Only played the demo, waiting to see if my friends get it. It's one of those games I want to play with people I know like a lot of the other sports games I play. However, I would like to say it seems a lot like the original but slower. Not sure if that's the HD upgrade issue or not. It may just make us feel like its slower with a bigger screen, cripser details and higher framerate.
Secondly I feel like the game overly favors offense. I can remember some big defensive battles on Blitz 2000. My family would always play huge matches at Christmas and we'd end up with nailbiters that were very low scoring. Seems this game loves offense.
I've noticed some stuff on Youtube like players changing name, number and skin color mid play. I've not personally had this happen, but from the 3-4 videos I've seen, I hope this is just someone pulling our legs and not really going on. Anyone here on OS care to let us know if they've experienced this issue?
And last but not least, I think it's a very well put together game to remind us of the classic. It's not exactly the way I remember it, nor is it the best game I've played, but I think it's a respectable first offer. At least they didn't do what they did with NBA Jam. I was one of those people who bought it day 1 for retail only to find out instead of supporting my version they were going to make a cheaper/better version a year later.
How do you lateral? I'm playing on 360 and it says "x" but I never lateral the ball. Can someone help me out. I'm playing the trial to decide if I want to buy it. So far it seems better than Madden Arcade.
@ #51: I played quite a bit of NBA Jam at the arcade and have owned two portable versions of the game since the glorious SNES / Sega Genesis days (NBA Showtime for Game Boy Color and NBA Jam for iPhone) so I ask this with sincerity:
Doesn't NBA Jam get very repetitive? Is this new On Fire Edition more than the turbo-dunk-stop-repeat motif? I really loved the NBA Street games (v3 specifically) and have been hoping that they will update it (and NFL Street). What am I missing out on?
Is icon passing available in the demo? I'm not finding it, I only see the two control options of Blitz and Arcade, and nothing customizable about them.
How do you lateral? I'm playing on 360 and it says "x" but I never lateral the ball. Can someone help me out. I'm playing the trial to decide if I want to buy it. So far it seems better than Madden Arcade.
In co-op, I think you press the juke button to lateral if you're the QB.
Mods just a thought, but can you replace this Blitz forum with the old Blitz the league forum? This one looks like its going to need it. Just a thought.