NBA 2K13 News Post

Since its debut on Spike TV and particularly over the last 2 weeks, much has been revealed about NBA 2K13. As a fan of the franchise, I found some of these revelations exciting and others not so much. Here are some of my NBA 2k13 pros and cons based on what we have seen and heard to this point.

Read more - NBA 2K13: Pros and Cons Thus Far

Game: NBA 2K13Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 75 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 kmiree16 @ 08/23/12 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by iLLosophy
That sucks to hear about the rebounding. Was a major issue with 2k12.
Yeah, a big issue. That along with the magnetic, impossible-to-escape box outs that every CPU player employs
# 22 magicman32 @ 08/23/12 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by BezO
This is the most confusing. 2K clearly aims to improve gameplay. They address way more gameplay issues then not. When something is not addressed, I lean towards everything couldn't make the cut.

But the dunk contest controls? WTF? How does that fit along side such a simulated gameplay experience? Or is that their way of satisfying the casual fan? Or am I just getting old?
They have already admitted they wanted the mode to be "casual" and easy to just pick up and play.
# 23 coolcras7 @ 08/23/12 05:26 PM
I think this article should be titled pros and cons I found in a old build on NBA 2k13 and have no idea if they have been fixed, as for the dunk contest they said they were still working out how it would work the guitar hero type control was one they were experimenting with, and they claim that it is a lot of fun so I guess this con should be in titled we should wait and see. As for cross overs I believe you can control the speed, in the video they showed Beasley coming down with a down cross in order to sike the defensive player.
# 24 xirdneh132 @ 08/23/12 05:33 PM
I really hope they fix rebounding because that has driven me crazy more than anything. Also, I hope they add certain features they removed last year such as editing ages and allowing legends (or whatever they're using) in franchise mode like 2011. Last year lots of legends yet you couldn't use them like 2K11, also drove me insane.
# 25 Jakeness23 @ 08/23/12 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
I miss that too! If you don't want to watch it x thru it. This used to get me and my bro all fired up!!! I'd love to see that come back!
I second that, I used to LOVE seeing the introductions...

Another con is some of the aesthetics, art doesn't look like it was much of a focus. Which is okay I guess, just wish some things would have been tweaked/fixed.
# 26 TheBrooklynBaller @ 08/23/12 05:50 PM
Pros? Cons? Really, we all know that 2K will be amazing in its own part... The most important thing is fixing the online issues. That would make 2K complete... That's my opinion.
# 27 Philly215 @ 08/23/12 06:09 PM
the player accessories are never updated thats a con
# 28 1WEiRDguy @ 08/23/12 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by jersez
They did, there are manual bounce passes this year.
oh ok...thanks for clearing that up...i must have misunderstood what that dev diary was saying b/c i thought they said that its still AI dependent but it was tweaked to allow for more types of passes in certain situations e.g. passing to the post or on the fast break...

i still dont like that "loft" pass that the players make around the perimeter with one arm...its all in the demo
# 29 coolcras7 @ 08/23/12 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by 1WEiRDguy
oh ok...thanks for clearing that up...i must have misunderstood what that dev diary was saying b/c i thought they said that its still AI dependent but it was tweaked to allow for more types of passes in certain situations e.g. passing to the post or on the fast break...

i still dont like that "loft" pass that the players make around the perimeter with one arm...its all in the demo
if you do a typical pass the cpu will choose the best option, but you have the ability now if you choice to use a bounce pass on command.
# 30 texasgmr @ 08/23/12 07:41 PM
I wish they did better with the presentation also, but it isn't going to take me away from the game. Just wish they would go for more of a tnt feel or something. BTW, great write-up.
# 31 jreezy18 @ 08/23/12 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
I think this article should be titled pros and cons I found in a old build on NBA 2k13 and have no idea if they have been fixed, as for the dunk contest they said they were still working out how it would work the guitar hero type control was one they were experimenting with, and they claim that it is a lot of fun so I guess this con should be in titled we should wait and see. As for cross overs I believe you can control the speed, in the video they showed Beasley coming down with a down cross in order to sike the defensive player.
Don't be a 2K apologist, for their sake.
# 32 Bulls321974 @ 08/23/12 09:15 PM
That just keeps making me mad: Things that have been totally correct and realistic have been removed now! Don't get it!
# 33 Bulls321974 @ 08/23/12 09:17 PM
The lack of realistic presentation is also something that I completely refuse. If there was a company that cared about presentation, it was 2K! What happened? Why does the game look so arcadish at times?
# 34 JwP23 @ 08/23/12 09:44 PM
Great post. I 200% agree on this pros and cons.
# 35 coolcras7 @ 08/23/12 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by jreezy18
Don't be a 2K apologist, for their sake.
And who is doing that, I don't agree with writing a pros and cons of a game we have yet to play and only based on 5 minute videos from a old build and the fact that we have people who have played a newer build and a another version exist beyond that , even the positives could be gone with tweaking going on at 2k studios, there are to many unknowns.
# 36 kjjnesb @ 08/23/12 11:37 PM
I have a problem with the presentation too. Feels so empty.... not only are you treated to a super cartoonish overlay with Mics and Bling everywhere but you cut to pregame rituals then straight to tipoff.
# 37 Thunder Storm @ 08/23/12 11:40 PM
If 2K had the EA style of presentation and overlay including the ESPN license.

This game would literally be a GOTY candidate.
# 38 eko718 @ 08/24/12 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
And who is doing that, I don't agree with writing a pros and cons of a game we have yet to play and only based on 5 minute videos from a old build and the fact that we have people who have played a newer build and a another version exist beyond that , even the positives could be gone with tweaking going on at 2k studios, there are to many unknowns.
The article is merely about the author's pros and cons to what has been revealed about the game, not the pros and cons of the game itself. Its about what the author is excited about and not so excited about based on what has been revealed to this point. There is no matter of fact right now, only expectations based on information. We all have these things we are excited about and not so excited about; this author chose to speak about them.
# 39 coolcras7 @ 08/24/12 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by eko718
The article is merely about the author's pros and cons to what has been revealed about the game, not the pros and cons of the game itself. Its about what the author is excited about and not so excited about based on what has been revealed to this point. There is no matter of fact right now, only expectations based on information. We all have these things we are excited about and not so excited about; this author chose to speak about them.
I get that but if you look at some of the responses, some people are taking the article at face value, i have seen a few responses taking about how 2k did not fix this and that based on this article this is how mis-information get out.
# 40 eko718 @ 08/24/12 01:00 AM
I see what you're saying. Unfortunately that's how some people react to anything pertaining to 2K. I am sure that we will receive more than enough info over the next month to sufficiently satisfy all questions anyway.

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