Madden 12 News Post

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A longer version, can be seen here. Although, the capture quality isn't very good. Plenty of frames missing.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 kingkilla56 @ 04/27/11 06:52 PM
Madden finally stole NCAA qb flack jackets lmao
# 82 guaps @ 04/27/11 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
One video of NCAA and the tackling with momentum is much better. Don't know if you saw that one, yet.
I don't know exactly what video you're referring to, but the gameplay NCAA video from April 21 is the one I'm talking about. And just to clarify, I'm not talking about tackling with momentum as that looks very decent. I am talking about player movement - the way they shift their weight around and change directions. As an example look at the defender in zone coverage around 1:00 into the NCAA gameplay video. He's way too fast, IMO, as he moves 10+ yards and changes direction three times within a couple of seconds.
# 83 thejuice5 @ 04/27/11 08:09 PM
aside from a tackle animation, the game as far as gameplay looks the same..there should be hundreds of new tackle animations as well as bettr on field interactions....AND where the HELL r the Nike, Under Armor, Cutters equipment...lol
# 84 bonannogiovanni @ 04/27/11 08:15 PM
Kuodos to EA for the big improvement in graphics, but I agree that gameplay hasn't changed much, the same impressions I had with NCAA.
# 85 radatdude2 @ 04/27/11 08:34 PM
i agree i welcome the addition of bigger player models. The recent ones (2010/2011) look small and incorrectly proportioned, not like football players. Plus when the player models are that small it becomes difficult to differentiate between a CB and DT or A RT and WR
# 86 MrSkagTrendy @ 04/27/11 09:08 PM
Still can't believe people are already judging gameplay. Crazy..
# 87 T2theG @ 04/27/11 09:15 PM
Vick looks like hes about 250...way to big, hes really thinin real life...hate that but other than that it looks great
# 88 countryboy @ 04/27/11 09:15 PM
the only thing I got from the extended video was a headache. Too choppy for me to pay attention to anything.
# 89 Tengo Juego @ 04/27/11 09:23 PM
So, I guess they're not going to replace that unwatchable version of the video? Couldn't even find it on the ESPN website.
# 90 jagsrock95 @ 04/27/11 09:27 PM
say what you want about the vid being "too short to tell" but It's pretty obvious to me that madden 12 comes up short graphically to NCAA 12. gameplay nobody know yet but visually NCAA 12 is winning. I did like the intro though...Oh and Vick does look real chunky if it wasn't for the #7 i would have no clue who that is .
# 91 statum71 @ 04/27/11 09:31 PM
Dear Custom Music,

Can you please, please, pretty please finally make an appearance in Madden this year?

I can just imagine how "KRUNK" that pre-game intro would be with FOX NFL Sunday Theme in the background.
# 92 reverend_heat @ 04/27/11 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Legend Killer
Really how can they messed that up. Nice eye bro. You caught that misteak on the video. I really hope they fix that problem before going gold. That looks weird and awful. Please Madden team fix the intro part. Scenes of Vick coming out twice with the team looks plain awful.

First thing I noticed as well, almost as dumb as making it look like there are only ten players on the entire team.
# 93 carvis#15 @ 04/27/11 10:02 PM
Stuff looks wack...and exactly the same. 15 seconds...pointless
# 94 RGiles36 @ 04/27/11 10:47 PM
Rib-protectors FTW!! Now the QBs will look like QBs.
# 95 lwendt33 @ 04/27/11 10:48 PM
Looks just like last years game. Players still skate when they run not impressed. NCAA looks a lot better, seems to have more pop to it.
# 96 PSRusse83 @ 04/27/11 10:59 PM
What the hell is that gigantic bulging hump in the center of Vicks back? That does not look right at all.
# 97 goodygoody @ 04/27/11 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by lwendt33
Looks just like last years game. Players still skate when they run not impressed. NCAA looks a lot better, seems to have more pop to it.
I think people have become so used to bashing madden that they've grown stubborn. What I saw in 15 seconds wasn't perfect, but it was undoubtedly better. It's kind of funny what people are complaining about. I mean.. thicker player models? Only two men getting in on the tackle? Umm.. Can we say 2k? Its clear that Madden is finally trying to take notes from a game that did it better. If you don't show interest in that... Well....
# 98 Lodeus @ 04/27/11 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by 43M
LMAO at all the same guys that come in here to say "same old Madden" all the time. If its always the same, and you dont like it, why follow it? Are your lives that boring that you cant find something better to do than follow a game you dont like anymore? Just annoying and childish.

And the game is never going to look or play completely different from past Maddens, at least not until next gen, so feel free to leave until then if you hate it that much.

Vick looked too big, but in that facebook video, he actually looked the right size in the away jersey vs the Falcons.

And while the animations are obviously still far from perfect, I do see improvements.

However, none of this will matter either way to me unless franchise is improved BIG TIME.

I see enough improvements to make me excited for it.
# 99 PSRusse83 @ 04/27/11 11:31 PM
For some reason in EA games it looks like they are on a tiny field
# 100 Hooe @ 04/28/11 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Thinking Out Loud
I have not being able to really enjoy next-gen Madden these last 6 years for various reasons, most of which seem to be being addressed this year. This is really starting to look more and more like a football game I can finally enjoy.

I really feel for the people who are so detailed oriented, that things like imperfect body types, jersey fonts etc, might ruin their enjoyment. I knew I had issues with Madden but I am thankful they don't run THAT deep. I really hope they get the game where all you guys can finally enjoy the game too.
Eh, the only reason I pointed it out is because it was something that was correct in all previous next-gen Madden games, and was correct in a previous screenshot of WIP Madden 12. There was no reason for it to change, yet it did.

I expect that it's just an oversight or an alpha bug or some kind that will be ironed out.

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