NCAA Football 12 News Post

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Machinima interviews NCAA Football 12 Producer Ben Haumiller and Art Director Jean Adams about all the improvements that have been made to the presentation. They cover the visuals and all new pylon physics.

Thanks The Gaming Tailgate!

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
NCAA Football 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 cree ross @ 03/27/11 07:58 AM
So you mean to tell me that for 12 months Ea worked on real time physics? Not for the player models but for some dang pylons? WTF
# 102 mikehud @ 03/27/11 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by RynoAid
Here's an article from my experience in 2010 for the '11 title.

So how early would you guys receive a copy of 11?
# 103 mikehud @ 03/27/11 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Roggie
Sure, some people would stay excited. But more people would lose interest seeing less "important" upgrades as time goes on compared to those who would lose interest with a build up of smaller upgrades to the main ones at the end.

Would you rather hear about a huge update 4 months before a game came out, or a couple weeks before? Personally, I'd take it later. If I hear about it 4 months before, I'll read into it, learn all about it, then by the time 4 months roll around, the hype around it will just be gone. Having learned and studied enough about marketing, I'm in the majority in being wired this way.
you really think that? i don't. I don't think you'll be able to learn all about it because they won't release all the info about it. the info they've released thus far has been released with an apathetic tone. most have said it's just more fluff and they want to hear more. just check out the forums here. that's why the visual upgrades and playbook threads keep getting honked up with folks asking about gameplay. that's why you see hype for summer blockbuster releases in January. they want to build excitement. If you know that the game has a some kind of dynamic change to gameplay, most folks would be like, oh snap, I can't wait to get my hands on this to see how it works. then you add in the new lighting, dreads, pylon physics and what ever other visual changes, it's like layes on the tiramisu. just makes it better, i think. it'd be like oh cool, we got dreads to go along with the gameplay, damn I REALLY can't wait to get this now because we been asking for dreads sonce next gen!! just my $0.02.
# 104 roadman @ 03/27/11 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by mikehud
you really think that? i don't. I don't think you'll be able to learn all about it because they won't release all the info about it. the info they've released thus far has been released with an apathetic tone. most have said it's just more fluff and they want to hear more. just check out the forums here. that's why the visual upgrades and playbook threads keep getting honked up with folks asking about gameplay. that's why you see hype for summer blockbuster releases in January. they want to build excitement. If you know that the game has a some kind of dynamic change to gameplay, most folks would be like, oh snap, I can't wait to get my hands on this to see how it works. then you add in the new lighting, dreads, pylon physics and what ever other visual changes, it's like layes on the tiramisu. just makes it better, i think. it'd be like oh cool, we got dreads to go along with the gameplay, damn I REALLY can't wait to get this now because we been asking for dreads sonce next gen!! just my $0.02.
I disagree also.

This has been EA's mantra for several years. I know this is the way they promote Madden, and I'm sure FIFA and Tiger Woods golf too. If it works, they won't change it because a few people on the net want to flip it around.

If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. This way, if they release game play with a month to go, maybe you've liked all the new features and most of the game play released, but not the major game play info released. Maybe you are at the point that you will buy it or rent it vs losing you altogether 4 months ago.

Makes sense to me.

Even though this might be small news on the Richter Scale, it's ok with me. Small news leads to bigger news.
# 105 TDenverFan @ 03/27/11 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
I disagree also.

This has been EA's mantra for several years. I know this is the way they promote Madden, and I'm sure FIFA and Tiger Woods golf too. If it works, they won't change it because a few people on the net want to flip it around.

If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. This way, if they release game play with a month to go, maybe you've liked all the new features and most of the game play released, but not the major game play info released. Maybe you are at the point that you will buy it or rent it vs losing you altogether 4 months ago.

Makes sense to me.

Even though this might be small news on the Richter Scale, it's ok with me. Small news leads to bigger news.
I agree. And, as many already have said, it's March! Their not going to release all of the new features in March.
# 106 djordan @ 03/27/11 04:37 PM
You have to be kidding me. EA cracks me up with hyping small things. "Pylon Physics"? COME ON NOW!! We are talking about the same "Pylon Physics" that were in Madden 2001-2007 for PS2/XBOX and guess what...THAT WAS NEVER A HYPED FEATURE BACK IN THE DAY. Reading this thread I can't believe some of you cats are praising EA for this like it was never in previous Madden/NCAA games on PS2.

