NBA 2K13 News Post

Exophase has posted some interesting information, as they reveal the NBA 2K13 achievements.
  • Play a MyTEAM game online.
  • Adjust your "Total Sim Control" strategy in The Association or Season mode.
  • Play a MyPLAYER Blacktop game online.
  • Play with an historic team online.
Is MyTeam Crew? Blacktop online? Historic teams online?

See all the NBA 2K13 achievements right here.

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 King_B_Mack @ 08/24/12 11:33 AM
I can tell you this much, I don't care about who likes to play what the most and what kind of idle threats are being made, I'm just sick and damn tired of seeing every thread in this forum devolving into endless posts about people bitching about Crew and asking about it and talking about how much they don't care about whatever the thread is about if they aren't talking about Crew. I shouldn't have to go into an art update thread and see a Crew war breakout.
# 182 illwill10 @ 08/24/12 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I can tell you this much, I don't care about who likes to play what the most and what kind of idle threats are being made, I'm just sick and damn tired of seeing every thread in this forum devolving into endless posts about people bitching about Crew and asking about it and talking about how much they don't care about whatever the thread is about if they aren't talking about Crew. I shouldn't have to go into an art update thread and see a Crew war breakout.
Thats why I cant for wait for the 1st/2nd week of Sept. to hit. Once the MP/Mycareer mode info is dropped, we should no whether Crew is in or not
# 183 NowAndLaterCARZ @ 08/24/12 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by redsfan4life
Right, this is what made 2k unique and unlike any other game on the market. No other game allows you to take "your" player online and play against other users. I was a PS3 user so most of the glitches I did not see. Perhaps that's why the majority of you 360 guys seem to be indifferent about the mode, you didn't experience it like I did.
fifa 12 you can take your my player online and play against other
users. they have club mode which is twice as better than 2k11's crew
mode, and also have pro ranked matches which are equivalent to 2k11's
pick up games.

but on a different note, i cant understand why 2k13 would have
ultimate team mode when we can already use legends teams online as
well as olympics teams. i would rather have an online association with
a fantasy draft pool of legends and current players instead of
collecting cards and playing against MJ, kobe, lebron, magic, and wilt

lastly i'm happy to see my player online black top. hopefully there is
some form of crew leagues/associations . i enjoyed the concept of
crew, its pretty close to the concept of real basketball as in
trusting your teammates, making smart passes/decisions, and playing
good on ball and help defense.

yes i am a fan of crew, but if it isn't in 2k13 i will still get the game. i enjoyed 2k12 without crew and will do the same with 2k13. 2ksports makes great games hands down. heres to hoping for college hoops 2k14!!!! i would love a college my player mode that could get drafted in nba 2k. also imagine a create-a-college online crew mode, now that would be innovation.
# 184 ShindoHikaru @ 08/24/12 12:33 PM
Not sure but looking at the achievements, I guess they removed the Creating A Legend feature from the game?
# 185 Jakeness23 @ 08/24/12 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ramboooo
Nice attempt to marginalize crew....Get w/the times or get left behind. the Crew format (not 2K11's cheeser / hacker fest) is the most realistic / sim experience you can get from a videogame. That's just a fact.

All these things making 2K13 a must-buy now. My player playable online? Gotta buy an xbox again now... see ya PC
No, it's actually a lazy way to go play a REAL-LIFE pickup game. If you want to cooperate with others and only be able to control one guy like Crew mode... GO TO A GYM! That's as simple as it is. The most realistic/simulation experience for a video game is the Offline Association and if you want to add a little fantasy type stuff, play My Player. But don't say Crew is the most realistic thing in this game...
# 186 deetoman @ 08/24/12 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by ShindoHikaru
Not sure but looking at the achievements, I guess they removed the Creating A Legend feature from the game?
You didnt look hard enough

Shooting Star
Win the MVP award in NBA: Creating a Legend mode.
# 187 ShindoHikaru @ 08/24/12 12:49 PM
Ah yes thanks man!
# 188 23 @ 08/24/12 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Honesty. If it wasn't such a horrible waste of time I'd go back and note every person that's made an ultimatum regarding Crew and see if they either buy Live or choose not to buy 2K13. If they don't buy 2K13 they shouldn't be in the forum complaining in the first place. Why hang around to complain if you don't have the game? Bring up 2K12 which they supposedly hate because they were duped into buying it w/o Crew? Or complain about 2K11 which they complained Crew mode needed to be removed because of all the cheaters? It's beyond ridiculous.

