NBA 2K12 News Post

If I'm judging sports games based on this generation of consoles, then NBA 2K stands above the rest. But if I think back to the beginning of this generation, it's hard to imagine saying such a thing. It's easy to forget now, but Live and NBA 2K went their separate ways back in 2005 when the Xbox 360 launched.

NBA 2K was coming off a couple "misfires" as the PS2/Xbox era was winding down with NBA 2K5 and NBA 2K6, which really just means these titles were good rather than amazing, and Live had peaked with Live 04 and Live 05. That being said, both engines were under fire for being a bit outdated as we entered the "next-gen" era. So what ended up happening with the launch of the Xbox 360 in 2005 was that gamers got two basketball games that were on divergent paths. The 360 version of NBA 2K6 was a high-res version of the PS2/Xbox game in many respects, and NBA Live 06 was a stripped down game with a new engine and a lack of modes. Again, it's hard to remember, but at the time I do remember many people saying, "Live might not be as good as NBA 2K this year, but it has the much more promising future."

And then the NBA 2K7 demo happened, and trailers like this one happened, and then it was over. NBA Live 07 was actually worse than Live 06 while NBA 2K7 served as the beginning of a gaming dynasty. Yes, the engine still got criticized a bit for feeling outdated, but a mix of signature style, graphical presentation and a renewed focus on refining and updating the game engine really began again with NBA 2K7.

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Member Comments
# 21 jwilphl @ 09/10/11 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by illwill10
NBA 2k and MLB the Shows flaws are either excusable or noticeable to hardcore, but not a big of deal. With Madden and NCAA their flaws are very noticable and sometimes game killers. With Ea Football, their game gets good after a few patches and tuners. I find EA Football appealing to the casual gamer more than the hardcore. Sure both NBA 2k The Show has its needs, but both of them built a good foundation of great gameplay, commentary, offline, and great direction. Something that EA doesnt. EA most of the times skips on features and focus heavily on 1-3 features. Even if 2k or The show doesnt improve a feature greatly, the tweaks they make are noticeable and make a difference.
For NBa 2k from here till new consoles, it is improving on what they did last year rather than having huge holes to fill
I think, as an addendum to my last post, EA's "direction" may a bit of the problem. I don't think they can find a way to balance appeal to casual and hardcore gamers. But I do think they prefer to appeal to the former of those two groups. If you ever pick up Madden or NCAA, it definitely has a more arcade-style feel. NHL is probably a bit closer to sim, but still suffers from the same confusion.

The engine for their football games is apparently still very old, and again, that may still be part of the problem. But that should not stop them from doing better things in the presentation department--something they still haven't mastered even though it is a concept that should not be all that difficult to grasp.
# 22 illwill10 @ 09/10/11 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I think I made a blog post that came from both camps philosophies

Check this

I think 2k has done both but at the same time these guys show that they are hoop heads as well.. its not just them listening to fan input alone, those guys have a passion and love for the game too
2k has done that before. But they have a great balance of appealling to Casual and Hardcore. The Greatest Mode/Legends appeals to both sides. For the peole who want to play with Legends. MP for Hardcores who want a change of pace or something different than Play now and Casuals who mainly play BAP.
That statement from EA mainly says that they want to appeal to casual crowd. They want to bring back gamers who stopped playing and take add NBA 2k players. They should try to worry about the ones who constantly buy the game. Madden is awhile away from NBA 2k level. Where not just being the Official Sports game, but a Must Have game.
# 23 Josephlaker123 @ 09/10/11 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by KSOR24
It's really not fair how EA has the rights to everything and cannot produce a decent game except for FIFA, if 2K had all those NBA licenses such as ESPN presentation and commentary and all that the game would be even more incomparable. But I've come to like the flow of Kevin Harlan and Clark Kellog's commentary as opposed to Madden's sucky commentary. Plus adding Steve Kerr, awesome.
i agree 100% and have fiba lisencse and all that EA should just give us the liscense to those u listed and fiba teams because if there not going to prouduce why still have the rights
# 24 Sinner @ 09/10/11 05:20 PM
Very good write up Chase, it reallys puts home the kind of company that 2k is and the kind of yearly work they put into NBA2k series...but hate to say it...makes me wish they could make a NFL Football game and a College Hoops basketball game. SMH
# 25 jfsolo @ 09/10/11 05:22 PM
These are of course unanswerable questions, but was NBA 2K's ascent to the stratospheric height it now resides at, only made possible by NFL 2K's death? Would they have gotten the resources necessary to create a game of such amazing depth if their former flagship title was still there soaking up all those millions of dollars needed to keep that game top shelf?

As I said, we can never know, but my gut says no.
# 26 iLLosophy @ 09/10/11 05:27 PM
Great write-up chase. Catching Nostalgia watching all those old trailers
# 27 illwill10 @ 09/10/11 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
These are of course unanswerable questions, but was NBA 2K's ascent to the stratospheric height it now resides at, only made possible by NFL 2K's death? Would they have gotten the resources necessary to create a game of such amazing depth if their former flagship title was still there soaking up all those millions of dollars needed to keep that game top shelf?

