Madden 12 News Post

It would be putting it nicely to say that some people were unhappy about Madden's Online Franchise mode not being updated this year. But since I had the chance to speak with EA designer Anthony DiMento about Online Communities, I figured it would probably be wise to ask about the oft-discussed Online Franchise mode as well.

Below you will find the excerpt from my interview that details what the thought process was going into the development of this year's online feature set:

Operation Sports: There's a lot of people that are unhappy about not having any updates to Online Franchise mode this year, so was it a choice between Communities and Online Franchise this year, or was it nothing like that?

Anthony DiMento: I know everybody's excuse for Online Franchise is that they look at the numbers, and nobody plays it, and it's a vocal minority of guys. But at the beginning of the year, Ian's mandate (Ed. note: Ian Cummings is the former Madden creative director) was that we had to do something for Online Team Play (OTP). So if we're going to do something for OTP, it's got to be the Clubs feature -- that's in FIFA and NHL, basically what this whole foundation is built on. So there wasn't going to be time for Clubs and a full upgrade to Online Franchise, so rather than making a few minor tweaks to Online Franchise, we were able to manipulate the Clubs feature to create Communities -- you know create that head-to-head experience that goes along with all the ranked team play stuff that Clubs brings.

I mean I think what Online Franchise is all about from what I hear, and from my experience, is about playing together -- playing with your friends and playing against a group of guys you like playing with. And the biggest complaint we hear, other than it not being updated, is that it's really hard to schedule your time; that's been the problem here at the office, too. I have a Week 6 game, and I have one guy I have to play against. I'm just like, 'Hey, John, meet me online at 8:30. We're going to play our Week 6 game because the commissioner is going to advance the week tomorrow so we have to get this done.' And then either I have to work late and I don't it make in time, or he has to go pick up his wife at the airport or something like that. Guys just aren't able to coordinate.

It's frustrating already, so we felt like Communities is still giving people that experience they want playing together without having to worry about thinking about figuring out that I have to wait for that one guy. Now you can be in a situation where you can have 2,000, or if you're in five communities, 10,000 other guys potentially that you can get a game against, and people you want to play against. So it was a matter of priorities, too. Everybody plays ranked head to head, and we had more guys play OTP last year than we had play Online Franchise mode. Basically that is what it comes down to.
My Take: This explanation doesn't let EA off the hook for things that were said about improving Online Franchise mode well before this year, but it certainly seems wise to focus on the majority of football gamers first and foremost. In many ways, it reminds me of the way Criterion tends to do things with their online features. The folks at Criterion, who are responsible for the Burnout franchise and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, have had a great amount of success focusing on core online experiences that you are simply able to hop in and out of quite easily. Criterion's racing games sometimes get criticized because people look at them on the surface and see something that does not really look that deep. In the end, it's really more deceptive than anything. Something like Autolog is sometimes easy to dismiss at first glance because it's a part of every single portion of the game rather than being a set mode; the same goes for "Easy Drive" in Burnout Paradise. However, if you stick around and actually play the games, you realize the simplicity gives way to a complex idea that was just implemented in such a way that it's easy to enjoy.

If Online Communities works correctly, then it should simply become a part of the way you play the game online. Imagining a scenario where you can easily hop online and get a game in against likeminded gamers either by going head to head or by going through the OTP lobby would add so much to the Madden experience online. At the end of the day, it's about ease of use. If you hop online, and then have to deal with various barriers of entry before finding a quality game, you're going to be less likely to come back. If everything is streamlined, then you come back day after day because it's quick, easy and you're having fun.

Again, it doesn't solve the problems people have with already having a small, built-in group they want to play Online Franchise mode with on a daily basis, but it seems like that's a very small number of people in the grand scheme of things for EA. So if EA can bring more people back to the online features throughout the year, then it makes more sense that those formerly unconnected people will eventually want more from their experience, and thus a greater demand will pick up for more in-depth experiences like Online Franchise mode. Lastly, if Communities somehow enables EA to further streamline the ways you can connect with potential opponents, then that will help Online Franchise mode when it does inevitably get updated.

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Member Comments
# 41 Ryn Vintage1986 @ 07/26/11 05:01 AM
Here's some food for thought: I wonder how many communities will outnumber a 30-man friend list or so. I'd be willing to guess somewhere in the realm of 2-5%.

People where underwhelmed when they knew the allegedly groundbreaking announcement was going to be communities weeks before it became official, and that hasn't changed even after a generous coat of lipstick was slapped on Tiburon's online prize pig.

