MLB 13 The Show News Post

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Road To The Show received an overhaul and a bunch of new features for MLB 13 The Show. Designer Kirby St. John takes you through them all.

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Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 101 bp4baseball @ 02/27/13 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
It appears several times, but only momentarily. One example is at exactly 2:57.
It's while fielding.
I believe that is the new throwing mechanism.

Normally it's under your player, but for RTTS they have to put in the corner
# 102 seasprite @ 02/27/13 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by garyjr33
Awesome stuff! My only question is: did they fix the trade logic where if you pick a team to start your career with the team always seems to trade you a few months into your career? Does anyone that went to the community day even know the answer to this question?
Was my main question as well that wasn't answered with the blog. Hopefully it is tuned

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 103 Doormat @ 02/27/13 10:55 PM
I love the new changes in this mode, I can't wait! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
# 104 voodoo_magic @ 02/27/13 11:49 PM
Love what was shown.

You have to feel bad for EA.
Must be embarrassing for the development team when they know their superstar modes are like the minor leagues compared to The Show.
# 105 Knight165 @ 02/27/13 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
It appears several times, but only momentarily. One example is at exactly 2:57.
It's while fielding.
I think you're referring to the new CATCH mechanism.(you can shut it off for the old way)

# 106 yungkingston @ 02/27/13 11:53 PM
# 107 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 12:02 AM
Will there be an easy way to see your player's push/pull tendency? If its random it might be frustrating to have to make a new player, then go into a game to check the tendency. Then back out and make a new random player with a new tendency and check that.
# 108 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by tonadom
I would think it would be part of their attribute card.
That is what I hope, but the hit chart doesn't show up on player cards not in games in MLB 12 right? I thought you can only see it when you hit select in games.
# 109 Sco291 @ 02/28/13 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Is the "Practice Swing" in the batting stance editor like what you do before the pitch is thrown? Like how Ryan Howard holds his bat out towards the pitcher.
Yes that's exactly what it is.
# 110 BenGerman @ 02/28/13 03:28 AM
Holy crap. Was not expecting all of that. Having a sim screen is a game changer for me.
# 111 etched Chaos @ 02/28/13 05:49 AM
I think I must be the only RTTS player who really enjoys the trade logic. I never pick a team when I start, I always get drafted and want to see where the game takes me instead of choosing my destinations. So when i get traded a few times it's exciting, now if only free agency was sorted.
# 112 catswithbats @ 02/28/13 10:51 AM
The only bad thing about this is that it's not Tuesday and I want my copy of MLB the Show right now so I can dive into RTTS.

Can't wait!
# 113 catswithbats @ 02/28/13 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
I think I must be the only RTTS player who really enjoys the trade logic. I never pick a team when I start, I always get drafted and want to see where the game takes me instead of choosing my destinations. So when i get traded a few times it's exciting, now if only free agency was sorted.
I don't mind the trade logic either. (I also don't want the RTTS players to get a no trade clause unless it's in a contract or their 10/5 rights kick in. Or at least an option to turn the NTC thing off, if it happens.) We seem to be in the minority though.
# 114 BSUFAN @ 02/28/13 11:09 AM
I watch Twitch Tv there is this guy his name is Baef and he plays The Show alot and his way of doing the trade thing is after each year looking at different offers and playing one year maybe two with one team then after that contact runs out do another one to two for another team ect and on and on for many years that way you can play with multiple teams in both leagues which to me is kinda cool.
# 115 m-dogg @ 02/28/13 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by slickkill77
They said it is on by default, but you can turn all of it off...
I believe the description said that if manual catch is ON, then the halo would always be on even if it is set to OFF, although I am at work so I cannot verify. This is what I was talking about, I would like halo to always be off if set to off. I can manually catch it without the ball pulsating green I would think, got a big enough tv hehe...
# 116 nusie @ 02/28/13 01:18 PM
That's cool and all with the changes and whatnot, but, if the achievement goals are still in, and have a huge weight on determining whether or not you stay on the bench or in the lineup, then, this will be another mode of this game unfortunately passed up by me, and a lot of other people I know.

For example in TS 12: It was the start of season 2, and I was in Triple A...They wanted me to collect 40 bases and 3 homeruns over the next 4 series (two weeks)...two weeks...I tried it, and failed miserably...I played in 9 of those games. Needed an average of 4.44 bases a game...Not to mention, it took me about 2 months in AA to get 3 homeruns...

In those 9 games, I ended with 29 total bases and 1 homerun...Got sent to the bench. So I played until I had to get back off the bench...Took 4 weeks...And then once I get back to the starting lineup, I have to hit 3 homeruns again, and not strike out more than 10 times...time period...two weeks again.

# 117 marlinfan36 @ 02/28/13 01:24 PM
Anyone know if in the Vita version this year if they will finally put a number next to the ranking meter? its always just been a red bar filled up, i cant tell sometimes between which player is better.
# 118 FreAk47 @ 02/28/13 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by nusie
That's cool and all with the changes and whatnot, but, if the achievement goals are still in, and have a huge weight on determining whether or not you stay on the bench or in the lineup, then, this will be another mode of this game unfortunately passed up by me, and a lot of other people I know.
Quoted for truth. I hate battling/manipulating the advancement goals in this game.
# 119 MrOldboy @ 02/28/13 01:49 PM
Advancement Goals have been reevaluated in some cases to prevent some common complaints. For example, pitchers will no longer have any batting goals, and some statistical expectations have been lessened to make them slightly easier to achieve.
Maybe less of an issue for those that dislike the goals this year if the stat based ones are easier. The fielding percentage ones were the worst for me since I try to focus on the talent based skills like speed first.
# 120 tnixen @ 02/28/13 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
i sure hope osd's like this are in franchise.

Sad to report but I do not think we get this awesome stat overlay presentation for Home Runs in Season or Franchise modes. At least not for every Home Run which is really disappointing. I want this exact stat overlay including exactly the way it's presented in this video blog for every Home Run that is hit in Season and Franchise modes. Sony made it perfect in my opinion but why is it not included for every Home Run in Season and Franchise Modes? Must be because of memory limitations on the PS3. Now I do not have the game yet so I am not 100% sure it's not included but this stat overlay presentation was not shown when Bryce harper hit a Home Run in this post season gameplay video.


I want to see this awesome stat overlay presentation for Home Runs example "Home Run Bryce harper 24th This Season" for every Home Run in Season and Franchise.

Can anyone confirm this is included or not?

And if it's not can someone maybe Russell explain why it's not included?


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