Looks like a lot of improvements. Can't wait. So how much of this new audio presentation can we expect in the Vita version? The vid mentions that we hear on the field stuff while playing, but then the announcers after the play. Does that also happen on the Vita or does it go right to the next play skipping presentation?
When playing the outfield does the camera ever switch so you are looking at the outfield wall when your back is to the infield, like when the ball is heading over your head and you are racing to the fence to track it down. The views from the vids, it kind of looks like you don't know where the ball is landing if it is heading over your head, you just keep running backwards and hopefully you will get there in time.
How will the camera work whenever there is a chance for the tag up indicator to come into play? If we can't look at the ground, how will we know where to stand in order to get into position?
Will that circle arrow thing point us in the direction of the indicator or only the center of the huge baseball?
I'm glad we can toggle that ball trail off, I'm very much a hitting+baserunning only player as I tend to play whole careers and remove fielding to expedite the process. So removing the trail is best for how I play.
This looks really improved. The next progression for this has to be getting RTTS in an online league setting. Guys all playing together in a multi player league of their created ball players. PS4.
Dam it!!! Every year I say Im not gonna get the new The Show but then i watch these videos and see the small improvements and attention to details they add every year and Im forced to pick it up. Hang in there wallet...
How will the camera work whenever there is a chance for the tag up indicator to come into play? If we can't look at the ground, how will we know where to stand in order to get into position?
Will that circle arrow thing point us in the direction of the indicator or only the center of the huge baseball?
Good question, but I am assuming if you go up to it slowly enough and just stay in the green, the animation will probably kick in.
Now I don't know whether to be an outfielder or an infielder... hmmm... but either way this mode definitely got my attention again... It looks how it should, fun.
I knew this was going to be good... But I didn't know it was going to be THIS GOOD! It looks absolutely amazing. Between the new camera angles, baserunning, presentation aspects and all of the little things he didn't mention. My only question is, do we have to call every pitch of every game as a catcher?
Dam it!!! Every year I say Im not gonna get the new The Show but then i watch these videos and see the small improvements and attention to details they add every year and Im forced to pick it up. Hang in there wallet...
Looks like a lot of improvements. Can't wait. So how much of this new audio presentation can we expect in the Vita version? The vid mentions that we hear on the field stuff while playing, but then the announcers after the play. Does that also happen on the Vita or does it go right to the next play skipping presentation?
When playing the outfield does the camera ever switch so you are looking at the outfield wall when your back is to the infield, like when the ball is heading over your head and you are racing to the fence to track it down. The views from the vids, it kind of looks like you don't know where the ball is landing if it is heading over your head, you just keep running backwards and hopefully you will get there in time.
Another thing that was not mentioned in the video is the ability to look at the catch region (the giant baseball) and take your eye off the ball. If you press R3 (down on the R-stick) the camera will look directly at the catch region. Also, if the ball is going to bounce off the wall or be "robable," the camera will automatically point in that direction instead of at the ball. That way you can time your jump more easily.
Look amazing. Been playing franchise the past few year and I think the last time that I played RTTS was in MLB 10 The Show. I'll definitely be looking to getting back into RTTS again this year. Now it just feels as if March 5th is even farther away...
I love how up its always advance and down is always back (a base ) now. It will make running the bases for me much easier now. I always hated running the bases before but now I think i will enjoy it
Looks Amazing. Can't Wait. My only wish is that in edit player it would show the player in the uniform of the team your currently on rather than the free agent uniform. So you can match the uniform color to the shoes, wristbands etc.