MLB 11 The Show News Post

Feel free to ask me any questions about the game. I won’t be able to help those who want to know about batting gloves, colors, scoreboards, stadiums, walk-ups, stances, nuances, etc, etc because I’m just not that in tune with it. Sure, I love detail but I don’t know how its changed so please don’t ask.

I know I planned on video but it just didn’t happen. I was so in to how analog controls work and what was new in the game that before I knew it my day had gone.
However I will be able to share with you what I saw and learned (or didn’t learn!) today and my hands on experience with it. Let’s first start off with the analog controls. This was one thing I deeply wanted to see and test out for myself. Keep in mind that you can do whatever combination of controls you want (online or offline). Want to do analog pitching but old interface for fielding and batting? You can. Online users will be able to have their own profile of their preferred control scheme as well before entering a game.

Analog Pitching: Let’s just say that I would be real surprised if anyone goes back to the old meter style way. Simply put this is the best addition for the use of analog. A lot of hard work and thought definitely has been put into this and it delivers. I will try to put in words how it works.

First you pick your pitch (button assigned pitches of course). Then image an ice cream cone. This is what is represented on the screen. Near the left and right edges represent the strike zone. Moving the stick where you want it to go in the strike zone (a corresponding circle will show up inside the cone based on where you placed the cursor. It will only show up on the left, right or middle at the top of the cone). Once you have the location, pulling back on the R-stick will start the new meter. Once the meter starts filling up you will want to push back up on the R-stick when it gets to the yellow line marker (similar to yellow line on meter in past). Its just not a matter of pushing straight back up however. You will need to move the R-stick slightly towards the location of the corresponding circle (when you chose location). The closer you are to the circle the better chance you’ll hit your spot. The FASTER you move the R-stick up the faster the speed of the pitch.

I think this works really, really well and I’m very excited about it. I think it makes pitching a little harder to hit your spots. Also in regards to pitching when your pitcher tires (less than 35%) the break on your breaking pitches is far less significant. No longer should an online opponent dominate you because the pitcher has wicked breaking pitches and uses them even when they have no energy.

Analog Fielding: Ramone explained to me how they derive at user error by percentages to the left and right of intended throwing base but I won’t be able to reiterate here exactly as I don’t precisely remember. I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) that if you use the R-stick to throw to the intended base (let’s say 1st base for simple sake) and are within 4 percent of the directional base on either side (up or down from 1st) then your throw will be accurate. Of course if said player is terrible then his ratings will have some effect on this so he won’t always be accurate. However if you are a gold glove 3rd baseman throwing to first and you are within the 4 percent you are going to make that throw 100 percent of the time. Here is what happens when using the R-stick to throw. You will know immediately if your throw is going to be accurate or not. Your circle (under the player) will light up GREEN. If it isn’t green you can opt to cancel the throw. It’s like in real life when a player charges the ball on a bunt and he knows that throwing on the run with a speedy runner he’s not going to have much of a chance so he opts to not throw to take away the potential big inning.

Now if your circle is yellow (don’t remember the percentage. Obviously it would be more than 5 percent. Let’s say for argument sake its 15 percent) then there is a much greater chance for an offline throw or a ball that will hop to the first baseman. If your fielder is a gold glover than you have a lesser chance of making an error. I’m sure that goes for both the player throwing it and receiving it but I could be wrong on that.
If your circle is red then there WILL be an error. Plain and simple. Better opt to not throw. This would probably be greater than 15 percent off target from the intended base you were throwing to.

I found myself holding the R-stick to the desired location TOO long therefore cycling the green, yellow, red at times. I guess because I am used to holding the button down for long time the old fielding way. I think you need to preload the throw and let go of the stick otherwise this will happen. I’m not entirely sure.
Other things to note about fielding. I think you’ll be seeing more plays at the plate this year. I think it will now actually matter who you have throwing from the OF or chasing after the ball. Some players felt slower than others for sure. Something that didn’t seem that noticeable to me in the past. There is also a new throwing meter bar after lining up for the catch. Still present is the area that shows up when you are setting up before the catch but afterwards you will now get a 3 bar meter to fill up if needed. As I explained earlier in the infield you don’t want to do this but in the outfield you will (Please correct if wrong).

