MLB 13 The Show News Post

GotGame has posted another MLB 13 The Show video Q&A with Ramone Russell. Quite a bit of gameplay is being shown.

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
MLB 13 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 Curahee @ 01/29/13 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
At the event Lincecum in the game looked like one of the bank tellers at a local Bank of America branch, not a hipster.
Little Timmy's gettin all growed up!
# 42 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 01/29/13 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Been hoping for this for a while now. I think a lot of others have posted about it in the past as well. Would make the game feel even more like a broadcast if you could turn off the pitch callout, but still get the MPH feedback.
Wait a second I asked FreezeTime when he was at CES if you could play a game with pitch callout OFF and still see the MPH on the scorebug and he said YES and then I asked him again and he said YES and then I clarified what I was asking and he still said YES

Just clarifying.... So your saying with pitch callout set to OFF you can now see the pitch speed displayed on the scorebug?

Are you sure you set the pitch callout to OFF??
Originally Posted by FreezeTime
Yes that's what I'm saying and yes, you can turn the pitch callout off.
I'm thinking that there talking about it not appearing in CPU vs CPU games
# 43 nomo17k @ 01/29/13 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
Wait a second I asked FreezeTime when he was at CES if you could play a game with pitch callout OFF and still see the MPH on the scorebug and he said YES and then I asked him again and he said YES and then I clarified what I was asking and he still said YES

I'm thinking that there talking about it not appearing in CPU vs CPU games
Unfortunately there seemed to be some bug that happened during the CD which made this feature unavailable...

I actually saw this working in one of the CPU vs. CPU games that I was running earlier... but then it wasn't any more the next day.... it was not a figment of imagination, since I had the game running in front of me, so I wasn't having a withdrawal symptom.
# 44 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 01/29/13 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
Unfortunately there seemed to be some bug that happened during the CD which made this feature unavailable...

I actually saw this working in one of the CPU vs. CPU games that I was running earlier... but then it wasn't any more the next day.... it was not a figment of imagination, since I had the game running in front of me, so I wasn't having a withdrawal symptom.
I understand it got scrapped for CPU vs CPU games but it was working in human vs CPU games with pitch callout OFF when FreezeTime played at CES so did that get scrapped too?
# 45 nomo17k @ 01/29/13 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Curahee
Little Timmy's gettin all growed up!
Yeah I was shocked to hear that from Lorne@SCEA... most hipsters are annoying, but Timmy was tolerable...
# 46 nomo17k @ 01/29/13 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
I understand it got scrapped for CPU vs CPU games but it was working in human vs CPU games with pitch callout OFF when FreezeTime played at CES so did that get scrapped too?
From the conversation in the thread, I'm not sure if Ramone's referring to HUM vs. CPU game.... but I guess the root of the problem may be the same. the dev was notified of the issue though...
# 47 MrOldboy @ 01/29/13 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
Wait a second I asked FreezeTime when he was at CES if you could play a game with pitch callout OFF and still see the MPH on the scorebug and he said YES and then I asked him again and he said YES and then I clarified what I was asking and he still said YES

I'm thinking that there talking about it not appearing in CPU vs CPU games
I HOPE SO! Is there still hope?

I remember that talk, but there was still confusion over it. That's why I am still confused on if it will be in the game or not. I've wanted it for years!

Can anyone confirm if this will be available for player vs CPU games?

If it was a bug is there a change it can get fixed in the first patch(s)?

Or was this never in the game at all? I am confused now.
# 48 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 01/29/13 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
I HOPE SO! Is there still hope?

I remember that talk, but there was still confusion over it. That's why I am still confused on if it will be in the game or not. I've wanted it for years!

Can anyone confirm if this will be available for player vs CPU games?

If it was a bug is there a change it can get fixed in the first patch(s)?

Or was this never in the game at all? I am confused now.
It was in the game at CES when FreezeTime played it against the CPU and he assured me that the callout was OFF so they must of scrapped it completely
# 49 tommyjesus @ 01/29/13 03:35 AM
oh man, the new faces look GREAT!

crawford looks perfect.
# 50 MrOldboy @ 01/29/13 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
It was in the game at CES when FreezeTime played it against the CPU and he assured me that the callout was OFF so they must of scrapped it completely
Why would it get scrapped though if it was working properly at CES? Unless it wasn't working properly.
# 51 Arod2k9 @ 01/29/13 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by tommyjesus
oh man, the new faces look GREAT!

crawford looks perfect.
Yes Sir, these new models and animations are just incredible. Crawford looks spectacular, so realistic.
# 52 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 01/29/13 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by MrOldboy
Why would it get scrapped though if it was working properly at CES? Unless it wasn't working properly.
No idea....Ramone can you clarify if MPH displaying on the scorebug was also scrapped from Human vs CPU games with pitch callout OFF??