From the vets that post here every year you should know the drill...
# 107 Roggie @ 03/27/11 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by mikehud
you really think that? i don't. I don't think you'll be able to learn all about it because they won't release all the info about it. the info they've released thus far has been released with an apathetic tone. most have said it's just more fluff and they want to hear more. just check out the forums here. that's why the visual upgrades and playbook threads keep getting honked up with folks asking about gameplay. that's why you see hype for summer blockbuster releases in January. they want to build excitement. If you know that the game has a some kind of dynamic change to gameplay, most folks would be like, oh snap, I can't wait to get my hands on this to see how it works. then you add in the new lighting, dreads, pylon physics and what ever other visual changes, it's like layes on the tiramisu. just makes it better, i think. it'd be like oh cool, we got dreads to go along with the gameplay, damn I REALLY can't wait to get this now because we been asking for dreads sonce next gen!! just my $0.02.
If that was the way most people think, why do the majority of companies market the way EA does? Why do they release CG trailers instead of gameplay trailers? Why do most companies never put out the biggest news right away? I wouldn't mind a mix of minor gameplay additions plus visual changes, then release the biggest info late. But it's just like a crescendo with the climax at the end. There's no reason to have the climax first then gradually go down with lesser stuff to the point that people get bored with it.
# 108 Pokes404 @ 03/27/11 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by mrMagic91
I dont think people want to see game play this early. Remember that oh so horrible video that was released last year? The one that everyone was ranting about. It was horrible. But when the game released it didnt play like that. (Not for me) So i would imagine that the developers wont take any risk of releasing early game play videos. Im fine getting these visual upgrade photos and all. Im just hoping that our next blog isnt about pylon physics. Maybe college gameday
I don't think people are asking for gameplay videos. Most people realize it's early in the process. But, we'd like them to talk about something gameplay related. Even if it's just something small like, "We'll be fixing the receiver's AI so that they go up and get the ball in appropriate situations instead of trying an over-the-shoulder catch 90% of the time," or, "DBs will be more aggressive at taking away the curl route instead of just standing 3 yards behind the receiver and waiting for him to catch it." Info like that is really all they need to release to appease the gameplay people right now.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a small tidbit of info about the gameplay when they're releasing small tidbits about graphics and presentation (especially when no one is worried about the graphics or presentation being up to par).
# 109 Dashdagreat @ 03/27/11 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
Maybe he's new around here and missed the 1000+ post thread asking for dreads in the wishlist forum. Well either that or he's Okay with all of his players looking the same.
Maybe im not new, and i also people ben asking for Cleats and other silly stuff too. Maybe unlike some of you all, im on other sites than operation sports and i know the community as a whole, has been asking for wayyyy more than Dreads, Cleats and Jersey patches. Basing the goodness of this game off of Dreads and Cleats is utterly ridiculous! The game play is broke! The presentation is fine ( could be better, but fine ), the graphics been good, whats broke is the game play! Light work, dreads and pylon physics though they are cool, is not what the majority have been asking for. Then again, this game isnt even competitive no more, because of money plays and nanos. I dont know, if the actually fixed the on the field gameplay most of ya would hate it because you wouldnt be able to cheese it.
# 110 Dashdagreat @ 03/27/11 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by cparrish
...Or, they won't show a gameplay video because last time I checked it is March, and the game comes out in July. My guess would be they are still working on the gameplay, so why would they post a video of alpha at best gameplay just to hear people rag on it, even though it is not the finished product. I dunno, just my two cents...
Homie this game is done! lol.... Im in the music game and the gaming thing cant be much different. I do independent stuff but i have knowledge of how majors work too.

If we in March and this game release in July, that gives them in all actuality,2 months! Please believe, they have 1 year to work on these titles, if the game play isnt complete by now, it wont be completed. Meaning? broken! Every company have guidelines and deadlines with these products. EA have to get mass copies manufactured, bar coded, they have to negotiate points with companies, account for shipping cost, bla bla bla, a bunch of other **** i aint gone bore ya with. Point is, just because the game release in July, dont mean they have until then to work on it. Thats all marketing and telling the people who dont know no better we are doing this and that.

I tell you what, since this is the internet and we all can make up who we are and act tough and all that silly stuff, lets go off some facts.