I also saw two dropped balls in my limited play. One was with a catcher. You know how last year when you got the player on the outer rim of the fly ball circle? He would lunge and still always make the catch. This instance that I saw today the catcher dropped it after getting leather on it! Very nice. Also I was running my LF’er towards home to catch a ball but was not far enough to make a dive (last year would make this catch EVERY time) and an animation kicked in where he lunges but the ball hits the leather and the ball comes out while he smothered it.

Now its safe to say that defense is fun and challenging (at least it was for me). No more taking for granted on casual plays. Be ready for a problem if it should arise.
Another new addition I saw while playing defense was a ball marker when a player hits one to the wall but you don’t know if its going to bounce off the wall or clear the fence. Was playing in Fenway when a ball marker showed that the general area of where the ball was going to hit the Green Monster. Sweet.

You can also decoy your OF throws to a different base to try to get someone to move from a base. Don’t remember this being in previous iterations of the game?

Analog Batting: I save this one for last for a reason. I understand things take practice but even if I was good at it I am not sure I would use it. The idea behind analog batting is simple to understand. Pull back on R-stick before the ball comes out of the pitchers hand. Push up on the R-stick to swing. However you would only push straight up if the ball was in the middle to upper middle of plate. If the ball is on the inside corner or the outside part of the plate you are going to swing TOWARDS the ball. I like this idea as it definitely deviates from the competitor’s analog batting. However the system (engine) gives you low and high. Meaning you won’t be concerned with it. You can’t swing up and then towards the ball if its down in the zone. You also won’t be using the L-stick in this mode. I for one wish that the L-stick was still intact while when analog batting. I’m sure most people would probably agree but maybe it just makes it way too hard to operate both sticks. I’m sure that the SCEA team fought over this one on what to do. But like I was saying its going to be much harder to hit this year because the PCI is how it should be now. Maybe I missed something or maybe I'll change my tune with more time on the game. Who knows.

CO-OP mode: Russell and I played around 8 innings of this mode. This is a GREAT addition imho and its everything I thought It would be. You have a broad set of ways to setup the game. In our game we chose to alternate who the pitcher was (He would pitch inning 1, 3, 5, etc). I was the OF all game and he was the IF but I was the Catcher. There is a color coded chart displayed in the game just before pitch selection on which player was what so you don’t forget your duties. Let’s say you get a base hit when you are up at bat (he is hitter #1, 3, 5, etc). The person who got the hit would then control the runner on 1st. He would be in control of taking leads, stealing, getting back, etc. Very Cool I must say. We didn’t get to finish because a woman wanted to see the ‘Move’ controller in action (which is only HR derby). I didn’t try it for myself. I think I would throw my back out! I put the 3d glasses on when Ramone tried it. I would never have any use for it but its there and it works.

Graphics: Yes, there IS rain. I seen it I do have one small clip of it but don’t know how it turned out. There are no rain delays (next year!). The daylight/night progression is much better now. It will change slightly from inning to inning and won’t get dark till like the 7th inning. There are rosie hues on the clouds when present. Real nice. Textures of the grass and dirt look 100 percent better this year! Player models look indeed better to me but like I said I am not critical of it like the many users on here. The overalys and menu’s are much crisper and prettier to my eye. There are some new stat overlays during the game as well.

Camera Angles: Team specific broadcast camera angles! I know this will make a lot of you happy. You also have the option of moving the camera anywhere you want and saving it. Online gets some options this year for batting view (about 15 presets). You can also move the pitching meter (cone) anywhere on the screen.

Sound: Karros! Well, it was very loud @ CES this year. I didn’t hear much of it so I can’t comment on this.

Other notes: BALKS are in!

