NBA 2K13 News Post

Check out the top 20 players in NBA 2K13.

Based off of NBA 2K13 player ratings that have already been released, ebc_baller has put together the following list of ratings.
  • Lebron (94+) Obviously
  • Howard (94+)
  • Durant 94
  • Paul 94
  • Bryant 93
  • Wade (92-93)
  • Westbrook (92-93)
  • Rose 92
  • Melo 92
  • D Williams (90-92)
  • Rondo 90
  • Love 89
  • J Smith 87
  • Duncan (87)
  • Nash 87
  • Manu (87)
  • Bynum 87
  • Iggy 87
  • Gay (87)
  • P Gasol 87
Do you agree or disagree with it?

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 SouthBeach @ 09/12/12 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by keator
lol another wade stan, the great wade that can barely jump, or shot anymore.. 2006 was a long long time ago

Yeah, he sure can't jump anymore in 2012.
# 42 drose_fan @ 09/12/12 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by keator
lol another wade stan, the great wade that can barely jump, or shot anymore.. 2006 was a long long time ago
Did you see what he did to Indiana? And furthermore did you see what he did to Celtics and okc? He was hurt so he joked around first 3 quarters and 4th quarter STRAIGHT TO THE RACK AND NOBODY WAS STOPPING HIM.... LeBron just more of a man than anybody in the league and they're on the same team so he may not look as good as you want him to smh casual fans just don't get it..... LeBron, Rose, ans Durant are the only 3 on the same level as wade...6 star players...
# 43 slowdifference @ 09/12/12 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by keator
face palm top 3 in the league??? really top 3

KD, Bron, Kobe, D Howard, Westbrook, CP3, D Rose, and ill even throw Rondo are all better than d wade is. He is still an good and give you some great performance once a week, but top 3 please.
I agree Wade isn't top 3, but you've lost your mind saying guys like Westbrook and Rondo are better than Wade.
# 44 drose_fan @ 09/12/12 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by keator
face palm top 3 in the league??? really top 3

KD, Bron, Kobe, D Howard, Westbrook, CP3, D Rose, and ill even throw Rondo are all better than d wade is. He is still an good and give you some great performance once a week, but top 3 please.
You're entitled to your opinion and all of those names are somewhat reasonable.... BUT Westbrook????????? Better than wade???? Interesting........
And rondo? Smh naw mane......
# 45 drose_fan @ 09/12/12 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by slowdifference
I agree Wade isn't top 3, but you've lost your mind saying guys like Westbrook and Rondo are better than Wade.
Thank you! Lol this guy said Westbrook and rondo... I never knew wade wasn't respected Luke he should be.... Maybe just on video game sites he's underrated, the boys a beast...
# 46 2ksuperior9 @ 09/12/12 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by keator
face palm top 3 in the league??? really top 3

KD, Bron, Kobe, D Howard, Westbrook, CP3, D Rose, and ill even throw Rondo are all better than d wade is. He is still an good and give you some great performance once a week, but top 3 please.
LMAOO you MUST not watch basketball at all bro smh, thats a ridiculous statement, really....
# 47 Itsfuntobethespurs @ 09/12/12 05:51 PM
My man GINOBILI!!! is getting some love this year. It came so late for him. In the PS2 days (his prime) he was so underrated.

Back to the list though, I like how you can separate type S stars (Top 4), A stars (up to Melo, whether I agree or not), B stars (till Love) and the C stars or all star game material but no cornerstone (the rest)

Considering only 24 people make the all star game, I think it makes sense to have that number of star players (86 rating and up).

I don't thing Gay top 20 material, but you add Nowitzki weird rating and Blake (where is he?) and it makes sense. Josh Smith is bit high too, but his skills translate real well to 2k's rating system
# 48 keator @ 09/12/12 05:51 PM
people still sleeping on the walking trip dub know as rondo, who plays with AARP team mates.

and great youtube highlights of wade dunking in decemeber, what about may and june when he couldnt get up to court.

If i typed KD is a better passer than Bron, that was a typo bc thats false,

Simple question, if you were having a fantasy draft right now for the future, you are taking d wade over rondo or westbrook or nah?
# 49 keator @ 09/12/12 05:55 PM
why bc i dont think wade is top 3 or a heat stan? yeah good call on that one.

please more highlights from You tube
# 50 Itsfuntobethespurs @ 09/12/12 05:55 PM
Rose in his MVP level could have been higher than Wade, but not now.

