NCAA Football 12 News Post

Check out the newest NCAA Football 12 blog, written by Mike Scantlebury, Developer of NCAA Football 12.

Hey NCAA fans! It's Scantlebury here to give you some insight on what the Central Gameplay team has been cooking up for the NCAA Football 12 title. We’ve touched several core areas of gameplay including: tackling, blocking, catching, and coverage. The changes we have made will be evident on the very first play of the game and I’m not talking about your first snap – I mean from the opening Kickoff. Let me tell you a little bit about what we’re doing for each of the core areas of gameplay to give you guys a brand new gaming experience.

NO MORE SUCTION ON TACKLES. Yeah you read that correctly. Did you hate it when you would do a spin move then get sucked back into a tackle? Or when you would be running through a hole in the line—a clear lane—and then a D-Lineman just warps in front of you and makes the tackle? Well this year there is no more warping on tackles. Tackles only occur on collision. So you won’t see a tackle happen unless actual collision is made between the ball carrier and the defender. Jukes and spins are more valuable than they ever have been and running through holes in the line never felt so good.

MOMENTUM ON TACKLES. We’ve all seen this happen: you’re running down the field with a full head of steam and then when you meet up with a defender WHAM complete momentum stop. It’s like the two of you were never running and collided with each other from only two feet away. Well, this year when you see that same situation you will actually notice the preservation of momentum on the tackle. Who wins the momentum battle depends on various factors including speed, size, and weight of the participants in the tackle. If the defender wins you’ll see the ball carrier being driven back as soon as they collide and that will carry through even as the players hit the ground. The movement doesn’t stop as soon as the players hit the ground; it carries through just like real life.

TACKLE BUTTON. This is a new feature that we have added this year; the old Dive Button has been replaced by the Tackle Button. Now this doesn’t guarantee that you’ll make the tackle but once you hit the button you are driven towards the ball carrier. There is a timing aspect to this because if you hit the button too early your defender will lunge in a last ditch effort to make a tackle. This is incredibly useful because the same way CPU defenders have no suction on tackle attempts, neither do user defenders. So, as you can imagine, it is somewhat harder to be pin-point accurate and run into that moving ball carrier. The same steering is applied to our Hit Stick and Strip ball Tackle attempt so the choice is yours. Personally, I like the play it safe and hit the Tackle Button.

NO MORE SUCTION ON BLOCKS. You know if we removed the suction on tackles we certainly corrected that on blocks, too. I know too many of us have said at least one time, “hey I got sucked into that block.” Please believe me, I feel your pain. Right when you are about to make a tackle, out of nowhere you get sucked into a block. The crazy thing is you actually feel like you are being pulled, I don’t mean the character in the game I mean YOU (well that’s how I felt anyway). Now that’s a thing of the past. If you get by that blocker or he’s not in the appropriate position to make the blocks you won’t get sucked back into him, you’ll continue traveling to your final destination which is undoubtedly the ball carrier.

CATCHING THE LOVE. Yes, we had to give some love to catching, as well. We made a deliberate effort to add some new sprint catches to reduce warping and sliding when the receiver positions himself to catch a pass. Another great addition is the brand new dive catches. If the ball is far out ahead of you then a dive catch may get you there to make the play. The dive catches in NCAA Football 12 are reliable and incredibly useful. And, in case you were wondering, yes, the user can trigger the same dive catches that the CPU players can trigger. In previous years, you would get the same ineffective generic dive catch every time you hit the button, but now you get a dive catch that matches the same way you get a sideline catch or a jump catch that matches. Trust me; if you make use of it when the opportunity arises you won’t be disappointed.

That’s just a few of the gameplay improvements in NCAA Football 12 that I know will enhance your experience. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this blog for more information regarding tackling (add-ons and stealing tackles), as well as new and improved defensive zone logic.

Additional information will be released soon, including announcements about your favorite features like Dynasty and Road to Glory!

Source - NCAA Football 12 Gameplay Blog Part 1

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ActLikeYouCrow @ 04/21/11 04:23 PM
Who wins the momentum battle depends on various factors including speed, size, and weight of the participants in the tackle.


the way he mentioned warp catches makes me think there will still be a small element of that, but as long as its minimized
# 2 J-Unit40 @ 04/21/11 04:27 PM
Thanks Chad.

All of this good news makes me not want to play NCAA 11 anymore. I am anxious for our OS Legends (NCAA 12) online dynasty though!

So much improvement to blocking, tackling and catching (one of my pet peeves). Can't wait to feel it in my hands and see it play out altogether.

