
Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

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Old 07-28-2011, 12:45 PM   #65
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by jerryrice4949
The answer is yes. There was no online franchise, EVER. To be considered a franchise mode there needs to be a yearly rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap etc... A franchise is where you constantly build and rebuild your team year to year.

What EA called an online Franchise was really a multi season league.

Would you consider NCAA football to have a online dynasty if recruiting was not included? Of course not, because recruiting is part of establishing a dynasty. Just like the rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap are part of a franchise mode.
Good point. I think that's where the bulk of my frustration is. Two things that year were platformed that I considered a green light to buy the game (Online franchise and Pro-Tak). Both of them haven't been touched. Now you can argue that the new tackling system is another step but Pro-Tak isn't spoken of anymore.
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Old 07-28-2011, 12:53 PM   #66
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by jerryrice4949
The answer is yes. There was no online franchise, EVER. To be considered a franchise mode there needs to be a yearly rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap etc... A franchise is where you constantly build and rebuild your team year to year.

What EA called an online Franchise was really a multi season league.

Would you consider NCAA football to have a online dynasty if recruiting was not included? Of course not, because recruiting is part of establishing a dynasty. Just like the rookie draft, contracts, trades, salary cap are part of a franchise mode.
I'm pretty sure there wasn't a salary cap r legit free agency, but I know there was some sort of rookie draft.
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Old 07-28-2011, 01:05 PM   #67
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by TNT713

That said, I've drawn some ire for suggesting that players who want Online Franchise to improve should actually play it regardless of it's shortcomings. Why? Because if you want a store to survive, you must shop there or it may disappear.

Why would you shop at a store that you dont like? its a waste of your money as a consumer.

I think the point here is that Maddens Online Franchise mode is not a real Online Franchise mode, and that they are using excuses for neglecting to update it. EA is pretty much dragging us along, They got to keep some "new features" in their back pocket.

They know the feature would be used if implemented correctly, all they have to do is look at NCAA.

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Old 07-28-2011, 01:47 PM   #68
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

So attempt to copy FIFA Clubs mode? But make it a cheap version of Online dynasty and NOT be able to play on the same team?!?!

Is Co-op still in the game?
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Last edited by CcAaRrSsOoNn3; 07-28-2011 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 07-28-2011, 02:53 PM   #69
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Lets not forget here, we are in year six in "Next-Gen" gaming. Remember the madden 06 teaser during the draft? Had nothing to do with the graphics or gameplay. Madden 06 comes out and it is stripped of everything and it sucked. Ok, it was the first madden for next gen, but 07,08,09,10,11, and now 12....

They've had six years to get the features of last-gen (cb shading, formation subs, building teams, etc) back into the game and finally we got cb shading. The same issues in last gen are still in the game now i.e terrible physics, fast crappy players dominate, suction (finallly gone?), WR warping, one man tackles (after locomotion is gone i think), and the ability to throw the ball to a receiver at anytime in the route and the wr will adjust. If I call a streak route, I shouldnt be able to throw the ball after the snap and expect my wr to adjust, he shouldnt be ready for the ball until he is down the field! No injured reserve, on and on and on and on and on and on....

Six Years! Remember 2k5 had online franchise and we didnt get online franchise until 2010? What do we have? Rewind?some lockeroom thing? madden cards? and now gameflow? Who the hell doesnt wnat to pick their play?

So we can talk about resources and leveraging those resources and utilizing those resources to important aspects in the game. Instead of improving gameplay, physics, franchise, online franchise, presentation....They waste resources on gimmicks year after year. This year it is communities, but it is just a glorified friendslist with stats...It is clear what it is being done, if they improve things that are already in the game, its not going to help the game sell more because there isnt a new feature...So lets waste time and add things nobody asked for and ignore things people have asked...

I keep reading about how online chise wasnt used enough to warrant an update. Lets be honest here, Im sure majority of people with online access joined a league...I want to know that number, how many of the users jioned the league at least once. Being that online chise has no features and there isnt much managing going on, yes, it can get stale. You can not expect users to continue to play online chise when it remains in beta stage for three years. Users shoudlnt be forced to use online franchise so that EA listens and finally improves it. users are asking for improvements and dont want to be forced to use it if it sucks...

Last edited by dkp23; 07-28-2011 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 07-28-2011, 03:52 PM   #70
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by bigrice25
Why would you shop at a store that you dont like? its a waste of your money as a consumer.

I think the point here is that Maddens Online Franchise mode is not a real Online Franchise mode, and that they are using excuses for neglecting to update it. EA is pretty much dragging us along, They got to keep some "new features" in their back pocket.

