MLB 13 The Show News Post

With the MLB 2K series all but confirmed to be dead, Kotaku's Owen Good has posted an article on what MLB 13 The Show must do to keep the fans of baseball gaming happy. It should be interesting, considering a simulation baseball game for the 360 doesn't look very likely.

Your long slog through your career in Road to the Show makes the game's threadbare commentary painfully apparent. I think the world of Matt Vasgersian but he is shackled to an outdated commentary engine given to repetition and dead air. Dave Campbell's dialogue library is really showing its age, and a majority of his work sounds like Dave Campbell playing Dave Campbell. Eric Karros should be thanked for his service and sent home. The Show has world class visuals and a smooth, if minimalist, broadcast presentation. The commentary supporting it has not pulled its weight in years.

In your opinion, what does MLB 13 The Show need to do next year to satisfy your baseball gaming needs?

Source - If We Won’t Have MLB 2K to Kick Around Next Year, Here’s What The Show Must Do (Kotaku)

Game: MLB 13 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 761 sydrogerdavid @ 12/20/12 01:51 AM
I, for one, would love to see a 2000s version of Busch Stadium. That's the park I grew up in. I can't say know for a fact, but I would imagine the Cardinals still have the rights to that stadium.

At the same time though, I still not even happy with how the one today looks like in the game. Why would I want to push it with another one? Then again, the Cardinals already have the first Busch Stadium.
# 762 blueduke @ 12/20/12 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I think they went in with that first batch as a test run...they were low cost(except for the Polo Grounds....they wanted one or the other...Ebbets or Polo) to see if they could come relatively close to keeping it going.
Not so close.
I'm not sure how close they could come to trying to resemble some real old time stadiums without getting "in trouble"...but that would work for me!
Just gotta keep asking.

All Star Baseball had the old Yankee Stadium, Comiskey Park, Sportsmans Park, Shibe Field, Houston Astrodome, Forbes Field, and the Polo Grounds. Was it easier back then to legally incorporate those old stadiums in video games?

EDIT: In ASB 2005 you could even take a virtual tour of all the old and current (at the time) stadiums. Could even replay the "Steve Bartman" incident. Had working scoreboards too. Really miss that game along with the High Heat series. HATED making rosters for ASB though. Was a real pain in the behind. Apologies for getting off topic
# 763 tabarnes19_SDS @ 12/20/12 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jordan93
Realistic Contracts it would make franchise running a small budget team so much more realistic. Can't stand nick Swisher making 1.2 million in the game when he makes nothing close to that and every team in the game bidding on and being able to afford Cano when only 23 of the 30 mlb teams can even afford to pay him in real life. Cano will not sign with the A's for 5 years and 60 million.... not realsitic at all. You guys need to make player contracts reflect real life contracts or at least be close. You guys have the length right bit not the dollars no idea why, every other sports video game does Fifa, Nba 2k, Nhl,Madden. Maybe it's your license agreement wich I've read on here. Although I don't see it since every website, Newspaper, sports channel release the length and amount of contract. Even the MLB site releases it and Baseball teams actually hold Press confrences, confrence calls and have agents, Players, GM"s and Owners telling media and public of the length and full dollar amount of players said contract even the yearly breakdown and signing bonus so it's public knowledge.
It would only require paying a guy for one day and researching the actual contract length and amount using sites like cot's and Team press releases.

Thank you for creating a great baseball game and hearing the public wants. Another quick note Franchise would be so much more worth while if you actually had real team budgets where the Rays no matter how many games they win can't spend more than 60 million on payroll and have to try to compete agaisnt the Yankees 190 million: whcih would work in your game with real player contracts. Also Bullpen, Bench coach in game and Coaches pictures in game simliar to Madden not a big deal but you have their nameing rights so why not their face.

While SCEA cannot replicate contracts exactly, one thing I have asked for is to make contracts a little more proportionate. Those B potential players should sign for deals for more than 1.5 million.(I think of nick swisher from 12) The devs hear us on that and I think they are open to tweaking it in the future.
# 764 jr86 @ 12/20/12 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165

I love this list.
Especially #6!

Seriously though.
Player roles...this is something tabarnes is talking to the dev team about for a future feature. AaronSCEA has already given us some great ideas on things he would like to add if they work on player roles in regards to FA signings and how a player will be effected in your 5 day window for re-signing(and hopefully mid season signings) such as offering a spot in the rotation....assuring the CPU role...or a starting position on the team.
I love the idea because it adds another layer of strategy.