Very hyped up right now and we stil have more news to come. Feelin' good.
# 3 RGiles36 @ 04/21/11 04:30 PM
Glad they're doing what they can to address warping, but I fully expect there to be some in the final build. It can't all be eliminated as the blog alludes to. Even the great NBA2K11 has some warping in order to simulate shut down defense. It comes with the territory...
# 4 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/21/11 04:32 PM
Hopefully this means no more scat backs running over 300 pound DTs. That there will be a true difference between an agile scat back and a big bruiser back. That a user can't run the ball the same way with every player because there will be a penalty for trying to use a scat back like a power brusier back.
# 5 BezO @ 04/21/11 04:36 PM
This should be a good series. I hope to hear more about defense in the next few parts.
# 6 Broncos86 @ 04/21/11 04:38 PM
One of the biggest factors to me is that he mentioned weight being included in the momentum calculation. I'm really hoping this means I won't see a 170lb back mow over a 300lb lineman unless there are some momentum factors involved.
# 7 mikehud @ 04/21/11 04:43 PM
good stuff on that blog. wonder if they added anything to do with shading coverage in the secondary for individuals. being able shade the wr for the slant or the quick out would add just that much more to playing D.
# 8 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/21/11 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
One of the biggest factors to me is that he mentioned weight being included in the momentum calculation. I'm really hoping this means I won't see a 170lb back mow over a 300lb lineman unless there are some momentum factors involved.
That is what I am saying. And I hope it carried over to the offense and defensive line interaction as well. One thing I always hated was seeing 250 pound DEs pushing back 312 pound Tackles with ease. But yet those same tackles couldn't push back defensive linemen that they outweighed by a good 50 pounds.

If weight truly matters, it would make recruiting even more fun and challenging. For instance if you wanted to improve your school run defense, you would recruit 300 pound DTs to plug up the middle. Or if you wanted a power running game, you would recruit 300 pound offensive linemen.
# 9 PDuncanOSU @ 04/21/11 04:50 PM
I remember struggling with last years game when trying to catch a jump-ball as a receiver. A fade route to the corner of the endzone was pretty much impossible, at least in my experience. I'm excited about being able to dive for a catch. Is catching the fade/jump-ball also improved?
# 10 Gotmadskillzson @ 04/21/11 05:17 PM
Damn I just read from Deweil that some community day guys have had over 120 hours of game play time with this game already and some will be invited back next month for an additional 30 hours of game play time.

With all this hands on game play time and feed back sessions, this game has the potential to be game of the year. Grant it some things will no doubt be limited to what the game engine can handle, but still that is a hell of a lot of gameplay time for community day members........
# 11 hurricanefootball4 @ 04/21/11 05:35 PM
Best part of the blog:

Additional information will be released soon, including announcements about your favorite features like Dynasty and Road to Glory!
Can't wait for the dynasty information, 81 days left to launch!

All of this good news makes me not want to play NCAA 11 anymore.
I will admit that I've actually been playing NCAA Football 06 and been having a blast with it.
# 12 TDenverFan @ 04/21/11 06:10 PM
Thanks for sharing! Great stuff... Does anybody else feel like some of the Molmentum tackle look akword (Sp?) in the videos? Or is it just me?
# 13 Hooe @ 04/21/11 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by darrenw74
i wonder if EA is still going 2 do tuner sets. ones that dont require a patch.
One of their recently-released games, Fight Night Champion, has tuner sets. There's no reason to believe that they won't continue to include them, IMO.
# 14 Broncos86 @ 04/21/11 06:54 PM
They'll stick with tuner sets. It's EA's way of getting around the limitations of patches on 360 and PS3.
# 15 seasprite @ 04/21/11 07:02 PM
If they can make weight and height actually matter, this would be a dream come true for me. I could finally justify recruiting that 240 6'5" running back and actually be able to use him properly
# 16 KG @ 04/21/11 07:20 PM
No more warping on catches!!!

That used to drive me crazy.
# 17 NDAlum @ 04/21/11 07:23 PM
I can't wait to get a bruiser HB and just run over little dudes. Some freak who is 6-2 250 and has 90+ speed...I will drool over that kid.

O lawd I'm getting excited
# 18 roadman @ 04/21/11 07:29 PM
I saw this video posted in another thread. There are more tackles in this one and they look really good from these eyes.

# 19 wraith @ 04/21/11 07:31 PM
hopefully they factor in momentum with taking angles. on ball carriers
# 20 illwill10 @ 04/21/11 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I can't wait to get a bruiser HB and just run over little dudes. Some freak who is 6-2 250 and has 90+ speed...I will drool over that kid.

O lawd I'm getting excited
I cant wait to start up a RTG with a 6'0 230 power rb. Especially with momentum. I hated getting stuck in a animation. I cant wait to start up a Dynasty and recruit bruisers. I didnt even recruit power backs because of size and weight and no momentum.
Hopefully OL/DL interaction with momentum and no suction blocks. I cant wait to have a 300+ NT

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