NBA 2K12 News Post

If I'm judging sports games based on this generation of consoles, then NBA 2K stands above the rest. But if I think back to the beginning of this generation, it's hard to imagine saying such a thing. It's easy to forget now, but Live and NBA 2K went their separate ways back in 2005 when the Xbox 360 launched.

NBA 2K was coming off a couple "misfires" as the PS2/Xbox era was winding down with NBA 2K5 and NBA 2K6, which really just means these titles were good rather than amazing, and Live had peaked with Live 04 and Live 05. That being said, both engines were under fire for being a bit outdated as we entered the "next-gen" era. So what ended up happening with the launch of the Xbox 360 in 2005 was that gamers got two basketball games that were on divergent paths. The 360 version of NBA 2K6 was a high-res version of the PS2/Xbox game in many respects, and NBA Live 06 was a stripped down game with a new engine and a lack of modes. Again, it's hard to remember, but at the time I do remember many people saying, "Live might not be as good as NBA 2K this year, but it has the much more promising future."

And then the NBA 2K7 demo happened, and trailers like this one happened, and then it was over. NBA Live 07 was actually worse than Live 06 while NBA 2K7 served as the beginning of a gaming dynasty. Yes, the engine still got criticized a bit for feeling outdated, but a mix of signature style, graphical presentation and a renewed focus on refining and updating the game engine really began again with NBA 2K7.

Read More - NBA 2K Is the Champ

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# 61 TalenT @ 09/11/11 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by convince
No disrespect to the official signature trailer but the moment that open my eyes to NBA2k was thanks to the trailers made by eDotd and DaCzar themselves. I never watched two trailers so many times before. Still today in my eyes the best fan made trailers I've seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfW0u3IgCCE

Walk up anis......
# 62 STLRams @ 09/11/11 04:04 PM
Great write up, couldn't agree more. Man I remember the first time I saw that NBA2K7 momentous trailer, my mouth dropped, so excited. Then I remember I was in Best Buy and that had NBA2K7 playing on the XBOX360 in the store when it was released, I was amazed how that game looked, from that year on NBA2K has dominated.
# 63 scottyp180 @ 09/11/11 05:34 PM
I completely agree about what he said about the 2k7demo. I remember from the moment i downloaded the demo until the game came out that is all I would play. Like Chase said the game doesn't hold up today but at the time it was easily the best basketball game available. I find it amazing how much 2k has improved since 2k7 especially in the signature style department. I love seeing how much they can mimic the on court moves and looks of players. I also agree that 2k is one of, if not, the best sports game at catering to both casual and hardcore fans. I consider myself a hardcore basketball fan and I love the fact that I can play the game against my roommates and have fun games.
# 64 scottyp180 @ 09/11/11 06:12 PM
gotta add that this article is exactly why I love the 2k franchise. most of the yearly updates are to please the fans and not the "just because" changes Chase talks about. 2k actually listens to the fans on the 2k and OS forums. They take advice from people like DaCzar who knows basketball and knows what the game needs to become better. gameplay is refined to make a better game not to add a gimmick to say "hey look what we changed/added this year. Buy our game!" The Legends is the closest thing to a gimmick since the Shot Stick (which I think was a great innovation) and even the Legends is something that die hard basketball fans have wanted for years. After reading this I honestly feel like going and paying off my reserve for the game right now lol.
# 65 Steven123 @ 09/11/11 08:09 PM
I miss NFL 2k
# 66 ChaseB @ 09/11/11 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
It's something worth considering. I know Mr. SimBaller was the lead tester on NFL 2K5 way back when. I can't remember when he moved over to NBA 2K, but it's an interesting nugget that I still remember reading in my NFL 2K5 game manual.
# 67 Kanobi @ 09/13/11 11:13 AM
This is why I can not wait until the NFL License is back on the free market to all devs and publishers. NFL2k will make a huge return
# 68 Money99 @ 09/13/11 12:00 PM
Great article Chase.
Like you stated, this game oozes so much authenticity that it has me, a completely non-basketball fan, dying to get his hands on it.
# 69 btrapp @ 09/13/11 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
while this may have some truth to it, 2k sports has already proven they can make multiple great games when they have the opportunity. Honestly, when you look at the size of the nba live team, it's not like 2k has some sort of advantage in terms of personnel. They simply make better basketball games.
I think your assuming that other sports game teams (like the elite/live team) don't have the pleasure of working on their game exclusively when they do. The truth is, they had just as much opportunity to work on their game as 2k did. I seriously don't think that the nba live/elite team was hampered by working on other games because they don't. They just aren't that good.
# 70 Pared @ 09/13/11 12:50 PM
I don't think you understood my point.

