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I dont want to have imagine what the commentators will say.
If this is how it will be, than I guess I will be listening to music while I play
# 23
Mr_Riddick @ 05/17/12 06:33 PM
# 24
DorianDonP @ 05/17/12 06:35 PM
I just don't see why EA can't just record conversations of the commentators and have those 'conversations' occur in the play calling screen. When a big play is in progress, then have them stop talking and comment on the play. And then resume the convo during the next play calling screen.
NBA 2k does this.
They will be like.
"The Lakers have had a tough month. They are finishing a..."
"Oh MY. Look at that dunk."
"As I was saying about the Lakers play this month."
Or something like that.
I can see if it was late in the 3rd quarter on 10 minute quarters and the commentators don't have anymore lines of dialog.
But this is opening possession. EA should have SOME lines of dialog that can be used. Talk about the rivalry. The Pac 12 standings. Historical facts. Anything.
NBA 2k does this.
They will be like.
"The Lakers have had a tough month. They are finishing a..."
"Oh MY. Look at that dunk."
"As I was saying about the Lakers play this month."
Or something like that.
I can see if it was late in the 3rd quarter on 10 minute quarters and the commentators don't have anymore lines of dialog.
But this is opening possession. EA should have SOME lines of dialog that can be used. Talk about the rivalry. The Pac 12 standings. Historical facts. Anything.
not bad. but not good. ill wait until E3 comes and see if it's REALLY improved or not.
# 26
redsfan4life @ 05/17/12 06:38 PM
I think this is the year where EA gets hit in the wallet when it comes to NCAA Football.
# 27
TheBrothers24 @ 05/17/12 06:39 PM
Man they need a new sound engine badly.
Hopefully NCAA gets the fifa sound engine next year that madden got this year.
Hopefully NCAA gets the fifa sound engine next year that madden got this year.
I won't lie. At first glimpse it looks a lot like 12. I think it looked good though. Maybe its just me, but it seems like the movement is a little smoother. I am mostly interested in the AI at this point. It was hard to tell much about that from the clip.
I was happy to see that the Dline no longer crouches up to the line. That was so ugly.
I did notice something strange with the DB on the TD pass like others have said. It looked like he turned away from the ball. I really hope this is not something we see in the final game. Things like that just kill the immersion.
I was happy to see that the Dline no longer crouches up to the line. That was so ugly.
I did notice something strange with the DB on the TD pass like others have said. It looked like he turned away from the ball. I really hope this is not something we see in the final game. Things like that just kill the immersion.
# 31
LionsFanNJ @ 05/17/12 06:50 PM
Looks exactly like 12. Ok I suppose. Pass rush is still stupid. No point in recruiting DEs again this year. I'm annoyed by the pass rush. Everything else is good but that just kills me.
# 32
redsfan4life @ 05/17/12 06:51 PM
Hopefully they bring it on the next generation of consoles, I mean it took them until NCAA 11 for me to put my PS2 games away...I really hope they ditch that exclusive license it'd be nice to see some alternatives.
# 33
redsfan4life @ 05/17/12 06:52 PM
I definitely wont put DEs as a priority in recruiting. I cant run a 4-3 base becuase of it.
People say OTs are overpowering and I guess that's kind of true because once you make contact with the DE you most likely play patty cake, however once I made a DE named Justin Smith 95 overall and he finished the season with 22 sacks, I didn't play with him once.
# 36
SuperNoVa27 @ 05/17/12 07:01 PM
It looks like NCAA 12
btw EA that is what jersey names look like.
I hope they do something big with the demo that they are holding out gameplay wise.....
btw EA that is what jersey names look like.
I hope they do something big with the demo that they are holding out gameplay wise.....
# 37
redsfan4life @ 05/17/12 07:03 PM
# 39
LionsFanNJ @ 05/17/12 07:03 PM
Its actually to the point I want to use the nanos from years past to free up DEs. I shouldn't have to do that for a pass rush. If I have a good front 4 they should be wrecking havoc on the OL. Sigh. At leat the passing is better...until I remember that the DTs will instantly shed blocks again this year thus giving you no chance to see them in action. It is what it is though it won't stop me from playing it. Maybe sliders will be effective in helping.
# 40
DorianDonP @ 05/17/12 07:08 PM
I hated it. I had to keep messing around with the pass rush and pass block sliders, and when I finally made it to where the DT wasn't getting 3-4 sacks a game, then it was nearly impossible for the DE's to get to the QB.
I honestly started putting my DE's at DT just so their stats could look realistic. I had Brandon Jenkins and Bjerne Werner playing DT on formation sub passing downs so I could rush the passer with them lol.
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