...and to that point... people posting off topic is against the TOS

People whining in threads where the topic might be about signature moves and all someone does is holler about a freaking crew mode, im going on meltdown mode

I've had enough of spamming topics with that crap when it doesnt belong.

This thread isnt as bad but they almost make me hope 2k abandons it forever out of spite

If you're threatening to play a piece of garbage because of that go right ahead.. Ill buy a 2nd copy of the game again to make up the difference for at least one of you
# 189 deetoman @ 08/24/12 12:57 PM
Oh and don't forget about the accessory people....
# 190 VDusen04 @ 08/24/12 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by deetoman
Oh and don't forget about the accessory people....
I shall stand beside those who wish to have correct accessory colors. I mean, I won't stand beside them when they complain in the wrong threads, but when they bring it up in a general impression thread in a constructive manner, I support their claims.
# 191 Boilerbuzz @ 08/24/12 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by 23
This thread isnt as bad but they almost make me hope 2k abandons it forever out of spite

If you're threatening to play a piece of garbage because of that go right ahead.. Ill buy a 2nd copy of the game again to make up the difference for at least one of you
LOL! I wonder how many of those folks were the ones that RUINED the mode for everyone else with the hacked players. It's CLEAR that VC isn't going to bring it back until

1. It's secure.
2. It's reliable.

That's it. Not before.
# 192 JSensui @ 08/24/12 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by deetoman
Oh and don't forget about the accessory people....
I think the accessory people are worse. Like...Christ...shut up about Lebron's headband already.
# 193 green225 @ 08/24/12 01:59 PM
support some meaningless nonsense like accessories, and not the most important/fun game mode in 2k history? nice. i've been a 2k head since 2k3. great game, loved playing in leagues from 2k7 up(leagues that actually finish), but when crew came around, and i assembled my team of sim ballers, i knew the other modes were out the window. i doubt that any of the crew naysayers actually played in a legit, good crew who shared the ball. why wouldn't you want to play as yourself? i dunno, maybe i'm being narcissistic, but it means a lot more to me to when i'm getting the job done, making game winning shots, playing as i would in real life(if i was actually capable of playing that good in real life), than playing with some nba guys. also you can't fault us crew fans for continously bringing it up. 2k was shady the way they handled it last year, pulling arguably the most popular mode from the game without even letting us know first? they kept the 2k11 servers up till august for us, i'll give them that, but it doesn't change the fact that they didn't go about it the right way. we have the right to bring it up as much as we want... when/if it comes back, i won't say nothing else but thanks. no complaining from me, all the hop steppin, spin dunk cheesers are beatable if you know how to play, and it's not like those are the majority of the games anyway. the "people hack" bs is irrelevent, i'm on ps3. if you don't like the 20 foot my players, play on ps3, and you won't have to deal with it. it's like going from a color tv with crew, to black and white without it. yea, you gathered around to watch that black and white tv, and you loved it, but nobody was going back when color came around. nah, i won't even watch. i mean they put a damn poll up and it was number 2 by a landslide behind my player, which is essentially the same mode, wouldn't they learn from that what the people want? we're supposed to believe more people requested the dream team? we saw how the legends fared in the poll, not well.
# 194 Jrocc23 @ 08/24/12 02:08 PM
It's no need to explain, they will never understand lol. Let them keep complaining about other people complaining and hoping Crew Mode is in. If Crew isn't in, then people will keep complaining and talking about it over and over. We will see what happens...
# 195 B1gg Randall @ 08/24/12 02:13 PM
Im hype as hell right now lol...Buying this Day 1...
# 196 MavsManiac4Life @ 08/24/12 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Nashhole
wait what? can someone explain what mycareer mode is? they just changed the name?
For now that's pretty much it.
# 197 King_B_Mack @ 08/24/12 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Nashhole
wait what? can someone explain what mycareer mode is? they just changed the name?
It would not surprise me if the ability to become a coach/GM/Owner after your playing career is over is apart of the game this year, hence the change of the name to MyCareer.
# 198 Csmooove32 @ 08/24/12 04:23 PM
I dont even see why you hate and talk down on a mode you don't play. If you dont play crew or don't like it why speak on it?
# 199 RustyBlue @ 08/24/12 05:11 PM
I was hoping for a "Get drafted 1st overall" achievement.

I'm assuming you can't go first overall this year again
# 200 Kiss_My_Dimplez @ 08/24/12 05:11 PM
Well I'm Sold

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