I expect it to have the same tackling as NCAA. If it does it will be an improvement, yet still lacking, from what I've seen thus far.
I'm over scripted tackles. My $.02
Same here. Baby steps. Maybe what they're describing in the blog just hasn't been implemented fully... I hope.
I don't mind animation driven tackles if they go ham on the tackle animations to the point where they LOOK physic driven. But I still see defenders bouncing off of tackles. I still see those hugging tackles.
I'm not seeing any effort in ANY of the animations. No one looks like they're running hard, struggling, nothing. All of the animations look half-speed.
I don't think cell-phone resolution videos do justice to the graphical improvement in Madden 12 versus Madden 11.
Somewhat true. That's why I said earlier that I'm holding my judgement until Thursday. Until we get those blogs and the videos along with them to give us a better feel of game.
Somewhat true. That's why I said earlier that I'm holding my judgement until Thursday. Until we get those blogs and the videos along with them to give us a better feel of game.
No, it's not somewhat true, it's just true.
Having seen Madden 11 next to Madden 12 on big HD screens, I know this about the graphical differences.
Same here. Baby steps. Maybe what they're describing in the blog just hasn't been implemented fully... I hope.
I don't mind animation driven tackles if they go ham on the tackle animations to the point where they LOOK physic driven. But I still see defenders bouncing off of tackles. I still see those hugging tackles.
I'm not seeing any effort in ANY of the animations. No one looks like they're running hard, struggling, nothing. All of the animations look half-speed.
BezO, have you seen the NCAA videos? I've seen some hard hitting momentum tackling in of the videos.
Lots of conclusions being drawn off such a short clip.
I think there is but one bottom line: if you were a fan of M11, this clip is not exciting, but it's not damning either. For those who aren't a fan of recent Madden's, it likely just reinforces the issues that you've already have had with the game.
Didn't see any consecutive hit tackling...and the animations look like Madden we have been playing...I'll wait for some more official footage. #NotImpressed
I think there is but one bottom line: if you were a fan of M11, this clip is not exciting, but it's not damning either. For those who aren't a fan of recent Madden's, it likely just reinforces the issues that you've already have had with the game.
Agreed! As one who's been disappointed, there's not enough to get me excited.
The vid Roadman posted has some good tackles though.
the video looked awesome. And it pretty much confirmed the 3d grass. Can't wait to see what they do with the Bills intro's and see if they use the correct inflatable entrance. The blimp or helicopter like view is a nice touch. Did anyone see the NFL Network logo by the jumbotron? looks like we will be getting some kind of integration.
After watching both this video and the NCAA videos, I'm really can't say much positive about the momentum/locomotion. Still looks like there's plenty of skating and some crazy acceleration/change of direction present. Will be interesting to see if 1 yard, 90 degree turns at full speed are in Madden 12 as they were in M11.
ESPN said when they converted it, facebook converter messed it up.
Oh man thanks so much for posting this Steveo. Don't know what we would do without you bro. Man even tho the video itself looks crappy. It looks like the oline is forming a little better then last year and the D is getting pressure a little more. Vick running out of the pocket looked cool and all. Question is was Vick been controlled by human or AI?? But overall the video gave me a better overview of the gameplay and it looked better this way. Then the OP video. Nothing agaist the OP tho. But thanks to the OP and Steveo for posting both videos.