NBA 2K12 News Post
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Member Comments
# 121
Drosebpga1 @ 08/31/11 02:28 AM
Still baggy jerseys, it's kool I thought I was looking at a real life picture of drose!!!! They did great, but I'm still waiting for the padded arm sleeves .
# 122
Spartan901 @ 08/31/11 02:29 AM
2K Lie Count: 2
They need to stop making promises they can't keep. It's as simple as adding "we plan to do _____" to whatever they promise us.
They need to stop making promises they can't keep. It's as simple as adding "we plan to do _____" to whatever they promise us.
# 125
Spartan901 @ 08/31/11 02:41 AM
For those complaining about what others complain about, some want the game to play as true to life as possible. When Shaq takes off from the free throw line in "other" games, they cry foul, because thats not representative of the real experience. Others want the game to look as true to life as possible. So when player models are missing certain details, whether it be the face is completely off, player model not slim enough, or player wearing some form(s) of attire he doesn't in real life, they cry foul as well. But we're arguing two sides of the same coin, Authenticity. One element is not superior to the other, but both merge cohesively to give us an overall emersive experience in which belief is temporarily suspended into believing we are watching the sport we love unfold before our eyes and at our finger tips. And fortunately for us 2k's developers understand this very well and I applaud their efforts to this point
# 128
Xx Qontrolz xX @ 08/31/11 03:10 AM
is it just me or is the lakers bench on the wrong side of the court?
Look at those african americans type of people with those white hands ... lol
They promise the trailer premiere to IGN, who doesn't release it the day 2k said they would release their Insight. So should you delay the insight or release and mention the trailer will be out shortly?
Obviously they chose the latter.
# 131
scottyp180 @ 08/31/11 12:01 PM
# 132
Jakeness23 @ 08/31/11 12:10 PM
wow that Rose pic is mad detailed
the ball still floats in the palm but no big deal to me
details on the ball are awesome
details on the shoes are awesome
Hey look......... a gorilla on skates!
lighting on the players n court looks awesome
player faces especially kobe's looks awesome
the ball still floats in the palm but no big deal to me
details on the ball are awesome
details on the shoes are awesome
Hey look......... a gorilla on skates!
lighting on the players n court looks awesome
player faces especially kobe's looks awesome
# 134
Jakeness23 @ 08/31/11 12:11 PM
# 135
scottyp180 @ 08/31/11 12:16 PM
That means trailer today, gameplay footage from IGN on Thursday and a new isnight on Friday.
You can't just throw the individuals you work with under the bus. You burn those bridges and you're screwed. That's a key aspect of marketing.
And you can only go by what someone says. If you're dependent on a third party and that third party doesn't come through, you may look bad but at the same time you are dependent on them for a reason.
# 138
Mr_Riddick @ 08/31/11 03:17 PM
Great points Pared.
# 139
afridgetofar @ 08/31/11 04:04 PM
They spend an ridiculous amount of resources on art and animation. Granted the animation is important to actual gameplay (much to my dismay).
just a guess but i think they will talk about gameplay when that insight comes out
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