Madden NFL 13 News Post

The Madden NFL 13 demo will not arrive tomorrow, it's looking more likely to release on Tuesday, August 14th. When we get a specific date and details for the demo, we'll be sure to post it.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 XplosiveRunna26 @ 08/06/12 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by StrawHat Patriot
But it's coming out august 28th so shouldn't the demo be out tomorrow based on the last two years?
I just hope if we do have a demo that the demo plays out well.Im Wondering which teams would we be allowed to choose from (hopefully eagles are one of them lol).
# 22 Ky3217 @ 08/06/12 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyJerz32
I'm fine with that. I'm still playing NCAA anyway and without the infinity engine they should play the same... Right?
I would think so seeing as they're only animations. As for throwing collisions into those animations, I have no idea.
# 23 Darth Aegis @ 08/06/12 01:41 PM
Kinda disappointed but no big deal to me. I mean I never been blown away by a madden demo anyways that i can remember. It just a little tease anyways makes me want to play the whole game with all the bells and whistles which what a demo is intended to do. Its more of I just want to play a new nfl football game with the preseason starting up this week and the real season not far behind. I love this time of year! make me wait longer lol is so depressing when the season is over it goes to fast.
# 24 jfsolo @ 08/06/12 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by RGiles36
The anticipation sucks! However, it also sucked having the game in-hand and having to wait weeks for the week 1 roster update to officially begin franchises.

So there's give and take. I want the game now, but I like that when it hits retail, the week 1 roster update won't be far behind & thus franchises can begin sooner.
Yeah, I totally agree with this, especially since everyone is now dependent on the Official roster updates. If it was releasing tomorrow or next week, people would be going insane waiting for a roster that they could take into CCM.
# 25 DeuceDouglas @ 08/06/12 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by MaddenSaints
Not true, they have said it is a very early representitive of the game. Will the demo include the engine
Do you have a link? I haven't heard anything pertaining to the demo.
# 26 SageInfinite @ 08/06/12 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by MaddenSaints
Not true, they have said it is a very early representitive of the game. Will the demo include the engine
The demo will include the engine, it's a core part of the gameplay.
# 27 DJ @ 08/06/12 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Which likely means next Tuesday. FYI
Thanks for the heads-up. I've got a ton on my plate this week anyway, so one less distraction to worry about.
# 28 StL_RamZ @ 08/06/12 03:56 PM
the 14th sheesh ive been saying this in every demo thread lol (per. pasta)

i think ea is probably too afraid to release a demo with the Infinity engine is probably not where they want it too be for the demo or maybe they just want to avoid all the hostility from people dissecting everything and finding all the negatives than positives...

people complain over screen shots so maybe the demo will be...well do i need to say

well to speak for me.. i love the screenshots and im still looking forward for the game and demo...i don't hate i appreciate
# 29 DeuceDouglas @ 08/06/12 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by StL_RamZ
the 14th sheesh ive been saying this in every demo thread lol (per. pasta)

i think ea is probably too afraid to release a demo with the Infinity engine is probably not where they want it too be for the demo or maybe they just want to avoid all the hostility from people dissecting everything and finding all the negatives than positives...

people complain over screen shots so maybe the demo will be...well do i need to say

well to speak for me.. i love the screenshots and im still looking forward for the game and demo...i don't hate i appreciate
I don't see how anything is different than years past though. If they release the demo next week, it falls right in line with what they've done in previous years.
# 30 lilgame06 @ 08/06/12 04:04 PM
yea, i didnt think the demo was coming out this week either. 2 weeks before release makes sense to me.

But I have to agree with several others...it's a tad worrisome that they haven't released any kind of gameplay videos to this point. I would like to see a full quarter or a half (if not a full game) played in fullscreen (not off-screen), just showing off some of the new catch animations, and ball trajectories, and tackling physics.
# 31 SageInfinite @ 08/06/12 04:05 PM
The waiting continues.....
# 32 DeuceDouglas @ 08/06/12 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by lilgame06
yea, i didnt think the demo was coming out this week either. 2 weeks before release makes sense to me.

But I have to agree with several others...it's a tad worrisome that they haven't released any kind of gameplay videos to this point. I would like to see a full quarter or a half (if not a full game) played in fullscreen (not off-screen), just showing off some of the new catch animations, and ball trajectories, and tackling physics.
Here's two raw gameplay videos from E3. They're both about ten minutes long.


# 33 at23steelers @ 08/06/12 04:23 PM
Ea just does whatever is good for their marketing team. They don't care that we want the game to spend a lot of time with during the summer hours. They don't care that we want the demo sooner rather than later. They'll make more money if there's more weeks in between NCAA and Madden, especially for the NCAA team; not to mention, they'll be more hype around the NFL when it's right before week 1. So, they do what most companies do and focus on hype and marketing above consumers wants.
# 34 cuttingteeth @ 08/06/12 04:28 PM
Now that I think about it, I don't remember seeing a commercial last night during the HOF game, either. Not that I could have missed one, but...?
# 35 at23steelers @ 08/06/12 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Honestly... I'm not going to download the demo. Seriously.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Sorry, I think your a good poster. But, I hate these comments, since you're a GC. I know you didn't try to rub it in. But lets be honest: you've played a more recent version of Madden 13 already, so you're right there's really no reason for you to play it. And, more importantly, you'll probably get the full game before we even have the chance to download the demo. It just rubbed me the wrong way a little, but it's no big FN deal!

To the people who say E3 for gameplay videos, half the videos seem in super speed. And for someone who values commentary, it's sure annoying to try to pick up what they're saying above the noise. Just saying!
# 36 cuttingteeth @ 08/06/12 05:38 PM
I would appreciate a retail-esque demo more than anything, actually. I think there's too much we all want to know that wouldn't be figured out playing two teams in one exhibition game.
# 37 at23steelers @ 08/06/12 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Sorry man, that wasn't my intention. I'm just not a big demo guy unless it unlocks something I would use. But honestly I think this demo will be the closest to retail in many areas that we have ever seen.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
That's what I figured, because you're a good dude from what I can tell. I agree, demos have their purpose, but don't tell the whole picture. A HUGE upgrade in Madden won't even be touched in the demo for people on the fence: CCM.
# 38 TreyIM2 @ 08/06/12 06:24 PM
[quote=SageInfinite;2043970122] The waiting continues.....[/QUOTE

Lmao!...but my reaction was more like "CUFF!!!", unedited and no Snoop Lion image in my head.
I was hoping for an early release like 10's demo was (wasn't it, at least with that preorder deally at Game Stop??) but then I figured since there was no week before notice, at the very least, that we could be lookin at the ole 2weeks prior deally. And this woulda been the perfect week to release it since preseason kicked off yesterday. Wouldn't be surprised if it got snuck in there for tomorrow. I can hope, can't I?
# 39 SteelerSpartan @ 08/06/12 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by at23steelers
That's what I figured, because you're a good dude from what I can tell. I agree, demos have their purpose, but don't tell the whole picture. A HUGE upgrade in Madden won't even be touched in the demo for people on the fence: CCM.

If theres sliders/Game Speed/Thresh Hold

Then I will.....

I'll be able to gauge whether I want to even think about stomaching another year of Super DTs N' Patty Cake or Zig Zagigng

If thats still running rampart+The loss of features that I value in CC.....I might as well stick with 12
# 40 DeuceDouglas @ 08/06/12 06:48 PM
When does the ratings stuff end?

I figure once all that's through, we'll get some details on the demo. Teams and such.

Hopefully it is like last year with 5-minute quarters but commentary is stripped out.

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