Madden NFL 13 News Post

Madden NFL 13 features playbook kicks off on April 25th, with presentation and gameplay improvements.

Madden NFL 13 is all-new from boot up to credits. Every mode, every screen, every pixel has been reinvented delivering the most innovative, connected, and authentic Madden NFL experience in franchise history. Dont miss one feature announcement by following the Madden NFL 13 Feature Playbook, powered by GameStop.

Presentation (April 25th)

Madden NFL 13 delivers world-class presentation with an entirely new look and feel; plus, new commentators bring the game's broadcast to life.

Gameplay Part 1 (April 25th)

With a revamped passing game and the all-new Read and React Defensive AI system, Madden NFL 13 achieves greater realism on the virtual gridiron on both sides of the ball.

Audio (May 14th)

Madden NFL 13 delivers a superb audio experience that faithfully replicates NFL Sundays with a new commentary team and the implementation of innovative technology along with unique resources provided by NFL Films.

Gameplay Part 2 (June 4th)

A monumental change to Madden NFL gameplay creates the most authentic football experience to date, blurring the line between virtual and reality.

Connected Careers (June 4th)

With Connected Careers, Madden NFL 13 will revolutionize the way sports video game career modes are played.

Madden Ultimate Team (July 9th)

Madden NFL 13 Ultimate Team is the definitive way to experience virtual card collecting with new content and updates that mirror exciting NFL events throughout the entire year.

Madden Social (TBA)

A whole new way to experience Madden against your friends - anytime, anywhere.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 kbmnm247 @ 04/24/12 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by mestevo
And? That describes a lot more than 'just some social gimmick'

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I guess I was mistaken. I took your post as nothing having to do with social sites like twitter and fb whereas the EA website said it 100% had to do with social media.
# 122 kbmnm247 @ 04/24/12 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by josephid
They spend so much time on intros or cut scenes that I skip. Can we just get a save option for anytime in the game. Also, a user camera option. Last, how about a user, button configuration, controller option.
I agree with this. The EA cut scenes just seem so fake and contrived that I end up skipping through most. Whereas 2K's cut scenes and The Show's "cutscenes" flow naturally while playing the game. For example, is it even possible to show a coach on an NFL sideline with only 3 people in a 20 foot radius of him? Yet that is just what the madden cutscene for a coach is. It shows the coach on his headset yacking about something with like 5 people total on the screen with him. Just ends up looking silly.
# 123 ch46647 @ 04/24/12 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
Madden 13 will be built from the ground up. Does this mean they will be replacing the old canned animation system with a physics based system like NHL and Backbreaker? Because this is the only way I am buying this game in August.
Everybody is hoping this is the case. Most likely we will have to wait until next-gen systems for this kind of gameplay though.
# 124 bichettehappens @ 04/24/12 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Who wouldn't want FIFA physics

Oh my goodness that's hilarious lol. Careful what you wish for I guess haha
# 125 bichettehappens @ 04/24/12 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by ghettogeeksta
Madden 13 will be built from the ground up. Does this mean they will be replacing the old canned animation system with a physics based system like NHL and Backbreaker? Because this is the only way I am buying this game in August.
I never played Backbreaker but just watched a video of some gameplay. I think that would definitely be a step in the right direction. While most of the hits do look very realistic and organic, there were several that looked well worse than the canned animations we're used to (in my opinion), typically when a second defender came into contact with the play or when someone was hit mid-move.

Also saw a lot of the things Madden critics complain about (unrealistic spin move, stopping on a dime, no real "weight" to the players when running and changing direction).

It would be cool if Madden acquired that technology and then expanded on it and made improvements. Honestly I'd be surprised if they haven't at least explored that option, but with that said I doubt they ultimately went in that direction.

I wouldn't expect to see a full fledged physics system until next gen though, and I would hope they've had a team tasked with developing the infrastructure for that ahead of time but that's probably just me being way too optimistic.

Didn't mean to stray so far off the topic of this thread though, while the "every pixel re-invented" line makes it seem like we're in for a whole new system, I'd bet it's just another re-branding of an upgraded version of our current system. Which I'm fine with for now
# 126 RGiles36 @ 04/24/12 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
I never played Backbreaker but just watched a video of some gameplay. I think that would definitely be a step in the right direction. While most of the hits do look very realistic and organic, there were several that looked well worse than the canned animations we're used to (in my opinion), typically when a second defender came into contact with the play or when someone was hit mid-move.
I agree with you completely. I personally think mo-capped animations take a bad rap.

Think about how well APF animates -- not talking user control -- just pure animations. Straight mo-cap!

I think ideally, a combo of both physics and mo-cap is the sweet spot. The notion that the introduction of Backbreaker-and-FIFA-like physics to Madden is a cure-all is unfounded in my opinion.
# 127 kg54mvp1 @ 04/24/12 05:23 PM
picture of the saints huh? this either means madden 13 will have a bounty to ruin gamers' careers by making it an awful game, or spy on gamers and their thoughts to make it a great game!
# 128 Phobia @ 04/24/12 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
Oh my goodness that's hilarious lol. Careful what you wish for I guess haha
For the record since it seems some people didn't catch the sarcasm. I was being sarcastic that people really want the FIFA animation engine in the game even though it was HORRIBLE. I traded in FIFA 12 after like 3 weeks because I could not stand the physic engine. People would literally run you over online over and over and zero cards were given.

I have since bought FIFA 12 on PC and learning to like it. I mainly just wanted a sport game on my PC.

Originally Posted by rgiles36
I agree with you completely. I personally think mo-capped animations take a bad rap.

