MLB 11 The Show News Post

While I do not have a time frame for the next title update, I figured the franchise guys would want to know what has been changed in franchise mode. The list below is what has been checked into the game so far.

This list does not include any other changes and bug fixes fyi.
  • Cause players with low overall to retire sooner.
  • Fixed a bug causing players to not store their initial attribute levels at the start of each season, causing progression in the offseason to appear much larger than it was since it was being calculated to the start of 2011, regardless of the current season.
  • Decisions on contract options need to be made sooner since the exclusive negotiation period was shortened from 15 to 5 days.
  • Only players with 6+ years of service time should be flagged as type A or type B free agents.
  • Players were progressing to their potential at age 26 instead of 30.
  • 99 ovr players were not correctly normalizing to 1.0f.
  • Adjusted salary curve and fixed issues with salaries in short seasons.
  • Don't backload contracts that are less than $5M per year or less than 4 years.
  • Adjusted how potentials are assigned to generated players.
  • More logic to see if a contract should be tendered to a player before allowing him to become a free agent. Also, more accurate calculation for salary reserved for minor league players under the team's control.
  • Fixed some bugs with the popup message in multi-user franchise mode when minor league teams secure a bye in the playoffs.
  • Make sure any player who is decent (75 ovr, 75 potential) are being offered arbitration. Also, make sure free agents were offered arbitration by the CPU and teams didn't receive compensation picks for players to whom they didn't offer arbitration.
  • Make sure that contract offers and arbitration offers aren't cleared when a player becomes a free agent at the end of the 5 day exclusive negotiation period.
  • Need more 1 year contracts for arbitration eligible players.
  • Make the best available player the most valuable if the team is missing minor leaguers.
  • Set team strategies for the user teams as well.
  • All minor leaguers should have 1 year contracts by default.
  • Treat CPU controlled user teams as CPU teams for purposes of reducing trades during the season.

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 Alistair @ 03/31/11 04:56 AM
I appreciate the work that's being done and the communication, but can someone please clarify whether franchises will need to be restarted, or whether the patch will be fine regardless?

It's opening day and I'm sitting here really keen to get into a franchise. With all due respect, I don't think it's that hard a thing to inform us one way or the other. I'm sure I'm not the only one with an itchy trigger finger wanting to get into a game.
# 82 SoxFan01605 @ 03/31/11 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Alistair
I appreciate the work that's being done and the communication, but can someone please clarify whether franchises will need to be restarted, or whether the patch will be fine regardless?

It's opening day and I'm sitting here really keen to get into a franchise. With all due respect, I don't think it's that hard a thing to inform us one way or the other. I'm sure I'm not the only one with an itchy trigger finger wanting to get into a game.
Well, I think that it's probably not as easy as you're assuming. I would think that, until the patch in completed, tested, and verified, they can't know with 100% certainty that a restart won't be necessary. If they don't know for sure, they just aren't going to tell us.

People hang on every word these guys say, and if Russell confirms it and is wrong, people will burn this place down over it...lol (look up some threads from 09 for reference-and that wasn't even misinformation...just bad news).

For better or worse (and I know it drives some people nutty) Russell isn't going to make half-cocked assurances without being as certain as possible that he's not going to get burned. It's better to be vague and accurate than specifically wrong.
# 83 Infinite202 @ 03/31/11 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Well, I think that it's probably not as easy as you're assuming. I would think that, until the patch in completed, tested, and verified, they can't know with 100% certainty that a restart won't be necessary. If they don't know for sure, they just aren't going to tell us.

People hang on every word these guys say, and if Russell confirms it and is wrong, people will burn this place down over it...lol (look up some threads from 09 for reference-and that wasn't even misinformation...just bad news).

For better or worse (and I know it drives some people nutty) Russell isn't going to make half-cocked assurances without being as certain as possible that he's not going to get burned. It's better to be vague and accurate than specifically wrong.
Very well put.
# 84 andrewochs615 @ 03/31/11 02:44 PM
the big question is with the OS roster out are people going to start a single team franchise now and hope the patch works with in progress franchise's or will people go to 30 team?
# 85 theaub @ 03/31/11 02:57 PM
Did the patches last year work with dynasties in progress?
# 86 nonnel @ 03/31/11 03:52 PM
I really hope the wind issue gets fixed. It's really the only thing completely ruining the game for me this year. Too often I find I'm in a game with 20-30 mph winds blowing toward the outfield... and then each team launches 10+ homeruns because a simple outfield pop up blows it right out.

