs.

Throwback and Willard76 went above and beyond to help out with multiple teams to work on faces (Willard on top of rating 2 teams as well) and especially down the homestretch when it was getting very tight

... and last but CERTAINLY not least... RidinDwnKingsley who rated multiple teams... as well as doing ALL the exporting and importing of every player for the set AND testing the set for balance.

Thanks to O.S. as well... Steve for allowing us to use the O.S. name in conjunction with the set and the mods who I'm sure dread when this time of year comes around and they have to keep the peace... and keep the threads moving and productive. They do a tremendous job.

Guys... I can't stress enough how I want to thank each and every guy who participates in the process... not just the guys doing the editing (who do a GREAT JOB)... but also the guys who provide input in the multiple threads.

Every year I am more and more impressed at how well this site works together to make this happen.

If you really think about it... it's a truly impressive process.

On that note... I'm going to ask you to think about how much time and effort these guys put in to making this work... and in doing so, deserve a certain amount of civility and respect when commenting on a particular part of the work. All feedback is welcome... as long as you present it in a civil manner.

That's all any of us ask of this.

Again... thank you for you patience and enjoy the O.S.F.M. 2013 Edition!... and

Enjoy The Show!


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Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 ScouserHUN @ 04/03/13 02:23 AM
You have done a very good job guys! Big thanks to all of you guys, and special thanks to my fellow hungarian friend!

You guys are awesome!
# 382 redsfan4life @ 04/03/13 02:29 AM
That's an awfully aggressive overall for Michael Wacha. 21 innings in pro ball and he's already big league ready? Yikes. Also he's 21, not 20.
# 383 Nando12 @ 04/03/13 02:30 AM
Hey, I'm not sure where/who to take this up with but Efren Navarro was left off of the osfm roster. Don't know if anybody has brought it up in the thread since there's 40 pages worth of comments.
# 384 Nando12 @ 04/03/13 02:33 AM
How do you delete a post? I found him, but he didn't come up in my season roster. Sorry about that
# 385 nevadaO @ 04/03/13 02:33 AM
Thank you so much to all those involved. Tonight my MLB 13 The Show experience can begin.
# 386 seanjeezy @ 04/03/13 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Splodem
Well I haven't had a chance to check out everything, but Oscar Taveras an 83 really jumps out (Pretty sure he's a right fielder too, unless that changed). I tend to go by MLB.com's 2013 prospect rankings, and by that Jurickson Profar is pretty much the best prospect in baseball. Doesn't mean he's the highest rated by any means, but each player is graded on things such as power, speed, fielding and so forth, so you can kinda get a feel where most of these players should be when stacked up against players they rank on that list that are already in the game (Profar, Olt and a few others). I'd say the top guys like Taveras and Myers should be around 78 max, but lower most likely. I actually made those guys and a few others and posted them in the vault already. Same as my screen name when looking for them.

I think the contact and power ratings on some of these guys are way too high. And Billy Hamilton I feel deserves a little more power, a little less contact. And Danny Hultzen an 80? No way. Dylan Bundy has the distinction of being the best pitching prospect, so there's your cutoff for any pitching prospects, period. I wouldn't even put Hultzen that far ahead of Taijuan Walker, if at all to be honest.
Since the Mariners are my team and I did the ratings I guess I'll do the explaining:

IMO Profar and Bundy should be higher, boost Profar's contact to the mid-60's (which would correspond to a ~.265 AVG on Knight's charts) and he's an 83, boost Bundy's control and BB/9 and give him proper pitch edits and he's an 83 as well...

For Hultzen you really need to look at the sum of his parts. If it wasn't for the command issue at AAA (which I believe to be a blip on the radar based on his track record and what he did this spring) he would be a top 10 pitcher, maybe even a top 10 prospect. I also used a combination of ZiPS/Oliver/Steamer/whatever else is on Fangraphs and my personal knowledge and intuition to rate the M's system, so if someone seems high then you're probably underrating them and vice versa.
# 387 redsfan4life @ 04/03/13 02:35 AM
Also one prob with Angels minors...SP Michael Clevenger has pitches but no ratings for them. He's listed at 32 ovr lol.
# 388 ARoid1313 @ 04/03/13 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Damn that's crazy... Is this in your franchise? Who was called up?

On another note, anyone care to share some feedback on how the following players look:

Bruce Rondon
Bubba Starling
Addison Russell
Mike Zunino
Billy Hamilton
Oscar Taveras
Stryker Trahan
Trevor Story

These are the CAPs I feel I knocked the **** out of the park, but of course that's my biased opinion lol. These are the the CAPs that I like the most (besides my own of course lol):

Gary Sanchez
Nick Castellanos
Kaleb Cowart
Jose Fernandez
Jorge Soler
Johnny Hellweg

The likeness is on-point.
It's cool how everyone has their own take on likeness. Thought they looked pretty good man, your zunino is your best in my opinion.
i actually created my own set of top prospects that I'm currently transferring the osfm ratings to, and some are of the same guys u listed. Will be cool to compare with the ones u knocked out of the park
# 389 ilstu24 @ 04/03/13 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by redsfan4life
That's an awfully aggressive overall for Michael Wacha. 21 innings in pro ball and he's already big league ready? Yikes. Also he's 21, not 20.
Sorry about the age, my mistake. Everything I've read and seen shows that he is close to MLB ready. The Cardinals placed him in AAA to start the season, and that says a lot. Yadi had a quote somewhere saying that Wacha was absolutely big league ready right now. Some members of the front office were supposedly pushing for him on the MLB squad. Regardless, I'm sure we will see him on the big club before the year is done.
# 390 dbacks_Nation @ 04/03/13 02:38 AM
I just noticed a mistake I made on the dbacks. SP Eddie Bonine is 31 years old, rosters have him listed at 23.
# 391 ilstu24 @ 04/03/13 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by seanjeezy
Since the Mariners are my team and I did the ratings I guess I'll do the explaining:

IMO Profar and Bundy should be higher, boost Profar's contact to the mid-60's (which would correspond to a ~.265 AVG on Knight's charts) and he's an 83, boost Bundy's control and BB/9 and give him proper pitch edits and he's an 83 as well...

