NCAA Football 13 News Post

Why does EA need to patch in the new playoff system?

Well, it’s the biggest change in college football since the implementation of the BCS. And the shadow of the playoff will be hanging over the college football season. If it’s not in the game, then EA is failing to deliver the most accurate product possible.

Read More - Why EA Needs to Patch the New Playoff in to NCAA Football 13

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# 21 Playmakers @ 07/02/12 02:29 PM
even if they could add it this year why would they do it?

Think about it EA needs have to have something that they lable as NEW AND IMPROVED seen for the 1st time ever in their games every year.

Next year this feature will be their MARKETING HYPE for NCAA 14.

It was once included on the old PS2 system even without a college football playoff system in place.

But my point is in this day age EA always needs something to boost their HYPE machine and this playoff addition for NCAA 14 will be their bread and butter next year.

They'll probably leave gameplay as it is right now untouched and spend the year working on installing the playoff system into Dynasty mode and call it the deepest most inovative dynasty mode ever......
# 22 Sublime12089 @ 07/02/12 02:30 PM
I would like to see it patched, but I also think it is unfair to expect this year. Next year however....
# 23 Ramminyou @ 07/02/12 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
Since everyone knows that there is zero chance of this happening(they already came out and said that it wasn't happening) this article seems like an attempt to rile up the folks who are already angry at the NCAA development team, and are looking for something else to pile on about.
Judging by some of the replies, I'd say that mission has been accomplished.
# 24 malky @ 07/02/12 02:37 PM
I swear some of you guys make more excuses for ea than a mother who's son is on death row. this absolutely could have been included in this years game. Every report since jan 2012 has said the playoff is on the way in College football So If they wanted to they could have done something if they "wanted" to and approval from NCAA ? heck they are the ones changing the system!!! Of course they would approved it and with sales being down it would have been a great draw ...that being said, it better be in next year's game.... who cares if you get every detail right; a playoff is a playoff something fans have wanted in the game for a long time
# 25 DerkontheOS @ 07/02/12 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
even if they could add it this year why would they do it?

Think about it EA needs have to have something that they lable as NEW AND IMPROVED seen for the 1st time ever in their games every year.

Next year this feature will be their MARKETING HYPE for NCAA 14.

It was once included on the old PS2 system even without a college football playoff system in place.

But my point is in this day age EA always needs something to boost their HYPE machine and this playoff addition for NCAA 14 will be their bread and butter next year.

They'll probably leave gameplay as it is right now untouched and spend the year working on installing the playoff system into Dynasty mode and call it the deepest most inovative dynsaty mode ever......
You are dead on...
# 26 tbennett54 @ 07/02/12 02:39 PM
They should just give us a option for a playoff system. With 4,6,8 and 16 teams choices
# 27 Ramminyou @ 07/02/12 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by malky
I swear some of you guys make more excuses for ea than a mother who's son is on death row. this absolutely could have been included in this years game. Every report since jan 2012 has said the playoff is on the way in College football So If they wanted to they could have done something if they "wanted" to and approval from NCAA ? heck they are the ones changing the system!!! Of course they would approved it and with sales being down it would have been a great draw ...that being said, it better be in next year's game.... who cares if you get every detail right; a playoff is a playoff something fans have wanted in the game for a long time
The NCAA likely would want the correct system in place, not just any system. The details of the playoff have not been finalized. It also would require them to rework the bowl season in Dynasty. As someone with experience said earlier in this thread, that is probably not as easy as it looks.

Some of you let what you want to happen control what you expect to happen, even if it isnt realistic.
# 28 blkrptnt819 @ 07/02/12 02:51 PM
It will not be in effect for 2 years and on top of that i'm not a fan of the playoff system at all. So no, I hope they don't put it in until the absolutely have to.
# 29 AiDub @ 07/02/12 02:51 PM
Won't happen. Even if everything was ironed out IRL, EA knows that this sort of addition is a key feature in a future iteration that will draw hype. It would be dumb of them to implement this as a patch post-release without the buildup they could be getting if they announced it for NCAA 14 a few months before launch.
# 30 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 07/02/12 02:56 PM
If the details are ironed out by, lets say, October, then yes it should be patched in. I'm not sure about EA's game cycle, but I think if by October 1 the details are ironed out it should take maybe a month to make the playoffs with testing and patch it in for the proper season and beyond.