Think about how well APF animates -- not talking user control -- just pure animations. Straight mo-cap!

I think ideally, a combo of both physics and mo-cap is the sweet spot. The notion that the introduction of Backbreaker-and-FIFA-like physics to Madden is a cure-all is unfounded in my opinion.
I agree with Rgiles completely on this. Wow we agreed again man
# 129 Only1LT @ 04/24/12 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Unless they cut off half the screen on Wednesday and unless they just use the ANT tool for demonstration, we'll be able to see if it has anything to do with OL vs DL then along with physics ect. If they are showing game play from a build on Wednesday, then whatever is Game Play 2, has to be different than whatever you see on Wednesday or it will be the same and they just elaborate on it.

They could very easily demo what ever they want to demo tomorrow in an extremely old build and not give away anything that may be coming in June. It's often easier to do it this way, if you have many changes, so that you make sure what you want to focus on works, without having to integrate it with any other new additions that it hasn't been fully tested with.

Not saying that what they are showing in June will or won't be huge, just that you can't say for certain that you are seeing everything that there is or ever will be after tomorrow.
# 130 Phobia @ 04/24/12 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by kg54mvp1
picture of the saints huh? this either means madden 13 will have a bounty to ruin gamers' careers by making it an awful game, or spy on gamers and their thoughts to make it a great game!
So stupid, I find your comment redonkulas
# 131 LBzrule @ 04/24/12 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
They could very easily demo what ever they want to demo tomorrow in an extremely old build and not give away anything that may be coming in June. It's often easier to do it this way, if you have many changes, so that you make sure what you want to focus on works, without having to integrate it with any other new additions that it hasn't been fully tested with.

Not saying that what they are showing in June will or won't be huge, just that you can't say for certain that you are seeing everything that there is or ever will be after tomorrow.
never said you would see everything, but that you would definitely see what the game play would be like.
# 132 Only1LT @ 04/24/12 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
never said you would see everything, but that you would definitely see what the game play would be like.

Didn't mean to imply you meant everything. Still though, they could show what ever they want to focus on in an old build or even Madden 10 if they wanted to and it wouldn't mean that it is indicative of what you would see in June.

Again, not saying that what they show in June will or won't be revolutionary just that it is common practice to show builds that only contain the additions that you want to focus on, because it may not yet play nicely with all of the additions that will be in the final product.
# 133 EAGLESFAN10 @ 04/24/12 06:44 PM
should be good I just hope they show us actual gameplay but cant wait 2 hear what they present 2 us
# 134 Phobia @ 04/24/12 07:52 PM
They used powerpoint for our community day 1 presentation (when i went to FNC CD). So I think it had more to do with using similar platform to "present" game to the hardcore guys.
# 135 LBzrule @ 04/24/12 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
Didn't mean to imply you meant everything. Still though, they could show what ever they want to focus on in an old build or even Madden 10 if they wanted to and it wouldn't mean that it is indicative of what you would see in June.

Again, not saying that what they show in June will or won't be revolutionary just that it is common practice to show builds that only contain the additions that you want to focus on, because it may not yet play nicely with all of the additions that will be in the final product.
Doesn't make sense to do that if you are showing off new presentation in what you plan to release in late August. Secondly, why would they use Madden 10 to showcase anything when they've had people at CD already who have played and seen 13. It's time to let the new cat out of the bag, not dig up and old dead cat.

If it is an old build that they show, it will be an old build of 13. From my knowledge EA has never gone back intentionally to show us what is going to be in the new game by digging up a last year or the year prior to that. The only reason they would show something old is to show how the new is that much better. Never seen them do that otherwise.
# 136 LBzrule @ 04/24/12 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I just thought about this again and remembered they used Power Point for NCAA 13's gameplay reveal. Maybe that's to hide something else because they have never done that before, normally they show actual in-game footage, right?

So presumably they will do the same thing Wednesday with Madden 13, using Power Point to hopefully keep other upgrades under wraps.
But did they not show in-game footage for NCAA? I thought they did. They implemented the alignment feature on defense and they showed that. They showed the passing game mechanic. Sure there may be some things that we don't see. When I went to CD for 2010 there were some things that we didn't see like online franchise, players playing through injuries. If there is any inkling of physics engine in the game then the CD guys have already experienced it and I'm sure you might see some indication of that on Wednesday. They did not fly those guys down there for them to play the game without a physics engine so that they could not receive any feedback on it IF that is what they have in the game.

NCAA does not have double team blocking ect, they didn't keep that under wraps. They did not even re-write the pass blocking logic. That's not under wraps. You can tell from the footage that we have seen that this stuff did not get addressed. So why do you guys think they are gonna try to hide that stuff from you with Madden. IF they are going to hide anything it is something they don't want you to see, not because it is an upgrade but because it is something that needs to be "tweaked/fixed."
# 137 LBzrule @ 04/24/12 09:02 PM
Secondly, the whole "blur the line between the virtual and the real" has me thinking more of somehow mapping the real NFL into Madden. Haven't really thought it out yet.
# 138 LBzrule @ 04/24/12 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
They did it for ncaa this year.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
So let me ask this. Are you telling me in the grand scheme of things, that the NCAA I saw on the podcast does not reveal most of what the game play will be like?
# 139 itsbeefy11 @ 04/24/12 09:45 PM
given that the new announcing duo is Nantz and Simms (was announced on Awful Announcing last week), could this possibly mean some sort of broadcast integration?
# 140 roadman @ 04/24/12 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
1pm eastern

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Will it be presented like NCAA(webcast) or in a blog like form?

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