The important individuals aren't being asked to double dip. They are focused solely on basketball.

This wasn't the case in the past. How EA or other companies handled their teams has nothing to do with my point.
# 71 EmmittSmithx22x @ 09/14/11 04:03 AM
I can't believe how naive I was back then... EA Got my money every year for Madden and NBA Live like clock work. But because you could do online leagues in NBA 2K7 and couldn't do it for NBA Live....at that point I decided to "take a chance" on a sports game/developer I didn't know much about besides word of mouth.

From that day forward... 2K opened my eyes. Not to the fact that you can get a quality gaming experience that improves year after year (at this point Live was on the decline in my opinion). But How competition is a beautiful thing. After playing NBA 2k7... I decided right then and there...no company shall ever have my money year after year unless they prove to me they can earn it. But 2k has continued to prove they can not only earn it...but get me naturally excited for a game way in advance of its release. The stuff they have released about my player this year before it drops.... simply amazing. I am a sports fan big time. I love RPGs as well as a gamer....and they basically come out and tell me not only is My player 1000x better than 2k11's (which was pretty great in my opinion) but they made it like a basketball RPG?!?!?! They combined my 2 most favorite things to do on a console....

I love Online leagues still... i participate in them regularly... but I can honestly say. The main reason I am getting 2K this year day one is because of My Player. I would love for the online leagues to kick *** (which to 2k's credit it could very well be improved over last year...and if they fixed the server issues that's all they would have to do to make m happy...)...but if the servers are still a problem... I can shrug off online game play all together... play my player for 15 years... retire.... and have my retirement speech at the end of that career.

What I have noticed is even if 2k has problems from year to year in certain areas, they still find a way to make something stand out every year to make the game worth my time. Last year I was introduced to a very detailed and rich my player mode. The year before that Online play seemed balanced very well and certain cheesy things could now be stopped, making online more enjoyable.

After saying all this...I still can't help but wonder... What if 2K was able to make an NFL football game? And this is why I say I love competition because in a perfect world.. Where 2k could "compete" with Madden... Everyone would win! Both games would challenge each other to be greater than they are. Who knows where football gaming would be right now!? But then... I come back to reality where EA is still EA...their only focus is not to please their fans. Its to find the cheapest, and quickest way to make a buck.

Sorry for the long winded tirade of mine... lol
# 72 GoGo13 @ 09/18/11 04:07 AM
Been on the 2K bandwagon since 2K1 on the Dreamcast, which during its time, like now, OWNED Live. 2K has always felt like it was a year or two ahead of Live. Truthfully, Live was only good during the SNES days. Now all we need is for NFL 2K to get back in the game after EA's deal with the NFL expires so I can relive those Dreamcast days as well.

So when does EA's deal with the NFL expire??

The devs for Live/Elite are too busy playing 2K to make a new game
# 73 GoGo13 @ 09/18/11 04:17 AM
Also, I'm an older gamer (29) so I love, love, LOVE that 2K has brought back Jordan (last year) and these classic teams/greats for this year. It is true, some of us, like myself, do feel that the classic teams are more appealing than the current teams. C'mon now... '96, 72-10 Bulls?! WAR!!

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