When EA dropped NBA Elite's demo, they said the game was still a work in progress right? This is fact! This can be researched! The demo dropped a whole Month and a Half before the schedule release of the title. This is FaCT! You can check for yourself! ( So using you guys logic, compared to where we are currently,In comparison the NCAA demo drops in May ). The game comes out with HORRIBLE gameplay! Horrible! Even EA has to admit this game was unacceptable! This is FACT! They took the development team off and assigned a new one. FACT! Whats also fact? This decision was made after 2k11 came out to AWESOME reviews from the community. EA new that effort of Elite would be a disaster to financially invest the money, to master the copies of the game, pay for manufacturing, marketing, etc, so they choose to swallow the lost and start over. THATS ALL FACT! If the game was still a "Work IN Progress " and could be fixed, why wasnt it? Seriously give a logical reply? It wasnt fixed because it couldnt be because the game was already done! The time it wouldve took to fix game play that quickly was not possible! NCAA or MAdden never shows gameplay vids, and when they do you see it in segments. Unlike Fifa, The Show or 2k where u can see a game in action
# 111 Dashdagreat @ 03/27/11 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I disagree also.

This has been EA's mantra for several years. I know this is the way they promote Madden, and I'm sure FIFA and Tiger Woods golf too. If it works, they won't change it because a few people on the net want to flip it around.

If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. This way, if they release game play with a month to go, maybe you've liked all the new features and most of the game play released, but not the major game play info released. Maybe you are at the point that you will buy it or rent it vs losing you altogether 4 months ago.

Makes sense to me.

Even though this might be small news on the Richter Scale, it's ok with me. Small news leads to bigger news.
''If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. ''

Thats the point exactly!!!! They know its no difference in the gameplay and people will be disappointed so they sit on it. Like i said, when Elite was getting ready to drop and all that, all they was showing was gameplay! At first, 2k didnt show anything, why? because gameplay wasnt even the biggest problem with their game. They had bug issues HEAVY with 2k10. So they sat back and let EA show their hand which was smart and it would be smart if EA did that too.... WITH COMPETITION BUT THERE ISNT ANY!!!! They have ZERO!! There is no RIVAL in the football game right now! The only reason not to show it because it isnt good! As soon as EA showed them poor gameplay vids, 2k was like o we got them! Released all types of info! New Ball Handling controls, New collision detection and THAT was things people asked for! Then what they throw at you? Play as Jordan! WHat? Who didnt want to see how that played! Even Ian Cummings said he wanted to see lol... Then what was next? For MY Player mode you now get sponsorships and podium interviews! Dang! Then just went that was enough, Presentation, Gameplay vids, Demo... Down goes Elite! 2k gave it to the community back to back! Everybody wanted that game! The Madden and NCAA do it, people just get the game because of no choice. I bought NCAA 11 lack of serious gameplay improvements i wont be buying 12 because 11 was ok and if its not going to be GREAT for 12, im cool with the ok. Madden i didnt even buy. Like somebody else said, if they build the right game, you wouldnt hear nobody on these boards speaking about gameplay for years! I promise u! They can give the same game with updated rosters, dreads and windsocks and with that GREAT Gameplay, nobody would complain
# 112 Dashdagreat @ 03/27/11 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Pokes404
I don't think people are asking for gameplay videos. Most people realize it's early in the process. But, we'd like them to talk about something gameplay related. Even if it's just something small like, "We'll be fixing the receiver's AI so that they go up and get the ball in appropriate situations instead of trying an over-the-shoulder catch 90% of the time," or, "DBs will be more aggressive at taking away the curl route instead of just standing 3 yards behind the receiver and waiting for him to catch it." Info like that is really all they need to release to appease the gameplay people right now.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a small tidbit of info about the gameplay when they're releasing small tidbits about graphics and presentation (especially when no one is worried about the graphics or presentation being up to par).
agree! Thats what people is referring too when we say gameplay! Just mention it. You aint got to show it
# 113 roadman @ 03/27/11 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dashdagreat

