NBA 2K13 News Post

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Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
NBA 2K13 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 Rensational14 @ 09/21/12 05:26 PM
But if you buy a players voor lets say 2000. You can hand them back right away for 2000?
# 102 djwax90 @ 09/21/12 05:29 PM
This confirms exactly what I already expected.

MyTeam >>>>>>> Broken-*** Crew
# 103 achieveduser @ 09/21/12 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Drewski
I see that your original post lacks context and is off topic and you wanted to stomp your feet somewhere. How the demo has anything to do with this mode is beyond me. Have nothing more to say, back on topic.

Mode is amazing the more I think about it. Can run all sorts of teams after playing with one, try different things and strategies.

Though, if you have to apply Sig Skills does that mean the regular Sig skills applied on the players in the other modes arent there by default. IE completely clean slate base roster? Many questions about this mode.

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OK I'm walking you though. Here we go.

Many silver account holders of XBL pre-ordered NBA2K13 because they didn't want to miss out on ASW.

We were excited to check out the demo 2 weeks before the game release just as they did many year before. But 2K has a new game mode that involves online connection hence the online match up is introduced in the upcoming demo.

They also decided they should change the demo release plan this year to make it just 1 week before the release. Silver account holder who pre-ordered this game is now getting the demo when the game is actually released in the store. The game shops usually hold pre-order games and its incentives for 48 hrs only. Is that enough time to decide your purchase? I say I prefer 1 week trial over 48 hr trial.

So we are forced to upgrade our account to Gold and why not try online mode while we are at it. After all playing against CPU for 5 min quarter will get boring real fast. You will end up going online and will be assured that they have introduced very stable online environment. Playing against human opponent can be fun too. Some might like it and some won't. Perhaps we can help 2K's server stress test with our participation.

Now they are releasing new game mode, MyTeam. And I pointed out it's not cool for developers to delay the demo to gain from this...at the cost of me paying extra dollars to Microsoft. Especially if they are going to make VC purchasable. (extra revenue source... fun times for EA... fun times for 2K) So I just wanted them to come out and say when they are planning on doing this. This year? or next year?

Now that I explained this in the context I hope your understanding is more clear and see how this mode and my discussion of demo delay is on topic. No apology or thanks needed.
# 104 IV THA UNITY @ 09/21/12 05:36 PM
I was hoping this was a team-up mode like crew just without the MyPlayer..... soo dissapointed.
# 105 KyotoCarl @ 09/21/12 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by achieveduser
OK I'm walking you though. Here we go.

Many silver account holders of XBL pre-ordered NBA2K13 because they didn't want to miss out on ASW.

We were excited to check out the demo 2 weeks before the game release just as they did many year before. But 2K has a new game mode that involves online connection hence the online match up is introduced in the upcoming demo. ordered this game is now getting the demo when the game is actually

They also decided they should change the demo release plan this year to make it just 1 week before the release. Silver account holder who pre-released in the store. The game shops usually hold pre-order games and its incentives for 48 hrs only. Is that enough time to decide your purchase? I say I prefer 1 week trial over 48 hr trial.

So we are forced to upgrade our account to Gold and why not try online mode while we are at it. After all playing against CPU for 5 min quarter will get boring real fast. You will end up going online and will be assured that they have introduced very stable online environment. Playing against human opponent can be fun too. Some might like it and some won't. Perhaps we can help 2K's server stress test with our participation.

Now they are releasing new game mode, MyTeam. And I pointed out it's not cool for developers to delay the demo to gain from this...at the cost of me paying extra dollars to Microsoft. Especially if they are going to make VC purchasable. (extra revenue source... fun times for EA... fun times for 2K) So I just wanted them to come out and say when they are planning on doing this. This year? or next year?

Now that I explained this in the context I hope your understanding is more clear and see how this mode and my discussion of demo delay is on topic. No apology or thanks needed.
How does the demo and My Team have anything to do with each other? You won't be able to play My Team in the demo.

It's not true that they've released it 2 weeks before every year. Some years it's onlty been one week and some years it's even been after release.

