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MLB 12 The Show Videos
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# 42
Russell_SCEA @ 02/07/12 02:12 PM
I'm game development you always shoot for the lowest common denominator. I would much rather have someone say they think the ball is to big, rather them saying its to small. If it's to small and you can't bat or field correctly then you won't play the game.
# 44
rodperezto @ 02/07/12 03:20 PM
It looks to me as if the ball were bigger when it leaves the bat and goes back to normal size after being caught and thrown to another fielder. Am I wrong here? Not a game breaker for me but it looks a little odd.
# 46
Spider Tre @ 02/07/12 03:39 PM
only thing i don't like is that they still leave GABP's backstop blank...
# 52
KMRblue1027 @ 02/07/12 10:27 PM
Waiting for Ps Vita to come in my country. Will buy it the same day it releases here. With such processor and Gpu, its gonna be a completely great gaming experience without unfollowing itself. Also, MLB 12 on PsVita looks awesome.
We live and we Die, So then why do we cry.
We live and we Die, So then why do we cry.
I would have preferred the option of maintaining the full presentation/replay/cut scene experience on the Vita. Is it confirmed that none of this is available - including any automatic replays after a "great" play, etc?
I have a quick question as I am really struggling with whether to get a Vita or not. What would be a major reason to get a 3G/Wifi as opposed to just a Wifi version? When you save on the Vita, not every save is to the cloud right? I can transfer from the PS3 to the Vita at home with Wifi, save from the cloud to the Vita at home with Wifi, and then play while I am away. The when I get home I can transsfer from the Vita to the PS3. Ic that correct?? I don't need to be hooked to the internet everytime I save on the Vita do I?
Also, IIRC roster vault and sliders are available to download on the VIta, correct?
Also, IIRC roster vault and sliders are available to download on the VIta, correct?
I'm still doing research on this and sharing what I have gathered so far. Please correct me someone if I'm wrong.
It's a matter of preference and your usage. I don't need access to the network all the time and Vita with 3G won't be available in where I live, so I'm going with WiFi.
You might need 3G if you will be using some application where universal access to the network is essential/useful, but if you are a mostly offline guy I don't see the value (not to mention you need subscription which costs more $$ monthly). I have a Kindle with 3G and that's been useful when I'm shopping in an offline bookstore without WiFi and want to check Amazon reviews and stuff (something local bookstore despise me of I suppose), but it's still not an absolutely essential feature for me.
I believe that's how it works. You can transfer between Vita/PS3 via WiFi and cloud (one save file per mode), and you can also save locally (as many saves as you like) on Vita/PS3 without being on network.
You might need 3G if you will be using some application where universal access to the network is essential/useful, but if you are a mostly offline guy I don't see the value (not to mention you need subscription which costs more $$ monthly). I have a Kindle with 3G and that's been useful when I'm shopping in an offline bookstore without WiFi and want to check Amazon reviews and stuff (something local bookstore despise me of I suppose), but it's still not an absolutely essential feature for me.
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