Madden NFL 13 News Post

The Madden NFL 13 demo will not arrive tomorrow, it's looking more likely to release on Tuesday, August 14th. When we get a specific date and details for the demo, we'll be sure to post it.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 dougdeuce @ 08/08/12 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Weird, no demo today and Kingofmaddensp is nowhere to be found.

Who ever could have seen THAT coming...

Back on topic though, next week would be great. Two weeks to mess around with the demo before release will definitely be enough for me.
But... but... he KNOWS people!!!
# 82 speedy9386 @ 08/08/12 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by IWWROCKS
If dude from other thread really was directed to FIFA line, it's highly likely that line is based over here in the UK. Based on the time I think it was probably already Wednesday here when dude phoned, meaning a Thursday release for demo. Not saying a demo is coming, but timings for me would suggest Thursday not today.
To my understanding the rep said tommorow. Doesn't tomorrow mean tomorrow no matter what the time difference is? I would have understood if he said on Thursday or something like that.
# 83 moneal2001 @ 08/08/12 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by speedy9386
To my understanding the rep said tommorow. Doesn't tomorrow mean tomorrow no matter what the time difference is? I would have understood if he said on Thursday or something like that.
well if it was Wednesday were the rep was and said tomorrow then that would mean thursday. time zone difference does mean something if the rep is looking at the screen and it says august 9th and then looks at his calender and it already says august 8th, while the for the caller it was still august 7th.
# 84 sic6six @ 08/08/12 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by dboyfresh89deuce
If the demo drops tomorrow, great. If it doesn't, then the 14th I wait. Thank God Preseason football is back to make the weekend go by faster. But if it does drop tomorrow, its only 10 where I'm at, then that would make perfect sense with Gamestop's promotion of a $30 trade in credit for NCAA13. Why would they stop the promotion before the demo drops, to me that gimmick wouldn't make sense. It would at least allow the consumer the opportunity to play the game and make a buyers judgement of either preordering the game or not. Its all speculation at this point and anticipation for most. Since no one has actually confirmed details on the demo yet; our only hope is to see if it pops up tomorrow and if it doesn't then a week we will have to wait.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2
FYI Bestbuy is offering up to 40 dollars for NCAA 13 and you get 20 dollar gift card for buying Madden.
# 85 speedy9386 @ 08/08/12 12:07 PM
Is there anyone that lives in the UK to tell us whether the demo dropped or not?
# 86 StL_RamZ @ 08/08/12 12:16 PM
U guys are so gullible Ugh
# 87 moneal2001 @ 08/08/12 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by speedy9386
Is there anyone that lives in the UK to tell us whether the demo dropped or not?
the day hasn't changed there yet. its only 5:15pm there.
# 88 SuckaRepellent @ 08/08/12 12:17 PM
I'm thinking sometime next week possibility of Friday.

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2
# 89 Herschie @ 08/08/12 12:38 PM
I guess EA must have known that I have two finals to study for, and so they decided to release the demo next week instead of this week.
# 90 Greenbacks420 @ 08/08/12 02:28 PM
PSN down could be updating PS store may have hope
# 91 Greenbacks420 @ 08/08/12 02:57 PM
Guess not PSN is up no demo
# 92 roadman @ 08/08/12 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by comen
I totally agree with this!! You would think they would be releasing info/gameplay every week to give something to the fans and build the hype, but no!! Instead they will release the gimmicks, advertisments, and the same old BS!! Why isnt there a release date for the demo? Is it some big secret, lol!! Even if the game is decent it still will be plagued with flaws!! This is the 1st year of the new engine? Think for a second, they been at this for 7 maddens on the 360 and in my opinion the game has been almost total junk!! Is it the technology, not enough money, lack of competition, or is it EA?? What is it that makes Madden football (in the year 2012) such a terrible game!! Ya to people that dont know football and arent die hard football people, the games have looked great! Ooh, aah it looks so real but they dont know!!!!!! This kills me because SOME people want a game that is on par with the year that we live in!!
All that from a demo release date thread? lol.

Anyway, it's probably at MS or Sony certification stage, and both parties haven't let EA know an exact date.
# 93 fishfan77 @ 08/08/12 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by comen
I totally agree with this!! You would think they would be releasing info/gameplay every week to give something to the fans and build the hype, but no!! Instead they will release the gimmicks, advertisments, and the same old BS!! Why isnt there a release date for the demo? Is it some big secret, lol!! Even if the game is decent it still will be plagued with flaws!! This is the 1st year of the new engine? Think for a second, they been at this for 7 maddens on the 360 and in my opinion the game has been almost total junk!! Is it the technology, not enough money, lack of competition, or is it EA?? What is it that makes Madden football (in the year 2012) such a terrible game!! Ya to people that dont know football and arent die hard football people, the games have looked great! Ooh, aah it looks so real but they dont know!!!!!! This kills me because SOME people want a game that is on par with the year that we live in!!

Relax... If it comes out next tuesday, that will be TWO full weeks ahead of the release. If you are EA you want to come out right about 10-14 days before the release. Generate some excitement. You dont want it to come out too soon before the release...

A lot of people are reading into nothing.....
# 94 DeuceDouglas @ 08/08/12 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by comen
I am relaxed lol. Why isnt this info posted to their site?? Do you have a special site that you go to? Please share!!
It's just assumed at this point. Nothing has been officially announced but all signs point to it being released next week based on past experience.
# 95 djordan @ 08/08/12 03:57 PM
Really excited to play the demo to actually see the difference between Madden 12 tackling and Infinity engine tackling.
# 96 Brian_OS @ 08/08/12 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by comen
They probably wont release a demo just so you have to buy it to find out if it garbage or not??
Ha Ha.. that's cute
# 97 DeuceDouglas @ 08/08/12 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by comen
Is it assumed that the game is going to be great too!! Ive assumed for the past 8yrs and look where that has gotten me lol! But I guess, I will assume along with everyone else that it will be worth buying??
I don't know what any of that has to do with the demo being released next week but okay.
# 98 roadman @ 08/08/12 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by comen
Is it assumed that the game is going to be great too!! Ive assumed for the past 8yrs and look where that has gotten me lol! But I guess, I will assume along with everyone else that it will be worth buying??
What does the demo being released have any relevance to the past?

You do what you want with your money.
# 99 Skyboxer @ 08/08/12 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by comen
Well, the demo does give us some clues to how the game will play!! But if the demo comes out and bites, ea will say something like, "ITS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS" or "THIS ISNT THE FINAL PRODUCT" LMAO!!
You mean like every game company in the world?
# 100 mojo6911 @ 08/08/12 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
Really excited to play the demo to actually see the difference between Madden 12 tackling and Infinity engine tackling.
When you are disappointed, the fanboys will say it is because it is a demo.

When the game drops, the fanboys will make up another excuse. "This is the first year." "They didn't have time to do it, wait until next year!"

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