I highly doubt EA would ever try anything like this though based on their history of a sheer lack of post release support for their products.
# 31 chlnmtchll @ 07/02/12 03:06 PM
The NCAA hasnt even given specific details about the playoff system so I dont see it coming to the game until their is some more details on the system itself. Yea EA slacks from time to time but why add something that the public knows little about
# 32 DerkontheOS @ 07/02/12 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kaiser Wilhelm
If the details are ironed out by, lets say, October, then yes it should be patched in. I'm not sure about EA's game cycle, but I think if by October 1 the details are ironed out it should take maybe a month to make the playoffs with testing and patch it in for the proper season and beyond.

I highly doubt EA would ever try anything like this though based on their history of a sheer lack of post release support for their products.
The last two links in your sig are the same destination.
# 33 jfsolo @ 07/02/12 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Ramminyou
Judging by some of the replies, I'd say that mission has been accomplished.
Mission accomplished indeed. The one good thing to come out of it is that it lets me add a few more bad actors to my ignore list.
# 34 Richzilla @ 07/02/12 03:13 PM
They wont patch this in ever. Wont be in next year either.

Championship game will happen in Jan 2015.

They will never add this to an old version of the game as they want you to buy the new one.

There will be a ton of hype around the playoff system for the 2015 version....wait an see.
# 35 malky @ 07/02/12 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Ramminyou
The NCAA likely would want the correct system in place, not just any system. The details of the playoff have not been finalized. It also would require them to rework the bowl season in Dynasty. As someone with experience said earlier in this thread, that is probably not as easy as it looks.

Some of you let what you want to happen control what you expect to happen, even if it isnt realistic.
Of course it isn't realistic cause we're talking about EA
# 36 Brandwin @ 07/02/12 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by jaybird2585
I wrote about this last night, saying that the lack of a playoff system combined with the problem of last year, will result in a decent number of buyers just waiting until NCAA 15 comes out if the playoff format is not included into next years game.
I seriously doubt a no playoff will have much of an impact and people not buying until 2015?
# 37 NaturalSelected @ 07/02/12 03:45 PM
Sorry, but if it's not set in stone every piece of how it will be implemented, it doesn't belong in the game.

And even if the entire process was set in stone, it's a licensing issue. They will only put the real, licensed playoff in the game (probably sponsored btw).
# 38 Brandwin @ 07/02/12 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Stampede_94
You are THE ONLY game in town, then you have to do these things. EA needs to be working around the clock right now to make this happen and prove why people need to buy their product. Instead they will just sit back and wait for the lemmings to buy it this year as they have years past.

Exclusivity has been completely abused by this company and I for one can't wait for the day when they are caught on it.
But do you buy the game every year?

EA doesn't have to patch in playoffs and I really don't think they should. You think there is going to be a huge sales increase if they announced a playoff patch was coming?
# 39 jmik58 @ 07/02/12 03:47 PM
The addition of the playoff system could be one of the biggest marketing strategies for next year's game. I don't see EA giving up such a valuable piece like that.

If it was in, I'd be more tempted to buy this year's game, but for the reason I stated above I don't see them adding it this year.
# 40 huntswithweim @ 07/02/12 03:53 PM
For Christ’s sake the four team playoff doesn’t take affectfor two more years. The details of the playoff are vague at best. If they didpatch it in it would just screw something else up anyway.

You idiots are basically asking EA to patch something in tothe game that’s not in affect yet and won’t be until 2014 with almost nodetails on how it is going to work with the bowl games and selection process. Pleasego back to complaining about how the third string defense tackle for Iowa St.has the wrong facemask.

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