Thats the point exactly!!!! They know its no difference in the gameplay and people will be disappointed so they sit on it. Like i said, when Elite was getting ready to drop and all that, all they was showing was gameplay! At first, 2k didnt show anything, why? because gameplay wasnt even the biggest problem with their game. They had bug issues HEAVY with 2k10. So they sat back and let EA show their hand which was smart and it would be smart if EA did that too.... WITH COMPETITION BUT THERE ISNT ANY!!!! They have ZERO!! There is no RIVAL in the football game right now! The only reason not to show it because it isnt good! As soon as EA showed them poor gameplay vids, 2k was like o we got them! Released all types of info! New Ball Handling controls, New collision detection and THAT was things people asked for! Then what they throw at you? Play as Jordan! WHat? Who didnt want to see how that played! Even Ian Cummings said he wanted to see lol... Then what was next? For MY Player mode you now get sponsorships and podium interviews! Dang! Then just went that was enough, Presentation, Gameplay vids, Demo... Down goes Elite! 2k gave it to the community back to back! Everybody wanted that game! The Madden and NCAA do it, people just get the game because of no choice. I bought NCAA 11 lack of serious gameplay improvements i wont be buying 12 because 11 was ok and if its not going to be GREAT for 12, im cool with the ok. Madden i didnt even buy. Like somebody else said, if they build the right game, you wouldnt hear nobody on these boards speaking about gameplay for years! I promise u! They can give the same game with updated rosters, dreads and windsocks and with that GREAT Gameplay, nobody would complain
Sounds like you have it all figured out. You don't need any other opinions at this time.

And 2k10 had their game play issues too. Spacing, defensive pressure and 2k put a lot of effort into game play. Heck, they even changed the modes you play in.

Judge game play when the information comes out, not when there is no information and that is a fact.
# 114 Hooe @ 03/28/11 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Dashdagreat
Homie this game is done! lol.... Im in the music game and the gaming thing cant be much different. I do independent stuff but i have knowledge of how majors work too.

If we in March and this game release in July, that gives them in all actuality,2 months! Please believe, they have 1 year to work on these titles, if the game play isnt complete by now, it wont be completed. Meaning? broken! Every company have guidelines and deadlines with these products. EA have to get mass copies manufactured, bar coded, they have to negotiate points with companies, account for shipping cost, bla bla bla, a bunch of other **** i aint gone bore ya with. Point is, just because the game release in July, dont mean they have until then to work on it. Thats all marketing and telling the people who dont know no better we are doing this and that.

I tell you what, since this is the internet and we all can make up who we are and act tough and all that silly stuff, lets go off some facts.

When EA dropped NBA Elite's demo, they said the game was still a work in progress right? This is fact! This can be researched! The demo dropped a whole Month and a Half before the schedule release of the title. This is FaCT! You can check for yourself! ( So using you guys logic, compared to where we are currently,In comparison the NCAA demo drops in May ). The game comes out with HORRIBLE gameplay! Horrible! Even EA has to admit this game was unacceptable! This is FACT! They took the development team off and assigned a new one. FACT! Whats also fact? This decision was made after 2k11 came out to AWESOME reviews from the community. EA new that effort of Elite would be a disaster to financially invest the money, to master the copies of the game, pay for manufacturing, marketing, etc, so they choose to swallow the lost and start over. THATS ALL FACT! If the game was still a "Work IN Progress " and could be fixed, why wasnt it? Seriously give a logical reply? It wasnt fixed because it couldnt be because the game was already done! The time it wouldve took to fix game play that quickly was not possible! NCAA or MAdden never shows gameplay vids, and when they do you see it in segments. Unlike Fifa, The Show or 2k where u can see a game in action
Speaking as someone who actually works in the video games industry with SRRN Games: you have a point to an extent, but your time lengths are exaggerated, and also you omit a key point.

For example, Sony's LittleBigPlanet2 went gold as of December 21, 2010; it was released in the United States on January 19, 2011. Bioware's Mass Effect went gold as of October 24, 2007; it was released in the United States on November 20, 2007. EA Sports' Madden NFL 09 went gold as of June 24, 2008; it was released on August 12, 2008. The observed trend is a four-to-six week turnaround from gold to release.

The key difference between the video game industry and the music industry, however, is that none of this talk of gold dates, etc. precludes EA from continuing work on the game via a launch day title update and/or tuner set. EA has taken this approach with the previous two iterations of Madden. Even our own game, Ash, was declared "done" in early-mid October, but nevertheless we kept working on it ahead of its November 9, 2010 release and released a title update shortly after it launched.