As I said, we can never know, but my gut says no.
That is something good think about. With it just being MLB 2k, they have the resources to make the game. But if 2K was there, who knows if they would of still be great. Would they been able to sign the Legends, go out the way with MP features.
I still think they wouldve been good with NFL 2K taking some of the resources, but not as good as they are. I would expected NFL 2k to try to be at the point of NBA 2k.
# 28 Pared @ 09/10/11 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Sinner
Very good write up Chase, it reallys puts home the kind of company that 2k is and the kind of yearly work they put into NBA2k series...but hate to say it...makes me wish they could make a NFL Football game and a College Hoops basketball game. SMH
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
# 29 Da_Czar @ 09/10/11 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
These are of course unanswerable questions, but was NBA 2K's ascent to the stratospheric height it now resides at, only made possible by NFL 2K's death? Would they have gotten the resources necessary to create a game of such amazing depth if their former flagship title was still there soaking up all those millions of dollars needed to keep that game top shelf?

As I said, we can never know, but my gut says no.
Originally Posted by Pared
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
I throw my hat in with the gentlemen above. I think it's obvious what your witnessing with 2k basketball is the result of not having their resources spread too thin. In fact if I were EA and I wanted to compete in the NBA space I would give up the exclusive on football.

EA created a monster when they took football away. That allowed 2k to have the best of the best working on their flagship title in my opinion and you see what you get when that happens.

Just my opinion of course.
# 30 newgen1 @ 09/10/11 05:58 PM
The real scary part is I remember when EA also tried to get the NBA licences as well. That would really be a shame and we would never have the NBA experience we have now. EA has a long way to go to catch up to 2K. Its really difficult because 2k is not complacent and the bar keeps moving further away for EA to catch.

Future EA basketball games will have to come strong not only with great game play but also with their own set of legends, amazing My Player type mode, great commentary, Signature everything, not just shots and now crowd interaction.
The bar keeps moving and game players will except nothing less. No more lazy efforts or gimmicks. Great job 2K. Keep up the good work. You have a fan for life!!
# 31 Pared @ 09/10/11 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
In fact if I were EA and I wanted to compete in the NBA space I would give up the exclusive on football.
I can't escape the irony here. It's exactly what I've thought and they will never do it.

Meanwhile, an NBA game continues to grow out of the shadows and into the limelight.
# 32 Radja @ 09/10/11 05:59 PM
great write up. 2k has become the only sports game that i feel compelled to buy yearly at full price anymore. most times i am comfortable to continue my franchise for a couple years like i am doing with PES 2010 rigtht now.

any EA football game is not ready for 2 patches at best so by the time it feels ready, NBA 2k is out.

the next series to maybe get there will be EA NHL. the NHL series is good but i can stick to 11 for the next season pretty easy. honestly, i cannot believe it has taken them this long to get signature play like they are touting this year. i was new to the series last year and thought something was missing but wasn't sure what it was.

2k does feel so different every season. i was going to try and resist but that trailer is pissing me off because i am going to have to start a new 2k franchise all over again.
# 33 jersez @ 09/10/11 05:59 PM
I must be the only one that thought ESPN basketball was the best basketball game I ever played. I played live all the time until that game, and I've been playing 2k ever since I don't know but i think 2k should just lock the NBA license up.
# 34 Goffs @ 09/10/11 06:00 PM
I agree pared as much as I want another football game from 2k I think I would rather have the best basketball game around.
# 35 SwagDoc101 @ 09/10/11 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
i totally agree ...this is absolutely correct 2k would not have the resources or the time to produce such a great nba game if they had to share resources with a 2k football title...so in a way its a gift and a curse...if madden would just step up and get it right no one would care about 2k making a fooyball title. just like no one cares about live/elite anymore
# 36 23 @ 09/10/11 06:54 PM
Dont you wonder though if they would've been able to expand a little bit with none of this exclusivness in the way?

I know some team members moved but who knows where things would be today?

One things for sure, I do agree with the point someone made that using legends and current players has really broadened the audience that 2k can cater to.

Thats why i never understood the complaints of some of these young guys saying who cares such and such is in the game... truthfully some of the older teams appeal to alot of people much much more than many of the current teams do.

On another note though, its great to see nba 2k stick to their guns even when they were behind years ago, and now it has paid off big time
# 37 tril @ 09/10/11 06:54 PM
2k all day.
I switched from EA to 2k back in 03/04.
EA that year was a dunk fest, 2k brought the authenticity to the game, more sim to teh game.
Ive never looked back
The only thing EA had going for it for a while was the commentary and arena ambiance but that chnaged once 2k started gettings serious about presentation, and I beleive that transition started in 2k8.

For the most part, Its because of 2k sports and MLB the SHow that I continue to game.
The same can be siad for the Battlefield series.
# 38 iLLosophy @ 09/10/11 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
People just don't realize that you would lose quality in those games. The major players would be stretched thin.

Maybe not by much, but you're getting the "holy grail" because those games aren't around.
Great point. Never even thought about that. At the end of the day you have to give props to NBA 2k for managing to go "exclusive" due to just being so good vs going the sign an exclusive deal route
# 39 Da_Czar @ 09/10/11 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by 23

Thats why i never understood the complaints of some of these young guys saying who cares such and such is in the game... truthfully some of the older teams appeal to alot of people much much more than many of the current teams do.
Legends are a gift that keeps on giving Dre. Give those guys about 5-7 years and they will be in the same boat we are. Their favorite players will be out the league and THEN they will understand the value of having great past teams and players in the game.
# 40 BRxSKINSx @ 09/10/11 07:42 PM
Nice read....Nice read......

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