NHL 12 News Post

The first NHL 12 screenshot has been released. It involves Washington Capitals center Brooks Laich absolutely blowing up Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury in the Winter Classic. What differences do you see?

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 26 - View All
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# 81 savoie2006 @ 05/23/11 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by xITSxDAWKINSx
i hope the winter classic isnt the big new thing in this game. nhl 10 and 11 was the same as far as game modes so i hope there is more to the game this year
Not so, NHL 11 had Hockey Ultimate Team for a new game mode. I don't think Winter Classic will be the BIG thing. Hopefully that is reserved to an actual online hockey franchise that is not HUT.
# 82 SinisterAlex @ 05/23/11 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
Not so, NHL 11 had Hockey Ultimate Team for a new game mode. I don't think Winter Classic will be the BIG thing. Hopefully that is reserved to an actual online hockey franchise that is not HUT.
This. I'd love for this to be in NHL 12.
# 83 BlueNGold @ 05/23/11 02:11 AM
There's way too much overreacting in this thread.

It's the first screenshot/piece of info. We can't wait until more info comes out before we start saying the Winter Classic is "the BIG feature" (which I would guarantee that it isn't)?
# 84 Fiddy @ 05/23/11 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
There's way too much overreacting in this thread.

It's the first screenshot/piece of info. We can't wait until more info comes out before we start saying the Winter Classic is "the BIG feature" (which I would guarantee that it isn't)?
It's not overreacting IMO... Bc of EA's track record we have reason to worry!!
# 85 Qb @ 05/23/11 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by TDKing
Did you guys see some of the things that are going to be in FIFA 12 ? I'd like to see all that stuff make it into NHL12. Check out the front page of OS.
Oh and the screen shot really did nothing for me but its still early.
Yes, the leaked FIFA video/info was impressive, but you have to remember that was not supposed to be released to the public. That was intended for an E3 presentation by David Rutter and is likely used for community events and other media sneakpeaks. All that info would likely be subject to a NDA then released over a period of months via blogs/videos/etc. We just lucked out and got it all at once.

They had a similar overview presentation for NHL11 that Littman gave the first morning of the community event last year. We (and select others) knew all the "big-ticket" items up front, but had to sit on them until EA revealed them publicly. So what I'm saying is, there probably is something similar for NHL12 that shows the major additions/improvements, but it hasn't been leaked... yet.
# 86 jyoung @ 05/23/11 02:47 PM
HUT was fun for a few weeks. Then you realize that you can't play your friends' teams, and that keeping up a full roster is more work than it is fun.

Not to mention the glitch where guys can quit out of tournament games and you don't get credit for the win. Total joke of a mode.

Hopefully we get a real online franchise mode this year.

Or at least a "NHL" team play league to counter the "EASHL" league, so those of us who don't want to play with clown characters jacked up on attribute boosts can have club games with real NHL teams/players instead.
# 87 jwilphl @ 05/23/11 02:51 PM
This game has gotten really stale for me, unfortunately. There are just too many problems to keep me from enjoying the game. It will take a good deal of improvement for me to purchase this game after a two-year hiatus.

That said, just about every aspect of the game needs a makeover, from the gameplay to the presentation. This screen shows the lighting and Winter Classic at work, but overall this honestly does not look great to me graphically. That said, graphics are not the selling point for me when the rest of the game needs lots of work.
# 88 plaidchuck @ 05/23/11 03:32 PM
I agree about the constant tuning. It's a great thing to have but all they ever do with it is try to fix the EASHL and bork off-line game play.
# 89 stew514 @ 05/23/11 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by plaidchuck
I agree about the constant tuning. It's a great thing to have but all they ever do with it is try to fix the EASHL and bork off-line game play.
You can revert your tuners for offline play. I agree about having OTP leagues, especially with NHL teams where you can save your lines, but I really don't see them doing that because it would (god forbid) take away from the EASHL. If they do this I really hope they give us control of everything, including sliders as I think you should always be able to customize a league to how you see fit.

Also, graphics aren't THAT big of a deal to me if they make improvements in other areas. I would love for them to add much more of a customization to how your EASHL player looks (the facial hair selections are nothing short of pathetic) but as a whole I could live with another year of these graphics if it meant a better game.
# 90 Qb @ 05/23/11 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by plaidchuck
I agree about the constant tuning. It's a great thing to have but all they ever do with it is try to fix the EASHL and bork off-line game play.
After reading variations of this comment a lot lately, I went back and played a few games with the first/second tuner. Two things that jumped out at me were puck protect was useful again and there appeared to be more speed separation. I believe both of these were tuned with the EASHL in mind and did have a negative effect on offline play. Unfortunately, there were some good changes in the later sets so it's somewhat of a 'pick your poison' scenario.
# 91 savoie2006 @ 05/23/11 06:40 PM
So what I'm saying is, there probably is something similar for NHL12 that shows the major additions/improvements, but it hasn't been leaked... yet.
How dare you hope for such a thing I agree on the pick your poison thought, but can't they seperate the two? In other words can't they have an update for one, but not the other?
# 92 Qb @ 05/24/11 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
I agree on the pick your poison thought, but can't they seperate the two? In other words can't they have an update for one, but not the other?
Yes, I think it is feasible, but not how they want to do it or at least that's my impression. Some of the tuners had changes that only affected online play. However, what I think you're getting is having two distinct tuning "philosophies", which I assume would be less than ideal from the development/testing/implementation perspectives.

I do agree with your general premise though... if tuning changes X, Y, and Z are strictly aimed at online exploits that would not apply to offline play, releasing two tuners at once -- with the "current" one having the online tuning -- would be ideal. This is more or less what they did with 2.0/2.01 and the auto backskate issue.

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