You are making stuff up just to have something to complain about and I don't understand why.

If you want to pre-order; go ahead. If you want to upgrade to Gold Live; go ahead. If you don't want to buy the game; you don't have to do it.
Don't complain about something YOU'VE made up and say that people get shafted by 2K. They have no reason to appease to everyone. You have to make up YOU'RE OWN MIND on what you want to do. Don't go blaiming 2K for the decisions you yourself is in charge of.
# 106 Da_Czar @ 09/21/12 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Drewski
A few questions immediately though.

- How long are the games?
- How many players per roster? Are we going 5 deep, 10 deep, in building teams?
- Can you play exhition my team games against friends?
- I thought I read that you could put myplayers in this mode, how does that work?
- How customizable is the team itself. Can plays be assigned, for example.

This is a huge addition IMO, AGAIN great stuff

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when I played I was able to select 10 players. I actually had a lot of fun trying to put together a descent bronze level team and try to take out a gold team. Youi start thinking strategically about both offense and defense and selecting limited players based on what they can bring to the table.

I thought I wouldn't like it but it was dam addicting. I didn't get to see online part though so I don't have all the info on how that works but I do remember having a 10 man roster but that could have changed since I Saw it.
# 107 Drewski @ 09/21/12 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by achieveduser
OK I'm walking you though. Here we go.

Many silver account holders of XBL pre-ordered NBA2K13 because they didn't want to miss out on ASW.

We were excited to check out the demo 2 weeks before the game release just as they did many year before. But 2K has a new game mode that involves online connection hence the online match up is introduced in the upcoming demo.

They also decided they should change the demo release plan this year to make it just 1 week before the release. Silver account holder who pre-ordered this game is now getting the demo when the game is actually released in the store. The game shops usually hold pre-order games and its incentives for 48 hrs only. Is that enough time to decide your purchase? I say I prefer 1 week trial over 48 hr trial.

So we are forced to upgrade our account to Gold and why not try online mode while we are at it. After all playing against CPU for 5 min quarter will get boring real fast. You will end up going online and will be assured that they have introduced very stable online environment. Playing against human opponent can be fun too. Some might like it and some won't. Perhaps we can help 2K's server stress test with our participation.

Now they are releasing new game mode, MyTeam. And I pointed out it's not cool for developers to delay the demo to gain from this...at the cost of me paying extra dollars to Microsoft. Especially if they are going to make VC purchasable. (extra revenue source... fun times for EA... fun times for 2K) So I just wanted them to come out and say when they are planning on doing this. This year? or next year?

Now that I explained this in the context I hope your understanding is more clear and see how this mode and my discussion of demo delay is on topic. No apology or thanks needed.
Thanks for the long post, but all I see is entitlement and tin foil. Developers don't owe any of us a demo. You don't have to buy the game. You don't have to buy VC if you don't want to if they provide the option. You don't have to play online. Any extra money you spend is your own inability to resist temptation. 2k makes no extra money from you having an online subscription. They shouldn't cater to that mentality, it would deprive everyone else.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
# 108 andeee @ 09/21/12 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
How does the demo and My Team have anything to do with each other? You won't be able to play My Team in the demo.

It's not true that they've released it 2 weeks before every year. Some years it's onlty been one week and some years it's even been after release.

You are making stuff up just to have something to complain about and I don't understand why.

If you want to pre-order; go ahead. If you want to upgrade to Gold Live; go ahead. If you don't want to buy the game; you don't have to do it.
Don't complain about something YOU'VE made up and say that people get shafted by 2K. They have no reason to appease to everyone. You have to make up YOU'RE OWN MIND on what you want to do. Don't go blaiming 2K for the decisions you yourself is in charge of.
Exactly this. I'm glad you answered before I had to type something up.

Something to add to it: 2K isn't in charge of when demo content is added to the Marketplace. Microsoft is. 2K could have had the demo ready for publishing on Wednesday, that means nothing when Microsoft only pushes content on Tuesdays.

