NBA 2K12 News Post

If I'm judging sports games based on this generation of consoles, then NBA 2K stands above the rest. But if I think back to the beginning of this generation, it's hard to imagine saying such a thing. It's easy to forget now, but Live and NBA 2K went their separate ways back in 2005 when the Xbox 360 launched.

NBA 2K was coming off a couple "misfires" as the PS2/Xbox era was winding down with NBA 2K5 and NBA 2K6, which really just means these titles were good rather than amazing, and Live had peaked with Live 04 and Live 05. That being said, both engines were under fire for being a bit outdated as we entered the "next-gen" era. So what ended up happening with the launch of the Xbox 360 in 2005 was that gamers got two basketball games that were on divergent paths. The 360 version of NBA 2K6 was a high-res version of the PS2/Xbox game in many respects, and NBA Live 06 was a stripped down game with a new engine and a lack of modes. Again, it's hard to remember, but at the time I do remember many people saying, "Live might not be as good as NBA 2K this year, but it has the much more promising future."

And then the NBA 2K7 demo happened, and trailers like this one happened, and then it was over. NBA Live 07 was actually worse than Live 06 while NBA 2K7 served as the beginning of a gaming dynasty. Yes, the engine still got criticized a bit for feeling outdated, but a mix of signature style, graphical presentation and a renewed focus on refining and updating the game engine really began again with NBA 2K7.

Read More - NBA 2K Is the Champ

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Member Comments
# 1 DurtySoufReppin @ 09/10/11 01:21 PM
E.A. Sports.. You're out the game
# 2 FieldMarshallP1 @ 09/10/11 01:39 PM
"NBA 2K this generation. It is the poster child for pleasing the hardcore and casual user on a yearly basis right now because it's found a way to make hardcore users feel overwhelmed at the start of each year while mostly avoiding scaring off casuals."

This Statement is exactly what EA (Football)has a problem doing. They don't know what direction to go, as to either pleasing the Hardcore fans or pleasing the Casual fan. EA does not know how to get that balance. This is the reason why Madden is what it is .
# 3 ROSStafarian @ 09/10/11 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by DurtySoufReppin
E.A. Sports.. You're out the game

Yeah they really are, its bad when someone from the EA sports camp comes out and says "well were just not going to put a game out for this year and possibly longer" so its like there almost throwing in the towel for now, which is sad for EA. Going back and trying to play (EA sports) NCAA BB 10 is really hard to do now that i own 2k11 and quite frankly i only did once and that was enough for me to say that 2k11 was above and beyond whatever NCAA10 BB had to offer.
# 4 Da_Czar @ 09/10/11 01:46 PM
Excellent write up ! Way to take it back to the beginning Chase. Also I learned a new word also axiomatically. Great read sir !
# 5 DutchMastah7 @ 09/10/11 02:09 PM
Good read.

I'm curious as to how well 2K makes its transition to the next 'next-gen' consoles. We can only wait and see.
# 6 Spanky @ 09/10/11 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by DurtySoufReppin
E.A. Sports.. You're out the game
I'm beginning to think that all the developers who worked on EA's NBA Live series were simply moved over to work quality control for NCAA and Madden.
# 7 guesswhozbak17 @ 09/10/11 02:27 PM
I think EA sports devs may have given up and are just as excited as we are for to play 2k12.
# 8 Beneezy @ 09/10/11 02:27 PM
Cold truth! 2K all the way!
# 9 RUFFNREADY @ 09/10/11 02:27 PM
Awesome write up! EA should take notes. I liked the rise and fall aspect of the blog; NBA 2K series rising to the top, and watching Madden series fall quickly; and let's not forget how the NBA LIVE was destroyed by 2K.
# 10 NikeBlitz @ 09/10/11 02:46 PM
Nice read.

EA has really screwed up the "Live" series. It's sad since NBA Live had everything to succeed. Big community, license, made by the biggest company in the video games industry ... How the hell did that happen so quickly ?

2k did a great job but ... i want College hoops !!!!!
# 11 coolcras7 @ 09/10/11 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by NikeBlitz
Nice read.

EA has really screwed up the "Live" series. It's sad since NBA Live had everything to succeed. Big community, license, made by the biggest company in the video games industry ... How the hell did that happen so quickly ?

2k did a great job but ... i want College hoops !!!!!
That is the reason they failed the game was just a way to create a profit they stopped caring about anything else.
# 12 ChaseB @ 09/10/11 02:57 PM
Just for the record, the article is not really about Live vs. 2K in any real way, I just wanted to use the comparison in the intro as a backdrop to remind folks about where we stood at the start of the generation.

However, I still remember how excited I was when I watched this trailer way back when:

# 13 wrestlinggod1 @ 09/10/11 02:59 PM
I thought this was part 2 of the preview.
# 14 ChaseB @ 09/10/11 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by wrestlinggod1
I thought this was part 2 of the preview.
We changed things up once Aaron was going to see the game -- and we'll be out in Cali seeing the game in great detail in the near future.
# 15 KSOR24 @ 09/10/11 03:17 PM
It's really not fair how EA has the rights to everything and cannot produce a decent game except for FIFA, if 2K had all those NBA licenses such as ESPN presentation and commentary and all that the game would be even more incomparable. But I've come to like the flow of Kevin Harlan and Clark Kellog's commentary as opposed to Madden's sucky commentary. Plus adding Steve Kerr, awesome.
# 16 mreyes930 @ 09/10/11 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Just for the record, the article is not really about Live vs. 2K in any real way, I just wanted to use the comparison in the intro as a backdrop to remind folks about where we stood at the start of the generation.