Bottom line is that there isn't a drop-dead scenario where EA has to walk away from the game completely. At some point they must stop adding new features, yes, and at some point EA must also shift its resources to the next year's iteration of the game in question, but bug fixes, tweaks, and even in limited cases content addition (i.e. the addition of Ultimate Team to Madden 10) are not out of the question.
# 115 Hooe @ 03/28/11 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Dashdagreat
''If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. ''

Thats the point exactly!!!! They know its no difference in the gameplay and people will be disappointed so they sit on it. Like i said, when Elite was getting ready to drop and all that, all they was showing was gameplay! At first, 2k didnt show anything, why? because gameplay wasnt even the biggest problem with their game. They had bug issues HEAVY with 2k10. So they sat back and let EA show their hand which was smart and it would be smart if EA did that too.... WITH COMPETITION BUT THERE ISNT ANY!!!! They have ZERO!! There is no RIVAL in the football game right now! The only reason not to show it because it isnt good! As soon as EA showed them poor gameplay vids, 2k was like o we got them! Released all types of info! New Ball Handling controls, New collision detection and THAT was things people asked for! Then what they throw at you? Play as Jordan! WHat? Who didnt want to see how that played! Even Ian Cummings said he wanted to see lol... Then what was next? For MY Player mode you now get sponsorships and podium interviews! Dang! Then just went that was enough, Presentation, Gameplay vids, Demo... Down goes Elite! 2k gave it to the community back to back! Everybody wanted that game! The Madden and NCAA do it, people just get the game because of no choice. I bought NCAA 11 lack of serious gameplay improvements i wont be buying 12 because 11 was ok and if its not going to be GREAT for 12, im cool with the ok. Madden i didnt even buy. Like somebody else said, if they build the right game, you wouldnt hear nobody on these boards speaking about gameplay for years! I promise u! They can give the same game with updated rosters, dreads and windsocks and with that GREAT Gameplay, nobody would complain
By releasing a video game onto the XBOX360, Playstation3, and/or any other given platform, EA is entering direct competition with any other company that releases a video game onto the platform(s) in question. As such EA has a direct need and incentive to continue to innovate and improve its games so that the consumer chooses its games over those of its competitors.

Is there a direct competitor to EA creating a NCAA-branded and/or NFL-branded football game? No. Does the absence of one mean lack of competition and lack of a need to move forward and make better games? No.
# 116 roadman @ 03/28/11 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by CHooe
The key difference between the video game industry and the music industry, however, is that none of this talk of gold dates, etc. precludes EA from continuing work on the game via a launch day title update and/or tuner set. EA has taken this approach with the previous two iterations of Madden. Even our own game, Ash, was declared "done" in early-mid October, but nevertheless we kept working on it ahead of its November 9, 2010 release and released a title update shortly after it launched.

Bottom line is that there isn't a drop-dead scenario where EA has to walk away from the game completely. At some point they must stop adding new features, yes, and at some point EA must also shift its resources to the next year's iteration of the game in question, but bug fixes, tweaks, and even in limited cases content addition (i.e. the addition of Ultimate Team to Madden 10) are not out of the question.
This is very true. Ian has said in the past there is tons of programming going on until ship date and beyond with patches.
# 117 noplace @ 03/28/11 09:47 AM
Really? Pylon physics? That will definately put this game over the top...... SMH
# 118 Hooe @ 03/28/11 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by noplace
Really? Pylon physics? That will definately put this game over the top...... SMH
You realize that EA still has months (plural) to unveil new features, right?
# 119 TheShizNo1 @ 03/28/11 10:11 AM
I thought this time a couple years ago, they were showing improved playbooks and tactics for the wing T?

And last year they were talking about winning 117 ways or something like that?

So that would mean EA has led off with big(ish) type news, rather than pylons.

If im wrong, then disregard this.
# 120 Hooe @ 03/28/11 10:35 AM
EA had not yet announced ESPN presentation, locomotion, dynasty improvements, dynasty wire, or team-specific entrances for NCAA 11 by this time last year. Basically, none of the big-ticket features had been specifically unveiled.

At this time last year, EA was, however, going through new mascots, and they had published overview blog which likely unveiled the "120 Ways To Win" mantra (all the NCAA 11 blogs appear to now be offline, I'm going solely off the Facebook page here). None of the offensive style blogs had been posted. A screenshot or two detailing lighting improvements had also been released.

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