#4 will still be in...I'm sure.
Who knows?...maybe it will be even better

Knight, if you are insinuating that we are going to be able to FF per batter rather than 1/2 inning(PLEASE GOD!) then i am taking credit for this as i asked Eddy for this last year...
# 765 I3RIS3H @ 12/20/12 01:14 PM
I really hope the devs can fix the problem with the home plate umpire adjusting his mask after EVERY pitch. This is so annoying that I can't even use the broadcast cameras.
# 766 zack4070 @ 12/20/12 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by I3RIS3H
I really hope the devs can fix the problem with the home plate umpire adjusting his mask after EVERY pitch. This is so annoying that I can't even use the broadcast cameras.
Totally Agreed
# 767 BoSox5 @ 12/20/12 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
While SCEA cannot replicate contracts exactly, one thing I have asked for is to make contracts a little more proportionate. Those B potential players should sign for deals for more than 1.5 million.(I think of nick swisher from 12) The devs hear us on that and I think they are open to tweaking it in the future.
Any chance for editable contracts or maybe the ability to release a player to free agency and offer them a new contract?
# 768 Knight165 @ 12/20/12 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by BoSox5
Any chance for editable contracts or maybe the ability to release a player to free agency and offer them a new contract?

# 769 tabarnes19_SDS @ 12/20/12 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by BoSox5
Any chance for editable contracts or maybe the ability to release a player to free agency and offer them a new contract?
There is the work around of editing the players ratings and then doing the free agent 3 swap trick to give the player larger or smaller contracts. This must be done in the front end not in franchise mode.
# 770 BoSox5 @ 12/20/12 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
There is the work around of editing the players ratings and then doing the free agent 3 swap trick to give the player larger or smaller contracts. This must be done in the front end not in franchise mode.
Yea I knew about this workaround but I was just curious if SCEA was considering adding/changing something to avoid doing that.
# 771 Knight165 @ 12/20/12 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by BoSox5
Yea I knew about this workaround but I was just curious if SCEA was considering adding/changing something to avoid doing that.
As of last year they weren't allowed to.
Perhaps with the lapse of the exclusive...we might see that in future releases.
I definitely bring it up to Aaron for '14.
(to late for '13 even if they got permission I'm sure...as it would require changes in the editor and it's too late for that.)

# 772 RoyalBoyle78 @ 12/20/12 09:41 PM
Might be silly to ask, but are real team budgets and player saleris real this year?

Sent from best phone on the planet!!!!
# 773 rangersftw @ 12/22/12 07:40 PM
Would be nice when playing multiplayer if you could choose specific positions to be. For example player 1 could be the RF and 1b and player 2 could be the 3b and SS, with the rest being computer controlled. Even All-Star Baseball had this feature.
# 774 CabreraMVP @ 12/22/12 09:53 PM
I think a great feature would be the ability to control the weather before games in franchise.

Also, this could be a memory space issue, but in depth player info. It would be nice to see innings pitched on player cards. I look at a free agent and see he had a 3 ERA, but was that in 9 innings or 100 innings? Make's a big difference.

Like everybody else, I would love number ratings and not bars.
# 775 Knight165 @ 12/22/12 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by rangersftw
Would be nice when playing multiplayer if you could choose specific positions to be. For example player 1 could be the RF and 1b and player 2 could be the 3b and SS, with the rest being computer controlled. Even All-Star Baseball had this feature.
That was a cool feature in ASB.
I loved that series.
I wish it was backwards compatible on the XBOX360.
Is there a PS3 version that is BC?

# 776 Knight165 @ 12/22/12 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by CabreraMVP
I think a great feature would be the ability to control the weather before games in franchise.

Also, this could be a memory space issue, but in depth player info. It would be nice to see innings pitched on player cards. I look at a free agent and see he had a 3 ERA, but was that in 9 innings or 100 innings? Make's a big difference.

Like everybody else, I would love number ratings and not bars.
Controlling weather would be cool.
I think they would go for that at some point.

I'm nearly positive we'll see a ton more tracked stats on the PS4.
I too wish we could track just about everything. It does make a big difference in franchise mode.

# 777 CabreraMVP @ 12/22/12 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Controlling weather would be cool.
I think they would go for that at some point.

I'm nearly positive we'll see a ton more tracked stats on the PS4.
I too wish we could track just about everything. It does make a big difference in franchise mode.

Football allow you to control the weather, the show allows you to in quick games, it's a common feature.

Franchise is tough because the bar ratings, along with just Wins, losses, and ERA makes it extremely hard to judge players.

And the the main ratings from average, power, fielding, etc are pointless. Brendan Ryan has a D fielding ratings and he's probably the best shortstop in the game. Those ratings have always been so random and misleading

How sick would it be to click on a player card and have a fangraph/baseball reference type of page come up for them? Maybe on the PS4. lol.
# 778 cavsfan2 @ 12/23/12 07:34 PM
I'd like more skill involved in fielding, not just pitching and throwing the ball.
# 779 metal134 @ 12/25/12 01:27 AM
Stop making the fielders dive so much. I've had too many singles turned into triples because of this. It's very common.
# 780 Pasco08 @ 12/25/12 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by metal134
Stop making the fielders dive so much. I've had too many singles turned into triples because of this. It's very common.
Couldn't agree more agervates me so bad when this happens in RTTS.

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