The first NHL 12 screenshot has been released. It involves Washington Capitals center Brooks Laich absolutely blowing up Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury in the Winter Classic. What differences do you see?
This is my think as well. My only concern is that the goalie physics won't be initiated unless you actually try to hit them - the same way the real time physics for checking in NHL 11 didn't initiate unless you landed a hit. If you have to "hit" the goalie for the collision to begin, it won't change gameplay around the net as much as we'd like.
I'm hopeful though, and even if that turns out to be the case, it will still alter gameplay - just to a lesser extent. The developers said at last year's community day they had some goalie collision in place but couldn't get it right in time for NHL 11, so they held off a year and I'm not surprised we're looking at it for NHL 12. I'm confident they'll do it right.
Luger, that is a great concern/question to tell EA at the Community Day Event!
... but how can you implement Winter Classic into BAGM mode? You really can't.
Yes you can. Generic outdoor stadium, generic winter classic logo for years beyond the initial, a select pool of teams from northern areas that would likely compete in a WC thrown into a randomizer for the matchup. Done.
Anyway, the goalie contact makes me a little uneasy as someone who plays BAP as a goalie; mainly the question of "do I really trust the AI ref to make the correct call when I get knocked on my *** as a shot's going to the net?" As long as the interference rulings are as sensitive as they are in real life, I think it'll be fine though.
Of course they wait until ****tsburgh and the Crapitals are in the Winter Classic to put the stadium and WC jerseys in the game. **** that, unless Fenway's in and the B's, and Red Wings Winter Classics (should've been in the last couple of years). Then it's stupendous. I'm not holding my breath, though.
The goaltending interference should add an interesting wrench into games, though. Hopefully goalies will be able to push back on players, for all the human goalies that play.
This is my think as well. My only concern is that the goalie physics won't be initiated unless you actually try to hit them - the same way the real time physics for checking in NHL 11 didn't initiate unless you landed a hit. If you have to "hit" the goalie for the collision to begin, it won't change gameplay around the net as much as we'd like.
I'm hopeful though, and even if that turns out to be the case, it will still alter gameplay - just to a lesser extent. The developers said at last year's community day they had some goalie collision in place but couldn't get it right in time for NHL 11, so they held off a year and I'm not surprised we're looking at it for NHL 12. I'm confident they'll do it right.
A few good points raised by Luger here. I mentioned in another thread that Rammer said they didn't want to do goalie collisions until they felt it was balanced. They are sensitive to the concerns of the community regarding game balance, particularly when it comes to online play. They know what people will do/try, so I think we can all be confident goalies will not be fair game. If I had to guess, I can see more people chirping that the goalie interference calls are too strict.
Originally Posted by john1842msu1977
Gimmick or not, people have been asking for it. At least EA Sports is listening to the fans.
Many people would be surprised at how much they listen. At times last year at the community event I felt like the devs could read my mind. That being said, there are areas in need of attention and at some point "being aware" must translate into tangible improvement.
So will the Winter classic be added or is this just a rendered photo like beardgate?
Yes, for EA to show the goalie and having the picture show an outside arena, why would they tease us like that and say "Oh yea about that picture, there is no winter classic, we just wanted to make you believe it was in". I don't think they would and it is in the game.
Like MLB The Show, I see the goalie mask can fly off. I'd also like to know if there'll be minor scrums in front of the net post- whistle, like real life.
FWIW, I talked to Redshirt about scrums at the community event last year... they knew it could be a lot better.
I can honestly say I'm not at all excited about these features. Goalie contact and taking the net off the moorings seem like the types of things that will become abused. Teams will figure out ways to knock your goalie down without penalty, and knock their own net off to eliminate scoring chances.
I can honestly say I'm not at all excited about these features. Goalie contact and taking the net off the moorings seem like the types of things that will become abused. Teams will figure out ways to knock your goalie down without penalty, and knock their own net off to eliminate scoring chances.
We haven't even broke the surface as to what's in store for us... let's wait to debate whether or not we like these things when the game gets into our hands.
I don't want to sound like a prick or anything... just saying.
We haven't even broke the surface as to what's in store for us... let's wait to debate whether or not we like these things when the game gets into our hands.
I don't want to sound like a prick or anything... just saying.
Honestly, that was the same response everyone had to the hitting videos we saw last year. We kept hearing things like "the sliders are just turned up to show off the hitting engine". By December everyone is using a PWF and TWF and the game is a closer recreation of NHL hits. I hate to be the negative person, but I'm getting sick and tired of new and unnecessary features when the same problems exist from game to game.
I hate to sound skeptical, but I hope the whole 'running the goalie' doesn't get overdone.
I can see a lot of games where the goalie gets hit, a scrum ensues and then some bogus penalties are given out.
Similar to times where, during a post-whistle scrum, I'd do absolutely nothing, and then someone would crosscheck Zetterberg repeatedly, and without retaliating, I'd get a 2-minute roughing penalty.
EA has a bad habit of introducing things but not testing them thoroughly enough.
So part of me wonders what will be broken about checking goalies and if we'll have to wait for NHL13 for them to refine it.
From the picture its looks like they have added a DIVE button......I mean come on, Laich barely touched Fleury!!!! And where was Stall going, apparently he runs when the goalie is getting beaten!!
Honestly, that was the same response everyone had to the hitting videos we saw last year. We kept hearing things like "the sliders are just turned up to show off the hitting engine". By December everyone is using a PWF and TWF and the game is a closer recreation of NHL hits. I hate to be the negative person, but I'm getting sick and tired of new and unnecessary features when the same problems exist from game to game.
The hitting is fine BUT ONLY IF it has a counter. Currently, you get hit but you have no way of bracing yourself for the hit. It's like you guy is a styro foam block. In real life NHL, when a guy sees a hit coming, he doesn't stand there and let himself get levelled, he braces for the hit. This HAS to be in NHL 12 or else we're going to suffer through another year or unrealistic hits.
I for one love the direction the game is going in terms of the real time physics engine. It allows for more dynamic game play and makes the game look and feel more realistic. Sure things can be tweaked here n there, but answer me this:
If EA didn't add any new features to the NHL series year after year, and left the same old Dynasty Mode, Season Mode, and game play features, etc the same year after year, would you buy it?
I would say no. I don't want the same scripted animations, I don't want the same old Dynasty Mode and Season mode, I don't want the same gameplay features in terms of penalties, post whistle scrums, etc. When I pay 70$ for a game I WANT new things added, I don't want the same things untouched just because it's "fine". Sure, Be a GM Mode needs fixing, the Sim Engine needs to be redone, but just because those need to be fixed, doesn't mean that EA isn't allowed to add stuff that's actually in the game of hockey we all love and watch like goaltender interference, nets coming loose, the Winter Classic, etc.
All I'm trying to say is, the majority people want things changed and new things added, not the same game for 5 years in a row with minor tweaks.
All I'm trying to say is, the majority people want things changed and new things added, not the same game for 5 years in a row with minor tweaks
Granted, but EA has pretty muched added small details over the years and the game has indeed started feeling stale to many. Don't get me wrong,the little details are nice, but there are bigger fish to fry at this point. Who can really say at this point, maybe they have, but the Presentation, AI, and BAGM/BAP modes are in desperate need of attention. More so than goalie collision, broken sticks, and HUT.