Wind is overdone this year, and if it's not overdone, it certainly happens way too often. A game like that should maybe happen a few times a season. But I seem to catch one every 5-6 games.
# 87 Infinite202 @ 03/31/11 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by nonnel
I really hope the wind issue gets fixed. It's really the only thing completely ruining the game for me this year. Too often I find I'm in a game with 20-30 mph winds blowing toward the outfield... and then each team launches 10+ homeruns because a simple outfield pop up blows it right out.

Wind is overdone this year, and if it's not overdone, it certainly happens way too often. A game like that should maybe happen a few times a season. But I seem to catch one every 5-6 games.

Have you tried lowering the wind slider down?
# 88 Yankees2009Champs @ 03/31/11 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by andrewochs615
the big question is with the OS roster out are people going to start a single team franchise now and hope the patch works with in progress franchise's or will people go to 30 team?
Let me preface this with I hope this is taken in a constructive way. With however many people frequent this amazing site filled with an abundance of information, why isn't this question answered? Maybe I missed the answer but I haven't found anything all day. Can you start a franchise before the patch or not? Thank you to anyone who can help me and everyone else with this answer.
# 89 bergie56 @ 03/31/11 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
Let me preface this with I hope this is taken in a constructive way. With however many people frequent this amazing site filled with an abundance of information, why isn't this question answered? Maybe I missed the answer but I haven't found anything all day. Can you start a franchise before the patch or not? Thank you to anyone who can help me and everyone else with this answer.
It's pretty simple I think. SCEA probably doesn't know for sure yet. Patience my friend!
# 90 Yankees2009Champs @ 03/31/11 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by bergie56
It's pretty simple I think. SCEA probably doesn't know for sure yet. Patience my friend!
Yeah I hear you.. With the OSFull Minors dropping last night I am just thinking about all that time I have to waste making sure the 40 man roster is set, the lineups are set, the rotations are set and so forth. I'm a bit of a micro manager that wants to get all the little stuff out of the way.
# 91 bergie56 @ 03/31/11 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees2009Champs
Yeah I hear you.. With the OSFull Minors dropping last night I am just thinking about all that time I have to waste making sure the 40 man roster is set, the lineups are set, the rotations are set and so forth. I'm a bit of a micro manager that wants to get all the little stuff out of the way.
Yeah, I've hit refresh on this thread about 20 times today hoping a date would be released for opening day or the question would be answered. I have faith in SCEA in sharing the details as soon as they know them. They have a stellar track record when it comes to being forthcoming.
# 92 KuruptOwnz @ 03/31/11 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by theaub
Did the patches last year work with dynasties in progress?
Certain patches yes, not the franchise fix one. Remember, this is the second year with the same problem. That patch had to restart both RTTS and Franchise if I do recall.
# 93 quaziemoto3 @ 04/01/11 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
I have a question that always seems to come up first so I may as well ask. Will this take into effect on franchises that have already started? Or will we have to start a new one?

The reason I ask is because once the full minors ******s come out, I am immediately starting a franchise. If this patch won't be applied to already started franchises than I may have to hold off on starting one.
To the extent this question can be answered, I (and I am sure many others) would appreciate the answer. If it can't be answered, I understand, but would still appreciate a response accordingly.
# 94 vernond @ 04/01/11 01:21 AM
There was a patch last year that did something in the offseason, can't remember exactly what it was but it would just go into effect the next off season depending where you were in your franchise.
# 95 ktd1976 @ 04/01/11 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by KuruptOwnz
Certain patches yes, not the franchise *** one. Remember, this is the second year with the same problem. That patch had to restart both RTTS and Franchise if I do recall.
Actually, in Last year's patch, the biggest problem that I can recall was trade offers disappearing after exiting and loading a franchise back up. This patch DID *** previously started franchises.

It was the one in 2009, that ***ed the schedule error, that corrupted pre-existing franchises, and required a re-start.
# 96 myghty @ 04/01/11 03:39 AM
Thats a great list of ***es. Cant wait to try it out.

And now I get to see a *** on the ones & twos...
# 97 ROABS @ 04/01/11 10:50 AM
Thats a solid list of ***es. Hopefully we wont have to restart our franchises.
# 98 boogeyman12 @ 04/01/11 11:43 AM
I need plain english. Will this *** the - free agent bug?

Thank you
# 99 HustlinOwl @ 04/01/11 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by boogeyman12
I need plain english. Will this *** the - free agent bug?

Thank you
# 100 boogeyman12 @ 04/01/11 12:04 PM
Dude. There's like 15 posts for 10+ pages

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