Madden NFL 13 News Post

Click the link below to follow along with the Madden 13 live webcast. EA will be covering presentation and a bit of gameplay today. Plus, stay tuned shortly after for OS' own detailed information from Madden NFL 13.

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Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 SageInfinite @ 04/25/12 12:41 PM
Good lookin on the link!
# 2 bellaballa @ 04/25/12 12:42 PM
How come the webcast says 2-3 ET then?
# 3 Broncos86 @ 04/25/12 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by bellaballa
How come the webcast says 2-3 ET then?
Madden NFL 13 Presentation and Gameplay Part 1 details will be revealed via webcast this Wednesday (April 25th) at 1pm ET! You'll be able to view the live show here! www.easports.com/madden
Perhaps they changed the time.
# 4 Broncos86 @ 04/25/12 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Oh great, 1pm was another marketing gimmick.

No way I am buying Madden 13 if I have to wait til 2pm for this webcast! lol
# 5 LBzrule @ 04/25/12 12:53 PM
It'll start in 7 mins I believe as people are logging in to chat right now. But then again, maybe not.
# 6 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/12 12:57 PM
This thing better start on time, my lunch is from 12-1, I'm cst
# 7 shad_moss93 @ 04/25/12 01:01 PM
Now it says

Live Webcast - April 25th 1-2:30pm ET
# 8 King Gro23 @ 04/25/12 01:02 PM
It says 1-230 ET now

Edit: I don't know if it's a tease or even legit or not but I see Cam Newtons card on the site and it shows him at a 89 OVR... That's something to talk about for now lol
# 9 ThaShark28_316 @ 04/25/12 01:02 PM
This webcast for a lot of people will be:


# 10 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/12 01:02 PM
Starts at 1:15

WEBCAST UPDATE: Still getting setup in the remote studio. We'll be live at 1:15pm ET. Sorry for the delay guys. http://www.easports.com/madden-nfl/promo/madden-webcast
# 11 econoodle @ 04/25/12 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by SageWonder
....... Aaaaaand nothing

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
so it needs to start exactly 1pm on your clock. lol
# 12 roadman @ 04/25/12 01:04 PM
These head shots must becoming popular on forums, now. lol

# 13 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/12 01:07 PM
While we're waiting, go vote for Megatron

# 14 roadman @ 04/25/12 01:08 PM
Eh, maybe the clock is a little slower on the right coast. lol
# 15 PantherBeast_OS @ 04/25/12 01:08 PM
Live Cast been delayed until 1:15. They are still setting it up. Getting excited about this. Bring it on.
# 16 SageInfinite @ 04/25/12 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
These head shots must becoming popular on forums, now. lol

What have I done!?!
# 17 djordan @ 04/25/12 01:14 PM
Let's see how this goes...
# 18 jpdavis82 @ 04/25/12 01:14 PM
Let's go I'm ready, got my d-_-b on and I'm ready to go!
# 19 raguel @ 04/25/12 01:16 PM
I should be studying for my A+ cert but hey I can do that later

I hope they do a better job than the NCAA guys on how the new passing system does a better job in terms of the qb delivering the ball where you the player want it to go. That's already in, but in my experience pretty wonky (i.e. I have a hard time replicating it). Is it more user friendly or what?
# 20 ThaShark28_316 @ 04/25/12 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
These head shots must becoming popular on forums, now. lol

Yes, blame Sage.

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