NCAA Football 12 News Post

EA Sports has just posted the NCAA Football 12 title update #2 details. The patch is currently on schedule to release before the end of the month, no exact date, as of yet.

Before getting to the details of the update, I want to take a moment to thank you, the NCAA Football community, for all of your patience and assistance during the past couple of weeks. A great many of you share the same passion for this game as we do, and you did everything possible to help identify issues, and provide the necessary details - not just to help make a game better, but to make your game better. If you are reading this, you are a member of the most dedicated community in gaming, and for that we are truly grateful. Now, on to the details:

Week Advance Anywhere
  • As a token of our appreciation, we’re happy to announce that as of today “Week Advance Anywhere” on the web is now available for use, and that this feature will be FREE for everyone to use.
Custom Playbooks
  • With this Title Update the missing play issue that led to a number of problems when using Custom Playbooks has been fixed. Not only is the issue fixed, but you will not need to recreate your playbooks! Any existing playbook will have the fix applied, and you will be able to continue using that playbook without issue.
  • As with the Custom Playbooks resolution, the fix to the issue of edited player tendencies changing will not negate any previously edited roster file. The fix will be applied to both those existing files, as well as any new roster file that is created.
  • If you are in a Dynasty or Online Dynasty you will not need to restart as long as your Dynasty is still in year one and you have not advanced past “Training Results” in the off-season. If you are before this point, the update will be applied to your existing Dynasty/Online Dynasty and the tendencies will be correct for all players going forward. If you are in year two and beyond, the tendency issue impact will be less and less as the players graduate/are cut from the rosters.
  • In addition to the tendencies issue, we have also included both the ability to edit height and weight for players, as well as the option to edit the rosters of CPU controlled teams. In an Online Dynasty the commissioner will have the ability to edit the rosters for other human controlled teams. These were both big requests from you in the community.
  • Finally, a bug was fixed with the profanity filter that was preventing many common names from being entered. Now, any name can be entered, for offline use. A profanity filter is applied to Online Dynasty when the Dynasty is created. If you prefer to opt out of this filter, you can set the Dynasty to Private and the profanity check will not run.
  • A major focus for this Title Update was to address any freezes/crashes that were found. There were a number of these issues fixed in this Title Update including a crash that occurred when there were multiple TeamBuilder teams in an Online Dynasty, as well as a crash that occurred during the downloading of an Online Dynasty file.
  • Increased the acceleration of QB’s on Speed Option plays.
  • Improved WR blocking, especially on option plays
  • Fixed an issue where defenders assigned to play the curl to flat/buzz zone did not engage immediately when the QB scrambles past the LOS.
  • Fixed an issue where safeties with inside deep ¼ zone would drop back instead of read-and-react on run plays.
  • Fixed an issue in Nickel Cover 3 where the flat zone defender didn’t move as the QB was running at them.
  • Fixed an issue with Double Outs from 4-2-5 Normal where the RLB wasn’t blocked properly vs. certain formations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a blank photo to be uploaded leading to issues with other highlights being uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue in Online Dynasty where injured players did not remain injured when the week advanced.
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s injury time was only reduced by one week when going from Conference Championship week to Bowl Season. Players will now be back for their Bowl game if they should be off of the IR when their bowl game is played.
  • Fixed an issue where coaches that changed jobs could get stuck in a state where they were still listed as coaching at their old school on the Players Leaving screen, leading to a Transfer Failed issue.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented Dynasties from advancing to the post season.
  • Fixed an issue with the schedule that prevented entering the Virginia Tech vs. Boston College game (fixed for both Dynasty and RTG).
  • Fixed an issue where recruiting related trophies/achievements were not unlocked properly if you signed an extension in that season.
  • Fixed an issue with Program Stability where the grade would drop from A+ to D+ in one season.
  • Fixed an issue with the Unlock All Promises PDLC not unlocking properly on the Dynasty website.
  • When viewing an Online Dynasty invite, added information to show what type of job can be selected by default.
  • Fixed an issue when in the off-season where player stats did not match up between the web and console.
  • Fixed an issue where CB’s could not audible after earning the ability to do so through Coach Trust.
  • Fixed an issue where HB’s could not flip the play after earning the ability to do so through Coach Trust.
  • Fixed an issue where player’s online stats were not displaying promptly on the Online Leaderboards.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 461 BaylorBearBryant @ 08/09/11 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jm0ney2001
Wish they could tell us when they submitted the patch to microsoft, sony so we clips have an idea of when we can play again.
My guess is August 23rd or August 30th.
# 462 BadAssHskr @ 08/09/11 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jm0ney2001
Wish they could tell us when they submitted the patch to microsoft, sony so we clips have an idea of when we can play again.
You can play this football game right now. What are you waiting for?

