NCAA Football 13 News Post

The NCAA Football 13 demo is out. Post your impressions here.

360 only right now, PS3 will be up later tomorrow!

**Update: PS3 demo is available now.**

Game: NCAA Football 13Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 60 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 gtyjrocks @ 06/05/12 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by gopirates11
do you need xbox live gold to download?
With Xbox live gold you get it a week early. So you can get it next week.
# 122 HarkTheSound @ 06/05/12 03:22 PM
The ball actually stops by the endzone and doesn't roll in for a touchback every time! Hallelujah!
# 123 Pezell04x @ 06/05/12 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by AttackAttack
What do you do to get the espn bottom line to show up?
That's not a good question. Hope it was just a glitch for you.
# 124 cparrish @ 06/05/12 03:24 PM
One great thing I am noticing is the pass rush is coming from the outside, on the ends, and not up the middle like it was in NCAA 12.
# 125 cparrish @ 06/05/12 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by AttackAttack
It's still not showing up for me
Is your TV on zoom mode?
# 126 tylerd02 @ 06/05/12 03:28 PM
There is someone streaming them playing the demo here: http://www.twitch.tv/sup3r_novaa
# 127 BA2929 @ 06/05/12 03:28 PM
I'm liking the sounds of how the gameplay is feeling different to some people. But, this is what happens nearly every year in regards to the demo so I'm going to have to fire it up tonight after work to see for myself. Also, I'm not too concerned about the Play by Play and Rece Davis because this is a demo and most companies (especially EA) are notorious for not including much in that area. Even if it stinks, I've dealt with the same commentary for 8 years now and Erin Andrews was as boring as a piece of white paper on a desk the past few years. I can get over that pretty easily.

This is one of those days where I hate working a 2pm-11pm shift at a tv station. Hopefully people keep updating this thread for the rest of the day.
# 128 TajDeni @ 06/05/12 03:28 PM
if you love college football and enjoyed your time spent with ncaa12 and all you really care about is on-the-field, then ull most likely find what your looking for in ncaa13, because on-the-field is markedly better than ncaa12.

the new wr animations are sweet, really nice imo

outside of gameplay, the game is str8t up boring. presentation and commentary are lackluster and the pop-ins will get old quick because they are lifeless. ud be better off turning it off and finding your own form of noise or go with playing in silence. its that dull anyways.

graphics are only marginally better than last yr.

if anything the demo has only further pushed my decision about that other football game, because im sure the gameplay will be atleast as good as the gameplay in ncaa, tho prolly better with the physics and all the other fluff surrounding that game is vastly superior.
# 129 Playmakers @ 06/05/12 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by khaliib
Could you give a little more detail about this area Play?

Could it be the case of certain Ratings need adjusting again (eventhough we can't see them in the Demo)

Is there a difference between teams/players as the selected schools are on different levels as far as the type of talent on their rosters?

Does AI utilize it's top/star players or is it much of the same of the one that's open?

What's your impression on the Camera.
Is there a playable Broadcast Cam or we're stuck with "one" angle that adjust?
Camera is default you can't shange it....

I only played Kansas St and Baylor switching off against their offense in both games to see how CPU plays.

Option Attack isn't really about ratings right now it's about the logic of the CPU and how they run the Option. I saw QB's pitching the ball with a defender right there at the RB. Then i saw one time where the Baylor QB just stopped right in the middle of the Option play and never pitched it or turned up field to run he simply stopped and got tackled.

WR's were lazy in blocking i think they could do a better job maybe with ratings and sliders but right now I'm tired of editing this crap i want guys to do their job out of the box fundemental things shouldn't need to be edited.

Demo is only 4 minute qtr's so it's hard to say if the CPU will utilize their star players a lot based on the demo.

I mentioned this earlier I think DT's need to be slowed down in terms of acceleration when chasing QB's....they seem to ge a burst of speed or something.

It could be because the game is on crack speed at default i'm not sure yet....

RB's are ok but they don't seem to break out any moves right now...that could easily be fixed so i'm not worried about that aspect right. I just wish EA would give them more life on the field out of the box.

Passing game is smooth is as butter i have no complaints with this aspect of the demo. But i wish EA would add all the passing ratings we get in Madden because I saw no difference in the two CPU QB's when throwing deep or medium passes.

This is only with Kansas St and Baylor so take my feedback with a grain of salt right now as I've yet to play USC or Oregon which might be totally different I'm hoping.
# 130 xcanadaman9x @ 06/05/12 03:30 PM
The crowd is sounding good.Baylor got a penalty and the crowd kept booing until they snapped the ball.
# 131 Tyler_Bullard @ 06/05/12 03:33 PM
I do believe I just seen a white guy with long hair for Oregon !
# 132 J-Unit40 @ 06/05/12 03:34 PM
The lighting in Tiger Stadium is great. After each play, night creeps in and it appears well done.
# 133 mrprice33 @ 06/05/12 03:35 PM
#35 on Alabama is a beast. He's picked me twice, once for a TD.
# 134 Tyler_Bullard @ 06/05/12 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by mrprice33
#35 on Alabama is a beast. He's picked me twice, once for a TD.
Same as my game he had 2 picks and a sack
# 135 mrprice33 @ 06/05/12 03:40 PM
Just broke a screen pass 30 yards to the 1 against bama and the LSU crowd did a fantastic job reacting. The crowd reactions are damn near perfect.
# 136 Rondorampage9 @ 06/05/12 03:42 PM
What uniforms do you get when you share the demo?
# 137 Playmakers @ 06/05/12 03:45 PM
I honestly wish they would have kept the colors in NCAA 11 and the field.

i haven't been impressed with either in 12 or this 13 demo....everything just looks dull and i think they could've done better.

gameplay is always #1 to me but the field and colors look horrible.
# 138 Skyboxer @ 06/05/12 03:46 PM
Downloading now. Hope it sparks something and gets me wanting the game.
# 139 Td1984 @ 06/05/12 03:46 PM
Just beat Baylor 24-10. Led 17-0 at the half. It would've been more lopsided, except I struggled with the new passing feature. Nearly blew that 17-point lead. Baylor pulled to within 17-10 in the 4th because they started keying on my running game. Then with about 1:30 left, I started sacking their QB on consecutive plays and on 4th & long, sacked him on his own 2. Ran it in on the next play with my HB to finally seal it. It was definitely more close than I am used to (couldn't adjust the difficulty either).
# 140 mrprice33 @ 06/05/12 03:48 PM
Something I noticed is that the game is considerably darker during night gameplay than during the cutscenes. The players are not being properly lit.

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