I'll get Madden for what seems to be commendable work that's been done on presentation and offline franchise -- granted it's not all simply trailer smoke and mirrors, the traditional preamble for the infamous EA broken promise -- but I'll see you guys online in August 2012... Hopefully.
# 42 bears5122 @ 07/26/11 06:06 AM
Thanks for looking into this ChaseB and getting an answer on it.
# 43 Icarus2k9 @ 07/26/11 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
What would you like me to call Anthony on here? He's not the one that made the sole decision to not update Franchise mode. My analysis after is not really hard hitting or really combative in nature in this case either. They know they are/will take heat for not updating Franchise mode.

And this isn't me being defensive here either, by all means tell me what you think you would want to see more out of with certain interviews?
Sorry sir, reread your stuff after getting a good night's sleep. You're right, there's not much to really go after them for in this case, my apologies. Just for my own information though, do you get to have a proper dialogue when you're interviewing? Follow up questions and things like that? Or is it all submitted questions via email or another medium?

I think the only question I'd have followed up with here (and I think it's one of the most important questions at the moment because it dictates all their decisions by the looks of things) is for EA to give us the actual numbers of users for these modes and a proper breakdown - how many quit after one game, etc. I'm fed up of being told blanket statements like "everyone plays online ranked" (no they don't) when I want to see the numbers and judge for myself whether their belief that something isn't worth it is justified.
# 44 labguy @ 07/26/11 11:13 AM
EA only shares numbers when it benefits them. Ian was quick to release numbers on how many people used the feature that picks your play for you. Of course he released that info after a few weeks and only said how many people had used it at least one time. Funny I never heard a follow up on how many used it repeatedly. I personally tried it one time and quickly saw how flawed it was. I am sure I was counted as one of those high percentage of people who were "using" the new system those first few weeks though.

EA is not going to release the numbers on online franchise use because it would just create a further backlash for them.

I do know there are a lot of people who do use it though. Look at the numbers of people registering on the League Manager site. Also there are A LOT of people not using it because it is incomplete. So what if the segment of these two groups only made up 20% of Madden players? That is still 1/5 of your consumers who you have screwed over for not one but TWO development cycles!

What other company would ignore 1/5 of their consumers for two years?
# 45 kjcheezhead @ 07/26/11 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
Does anyone else see the same cycle of logic that I'm seeing?

EA says people aren't playing Online Franchise as their reason it wasn't updated. Upset consumers are saying they aren't playing because the mode isn't updated. Someone stated they may delay their purchase until December to get Madden for a lower price.

The problem with this logic is, not buying Madden keeps Online Franchise metric numbers low and starting to play in December to get a bargain may be well after the creative decisions get made. Meanwhile, guys like myself that get the game at midnight on release day can give meaningful feedback about what we'd like changed immediately through our feedback and gaming habits.

I'm curious to know how many of the people who are complaining about what isn't updated in Madden 12 didn't pay $60 for new copies of Madden 10 & 11. The way I see it, EA improved the online landscape and game play enough for several things to happen:

1) Gameplay: Longtime PS2 holdouts may finally move to PS3/360 because the coverage shading they have been using since Madden '05 has finally made it to NG.

2) Gameplay: Longtime critics of suction will play Madden more now that tackles occur on contact.

3) Franchise: Although they don't make this mode for me, I remember the list of improvements being substantial. Franchise players who make up a large part of the community will be pleased for a few months.

4) Online Communities: People have been craving something like Communities for years. Slider folks will be happy. SIM folks will be happy. Cut-throat players will be happy.

These are things that people who PLAY MADDEN have asked been asking for. It's reasonable that the improvements to other modes may cause the metrics for Online Franchise to dip even lower. With many of the 'fans' refusing to play based on principle and the rest of us not caring at all, the effect is the decision NOT to update the mode.

A better course of action would be to address the real issue that plagues online franchises and leagues alike - NOT ENOUGH GOOD OWNERS and COMMISSIONERS.

If you like the idea of Online Franchise and want to improve it, don't just complain, boycott, rile, and rally. Instead PLAY IT - OFTEN. Add to the fabric of the small Online Franchise community. Get Madden 12 at midnight and play Online Franchise all year long. Make some new friends and mirror the dignity you expect from others.

Obviously, fans of Online Franchise who play religiously in spite of the shortcomings need help getting the numbers up.