However, I still remember how excited I was when I watched this trailer way back when:

I'm amazed that you actually found this video. I've been looking all over for it since the day I saw it. I remember sitting in awe with my jaw on the floor.
Sadly, since that video, I've seen nothing too impressive from the EA team. I was big on Live (04 being my favorite), but 2K found a way to continue to raise the bar and as a basketball fan, I am forever grateful.
# 17 Spartan901 @ 09/10/11 03:34 PM
Great write-up. That actually brought back memories, cause i too remember exactly where I was when I downloaded NBA 2k7. I didn't have Xbox Live yet, so I went to my friends house and downloaded it to his system. I remember playing it in his living room and hearing him ask me from the kitchen "Is it everything you hoped for?" and yelling back "YES!". He and my other friends had been Live guys, but from that moment on they were hooked on 2k. I have alot of respect for the company and its vision when it comes to this franchise. I always felt like EA just didn't get it, because with all the Liscensing and game modes (All-star weekend, FIBA) they had such an oppourtunity to make an unprecedented game if they could put it all together and fix the fundamentals. But when they put the Hockey Guy in charge of the NBA game, I KNEW whoever was in charge CLEARLY didn't get it. But for our sakes as gamers, I am very greatful that 2k does, and provides us with the chance to play such a great franchise.
# 18 illwill10 @ 09/10/11 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
yea its amazing, Fifa is really the only sports game EA does well anymore. They just have the name recognition and more importantly the exclusive rights to make NFL & NCAA Football games. Madden is still big simply for the fact that its Madden. Everyone grew up playing Madden and even though 2k Football was and probably still is the most complete football that came out, Madden always had that name recognition which made it bigger. But we've seen how Sony produces the best baseball game, 2k the best basketball game and how much closer those games are at representing a true to life sim for those respective sports, Madden & NCAA Football aren't close to that level yet. NBA 2k is the most enjoyable sports game because of how well it plays, how well it looks, the presentation, the depth and the replay value. Even though The Show & NBA 2k aren't flawless or without bugs, those games are so good that you can usually look past those issues no problem. But with the football games the bugs are so obvious, so glaring and they effect the way the game is played. Add to that the fact that everytime they come out with a patch for something like NCAA Football, it fixes a few things and then creates even more problems.
NBA 2k and MLB the Shows flaws are either excusable or noticeable to hardcore, but not a big of deal. With Madden and NCAA their flaws are very noticable and sometimes game killers. With Ea Football, their game gets good after a few patches and tuners. I find EA Football appealing to the casual gamer more than the hardcore. Sure both NBA 2k The Show has its needs, but both of them built a good foundation of great gameplay, commentary, offline, and great direction. Something that EA doesnt. EA most of the times skips on features and focus heavily on 1-3 features. Even if 2k or The show doesnt improve a feature greatly, the tweaks they make are noticeable and make a difference.
For NBa 2k from here till new consoles, it is improving on what they did last year rather than having huge holes to fill
# 19 jwilphl @ 09/10/11 03:40 PM
Perhaps this is a more appropriate thread for this question, but I am honestly curious why EA can't produce the same level of detail and depth, not to mention overall quality, as 2K does with their NBA series. I would have to think EA has more overall resources to commit to their sports games, and yet 2K just seems to create a better overall product (even going back to 2K5, which is arguably still the best football game ever. I can't imagine how their football series would be today if they had continued to make one).

Is it bad direction? Lack of competency? Simple lack of motivation due to monopolistic rights?

Even though 2K has the only basketball game, it seems they continue to do big things and there does not seem to be that "well whatever" attitude. Now 2K12 is not out yet so I don't want to be too hasty, but I think many agree that 2K11 was probably the best (and most complete) sports game of at least the last decade.

So what is holding EA back from doing bigger things with their titles?
# 20 23 @ 09/10/11 03:44 PM
I think I made a blog post that came from both camps philosophies

Check this

In a Nutshell

Quote: I think speaks volumes to the pride and dedication each member has towards delivering the most authentic simulation basketball experience possible. The goal for our team is very simple, deliver the absolute best game of basketball to our fans.

Quote: So we needed to try something different. Something innovative. Something to bring back fans who'd left, and appeal to basketball fans who don't play video games.

That is where the emphasis on control and a dynamic, unpredictable gameplay experience came from.

Focus on fun and control, to draw in the people who play drop in at the Y and dream about competing in the NBA, but don't play basketball games.

Before you ask, yes both are partial quotes but definitely in the mix of what the feelings of basketball fans are and why they're responding the way they are.
I think 2k has done both but at the same time these guys show that they are hoop heads as well.. its not just them listening to fan input alone, those guys have a passion and love for the game too

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