And Dwight is not THAT dominant. I'd rather have Paul or Durant above him
# 51 slowdifference @ 09/12/12 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by keator
people still sleeping on the walking trip dub know as rondo, who plays with AARP team mates.

and great youtube highlights of wade dunking in decemeber, what about may and june when he couldnt get up to court.

If i typed KD is a better passer than Bron, that was a typo bc thats false,

Simple question, if you were having a fantasy draft right now for the future, you are taking d wade over rondo or westbrook or nah?
Building a team for the future is completely different from the here and now. Right now today Wade> Westbrook or Rondo
# 52 keator @ 09/12/12 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Shumpert21
what? dwight howard makes more of an impact on the court than durant. and hes only 26.

shhhh the heat and thunder stans do not like when you say truthful comments about their players.
# 53 2ksuperior9 @ 09/12/12 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by keator
people still sleeping on the walking trip dub know as rondo, who plays with AARP team mates.

and great youtube highlights of wade dunking in decemeber, what about may and june when he couldnt get up to court.

If i typed KD is a better passer than Bron, that was a typo bc thats false,

Simple question, if you were having a fantasy draft right now for the future, you are taking d wade over rondo or westbrook or nah?
Yess I will
# 54 SouthBeach @ 09/12/12 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by keator
people still sleeping on the walking trip dub know as rondo, who plays with AARP team mates.

and great youtube highlights of wade dunking in decemeber, what about may and june when he couldnt get up to court.

If i typed KD is a better passer than Bron, that was a typo bc thats false,

Simple question, if you were having a fantasy draft right now for the future, you are taking d wade over rondo or westbrook or nah?
That was April, 2012 while he had a knee issue.

Try again.
# 55 keator @ 09/12/12 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by slowdifference
Building a team for the future is completely different from the here and now. Right now today Wade> Westbrook or Rondo
2012-2013 season im taking rondo or westbrook for several reasons. Age, speed, athletisms, and not injury prone.

Wade is an old 11 year vet, bc the of the way he played his first few years in the league, he cant make it thru a whole seasons, and isnt someone you would want to carry your team. He is a great compliment player, similar to kobe in the early 00s with Shaq.

Saying a guy is a B level star doesnt mean he will suck, it means he cant be the first option of a contending team anymore.
# 56 Itsfuntobethespurs @ 09/12/12 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shumpert21
what? dwight howard makes more of an impact on the court than durant. and hes only 26.
I'm saying that because Shaq in 2k12 was a 95. Prime Shaq was much more dominant.

I don't want to see Howards rating on par with 72 Kareem, Hakeem and prime Shaq you know.

Just like last year when Stockton was only an 87. He shoots, he dribbles, he passes, he plays defense. He's the whole package for a point guard. And was rated below guys like Westbrook, Rondo, Williams. Ridiculous.
# 57 Itsfuntobethespurs @ 09/12/12 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by keator
shhhh the heat and thunder stans do not like when you say truthful comments about their players.
I'm a Spurs fan from Argentina. I saw what KD can do both in the NBA and Fiba play against my teams. Hate the guy lol
# 58 BEARYChi @ 09/12/12 06:04 PM
Westbrook should be a solid 90...i still think he not better than Rose (despite injury)
# 59 slowdifference @ 09/12/12 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by keator
2012-2013 season im taking rondo or westbrook for several reasons. Age, speed, athletisms, and not injury prone.

Wade is an old 11 year vet, bc the of the way he played his first few years in the league, he cant make it thru a whole seasons, and isnt someone you would want to carry your team. He is a great compliment player, similar to kobe in the early 00s with Shaq.

Saying a guy is a B level star doesnt mean he will suck, it means he cant be the first option of a contending team anymore.
I give you that Wade isn't a number one anymore. I will say if Westbrook is your number 1 you have problems. As far as Rondo goes when push comes to shove I can't see him as a true number 1 cause his shooting holds him back too much.
# 60 thelakeshow @ 09/12/12 06:14 PM
Why don't people get that the order of NBA 2k ratings has nothing to do with the order of the best players in the NBA? Also the whole Westbrook vs Rose ratings debate has nothing to do with who's really better in real life. They are both extremely athletically gifted, are great pgs, and they are very simular players, but Westbrooks gets a boost because he is the better defender and one of the best rebounding pgs in the nba. That's it. It doesn't mean one is better than the other, it just means in NBA 2k ratings, Westbrooks overall ratings are higher.

Also #'s 13-20 are rated 87 overall. Does that mean there aren't more players rated 87 overall?

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