No, asking gamers to play a crap mode is ridiculous. EA can see the numbers in NCAA 12. They know the percentage of users playing a complete online mode and can guess what increases they would get with an improved online franchise in madden.

The only change in gaming habits that concerns EA is when people change from Madden to sone other game like NBA2k or COD. The less people buy Madden, the more they will put into the game to try to get your attention.
# 46 DaveDQ @ 07/26/11 01:58 PM
This is all so silly. You don't have answer with all these words. The bottom line is the online franchise mode did not generate as much interest as anticipated so it was neglected for something they brainstormed and hope (as they did with OF) will attract interest.

And when it does attract interest, EA will find ways to charge for specific features. Want an additional 1000 members in your community? That'll be 4.99 for our Madden Communities Pro Pak. This is EA's MO.
# 47 jerryrice4949 @ 07/27/11 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by TNT713
Does anyone else see the same cycle of logic that I'm seeing?

EA says people aren't playing Online Franchise as their reason it wasn't updated. Upset consumers are saying they aren't playing because the mode isn't updated. Someone stated they may delay their purchase until December to get Madden for a lower price.

The problem with this logic is, not buying Madden keeps Online Franchise metric numbers low and starting to play in December to get a bargain may be well after the creative decisions get made. Meanwhile, guys like myself that get the game at midnight on release day can give meaningful feedback about what we'd like changed immediately through our feedback and gaming habits.

I'm curious to know how many of the people who are complaining about what isn't updated in Madden 12 didn't pay $60 for new copies of Madden 10 & 11. The way I see it, EA improved the online landscape and game play enough for several things to happen:

1) Gameplay: Longtime PS2 holdouts may finally move to PS3/360 because the coverage shading they have been using since Madden '05 has finally made it to NG.

2) Gameplay: Longtime critics of suction will play Madden more now that tackles occur on contact.

3) Franchise: Although they don't make this mode for me, I remember the list of improvements being substantial. Franchise players who make up a large part of the community will be pleased for a few months.

4) Online Communities: People have been craving something like Communities for years. Slider folks will be happy. SIM folks will be happy. Cut-throat players will be happy.

These are things that people who PLAY MADDEN have asked been asking for. It's reasonable that the improvements to other modes may cause the metrics for Online Franchise to dip even lower. With many of the 'fans' refusing to play based on principle and the rest of us not caring at all, the effect is the decision NOT to update the mode.

A better course of action would be to address the real issue that plagues online franchises and leagues alike - NOT ENOUGH GOOD OWNERS and COMMISSIONERS.

If you like the idea of Online Franchise and want to improve it, don't just complain, boycott, rile, and rally. Instead PLAY IT - OFTEN. Add to the fabric of the small Online Franchise community. Get Madden 12 at midnight and play Online Franchise all year long. Make some new friends and mirror the dignity you expect from others.

Obviously, fans of Online Franchise who play religiously in spite of the shortcomings need help getting the numbers up.

Congratulations on being ridiculous. It is true I have not bought madden in several years after buying it every year since its inception.

But the idea I should buy a game I think is sorely lacking in hopes that they will improve online franchise is silly. I can't play what EA refers to online franchise because I find online leagues boring and that really is what their "online franchise" is. It is a multi season league nothing more. I enjoy the part will you build a franchise through the draft and free agency, etc...
# 48 RogueHominid @ 07/27/11 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
What would you like me to call Anthony on here? He's not the one that made the sole decision to not update Franchise mode. My analysis after is not really hard hitting or really combative in nature in this case either. They know they are/will take heat for not updating Franchise mode.

And this isn't me being defensive here either, by all means tell me what you think you would want to see more out of with certain interviews?
I'd personally like to see OS interviewers press the EA folks on some of the shaky arguments like the one quoted in the third and final paragraph of the interview posted at the head of this thread.

The statement that Communities meets the basic needs of OF players without the hassle certainly deserves some followup questions for clarification, as well as a counterpoint that there are lots of other things folks want from the OF that Communities can't provide (like GM stuff).

The statement that OTP received more interest last year than OF strikes me as deserving some followup questions about the hard numbers there and how they were generated.

Since you represent a community that includes a fair number of OF enthusiasts, you might also have questioned the choice to do Communities over OF. Your particular hardcore sim community cares about the OF feature, so why not let the interviewee feel that a bit?

It's fair to note that this guy can't be the only one on the hook for the decisions made in the last cycle, but he is in the chair representing the company and the studio that's giving us this product.