They know the feature would be used if implemented correctly, all they have to do is look at NCAA.
Good point, but mine seems to be escaping everyone...

I am not at all concerned with why people don't play Online Franchise. What matters is that almost no-one does. The lowest THREE game modes account for a COMBINED 3% of the first 40 million games played. That's LOWER than the sales tax in most states. Furthermore, by many admissions, a lot of guys haven't purchased Madden in years. I don't see much logic in EA bending over backward for the consumer that isn't buying or playing the product.

That said... I believe online Communities will revolutionize the way the millions of people who actually buy and play Madden will enjoy the game. If it is done well, it will remove all of the major issues most people have with online play. I'm not sure what effect it's going to have on people that don't buy or play the game.

Til then, where are the guys playing the 3% who buy Madden and play Online Franchise.

How do they feel?

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Old 07-28-2011, 04:05 PM   #71
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by TNT713
Good point, but mine seems to be escaping everyone...

I am not at all concerned with why people don't play Online Franchise. What matters is that almost no-one does. The lowest THREE game modes account for a COMBINED 3% of the first 40 million games played. That's LOWER than the sales tax in most states. Furthermore, by many admissions, a lot of guys haven't purchased Madden in years. I don't see much logic in EA bending over backward for the consumer that isn't buying or playing the product.

That said... I believe online Communities will revolutionize the way the millions of people who actually buy and play Madden will enjoy the game. If it is done well, it will remove all of the major issues most people have with online play. I'm not sure what effect it's going to have on people that don't buy or play the game.

Til then, where are the guys playing the 3% who buy Madden and play Online Franchise.

How do they feel?

its not surprising your not concerned WHY people don't play it opposed to the fact many people do not. if they took out your precious offline franchise and upgraded play now ranked games i'm sure you'd be concerned. you seem to only apply 'logic' to what is conventient for yourself, not what mode is suffering from poor implementation and no improvements because it takes too much coding for one cycle. online communities was your gimmick, enjoy it.

if online communities were broken and featureless (only tabbed stats) people won't use that either, let alone if they remain unchanged for 3 years. a lot of guys like the online competition with sim players, but want to do more than just play meaningless lobby games for meaningless stats.
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:08 PM   #72
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Re: Online Communities Took Precedence Over Online Franchise in Madden NFL 12

Originally Posted by TNT713
Does anyone else see the same cycle of logic that I'm seeing?

EA says people aren't playing Online Franchise as their reason it wasn't updated. Upset consumers are saying they aren't playing because the mode isn't updated. Someone stated they may delay their purchase until December to get Madden for a lower price.

The problem with this logic is, not buying Madden keeps Online Franchise metric numbers low and starting to play in December to get a bargain may be well after the creative decisions get made. Meanwhile, guys like myself that get the game at midnight on release day can give meaningful feedback about what we'd like changed immediately through our feedback and gaming habits.

I'm curious to know how many of the people who are complaining about what isn't updated in Madden 12 didn't pay $60 for new copies of Madden 10 & 11. The way I see it, EA improved the online landscape and game play enough for several things to happen:

1) Gameplay: Longtime PS2 holdouts may finally move to PS3/360 because the coverage shading they have been using since Madden '05 has finally made it to NG.

2) Gameplay: Longtime critics of suction will play Madden more now that tackles occur on contact.

3) Franchise: Although they don't make this mode for me, I remember the list of improvements being substantial. Franchise players who make up a large part of the community will be pleased for a few months.

4) Online Communities: People have been craving something like Communities for years. Slider folks will be happy. SIM folks will be happy. Cut-throat players will be happy.

These are things that people who PLAY MADDEN have asked been asking for. It's reasonable that the improvements to other modes may cause the metrics for Online Franchise to dip even lower. With many of the 'fans' refusing to play based on principle and the rest of us not caring at all, the effect is the decision NOT to update the mode.

A better course of action would be to address the real issue that plagues online franchises and leagues alike - NOT ENOUGH GOOD OWNERS and COMMISSIONERS.

If you like the idea of Online Franchise and want to improve it, don't just complain, boycott, rile, and rally. Instead PLAY IT - OFTEN. Add to the fabric of the small Online Franchise community. Get Madden 12 at midnight and play Online Franchise all year long. Make some new friends and mirror the dignity you expect from others.

Obviously, fans of Online Franchise who play religiously in spite of the shortcomings need help getting the numbers up.

Guys.... This post is 1,000,000% spot on! And it has nothing to do with me being a Game Changer. Excellent post and that is why LM was created...to get more people involved so the mode will be upgraded and we can focus on other things!!!
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