All issues fixed without restart....
# 463 Jm0ney2001 @ 08/09/11 11:19 PM
All I can play.is default rosters which would be fine but I can't play past the 1st season anyway so I might as well just wait till the patch drops so I can play a named dynasty. Imo playing with the tendancys messed up is horrible. Love the default rosters though. All I'm doing now is exhibition trophy games til the patch. I didn't I would have gotten a few seasons in bf madden comes out.
# 464 ODogg @ 08/09/11 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Offline dynasty mode, named rosters no freezes. Installed game to hd.
I think most freezes, at least for me, have been online dynasty and random ranked games online.
# 465 TheKnack @ 08/09/11 11:52 PM
Hey guys,
quick question, in a bit of a hurry and I don't have time to read some of the past posts so I apologize in advance.
My only question is will this patch be able to get me past week 3 of the offseason recruiting stage? I'm stuck.
It keeps saying Transfer Failed after I try to advance.
Any help would be great!
# 466 ClarkNoHeart @ 08/10/11 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Offline dynasty mode, named rosters no freezes. Installed game to hd.
Crazy, same as me. I have first patch installed, named roster, and game installed to HD. Maybe I just got a bad copy.

What console are you guys playing on? If Xbox 360, do you have an original or a slim model? I have a 250GB slim.
# 467 bkrich83 @ 08/10/11 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNoHeart
Crazy, same as me. I have first patch installed, named roster, and game installed to HD. Maybe I just got a bad copy.

What console are you guys playing on? If Xbox 360, do you have an original or a slim model? I have a 250GB slim.
360 original model 120GB.. I have first patch as well, I should have mentioned that.

not sure what other variable I could list.
# 468 Kefka @ 08/10/11 12:57 AM
i wish they'd announce the date or just drop it tomororw actually
# 469 ClarkNoHeart @ 08/10/11 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
360 original model 120GB.. I have first patch as well, I should have mentioned that.

not sure what other variable I could list.
Thanks. That's all I can think of. I wonder if the other guys who haven't had freezing issues have original models, too.

Anyone have a slim Xbox 360 and no freezing issues?
# 470 YFS @ 08/10/11 01:10 PM
I just played the Madden 12 demo on PS3. All I can say is "wow", the graphics on Madden look 5x better than the graphics on NCAA. I've been saying NCAA looks like a PS2 game during gameplay as a joke, but after seeing Madden, it is a joke no longer. When you look at players in the "edit player", "change uniform" screens, and instant replays, the graphics look clean and smooth. But they look like crap during gameplay, which is the most important. I'm not too familiar with the full capabilities of patches, but are they capable of cleaning up graphics on a game? If so, do you think this upcoming patch will fix the PS3 graphics?
# 471 justtxyank @ 08/10/11 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNoHeart
Thanks. That's all I can think of. I wonder if the other guys who haven't had freezing issues have original models, too.

Anyone have a slim Xbox 360 and no freezing issues?
I have a slim and no freezing issues.
# 472 K0ZZ @ 08/10/11 03:22 PM
I have a Slim and have had a few freezes. It was worse before I installed to a HDD but I think that's more placebo than anything. Only frozen once in the past few days instead of once daily.