If you did press some of these issues and I'm just not able to find the full blog where you do that, then disregard this.
# 49 DaveDQ @ 07/27/11 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by vert56
you're simply not getting it.

allow me to clarify:

1)the mode does not exist

2)therefore, saying that they neglected the mode (that, as previously stated, does not actually exist) based on the low number of people playing is completely invalid and an insult to the intelligence of consumers

key question: how can you claim to come to a decision on an issue based on numbers that are completely irrelevant to that issue?

I think we AS THE CONSUMERS need to change our approach.

From now on we should stop saying "please update online franchise!"
and start saying "please put online franchise in the game for real and stop feeding us crap cause it tastes really bad and confuses our friends."
Are you saying Online Franchise was so poorly done that you don't even consider it in the game? Not sure what you are saying there. It was implemented with some effeciency and appeal in M10, but they left it there like almost every other peripheral to gameplay this generation.

A comparison would be the Weapons system. I thought it was a waste, and while I don't think OF is a waste, they treated it the same way. They took it and hid it in the menus now it's all but gone.
# 50 jerryrice4949 @ 07/28/11 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Are you saying Online Franchise was so poorly done that you don't even consider it in the game? Not sure what you are saying there. It was implemented with some effeciency and appeal in M10, but they left it there like almost every other peripheral to gameplay this generation.

A comparison would be the Weapons system. I thought it was a waste, and while I don't think OF is a waste, they treated it the same way. They took it and hid it in the menus now it's all but gone.
The answer is yes. There was no online franchise, EVER. To be considered a franchise mode there needs to be a yearly rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap etc... A franchise is where you constantly build and rebuild your team year to year.

What EA called an online Franchise was really a multi season league.

Would you consider NCAA football to have a online dynasty if recruiting was not included? Of course not, because recruiting is part of establishing a dynasty. Just like the rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap are part of a franchise mode.
# 51 ChaseB @ 07/28/11 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by jerryrice4949
Since you asked. I would like someone to challenge EA next time they mention "the numbers" when it comes to online franchise. Well of course the numbers suck it was a completely unfinished feature/mode. It is not bare bones it is completely incomplete; what does EA expect the numbers to look like. That would be like NCAA calling something online dynasty without recruiting. I would like someone to ask them if they think the low utilization to what they call online Franchise is because it is really not a franchise mode at all!

I think the designer from EA missed the whole point of online franchise. It is more than a couple of friends getting together. It is about getting together with people you know and or like and building a team year after year. It is about a whole new level of immersion. It is the whole point of a franchise mode whether online or offline.

Every time I hear about the numbers I want to scream. Make an actual online franchise and then lets see what the numbers are.
Okay, fair enough question.

Originally Posted by Icarus2k9
Sorry sir, reread your stuff after getting a good night's sleep. You're right, there's not much to really go after them for in this case, my apologies. Just for my own information though, do you get to have a proper dialogue when you're interviewing? Follow up questions and things like that? Or is it all submitted questions via email or another medium?

I think the only question I'd have followed up with here (and I think it's one of the most important questions at the moment because it dictates all their decisions by the looks of things) is for EA to give us the actual numbers of users for these modes and a proper breakdown - how many quit after one game, etc. I'm fed up of being told blanket statements like "everyone plays online ranked" (no they don't) when I want to see the numbers and judge for myself whether their belief that something isn't worth it is justified.
Some interviews are by text, but this one was my phone. So basically some allow follow-up questions and others do not -- yes, just depends on the medium.

Seems like a fair enough question. I know that generally speaking they don't want to or will give specifics on that type of stuff, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

But just to be clear, the interview was about Online Communities, so I just didn't want to use that as a platform to "jump" a developer about online franchise stuff. So I more tacked on a question at the end to at least get a word about it.
# 52 DaveDQ @ 07/28/11 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by jerryrice4949
The answer is yes. There was no online franchise, EVER. To be considered a franchise mode there needs to be a yearly rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap etc... A franchise is where you constantly build and rebuild your team year to year.

What EA called an online Franchise was really a multi season league.

Would you consider NCAA football to have a online dynasty if recruiting was not included? Of course not, because recruiting is part of establishing a dynasty. Just like the rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap are part of a franchise mode.
Good point. I think that's where the bulk of my frustration is. Two things that year were platformed that I considered a green light to buy the game (Online franchise and Pro-Tak). Both of them haven't been touched. Now you can argue that the new tackling system is another step but Pro-Tak isn't spoken of anymore.
# 53 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 07/28/11 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by jerryrice4949
The answer is yes. There was no online franchise, EVER. To be considered a franchise mode there needs to be a yearly rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap etc... A franchise is where you constantly build and rebuild your team year to year.

