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It could be a perfect game and there would still be complaints about something. That's the world we live in.
Joystiq reports that Vita will house 512MB of RAM and 128MB of video RAM. That compares to 256MB of RAM in PS3 and 256MB of video RAM.
# 83
bluealtoid @ 02/08/12 04:56 PM
Baseball for me is not about getting through games as quickly as possible.. It's nice to take in a replay from an unexpected angle, see batter walk ups / reaction shots. Steps are made to try and recreate what we're used to seeing in real life- and those little flourishes are part of the game. You take them out and I'm constantly reminded that "Oh right, I'm on a portable". Immersion is lost- especially when compared to the flawless console version. I'm still SUPER excited about the Vita version and will be getting it the second it's available... But there's a part of me that will be thinking "It would've been so much cooler if..." all year.
When you look at the whole article......
"And claims that the machine is comparable to a PS3 in your pocket are seemingly quite legitimate.
Joystiq reports that Vita will house 512MB or RAM and 128MB of video RAM. That compares to 256MB of RAM in PS3 and 256MB of video RAM.
And while the video RAM is lower, Vita of course has a lower resolution screen and therefore does not have to output the 1080p visuals the PS3 is required to generate. The conclusion is that, visually at least, both consoles should be comparable."
I'd say they are both comparible to each other and the VITA wouldn't need scaled down.
Just my take
But the bottom line is that as far as the choice of presentation, it's been said that Advanced Fast Play is the only mode since SCEA speculated that's how most people would want to enjoy the game on Vita, and therefore developed that way.
The only constructive thing we can do to convince them otherwise is to give them feedback as such. Not accuse the devs/PR of hiding something.
So really the main difference is the space -bluray vs cartridge.
But rather that you are alluding to an idea that SCEA(in whatever dept) is trying to hide something about the Vita ......due to YOUR belief that the fact that it is fast play only is some sort of limit on the game due to a limit on the machine and not a dev decision to do so....when the devs have said....that is how they wanted to present the game this year on the Vita!
Call it what you want....but it's not a common sense leap IMO.
It's baseless.IMHO
Makes perfect sense to have fast play on the Vita, a screen of that size is not made for extended playing time.
# 93
bluealtoid @ 02/08/12 06:20 PM
If fast play were an option for PS3 that's how i'd be playing, lol.
I'm hoping the gameplay is the same on Vita/PS3 that I can use the same set for both. From what I have gathered, I think that will be the case so it'll be good...
# 100
Woodweaver @ 02/08/12 09:05 PM
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