Well, that is all I have for now. I won’t be going again today as I only had 2 hours of sleep before going yesterday. THANKS to Ramone for again letting me get some hands on again this year. Sorry I had to leave when you went to lunch but I had to run unfortunately. Well, maybe I would of stayed a little longer if someone else didn’t come along and wanted to see the 3D…lol

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 161 Russell_SCEA @ 01/10/11 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by AtlBraves09
- No, it will be done primarily the same way it was last year, while you did move the pci, you were still able to hit the ball outside the pci solidly. With analog hitting, there is no pci to speak of, there are hitter tendencies and timing. if you are late on a high fastball, its either a swing and miss or a pop up. If you time a low pitch well it will result in a line drive or ground ball with occasional fly balls or homeruns depending on the hitters ability to handle low pitches. It isnt random at all, it is based mostly on the user's ability to correctly time the pitch and swing in the quadrant the pitch is being thrown in. For righties: Inside, move the swing stick up and to the left. Middle move it straight up. Outside, move it up and to the right. Its all about timing...

PCI is there for all options you can even turn it on for analog. You are correct " high fastball and your late most likely a pop up". High and low is not random at all. B Ma looks at the attributes for the batter, your stride timing, your timing for contact, and how close you are to swinging at the pitch. It isn't three zones either (left, center, right) its just much easier to digest if we explain it this way. Its actually about 100 of them we know where you swing the bat within a degree. Just because you swing to the right and the ball is thrown to the right doesn't mean you will make contact with the ball you can still swing over a ball even if your swinging in the correct direction.
# 162 Russell_SCEA @ 01/10/11 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by thundergatti
I completely disagree.

MLB 2k10 cursor hitting had use of both sticks, and it was awesome. It's not that you have to follow the trajectory of the pitch with the cursor as it moves, although you could do this if you wanted. The beauty of it is that it incorporates the ability to recognize the different types of pitches. For example, if you read the pitch as a curveball, you don't have to follow the arc of the curveball as it drops; after you read the pitch, you just move the cursor down to the area of the zone where you think it will end up, and then swing.

This works, because generally speaking, over a couple of pitches, you start to recognize the predictable arc of each pitcher's pitches. And once you read the curveball, for instance, you get a sense of how far it drops and know where to move the ball. I think its a very good simulation of hand-eye coordination.

I thought that this type of left analog and right analog hitting system was in. I am gravely disappointed if it is not in. If I'm reading the impression wrong, someone please correct me.

In our game and with our pitch speed it was all but impossible to locate a pitch with the PCI using the L analog and stride time correctly and swing at the ball. We prototyped analog batting this way in the beginning it wasn't fun it was frustrating. The only option was to slow down the pitch speed something we would not do.
# 163 AtlBraves09 @ 01/10/11 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
PCI is there for all options you can even turn it on for analog. You are correct " high fastball and your late most likely a pop up". High and low is not random at all. B Ma looks at the attributes for the batter, your stride timing, your timing for contact, and how close you are to swinging at the pitch. It isn't three zones either (left, center, right) its just much easier to digest if we explain it this way. Its actually about 100 of them we know where you swing the bat within a degree. Just because you swing to the right and the ball is thrown to the right doesn't mean you will make contact with the ball you can still swing over a ball even if you swinging in the correct direction.
Awesome thank you for the explanation, sounds better everytime I hear something new about it.
Can't wait to use this.
# 164 bcruise @ 01/10/11 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Red means error..........most of the time..............well that depends on the player you are using if he is a good enough fielder your throw may just be offline (yellow throw) this works vice versa as well. You can pre-load a green throw with a terrible fielder and his ratings might be low enough to move it into the offline range.

Onto your second comment playing baseball with a controller and buttons isn't realistic either but this is a video game.

Analog fielding takes into account many factors its not just the player ratings and your input. We dynamically look at the route you are taking to the ball how fast you are running etc.............................. from there the game will que up one of the 30,000 animations in the game for a throw.

I'll explain this more when the guys get here because we could talk about the changes and additions to fielding all day. I'll get Brian to stop by since he can explain it way better than I can.

But I will leave you all with this nugget of info along with all the fielding ratings being re-written. We have cataloged all the fielding animations in the game and broken them up into tiers. For instance there is a gold glove tier if you will. Meaning only players with extremely high fielding ratings have access to these animations. If he doesn't have the ratings the player can't que up these special animations web gem type animations.
Aha, I think I know what that means....no more minor league SS's making off-balance across the body throws to first (accurately, anyway)?

