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ESPN's Jon Robinson has posted his MLB 12 The Show hands-on preview, as he talks about the new Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, collision awareness and much more.

Another big gameplay improvement comes in the form of the new "Pulse Pitching" dynamic. If you're not a fan of last year's analog pitching, you can go back to the old-school buttons, only with a new level of intensity that really helps up the challenge of pinpointing pitches. Basically, after selecting your pitch and location, you'll need to hit X to pitch the ball (same as classic pitching). Only now, there is a giant pulsating X on the screen in the location of your pitch, and you need to time your button press when the X is at its smallest point in order to throw the ball accurately. The more you're off, the bigger the X will be when you throw the ball, making your pitch wild, or even worse, left hanging right over the plate for someone like Albert Pujols to crush over the fence. I was a fan of the analog pitching last year, but I have to say, after about four games of switching back and forth between the analog and the pulse, I ended up playing the rest of the games with the pulse pitching and I don't think I'll go back to the analog once the game ships. It just feels right to me.

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Russell_SCEA @ 12/13/11 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
some good stuff there.....any chance a *playoff mode* gets in there this year?
Not this year
# 62 tiptop00 @ 12/13/11 11:46 PM
Russell all i want to know is can you use regular zone hitting when playing online?
# 63 DJ @ 12/14/11 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The stride timing window has been opened up a bit to help compensate for the added difficulty. Also the games default pitch speed is a little slower than it has been in the past.
That's good to hear on the pitch speed. Is there a Timing-Analog option, where we just stride and swing, and the player rating determines the PCI placement?
# 64 mjsonoma01 @ 12/14/11 01:04 AM
"Add to that the addition of Season and Franchise mode in co-op, new pitcher confidence logic, and franchise improvements that include new contract logic, improved trade logic and an all-new free-agent signing process, and you have the baseball game "Show" fans have been waiting for."

I cried when I read this. So happy.

Thank you.
# 65 Black59Razr @ 12/14/11 01:55 AM
I have never seen a design team work so close with the public as SCEA! I only play sports games though. I can't wait to trade in Madden and get TheShow!

SCEA should make an unlicensed football game as close to the NFL as possible, and let the community create the rosters! I would love to see this type of a team put together a football game!
# 66 Russell_SCEA @ 12/14/11 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by tiptop00
Russell all i want to know is can you use regular zone hitting when playing online?
You can play however you want online.
# 67 YanksFan4Life @ 12/14/11 03:30 AM
Awesome read... this sounds like it will be by far the best "Show" game to date. Until '13 releases

The new collision and tag animations, ball physics sound amazing.

Lets also not forget:

* Gloves closing when catching the ball

* New Ball off bat/Ball catching in glove sounds
# 68 Russell_SCEA @ 12/14/11 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
That's good to hear on the pitch speed. Is there a Timing-Analog option, where we just stride and swing, and the player rating determines the PCI placement?
Yes that's pure analog batting we added that last year.
# 69 ARoid1313 @ 12/14/11 04:43 AM
Is there anything added to real time presentation?
# 70 nemesis04 @ 12/14/11 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
That's good to hear on the pitch speed. Is there a Timing-Analog option, where we just stride and swing, and the player rating determines the PCI placement?
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes that's pure analog batting we added that last year.
I think DJ is referring to a mode where you do not have to guide the upward stick movement to the left or right like last year. Just have a pure down then up mechanic. I could be wrong though.
# 71 Qb @ 12/14/11 09:55 AM
Glad to hear about the revamped ball physics, as something always felt "off" about the movement of the ball. It wasn't enough to significantly downgrade the overall experience for me, but I suspect it will greatly improve it if they nail it.

new pitcher confidence logic
This is something I'd like to hear more about leading up to release (cough...dev blog please...cough). Jon slipped it into the By The Numbers section, but to me it could have a big impact on the game.
# 72 DJ @ 12/14/11 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I think DJ is referring to a mode where you do not have to guide the upward stick movement to the left or right like last year. Just have a pure down then up mechanic. I could be wrong though.
Thanks for clarifying, Nem, as that's exactly what I'm looking for.
# 73 LastActionHero @ 12/14/11 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
Thanks for clarifying, Nem, as that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Me to but I must say I never pushed up left or right but still played a great game.
# 74 nemesis04 @ 12/14/11 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by DJ
Thanks for clarifying, Nem, as that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Me to but I must say I never pushed up left or right but still played a great game.
I don't believe that option is in the game. I believe it is the same as last year and now you have the option to use the left stick for PCI placement.
# 75 Battman @ 12/14/11 02:33 PM
What I really hope is that there will not be add-on content for money, like the stats add-on this year. Not that I am not willing to pay some extra money. But I am from Europe and will have to import the game for the fifth straight year. And the stats add-on was not available on european PSN, which really pi**** me off. So I hope 2011 was not a test for more add-ons this year.
@Russell: or is there any chance we Europeans can buy the add-ons?
I would've loved to play the game with the extra stats
# 76 Shredder345 @ 12/14/11 02:42 PM
Everything sounds good so far. The thing I am most interested in is seeing the free agency system. I realize this is a little late, but is there any chance that A+ and A league teams can be added. That would make add more to the promoting prospects aspect. As it is now, everyone starts in advanced ball or they are in the A category but don't even have stats. If this is done, then the draft will need to be expanded to have enough players in the game.

I realize this would probably make saves a lot bigger and slow down the game. The game would have to keep up with 1050 more players and their stats and play 60 more games a day. Any chance it is already in the game or will it have to wait until later games?
# 77 Pared @ 12/14/11 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
Ancient chinese proverb?
# 78 nemesis04 @ 12/14/11 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Ancient chinese proverb?
No Calgon!
# 79 Knight165 @ 12/14/11 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
No Calgon!
You're dating yourself old man!

# 80 spit_bubble @ 12/14/11 04:18 PM
Okay... Russell_SCEA...

It's about time for you guys to bust out some videos.

I wanna see the new ball physics, animations, and collision detection in action.

I humbly wait for your response...

But seriously do it now.

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