Any chance an upcoming patch will improve reaction times in menus and speed up the delay in between weeks (mainly offseason recruiting which takes forever.)
# 473 SGMRock @ 08/10/11 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by justtxyank
I have a slim and no freezing issues.
I have a Slim with 250GB HD and its installed to HD, I have only had it freeze on me 3x. Once at the end of a RTG H.S. game when the band started to play, and 2x it froze when the stupid message of the day popped up from EA LOL. This was all in the first few days after release. Hasn't done it since.

Since then I have not had one freeze and lots of times I will leave games paused for 1 or 2 hours. I work from home as an IT Manager so I have to step away a lot to deal with work stuff hehe.
# 474 Bullet Sponge @ 08/10/11 06:08 PM
I have an XBox 360 slim. I'm in week 12 (season 1) of our OD and it has frozen only 3 times. It never froze for the first 7 games, then froze in 3 straight games (which i replayed without incident), and now has been fine for the last two. It has never frozen outside of an online dynasty game (always while loading a game, during, or while exiting). Never once during PlayNow or any menu etc.

Xbox 360 Slim
250gb Hard Drive
Game installed to hard drive
Patch #1 installed
ESPN Radio updates turned off
Using OSCommunity Rosters
9 Teambuilder teams installed (Big Sky ftw :P)
Using wired ethernet directly to router (no switch)
# 475 ClarkNoHeart @ 08/10/11 06:34 PM
Well, mine has frozen about the same amount of times as you guys who have had it freeze. Three times during games (once each for three different games), and once in the menus (I was looking at the rankings). And I think it froze outside my dynasty in a game once, but I was using a custom playbook.

I just really hate replaying a game because it's not the same. This is my first season in my dynasty, so it's my first time playing each team. If I play 2 or 3 quarters, it freezes, and I have to start over, I'm going to have a better idea of what to expect.
# 476 bkrich83 @ 08/10/11 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNoHeart
Well, mine has frozen about the same amount of times as you guys who have had it freeze. Three times during games (once each for three different games), and once in the menus (I was looking at the rankings). And I think it froze outside my dynasty in a game once, but I was using a custom playbook.

I just really hate replaying a game because it's not the same. This is my first season in my dynasty, so it's my first time playing each team. If I play 2 or 3 quarters, it freezes, and I have to start over, I'm going to have a better idea of what to expect.
I've been lucky enough to avoid them but had experienced them in a previous version of NCAA. There is nothing more frustrating. I feel your pain.
# 477 Darkeus @ 08/10/11 06:48 PM
I have a slim 250 gig HD 360 and I have had it freeze about five times, the majority in a place that made me want to throw the damn 360 out the window.

It froze twice for the stupid message of the day thing.

It froze once during the winning drive of my SMU game against TCU. Inside one minute, I am in field goal range. I missed a pass to the WR and it is fourth down and frozen stiff.... Grrrrrrrr!

Another time was in my Dynasty game Kent (me) vs. Ohio U. Freezes up after a go ahead touch down in teh second half.... Ggggrrrrrrr!!!

It froze up again yesterday during the replay of said Kent vs Ohio game. Luckily it was in the early first quarter but seriously, what the hell!!!

So yeah, the freezing issue is definitely there, at least for me....
# 478 steelernation28 @ 08/11/11 01:18 AM
Where the hell is it?
# 479 kjjnesb @ 08/11/11 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by JJ_Bills9
They have to send the patch to Microsoft/Sony for certification or whatever the word is. Then once Microsoft/Sony give it the OK, they release it. Usually takes a few weeks.
I've always wondered what does Microsoft and Sony take two weeks to test for?
# 480 Kingfish @ 08/11/11 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by kjjnesb
I've always wondered what does Microsoft and Sony take two weeks to test for?
Probably because they have one guy(a team lead or whatever, and not saying there is only one team either) that has to put his name on the line saying it all checks out. If he screws up and a patch causes the system to crash, its his butt.

So you figure they're how many patches and updates coming in everyday? I think M$ has said they come into a cue and a patch for a game that sold 1000 copies will have its spot right in front of a EA or Rockstar title...no exceptions, all patch are cued up as they come in and are processed in that order.

Sucks but you gotta know the lowly titles would never get patched if they didn't do it that way.

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