Can't wait to hear more.
# 165 HITTERSAURUS REX @ 01/10/11 04:46 AM
Rain Topic'
I've read all 187 replies, and I'm quite surprised that almost 75% is about rain. So allow me to add a little baseball virtual history. Back in Sega Saturn's World Series II there was Rain, Rain Delays and Rain Call Outs. It was a simple but a very satisfiying visual along with the announcer tracking the signifigance of the rain.

How Rain worked"
Game begins, Forecast says a chance of rain, slow light rain approaches on your screen, But you keep playing. Then a Fast & Heay Downpour shows on your screen. The Umps & Announcer tell the players there is a rain delay and return to your dugout (Sprites show all players run off the screen, Then 2 seconds elasped and players return running back on to the field) If rain exsist the process is repeated, If rain continues the game is Canceled and depending on the inning the game is official.

It's simplicity was done flawlessly and was welcomed. So even if the SCEA MLB can incorprate this and spin it in their own unique way I'm sure many of you will be in full acceptance when it is hardcoded onto our future MLB discs.

Back on Thread Topic'
Enjoyed the write up & impressions by dmbfan1970 along with Russell's Q&A knowledge. Now my question is to MLB11's ingame playabilty, Has player collision, player morphing been totally remove or how much of this is still viewable in the game?
# 166 dmbfan1970 @ 01/10/11 05:16 AM
One thing I wanted to check on at CES but forgot was the OF'ers humping of the wall that was annoying last year. Maybe Ramone or the CD guys can enlighten us if that was worked on for this year.
# 167 dmbfan1970 @ 01/10/11 05:23 AM
One cosmetic thing I did notice while playing was the faces of the players look real life like this year. I didn't see any zombie looking players so to speak. Also the expressions/smiles/angers of players look so natural and life-like. I don't remember being impressed by this last year. Example: A player striking out snarling on his swing after the follow through. This maybe did happen in last year's game but I don't remember it being so natural looking. Maybe it has to do with the player models/faces worked on.
# 168 Blzer @ 01/10/11 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by dmbfan1970
One thing I wanted to check on at CES but forgot was the OF'ers humping of the wall that was annoying last year. Maybe Ramone or the CD guys can enlighten us if that was worked on for this year.
Was this a typo, or are you just happy to see me?
# 169 dmbfan1970 @ 01/10/11 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by HITTERSAURUS REX
Hey dmbfan I see your on, Has player collision, player morphing been totally remove or how much of this is still viewable in the game? The reason I bring this up is in one of the videos I saw some morphing and if it's possible for you to remember or answer can you reply.
I don't think I understand what you are saying...
# 170 Pared @ 01/10/11 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
I can't believe they even added a step out/timeout option!

Truly incredible.
Yeah it's a really cool feature.

If any of you actually remember, I posted about this last year during Community Day. Brian and I spent a good amount of time talking about this.

The CPU will do this as well if you take too long between selecting a pitch and selecting a location.
# 171 Skyboxer @ 01/10/11 10:59 AM
Man the more info we get the greater the wait is......Jeesh.
# 172 HustlinOwl @ 01/10/11 11:08 AM
what about plays at the plate, has the catcher tag sequence been fixed. Last year it was so slow and most of time playing behind the plate
# 173 Qb @ 01/10/11 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
But I will leave you all with this nugget of info along with all the fielding ratings being re-written. We have cataloged all the fielding animations in the game and broken them up into tiers. For instance there is a gold glove tier if you will. Meaning only players with extremely high fielding ratings have access to these animations. If he doesn't have the ratings the player can't que up these special animations web gem type animations.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
# 174 Splitter77 @ 01/10/11 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by capa
The easiest way to handle rain delays in the game in my opinion:

1) start the rain animations during an inning. Have it get progressively heavier over the next inning or 2.

2) Cut to a scene of the umps waving players off field

3) have a screen come up that says something like "there has be a 45 minute rain delay. Do you wish to keep your current pitcher in the game or replace him?" (pitcher fatigue would increase the longer the delay. Most pitchers are negatively affected by a delay and long layoff).