For Hultzen you really need to look at the sum of his parts. If it wasn't for the command issue at AAA (which I believe to be a blip on the radar based on his track record and what he did this spring) he would be a top 10 pitcher, maybe even a top 10 prospect. I also used a combination of ZiPS/Oliver/Steamer/whatever else is on Fangraphs and my personal knowledge and intuition to rate the M's system, so if someone seems high then you're probably underrating them and vice versa.
I echo this, but for Taveras since I did the Cardinals. Profar was rated awfully low by SCEA, in my opinion.
# 392 Splodem @ 04/03/13 02:41 AM
Well, if I'm editing all the other players and bumping them up, I can understand that, but going by the original rosters, I guess I can make my point, but I understand what you're saying if we're talking about editing the players already in the game. I tend to leave those alone for the most part unless it's a glaring thing (Like Wilin Rosario's power last season). Again, they're all prospects, so rating them really high when they're gonna grow a lot in the game as is will let these guys turn into beasts, and fast. LOL.

I just try to compare them to what the game already gives us and scouting reports and whatnot, and you can get a good sense for where their important individual ratings should fall for the most part. Again, that's just me.
# 393 37 @ 04/03/13 02:41 AM
i posted it in the Astros OSFM thread but just in case nobody catches it there, i noticed that Rio Ruiz was missing from the Astros roster.....can somebody kindly lemme know why? and if one of the CAP guys has a Ruiz CAP in the vault, can they kindly direct me to it? thanx
# 394 seanjeezy @ 04/03/13 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by ARoid1313
It's cool how everyone has their own take on likeness. Thought they looked pretty good man, your zunino is your best in my opinion.
i actually created my own set of top prospects that I'm currently transferring the osfm ratings to, and some are of the same guys u listed. Will be cool to compare with the ones u knocked out of the park
Nothing like friendly competition lol. Maybe we can get SCEA to use some of our CAPs again this year, it was really cool seeing our work being acknowledged...
# 395 redsfan4life @ 04/03/13 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by ilstu24
Sorry about the age, my mistake. Everything I've read and seen shows that he is close to MLB ready. The Cardinals placed him in AAA to start the season, and that says a lot. Yadi had a quote somewhere saying that Wacha was absolutely big league ready right now. Some members of the front office were supposedly pushing for him on the MLB squad. Regardless, I'm sure we will see him on the big club before the year is done.
I just think that's a small sample size personally. He was a college pitcher it's not unusual for them to dominate the low minors. 75 k/9 seems like it's really, really high. That's the same as Felix Hernandez fyi.
# 396 ilstu24 @ 04/03/13 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Splodem
Well, if I'm editing all the other players and bumping them up, I can understand that, but going by the original rosters, I guess I can make my point, but I understand what you're saying if we're talking about editing the players already in the game. I tend to leave those alone for the most part unless it's a glaring thing (Like Wilin Rosario's power last season). Again, they're all prospects, so rating them really high when they're gonna grow a lot in the game as is will let these guys turn into beasts, and fast. LOL.

I just try to compare them to what the game already gives us and scouting reports and whatnot, and you can get a good sense for where their important individual ratings should fall for the most part. Again, that's just me.

I hear ya man. In my three years of doing OSFM this was by far the hardest. Some players just need a few tweaks.
# 397 Side Effect @ 04/03/13 02:45 AM
Thanks for the rosters! Will download them for PS3 and Vita! Can't wait to start my franchise.

Not trying to complain or anything, but would it be a good idea to have a list of the errors? Such as wrong age or player showing up twice. Just so easier to change the minor errors ourselves or for the next release.
# 398 Splodem @ 04/03/13 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by ilstu24
I echo this, but for Taveras since I did the Cardinals. Profar was rated awfully low by SCEA, in my opinion.
But that's the thing. Profar is really young, and he's going to get better. He hasn't proven much to be honest, and by starting out the year as an 82, what will you have by the end of the year? By year 2? I agree with Sony's ratings, because again, they're prospects. It makes sense. They haven't proven anything at the major league level and are facing far superior opposition when they reach the big leagues. If they prove otherwise, Roster Updates usually rectify that.
# 399 Splodem @ 04/03/13 02:51 AM
And BTW, I don't wanna step on anyone's toes or upset anyone. This stuff takes a lot of hard work, and is great. I'm not pointing out any major flaws or anything, just some good discussion on what we've got right now. Great work.
# 400 seanjeezy @ 04/03/13 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Splodem
Well, if I'm editing all the other players and bumping them up, I can understand that, but going by the original rosters, I guess I can make my point, but I understand what you're saying if we're talking about editing the players already in the game. I tend to leave those alone for the most part unless it's a glaring thing (Like Wilin Rosario's power last season). Again, they're all prospects, so rating them really high when they're gonna grow a lot in the game as is will let these guys turn into beasts, and fast. LOL.

I just try to compare them to what the game already gives us and scouting reports and whatnot, and you can get a good sense for where their important individual ratings should fall for the most part. Again, that's just me.
Part of it too is that the OSFM ratings just naturally end up a little high due to how we approach a prospect's ceiling and ETA. I was actually worried that some of my guys would end up too low because I bucked the trend and rated guys based on their current abilities, leaving the development completely up to the user. I feel its more realistic and actually more fun this way, you can either choose to shore up a player's weaknesses or continue to develop their strengths.

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