Guy is just making up conspiracies on how 2K is trying to take advantage of Silver users and making no sense in the process.
# 109 achieveduser @ 09/21/12 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
How does the demo and My Team have anything to do with each other? You won't be able to play My Team in the demo.

It's not true that they've released it 2 weeks before every year. Some years it's onlty been one week and some years it's even been after release.

You are making stuff up just to have something to complain about and I don't understand why.

If you want to pre-order; go ahead. If you want to upgrade to Gold Live; go ahead. If you don't want to buy the game; you don't have to do it.
Don't complain about something YOU'VE made up and say that people get shafted by 2K. They have no reason to appease to everyone. You have to make up YOU'RE OWN MIND on what you want to do. Don't go blaiming 2K for the decisions you yourself is in charge of.
I can't believe you are trying to jump in on this. Hahaha that's OK. I always find you supporting 2K developers unconditionally anyway. Like I said I was left with no choice. Read what I wrote over and over until you get the point. If you still fail to see the chain of events... I'm sorry just keep supporting 2K developers without any complaints. We good?
# 110 Drewski @ 09/21/12 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
when I played I was able to select 10 players. I actually had a lot of fun trying to put together a descent bronze level team and try to take out a gold team. Youi start thinking strategically about both offense and defense and selecting limited players based on what they can bring to the table.

I thought I wouldn't like it but it was dam addicting. I didn't get to see online part though so I don't have all the info on how that works but I do remember having a 10 man roster but that could have changed since I Saw it.
That's perfect. Sounds good, and yes I really look forward to strategically putting together a team and playing to offensive and defensive strengths. I was cold on it at first, but this insight has completely flipped my mentality and I'm thrilled to have a new mode to enhance the experience. Association, MyCareer, MyTeam all are a ton of content aside from just playing exhibition and online.


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# 111 achieveduser @ 09/21/12 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Drewski
Thanks for the long post, but all I see is entitlement and tin foil. Developers don't owe any of us a demo. You don't have to buy the game. You don't have to buy VC if you don't want to if they provide the option. You don't have to play online. Any extra money you spend is your own inability to resist temptation. 2k makes no extra money from you having an online subscription. They shouldn't cater to that mentality, it would deprive everyone else.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Oh come on with you don't have to buy the game crab. That's your ultimate answer to anyone having complaints about what devs are doing??? Look I'm a wiling purchaser of the game and I pre-ordered this bad boy. But I need to be assured if I want to keep my pre-order.

Of course, you are just going to say "you don't have to buy the game"..LOL
# 112 Taer @ 09/21/12 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by andeee
... Guy is just making up conspiracies on how 2K is trying to take advantage of Silver users and making no sense in the process.
I think his biggest complaint is that he will only have a day to "figure out" if he wants to make the purchase of the game or not.

In my experience, a day should be more then sufficient, but then he is not me nor I him.
# 113 Drewski @ 09/21/12 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by achieveduser
Oh come on with you don't have to buy the game crab. That's your ultimate answer to anyone having complaints about what devs are doing??? Look I'm a wiling purchaser of the game and I pre-ordered this bad boy. But I need to be assured if I want to keep my pre-order.

Of course, you are just going to say "you don't have to buy the game"..LOL
Because you dont? Buying any game is a gamble bro. Welcome to spending money. That steak may or may not be perfect at the market but they sure as hell aren't going to let you open the wrapper and grill a fourth of it, while also marinating it with their own ingredients. When Sega and SNES were the consoles, did you never buy a game because you didn't have a demo that gave you 100% assurance THIS WAS THE GAME OF YOUR DREAMS?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
# 114 achieveduser @ 09/21/12 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Drewski
Because you dont? Buying any game is a gamble bro. Welcome to spending money. That steak may or may not be perfect at the market but they sure as hell aren't going to let you open the wrapper and grill a fourth of it, while also marinating it with their own ingredients. When Sega and SNES were the consoles, did you never buy a game because you didn't have a demo that gave you 100% assurance THIS WAS THE GAME OF YOUR DREAMS?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Just admit it if you saw my point. You don't have to agree with me if you don't ever need a demo to decide your purchase. Stop arguing with me dude. That's pointless.
# 115 BluFu @ 09/21/12 05:56 PM
i wants me an association insight!

edit: 2:42 anyone else notice horford, ellis and griffin cost more than durant? hmmm
# 116 foo55 @ 09/21/12 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by achieveduser
Oh come on with you don't have to buy the game crab. That's your ultimate answer to anyone having complaints about what devs are doing??? Look I'm a wiling purchaser of the game and I pre-ordered this bad boy. But I need to be assured if I want to keep my pre-order.