What EA called an online Franchise was really a multi season league.

Would you consider NCAA football to have a online dynasty if recruiting was not included? Of course not, because recruiting is part of establishing a dynasty. Just like the rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap are part of a franchise mode.
I'm pretty sure there wasn't a salary cap r legit free agency, but I know there was some sort of rookie draft.
# 54 bigrice25 @ 07/28/11 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713

That said, I've drawn some ire for suggesting that players who want Online Franchise to improve should actually play it regardless of it's shortcomings. Why? Because if you want a store to survive, you must shop there or it may disappear.

Why would you shop at a store that you dont like? its a waste of your money as a consumer.

I think the point here is that Maddens Online Franchise mode is not a real Online Franchise mode, and that they are using excuses for neglecting to update it. EA is pretty much dragging us along, They got to keep some "new features" in their back pocket.

They know the feature would be used if implemented correctly, all they have to do is look at NCAA.
# 55 CcAaRrSsOoNn3 @ 07/28/11 01:47 PM
So attempt to copy FIFA Clubs mode? But make it a cheap version of Online dynasty and NOT be able to play on the same team?!?!

Is Co-op still in the game?
# 56 dkp23 @ 07/28/11 02:53 PM
Lets not forget here, we are in year six in "Next-Gen" gaming. Remember the madden 06 teaser during the draft? Had nothing to do with the graphics or gameplay. Madden 06 comes out and it is stripped of everything and it sucked. Ok, it was the first madden for next gen, but 07,08,09,10,11, and now 12....

They've had six years to get the features of last-gen (cb shading, formation subs, building teams, etc) back into the game and finally we got cb shading. The same issues in last gen are still in the game now i.e terrible physics, fast crappy players dominate, suction (finallly gone?), WR warping, one man tackles (after locomotion is gone i think), and the ability to throw the ball to a receiver at anytime in the route and the wr will adjust. If I call a streak route, I shouldnt be able to throw the ball after the snap and expect my wr to adjust, he shouldnt be ready for the ball until he is down the field! No injured reserve, on and on and on and on and on and on....

Six Years! Remember 2k5 had online franchise and we didnt get online franchise until 2010? What do we have? Rewind?some lockeroom thing? madden cards? and now gameflow? Who the hell doesnt wnat to pick their play?

So we can talk about resources and leveraging those resources and utilizing those resources to important aspects in the game. Instead of improving gameplay, physics, franchise, online franchise, presentation....They waste resources on gimmicks year after year. This year it is communities, but it is just a glorified friendslist with stats...It is clear what it is being done, if they improve things that are already in the game, its not going to help the game sell more because there isnt a new feature...So lets waste time and add things nobody asked for and ignore things people have asked...

I keep reading about how online chise wasnt used enough to warrant an update. Lets be honest here, Im sure majority of people with online access joined a league...I want to know that number, how many of the users jioned the league at least once. Being that online chise has no features and there isnt much managing going on, yes, it can get stale. You can not expect users to continue to play online chise when it remains in beta stage for three years. Users shoudlnt be forced to use online franchise so that EA listens and finally improves it. users are asking for improvements and dont want to be forced to use it if it sucks...
# 57 falconfansince81 @ 07/28/11 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
Good point, but mine seems to be escaping everyone...

I am not at all concerned with why people don't play Online Franchise. What matters is that almost no-one does. The lowest THREE game modes account for a COMBINED 3% of the first 40 million games played. That's LOWER than the sales tax in most states. Furthermore, by many admissions, a lot of guys haven't purchased Madden in years. I don't see much logic in EA bending over backward for the consumer that isn't buying or playing the product.

That said... I believe online Communities will revolutionize the way the millions of people who actually buy and play Madden will enjoy the game. If it is done well, it will remove all of the major issues most people have with online play. I'm not sure what effect it's going to have on people that don't buy or play the game.

Til then, where are the guys playing the 3% who buy Madden and play Online Franchise.