This is the burning question
# 53 Taffin @ 01/29/13 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by crains13

Timmy got himself a haircut.

Am I the only one who thinks that picture on the right looks more like Fred Savage?
# 54 LastActionHero @ 01/29/13 08:41 AM
Great amount of gameplay footage!
Really every hit looked believable.
And I believe they finally fixed the pitch history colours!!!!!
# 55 thaSLAB @ 01/29/13 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
No idea....Ramone can you clarify if MPH displaying on the scorebug was also scrapped from Human vs CPU games with pitch callout OFF??

This is the burning question
As probably the biggest proponent of this feature (along with 42), I can confirm that it does NOT work. The two are hard coded together, and other than a brief moment at last year's CD, they have always displayed together. It's not too annoying this year with the pitch callout set to simple, but still not what most of us want.

I think FreezeTime may have misunderstood what your question was while at CES. My guess is that it was set to off on the CPU vs. CPU games he saw.

I want this feature so bad, it was literally the first thing I check at every CD, lol. I have an idea for next year that I plan to pitch to the devs that will make both us and the programmer happy.

Of course, if Ramone wants to say "surprise! it now works!" I'd be just as ecstatic as anyone.

Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Great amount of gameplay footage!
Really every hit looked believable.
And I believe they finally fixed the pitch history colours!!!!!
Colours, lol. Yep, nice and bright. And distinguishable.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 56 Woodweaver @ 01/29/13 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
As probably the biggest proponent of this feature (along with 42), I can confirm that it does NOT work. The two are hard coded together, and other than a brief moment at last year's CD, they have always displayed together. It's not too annoying this year with the pitch callout set to simple, but still not what most of us want.

I think FreezeTime may have misunderstood what your question was while at CES. My guess is that it was set to off on the CPU vs. CPU games he saw.

I want this feature so bad, it was literally the first thing I check at every CD, lol. I have an idea for next year that I plan to pitch to the devs that will make both us and the programmer happy.

Of course, if Ramone wants to say "surprise! it now works!" I'd be just as ecstatic as anyone.

Colours, lol. Yep, nice and bright. And distinguishable.

-- Sent from the Future...

Just trying to get a handle on this request...

So, you want the just the pitch speed to show ALL the time regardless of the call out setting?

For example, with call out set to SIMPLE or FULL, you will see CH 82 MPH flash in the score bug, but with OFF you will just see 82MPH?
# 57 thaSLAB @ 01/29/13 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
Just trying to get a handle on this request...

So, you want the just the pitch speed to show ALL the time regardless of the call out setting?

For example, with call out set to SIMPLE or FULL, you will see CH 82 MPH flash in the score bug, but with OFF you will just see 82MPH?
That's almost it WW. As it stands, when you turn pitch callout OFF, it turns the scorebug pitch info off altogether too... right now it's kind of all or nothing.

People want to see it in the scorebug [CH 82MPH], but nothing in the strike zone, not even the (B) or (K) pitch location marker. It was almost there last year, but I can't remember the other issue it caused.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 58 Factzzz @ 01/29/13 02:38 PM
What's pitch callout?
# 59 thaSLAB @ 01/29/13 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
What's pitch callout?
Its the display on the strikezone that tells you where the pitch crosses the plate. Simple setting is just a blue (B) for balls or red (K) for strikes. Full setting adds pitch type and speed in a small box.

-- Sent from the Future...
# 60 Woodweaver @ 01/29/13 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
That's almost it WW. As it stands, when you turn pitch callout OFF, it turns the scorebug pitch info off altogether too... right now it's kind of all or nothing.

People want to see it in the scorebug [CH 82MPH], but nothing in the strike zone, not even the (B) or (K) pitch location marker. It was almost there last year, but I can't remember the other issue it caused.

-- Sent from the Future...

Ahhh, I guess the thinking is that including the pitch type is like having the pitch called out in a fashion, so OFF means nothing at all. Maybe there should be another setting. OFF and FULL will work the way they do now. A new one, let's call it PARTIAL, will work the way SIMPLE does now, and the "new" SIMPLE will work the way you are describing it.

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