Of course, you are just going to say "you don't have to buy the game"..LOL
explain to me real quick why you couldn't play the demo until the game is already released in stores?

conspiracy theorist much?

to add to the thread, i can't wait for this mode. I'm not much of an online association guy but i love playing online and this will finally give me the opportunity to play against a user with a (pretty much) hand picked team. my hope is that all the classic players are on there too so i can have dudes like kendall gill and george lynch on my squad.
# 117 KyotoCarl @ 09/21/12 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by achieveduser
Oh come on with you don't have to buy the game crab. That's your ultimate answer to anyone having complaints about what devs are doing??? Look I'm a wiling purchaser of the game and I pre-ordered this bad boy. But I need to be assured if I want to keep my pre-order.

Of course, you are just going to say "you don't have to buy the game"..LOL
There's a difference in coming with constructive criticism and just making up reasons to complain, not seeing the whole picture.

Originally Posted by achieveduser
I can't believe you are trying to jump in on this. Hahaha that's OK. I always find you supporting 2K developers unconditionally anyway. Like I said I was left with no choice. Read what I wrote over and over until you get the point. If you still fail to see the chain of events... I'm sorry just keep supporting 2K developers without any complaints. We good?
I've read everything in this whole thread. I don't just "jump in" in anything.

I get your point but I think you are dead wrong and that you have fabricated a scenario in your head that's not true.

The reason I support 2K is that I've been playing basketballs since the Nintendo days, through NBA Live 95-Live 08. Then a two year pause and then I swtiched to 2K10.
The reason I'm so very positive is because I've seen the evolution and development of basketball games. Things I imagined and wrote on wishlists back in 96 are all in the game now, including a bunch of things I never thought I'd see.

How can I be negative when the positive things, the development, outweigh my gripes 1000:1? There are alot of things I'd like to do differently but I can see why the games are the way they are, so I don't feel it's reasonable for me to complain about them when everything else is so good.

The point "You don't have to buy the game" is valid to me. Say you bought 2K11 and 2K12, were happy with them, but then there's something in 13 you see you don't like, then why not skip 13 and see if 14 has something to give you instead. You literally don't HAVE TO buy the new version each year.
# 118 VinnyVegas28 @ 09/21/12 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by 2K Labs
They've said all the Classic teams from 2K12 are back, with the addition of the Olympic Teams & Iverson' Sixers...but does this include the players from the DLC as well?

This applies to MyTeam, because there's a bunch of great players that I'd love to add to my team. Also, the word has been Barkley is only on the Dream Team; but will he be available for MyTeam, too?
I am curious about this as well. The insight mentioned that you can buy classic players. I am wondering if these are the classic players from the classic teams in the game or if there are other players like last year DLC included in this. Perhaps they bring in more players down the road as the season advances. I would like to see a list of the classic players as this has peaked my curiousity the most.
# 119 KyotoCarl @ 09/21/12 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Red Kafe
The only new thing I heard about association mode is that the new CBA rules are implemented. So does that mean you can amnesty players ? We will find out later.
Since the new CBA rules will be in Association; yes it does mean you can amnesty players
# 120 kjjnesb @ 09/21/12 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
Since the new CBA rules will be in Association; yes it does mean you can amnesty players
Amnesty was only a one time deal that could only be used on a player already on the roster pre lockout though so I'm assuming teams that already used it/teams that have no amnesty eligible player won't have it or 2k won't bother with it cause it was a one use post lockout perk.

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