NBA 2K13 News Post

Since its debut on Spike TV and particularly over the last 2 weeks, much has been revealed about NBA 2K13. As a fan of the franchise, I found some of these revelations exciting and others not so much. Here are some of my NBA 2k13 pros and cons based on what we have seen and heard to this point.

Read more - NBA 2K13: Pros and Cons Thus Far

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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# 1 1WEiRDguy @ 08/23/12 02:49 PM
i still havent figured out why they just dont adopt the passing system from CH2k8...why leave anything to chance based on the AI? If i wanted to throw a bounce pass, there was a button for that...a chest pass?? there was a button for that...
# 2 Control-X @ 08/23/12 02:49 PM
I haven't read or heard about NBA 2K in a very long time. This is the first article I found. I'm very happy to hear about the inclusion of SIr Charles, finally he's in the game. But why limit him just on the Dream Team? And why do they took out Scottie Pippen? Damn what is this 2K? Is this a "You win some, you lose some" issue or something?
# 3 sactown_13 @ 08/23/12 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Control-X
I haven't read or heard about NBA 2K in a very long time. This is the first article I found. I'm very happy to hear about the inclusion of SIr Charles, finally he's in the game. But why limit him just on the Dream Team? And why do they took out Scottie Pippen? Damn what is this 2K? Is this a "You win some, you lose some" issue or something?
Its been said that Scottie was asking for way too much money this year around.
# 4 mreyes930 @ 08/23/12 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Control-X
I haven't read or heard about NBA 2K in a very long time. This is the first article I found. I'm very happy to hear about the inclusion of SIr Charles, finally he's in the game. But why limit him just on the Dream Team? And why do they took out Scottie Pippen? Damn what is this 2K? Is this a "You win some, you lose some" issue or something?
According to rumors, Barkley only gave 2K permission to use his likeness for the Dream Team and Pippen and 2K couldn't come to terms on a deal. Sadly, money makes the world go round.
# 5 Steve_OS @ 08/23/12 03:02 PM
UPDATE: via Jerson Sapida, Gameplay Producer of NBA 2K13
The warm-ups during pre-tip intros was a bug in the Gamescon demo. It's already fixed.
# 6 exposedaking @ 08/23/12 03:04 PM
I definitely agree about the presentation. To me its ugly, they should shoot for a more traditional network broadcast, it looks too nba jam-ish

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# 7 EllCee @ 08/23/12 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
UPDATE: via Jerson Sapida, Gameplay Producer of NBA 2K13
I'm glad it was just a bug.
Also, great read.
A pro of mine is the Soundtrack. One of the things I look for in games is the soundtrack. I think this year's selection is great!
# 8 eko718 @ 08/23/12 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Control-X
I haven't read or heard about NBA 2K in a very long time. This is the first article I found. I'm very happy to hear about the inclusion of SIr Charles, finally he's in the game. But why limit him just on the Dream Team? And why do they took out Scottie Pippen? Damn what is this 2K? Is this a "You win some, you lose some" issue or something?
Yeah it sucks, but it seems like their hands were tied with that one. I can only hope Scottie has a change of heart before launch.
# 9 jersez @ 08/23/12 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by 1WEiRDguy
i still havent figured out why they just dont adopt the passing system from CH2k8...why leave anything to chance based on the AI? If i wanted to throw a bounce pass, there was a button for that...a chest pass?? there was a button for that...
They did, there are manual bounce passes this year.
# 10 vannwolfhawk @ 08/23/12 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
They did, there are manual bounce passes this year, from what Da_Czar tweeted if you hold down the pass button it will throw a bullet pass.
No, there is no pressure sensitive passing in the game this year.
# 11 BlackRome @ 08/23/12 03:27 PM
I ioved the introductions in the old 2k. Like 2k1. When the game would start you would see the players being introduced. They need to bring that back. Now when you join the game the announcements have already happened.
# 12 vannwolfhawk @ 08/23/12 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
He was wrong. I asked devs after seeing this tweet and they said no, czar said it must have been placebo and that it was discussed last year so he thought it was in.
# 13 vannwolfhawk @ 08/23/12 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
I ioved the introductions in the old 2k. Like 2k1. When the game would start you would see the players being introduced. They need to bring that back. Now when you join the game the announcements have already happened.
I miss that too! If you don't want to watch it x thru it. This used to get me and my bro all fired up!!! I'd love to see that come back!
# 14 iLLosophy @ 08/23/12 03:34 PM
That sucks to hear about the rebounding. Was a major issue with 2k12.
# 15 youALREADYknow @ 08/23/12 03:42 PM
Signature skills are still a Con to me. There's no upside to binary skills when they replace more comprehensive tendencies or ratings. A handful of the skills are indeed Pros, but that doesn't outweigh the negative impact of the other 15-20 skills. The real impact will be felt using default rosters, which I'm assuming will be the standard for Online play.
# 16 jersez @ 08/23/12 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
He was wrong. I asked devs after seeing this tweet and they said no, czar said it must have been placebo and that it was discussed last year so he thought it was in.

I never saw that tweet or post, I apologize to Da_Czar didn't mean to put that misleading information out there.
# 17 kevin23 @ 08/23/12 03:51 PM
2K people are a bunch of scam artists.
# 18 Joobieo @ 08/23/12 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by sactown_13
Its been said that Scottie was asking for way too much money this year around.
Never thought Scottie out of all people would want a large amount of money .
# 19 BezO @ 08/23/12 04:03 PM
All-Star Weekend dunk contest controls – The Guitar-Hero-esque control scheme of the dunk contest confused me a bit when it was first revealed. If that is the only control option, I’m not sure I see myself playing that mode much.
This is the most confusing. 2K clearly aims to improve gameplay. They address way more gameplay issues then not. When something is not addressed, I lean towards everything couldn't make the cut.

But the dunk contest controls? WTF? How does that fit along side such a simulated gameplay experience? Or is that their way of satisfying the casual fan? Or am I just getting old?
# 20 Joobieo @ 08/23/12 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
I ioved the introductions in the old 2k. Like 2k1. When the game would start you would see the players being introduced. They need to bring that back. Now when you join the game the announcements have already happened.
I agree . I would love to have this , I know us the sim players would love it back , but it's the casual players who generally skip over it .

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