Madden NFL 13 News Post

The Madden NFL 13 demo will not arrive tomorrow, it's looking more likely to release on Tuesday, August 14th. When we get a specific date and details for the demo, we'll be sure to post it.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 rangenius @ 08/07/12 05:27 PM
There is no lockout this year, so why the late release date of August 28th?

I say we boycott to teach them a lesson? Who is with me? Stop being sheep.
# 62 DeuceDouglas @ 08/07/12 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by rangenius
There is no lockout this year, so why the late release date of August 28th?

I say we boycott to teach them a lesson? Who is with me? Stop being sheep.
They didn't delay the release last year because of the lockout.
# 63 blklightning @ 08/07/12 06:30 PM
14th is a bad time to release the demo since that's the day that Sleeping Dogs comes out.
# 64 darknmild @ 08/07/12 06:58 PM
I could be wrong but it seems that this Madden team is very arrogant. i just hope it translates into a great game.
# 65 dboyfresh89deuce @ 08/07/12 07:00 PM
If they release it next Tuesday than its only gana be 10 days till the early release. Why wait so long to drop a demo? The anticipation is aggravating, mainly because we all want to try the new infinity engine, see what its all about and make our own assessments of the game. I tweeted Josh Looman and he said a demo is coming and EA said on twitter that no date has been confirmed or discussed, so who knows.

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# 66 SageInfinite @ 08/07/12 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by darknmild
I could be wrong but it seems that this Madden team is very arrogant. i just hope it translates into a great game.
I've always thought Tiburon this whole generation has come off arrogant.
# 67 Gjordan @ 08/07/12 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by dboyfresh89deuce
If they release it next Tuesday than its only gana be 10 days till the early release. Why wait so long to drop a demo? The anticipation is aggravating, mainly because we all want to try the new infinity engine, see what its all about and make our own assessments of the game. I tweeted Josh Looman and he said a demo is coming and EA said on twitter that no date has been confirmed or discussed, so who knows.

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How long ago did you tweet him.?
# 68 SageInfinite @ 08/07/12 08:40 PM
Honestly I just can't wait to play this game.
# 69 dboyfresh89deuce @ 08/07/12 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Gjordan
How long ago did you tweet him.?
I tweeted him at around 12 am pacific time and he tweeted me back this morning at 715am, I tweeted him back if it was going to drop today but still no reply

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# 70 illwill10 @ 08/07/12 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Honestly I just can't wait to play this game.
Yeah. Besides the Madden Mondays(which is stuff we know already), there has been anything(not counting the online stuff) since the e3 vids stopped.

I just want to play the demo to see how the game feels.
# 71 roadman @ 08/07/12 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by darknmild
I could be wrong but it seems that this Madden team is very arrogant. i just hope it translates into a great game.
I don't mind arrogance if it's warranted, but seriously, can't get a read on this Madden team because they don't post here.

Anything else is just pure speculation.
# 72 psychraider32 @ 08/08/12 02:56 AM
Its tomorrow dammit.
# 73 dboyfresh89deuce @ 08/08/12 03:07 AM
If the demo drops tomorrow, great. If it doesn't, then the 14th I wait. Thank God Preseason football is back to make the weekend go by faster. But if it does drop tomorrow, its only 10 where I'm at, then that would make perfect sense with Gamestop's promotion of a $30 trade in credit for NCAA13. Why would they stop the promotion before the demo drops, to me that gimmick wouldn't make sense. It would at least allow the consumer the opportunity to play the game and make a buyers judgement of either preordering the game or not. Its all speculation at this point and anticipation for most. Since no one has actually confirmed details on the demo yet; our only hope is to see if it pops up tomorrow and if it doesn't then a week we will have to wait.

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# 74 jbd345 @ 08/08/12 08:08 AM
Well, just past 7 am here on the east coast and no sign of the demo (based on last nights information). Guess we have to wait until the 14th.
# 75 roadman @ 08/08/12 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Well, just past 7 am here on the east coast and no sign of the demo (based on last nights information). Guess we have to wait until the 14th.
Yep, tomorrow is today and I don't see it either, 7 am in the midwest. Oh, well, the sun is still shinning, though.
# 76 aceoye @ 08/08/12 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by dboyfresh89deuce
If the demo drops tomorrow, great. If it doesn't, then the 14th I wait. Thank God Preseason football is back to make the weekend go by faster. But if it does drop tomorrow, its only 10 where I'm at, then that would make perfect sense with Gamestop's promotion of a $30 trade in credit for NCAA13. Why would they stop the promotion before the demo drops, to me that gimmick wouldn't make sense. It would at least allow the consumer the opportunity to play the game and make a buyers judgement of either preordering the game or not. Its all speculation at this point and anticipation for most. Since no one has actually confirmed details on the demo yet; our only hope is to see if it pops up tomorrow and if it doesn't then a week we will have to wait.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk 2
You should be ok. Gamestop does not stop the promotions until the day after the full game comes out.
# 77 Dj_MyTime @ 08/08/12 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
Yep, tomorrow is today and I don't see it either, 7 am in the midwest. Oh, well, the sun is still shinning, though.
Raining here...
# 78 DickDalewood @ 08/08/12 11:32 AM
Weird, no demo today and Kingofmaddensp is nowhere to be found.

Who ever could have seen THAT coming...

Back on topic though, next week would be great. Two weeks to mess around with the demo before release will definitely be enough for me.
# 79 IWWROCKS @ 08/08/12 11:41 AM
If dude from other thread really was directed to FIFA line, it's highly likely that line is based over here in the UK. Based on the time I think it was probably already Wednesday here when dude phoned, meaning a Thursday release for demo. Not saying a demo is coming, but timings for me would suggest Thursday not today.
# 80 bukktown @ 08/08/12 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by IWWROCKS
If dude from other thread really was directed to FIFA line, it's highly likely that line is based over here in the UK. Based on the time I think it was probably already Wednesday here when dude phoned, meaning a Thursday release for demo. Not saying a demo is coming, but timings for me would suggest Thursday not today.

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