News Post

For those of you not reading the comments in the MLB 12 The Show screenshots thread. Russell has sprinkled in some early tidbits of information from the game. Check them out below.
  • 14 new umpires with all new personalities
  • Fielders will close their gloves on catches
  • New cleats

Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 CubFan23 @ 12/04/11 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by MetsFan16
I wanna hear more about the improvements to both Road to the Show and Franchise. Mostly Trade Logic in both modes because last year the Trade Logic was terrible.
I want this too, more important than new cleats.
# 22 pj_28 @ 12/04/11 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
I'm pretty sure it's 4 but I'm not 100% sure. The thing is in The Show 10 (not sure about any versions before) the strike zones were pretty well defined and you knew what you could do. For some reason in The Show 11 the umpires weren't calling games that well. One pitch would be called a strike and if that same pitch was thrown again it wouldn't be. It's just as managers in baseball say "I don't care what the strike zone is, just be consistent." I didn't feel it was that way in 11. Something changed about that area of the game. Hopefully for 12 they will get it on the right track again because I absolutely love how they have this feature. It really puts this game over the top IMO. It just adds so much realism when it's done well.
To me that depends on the umpire, some umps in baseball are regularly graded as the worst in the league and are known to have inconsistent strike zones (CB Bucknor and Joe West) and others are very consistent (Jim Joyce and Jim Wolf). If they do what happens in FIFA and they tell you who is behind the plate you would learn what umps are consistent and what umps are going to make you pull your hair out.

I hope that if they do get Joe West they have one of his country tracks play every time he ejects someone.
# 23 sportdan30 @ 12/04/11 06:24 PM
Please please please add a MLB 2K style presentation.....PLEASE!!!!!
# 24 bwiggy33 @ 12/04/11 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by pj_28
To me that depends on the umpire, some umps in baseball are regularly graded as the worst in the league and are known to have inconsistent strike zones (CB Bucknor and Joe West) and others are very consistent (Jim Joyce and Jim Wolf). If they do what happens in FIFA and they tell you who is behind the plate you would learn what umps are consistent and what umps are going to make you pull your hair out.

I hope that if they do get Joe West they have one of his country tracks play every time he ejects someone.
No doubt you are correct on that. I just think that it wasn't done as well as it was in MLB 10. To me MLB 10 had the umpires down perfectly. There was just something about 11 that didn't seem right. It was not a huge issue to me because I would rather have them miss more calls than give more calls. It was enough for it to bother me a little bit though. The best but worst feeling I get in this game is when an ump misses a no doubt strike 3 and then I give up a huge hit on the next pitch. It just feels like baseball. I absolutely can not wait for 12. For some reason I'm more excited than 12 then I was for 11. This game can only get better.
# 25 Perfect Zero @ 12/04/11 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by pj_28
I hope that if they do get Joe West they have one of his country tracks play every time he ejects someone.
I don't think they have real umpires in the game. If I'm not mistaken, all Russell said was that there would be fourteen additional umpires. That is unless they have a license with the Umpire's Union; in which that would be bad because they probably want to be viewed in a positive light without variable strikes.
# 26 joshtree14 @ 12/04/11 08:36 PM
3d grass didn't add anything to madden, it's only visible in replay mode. Do you play the game from replay mode?
# 27 Knight165 @ 12/04/11 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Perfect Zero
I don't think they have real umpires in the game. If I'm not mistaken, all Russell said was that there would be fourteen additional umpires. That is unless they have a license with the Umpire's Union; in which that would be bad because they probably want to be viewed in a positive light without variable strikes.
I'm pretty sure they will be SCEA created umpires.
Somebody make the Wiki guide to SCEA umpires and their strikezones!

# 28 pj_28 @ 12/04/11 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Perfect Zero
I don't think they have real umpires in the game. If I'm not mistaken, all Russell said was that there would be fourteen additional umpires. That is unless they have a license with the Umpire's Union; in which that would be bad because they probably want to be viewed in a positive light without variable strikes.

Oh I highly doubt they use real umps, I was just poking fun at Joe West's quick hook and terrible music.
# 29 nomo17k @ 12/04/11 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Somebody make the Wiki guide to SCEA umpires and their strikezones!
Speaking of which, do we have a wiki page for the Show somewhere? I don't know if that sort of thing can be set up at OS but it would actually be nice to gather all the (informal) info that we discussed about the game in one place, so that we don't have to (ask people to) search the forum all the time.

