
NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

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Old 03-27-2011, 08:52 AM   #121
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by mikehud
you really think that? i don't. I don't think you'll be able to learn all about it because they won't release all the info about it. the info they've released thus far has been released with an apathetic tone. most have said it's just more fluff and they want to hear more. just check out the forums here. that's why the visual upgrades and playbook threads keep getting honked up with folks asking about gameplay. that's why you see hype for summer blockbuster releases in January. they want to build excitement. If you know that the game has a some kind of dynamic change to gameplay, most folks would be like, oh snap, I can't wait to get my hands on this to see how it works. then you add in the new lighting, dreads, pylon physics and what ever other visual changes, it's like layes on the tiramisu. just makes it better, i think. it'd be like oh cool, we got dreads to go along with the gameplay, damn I REALLY can't wait to get this now because we been asking for dreads sonce next gen!! just my $0.02.
I disagree also.

This has been EA's mantra for several years. I know this is the way they promote Madden, and I'm sure FIFA and Tiger Woods golf too. If it works, they won't change it because a few people on the net want to flip it around.

If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. This way, if they release game play with a month to go, maybe you've liked all the new features and most of the game play released, but not the major game play info released. Maybe you are at the point that you will buy it or rent it vs losing you altogether 4 months ago.

Makes sense to me.

Even though this might be small news on the Richter Scale, it's ok with me. Small news leads to bigger news.
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Old 03-27-2011, 10:00 AM   #122
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by roadman
I disagree also.

This has been EA's mantra for several years. I know this is the way they promote Madden, and I'm sure FIFA and Tiger Woods golf too. If it works, they won't change it because a few people on the net want to flip it around.

If they release game play early on, what if you don't like what you see? You are likely to go hibernate and not show up until the same time next year and they lose a customer. This way, if they release game play with a month to go, maybe you've liked all the new features and most of the game play released, but not the major game play info released. Maybe you are at the point that you will buy it or rent it vs losing you altogether 4 months ago.

Makes sense to me.

Even though this might be small news on the Richter Scale, it's ok with me. Small news leads to bigger news.
I agree. And, as many already have said, it's March! Their not going to release all of the new features in March.
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Old 03-27-2011, 10:52 AM   #123
mrMagic91's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

I dont think people want to see game play this early. Remember that oh so horrible video that was released last year? The one that everyone was ranting about. It was horrible. But when the game released it didnt play like that. (Not for me) So i would imagine that the developers wont take any risk of releasing early game play videos. Im fine getting these visual upgrade photos and all. Im just hoping that our next blog isnt about pylon physics. Maybe college gameday
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Old 03-27-2011, 04:37 PM   #124
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

You have to be kidding me. EA cracks me up with hyping small things. "Pylon Physics"? COME ON NOW!! We are talking about the same "Pylon Physics" that were in Madden 2001-2007 for PS2/XBOX and guess what...THAT WAS NEVER A HYPED FEATURE BACK IN THE DAY. Reading this thread I can't believe some of you cats are praising EA for this like it was never in previous Madden/NCAA games on PS2.

From the vets that post here every year you should know the drill...
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Old 03-27-2011, 05:54 PM   #125
Roggie's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by mikehud
you really think that? i don't. I don't think you'll be able to learn all about it because they won't release all the info about it. the info they've released thus far has been released with an apathetic tone. most have said it's just more fluff and they want to hear more. just check out the forums here. that's why the visual upgrades and playbook threads keep getting honked up with folks asking about gameplay. that's why you see hype for summer blockbuster releases in January. they want to build excitement. If you know that the game has a some kind of dynamic change to gameplay, most folks would be like, oh snap, I can't wait to get my hands on this to see how it works. then you add in the new lighting, dreads, pylon physics and what ever other visual changes, it's like layes on the tiramisu. just makes it better, i think. it'd be like oh cool, we got dreads to go along with the gameplay, damn I REALLY can't wait to get this now because we been asking for dreads sonce next gen!! just my $0.02.
If that was the way most people think, why do the majority of companies market the way EA does? Why do they release CG trailers instead of gameplay trailers? Why do most companies never put out the biggest news right away? I wouldn't mind a mix of minor gameplay additions plus visual changes, then release the biggest info late. But it's just like a crescendo with the climax at the end. There's no reason to have the climax first then gradually go down with lesser stuff to the point that people get bored with it.
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Old 03-27-2011, 06:00 PM   #126
Pokes404's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Originally Posted by mrMagic91
I dont think people want to see game play this early. Remember that oh so horrible video that was released last year? The one that everyone was ranting about. It was horrible. But when the game released it didnt play like that. (Not for me) So i would imagine that the developers wont take any risk of releasing early game play videos. Im fine getting these visual upgrade photos and all. Im just hoping that our next blog isnt about pylon physics. Maybe college gameday
I don't think people are asking for gameplay videos. Most people realize it's early in the process. But, we'd like them to talk about something gameplay related. Even if it's just something small like, "We'll be fixing the receiver's AI so that they go up and get the ball in appropriate situations instead of trying an over-the-shoulder catch 90% of the time," or, "DBs will be more aggressive at taking away the curl route instead of just standing 3 yards behind the receiver and waiting for him to catch it." Info like that is really all they need to release to appease the gameplay people right now.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a small tidbit of info about the gameplay when they're releasing small tidbits about graphics and presentation (especially when no one is worried about the graphics or presentation being up to par).
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Old 03-27-2011, 08:39 PM   #127
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video Interview - Visuals & Pylon Physics

Im done with this "Gameplay vs. Everything else" debate.
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Old 03-27-2011, 09:55 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by jeremym480
Maybe he's new around here and missed the 1000+ post thread asking for dreads in the wishlist forum. Well either that or he's Okay with all of his players looking the same.
Maybe im not new, and i also people ben asking for Cleats and other silly stuff too. Maybe unlike some of you all, im on other sites than operation sports and i know the community as a whole, has been asking for wayyyy more than Dreads, Cleats and Jersey patches. Basing the goodness of this game off of Dreads and Cleats is utterly ridiculous! The game play is broke! The presentation is fine ( could be better, but fine ), the graphics been good, whats broke is the game play! Light work, dreads and pylon physics though they are cool, is not what the majority have been asking for. Then again, this game isnt even competitive no more, because of money plays and nanos. I dont know, if the actually fixed the on the field gameplay most of ya would hate it because you wouldnt be able to cheese it.
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