4) if replace, you select a new pitcher from Bullpen (warm up not required)

CPU would also make pitching adjustment if required.

The amount of minutes for the delay can be randomly generated. Anything from 15 mins to 2 hours.

No postponements required. That adds a whole other level of complexity to player fatigue, schedule, etc.

Just seems like a quick way to get the delay aspect into the game.

one change. if the game is at fenway, all rain delays are 4 hours so they can sell more concessions.
# 175 BravesBoy @ 01/11/11 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Alistair
How damn hard is it to include rain delays though?? It's not exactly a major coding overhaul. What's so hard about scheduling the occasional double header? I thought it would be a no brained this year
I hate rain delays in real life. So why in the world would i want them interrupting my MLB 11 playing time, i'm glad we don't have them!!
# 176 SoxFan01605 @ 01/11/11 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by BravesBoy
I hate rain delays in real life. So why in the world would i want them interrupting my MLB 11 playing time, i'm glad we don't have them!!
Well, it wouldn't be a delay like in a real game...lol (sorry, just the picture in my head of some guy sitting in front of his delayed videogame with a "WTF" expression on his face makes me giggle). Heck, I'm sure there would even be something you can skip through to get to the point.

It would be good for strategy purposes. It forces more rotation and bench management for when the game resumes and if it's canceled, it can cause double headers which allows for more roster management as well (might be nice to give that young arm in AAA a shot to fill in one of the games, for example).

They'll be in the game in the future and I'm sure once they get it done a lot of franchise players (at least) will be very happy to have them once they see what they can add to the experience.
# 177 BravesBoy @ 01/11/11 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Well, it wouldn't be a delay like in a real game...lol (sorry, just the picture in my head of some guy sitting in front of his delayed videogame with a "WTF" expression on his face makes me giggle). Heck, I'm sure there would even be something you can skip through to get to the point.

It would be good for strategy purposes. It forces more rotation and bench management for when the game resumes and if it's canceled, it can cause double headers which allows for more roster management as well (might be nice to give that young arm in AAA a shot to fill in one of the games, for example).

They'll be in the game in the future and I'm sure once they get it done a lot of franchise players (at least) will be very happy to have them once they see what they can add to the experience.
It was a joke more than anything...
# 178 gator3guy @ 01/11/11 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by dmbfan1970
One thing I wanted to check on at CES but forgot was the OF'ers humping of the wall that was annoying last year. Maybe Ramone or the CD guys can enlighten us if that was worked on for this year.
Yeah, automatic extra base for the runner
# 179 douggoud @ 01/12/11 01:44 AM
being the statistician type person i am, i just wanna know how they changed the historical stats (i'm tired of trying to break the same 20 some records i've been trying to break since mlb 06) i'd personally like to see some obscure stats, for the fun of it, and to make our baseball cards show ALL of our stats, and career stats (like stolen bases, and such), i'd also like them to at some point (be it when you get to the hall of fame, or put it on the baseball card) to show how many MVP's, silver sluggers, cy youngs and so on a player has won (kinda dumb, but i wish i knew how many mvp's my guy won, i dont keep track of things that well), also, make it a little more difficult for a pitcher to win the MVP, i constantly had a guy win the mvp year in and year out that was a pitcher and never really did anything worth an MVP. also, i think the gold gloves should be fixed (i've had many occasions where a guy with a .992 fielding percentage beat out a guy with a .997 fielding percentage, and the guy with the .997 played more games, more assists, and putouts, so i dont know what would cause the other guy to win) also, make it that so someone OUTSIDE of the Orioles and Braves can win a gold glove at the pitcher position, lol. lastly, make more than one silver slugger, one for every position, like real life. dont get me wrong, i loved mlb 10, but these are things i'd like to see improved (oh yeah add new franchise things, i dont know what, but cool things, lol)
# 180 babyruth1914 @ 01/13/11 04:29 AM
I was just wondering do you know if they changed the career player baseball cards? what i mean is can we finally have the option to make our own unique picture to go on our card? It was kinda lame to see the same picture on 50 other guys cards when we could just take a beautiful snap shot our-self.

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