I saw some info on the Show nicely collected at some other gaming site, but t isn't a wiki (what I remember is some how-to's) and for old iterations of the Show.
# 30 econoodle @ 12/04/11 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by ILurk
Just play MLB 2K if you want their style of presentation.

I hope the jerseys blow in high winds. that would be a little icing on the cake. they're doing excellent in improving this game year to year anyway.

Just play MLB 2k8 if you want jerseys blowing in the wind.
and 15 fps.

Not for nothing but he might prefer The Show overall and wants them to implement a nice presentation package.
Its very possible thats the only thing he likes about 2k. Its fine for him to want that in this game.
Him and thousands of others I am sure.

Umps, cleats and all that doesn't do much for me.
Personally I cant wait for franchise, stat and presentation info.
# 31 bp4baseball @ 12/04/11 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm pretty sure they will be SCEA created umpires.
Somebody make the Wiki guide to SCEA umpires and their strikezones!

I would be more than happy to make one if you let me know where is the best place to make one. I could see it not only having information on the umpires, but other scouting information, and maybe serve as a feedback area that's always open. A sub page for each stadium/team could be updated as people notice tiny details wrong, or items deleted as they are fixed in the game.

We could also keep it updated with uniform details.... almost like a reference place to go for The Show
# 32 K_GUN @ 12/04/11 10:03 PM
* fielders close their glove upon catching the ball*

yawn--does anybody really care?
# 33 bp4baseball @ 12/04/11 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
* fielders close their glove upon catching the ball*

yawn--does anybody really care?
Yes, while not a mind-blowing feature, just another nice detail to add to a solid game.
# 34 K_GUN @ 12/04/11 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by bp4baseball
Yes, while not a mind-blowing feature, just another nice detail to add to a solid game.
not knocking a solid game

would rather have *dynamic weather*...or *TRUE day-night daylight progression*
# 35 Blzer @ 12/04/11 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
not knocking a solid game

woud rather have *dynamic weather*...or *TRUE day-night daylight progression*
And I'm sure if this were a debate on which was more important, proper daylight progression would unanimously win over the voters.

This thread was created as a front page article for Operation Sports; this wasn't something that the developers came forth with to announce big back-of-the-box features. Steve merely publicized the "Easter eggs" that were noticed by members in these few screenshots.

I'm sure we'll have many more things to be able to pick apart when SCEA starts delivering more of the goods. Unfortunately, seeing the first screenshot with Latos, I can see a similar sky to last year's night games, which might (only might) indicate that they didn't put forth a new progression system, particularly one that ties in both day time and night time (or simply one that transitions differently than in previous years, even though last year we got a new system). However, I'm expecting many alterations in presentation this year. Even if it's a combination of little things such as the game's text font, they will all go a long way to giving the game a good face lift.

If it doesn't happen, hey... at least players close their mitts.
# 36 yankeesgiants @ 12/04/11 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm pretty sure they will be SCEA created umpires.
Somebody make the Wiki guide to SCEA umpires and their strikezones!

It would be nice if we could edit them like we can the players.
# 37 SoxFan01605 @ 12/04/11 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
not knocking a solid game

woud rather have *dynamic weather*...or *TRUE day-night daylight progression*
I agree, but those are never the kind of features that are mentioned in December though. It's always a bunch of little things (usually visual, since early stuff is usually also screenshot related). So them talking about gloves closing now has virtually nothing to do with what made it in in terms of the more important stuff. It's appetizer material.

As far as people caring or not about the gloves closing, I'm sure those who have been complaining about it for the last few years care. For me, it's likely to be one of those things I haven't ever really been concerned with, but once I play with it will be unable to do without...lol. That's how these little things usually tend to work for me. As always, I'm just happy when any material starts flowing in...means baseball (virtual and actual) is around the corner!
# 38 Knight165 @ 12/04/11 11:03 PM
Actually, SCEA wasn't talking about any of this....it just happened to come into conversations in the threads as a result of some pics of the new game that were posted.
They are not touting any of these things as "new features" per se.....just what guys picked up and Ramone confirmed.

# 39 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/04/11 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by joshtree14
3d grass didn't add anything to madden, it's only visible in replay mode. Do you play the game from replay mode?
This, and it had a framerate hit.
# 40 green94 @ 12/04/11 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
not knocking a solid game

would rather have *dynamic weather*...or *TRUE day-night daylight progression*
I'm with you K-Gun... Hopefully more info to come.

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