How do they feel?

its not surprising your not concerned WHY people don't play it opposed to the fact many people do not. if they took out your precious offline franchise and upgraded play now ranked games i'm sure you'd be concerned. you seem to only apply 'logic' to what is conventient for yourself, not what mode is suffering from poor implementation and no improvements because it takes too much coding for one cycle. online communities was your gimmick, enjoy it.

if online communities were broken and featureless (only tabbed stats) people won't use that either, let alone if they remain unchanged for 3 years. a lot of guys like the online competition with sim players, but want to do more than just play meaningless lobby games for meaningless stats.
# 58 mirrored32 @ 07/28/11 08:15 PM
i dont' play online games because the servers are lame. like some of the features of NCAA football but i don't like waiting for servers to work.

madden. . . not even close.

I think the push to online is ok for those PVP's out there, but i am an offline multiplayer kind of guy. so much fun having a group over every week to play it out in the same room. just feels so, crappy to be playing online. I don't mind if they work on my online stuff, just please don't' forget about offline.
# 59 Still2REal @ 07/28/11 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
Just being honest man, the true is what it is... It's not a conspiracy. The most played game.modes always get work, on EVERY GAME.
OK then please tell me why people on this site always say Offline Franchise is the most played part of the game, yet it took 4+ years for them to touch the mode.

They improve what they want to improve and hold off on the features that gamers demand for as long as possible so they can add it at the last moment and say "NEW" feature. There is NO DOUBT in my mind they staged a 2 part Online Franchise implementation for this very reason.
# 60 kbmnm247 @ 07/29/11 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
Does anyone else see the same cycle of logic that I'm seeing?

EA says people aren't playing Online Franchise as their reason it wasn't updated. Upset consumers are saying they aren't playing because the mode isn't updated. Someone stated they may delay their purchase until December to get Madden for a lower price.

The problem with this logic is, not buying Madden keeps Online Franchise metric numbers low and starting to play in December to get a bargain may be well after the creative decisions get made. Meanwhile, guys like myself that get the game at midnight on release day can give meaningful feedback about what we'd like changed immediately through our feedback and gaming habits.
And you think it is right for EA to make decisions based on the first week(s) of gameplay? I understand they have a quick development cycle... so save the big changes for last. Work on getting all of your art, commentary, animation stuff together early and then refine the modes afterwords? Is that so hard? To make decisions based off of reviews a week after the game is out is something EA constantly does, and imo it is not very intelligent. Even when it comes to patches, but I digress...
I'm curious to know how many of the people who are complaining about what isn't updated in Madden 12 didn't pay $60 for new copies of Madden 10 & 11. The way I see it, EA improved the online landscape and game play enough for several things to happen:

1) Gameplay: Longtime PS2 holdouts may finally move to PS3/360 because the coverage shading they have been using since Madden '05 has finally made it to NG.

2) Gameplay: Longtime critics of suction will play Madden more now that tackles occur on contact.

3) Franchise: Although they don't make this mode for me, I remember the list of improvements being substantial. Franchise players who make up a large part of the community will be pleased for a few months.

4) Online Communities: People have been craving something like Communities for years. Slider folks will be happy. SIM folks will be happy. Cut-throat players will be happy.
Don't get me wrong, but I do not see the allure for these online communities. I don't see how it is any different than me having a friends list, except that OC will keep stats. Whoop-de-do
These are things that people who PLAY MADDEN have asked been asking for. It's reasonable that the improvements to other modes may cause the metrics for Online Franchise to dip even lower. With many of the 'fans' refusing to play based on principle and the rest of us not caring at all, the effect is the decision NOT to update the mode.

A better course of action would be to address the real issue that plagues online franchises and leagues alike - NOT ENOUGH GOOD OWNERS and COMMISSIONERS.

If you like the idea of Online Franchise and want to improve it, don't just complain, boycott, rile, and rally. Instead PLAY IT - OFTEN. Add to the fabric of the small Online Franchise community. Get Madden 12 at midnight and play Online Franchise all year long. Make some new friends and mirror the dignity you expect from others.

Obviously, fans of Online Franchise who play religiously in spite of the shortcomings need help getting the numbers up.

TNT, no offense, but you obviously have never played Online Franchise. It ISNT an online franchise. You say to play it, often. The reason people don't play it is because would you rather play a buddy with a random team immediately, or would you rather go through all of the scheduling to play a buddy with the same exact teams. There is nothing franchise about Online Franchise in Madden. It would be like me telling you to play Online Ranked games OFTEN even though they didn't keep score in the games, you'd be telling me I was crazy for suggesting that could get it improved.

EA is lazy, pure and simple. It can not possibly be that hard to add a salary cap to OF over a 2 year period especially when you claim you can control/update/add to it at any time because it's all online.

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