MLB 11 The Show News Post

I took these shots using the build from 12-15-10 no camera trickery both shots were taken using the in game photo feature. Same time of day as well. The only difference is one shot is taken in MLB 10 The Show, the other in MLB 11 The Show. The MLB 10 shot is the one on the top.

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
MLB 11 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 econoodle @ 12/16/10 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes all those shots are taken from the same time of day.

awesome Russell.
judging by the clock in the Doc pic, its 8PM. So thats a nice summer game with the lighting still showing but has that deep summer nighttime look

as far as the darkness, I didnt like that last year.
i alwasy wondered why there was so much shadowing on a player when its 1 pm on a fully sunny day
bright day lighting is here.
# 22 CabreraMVP @ 12/16/10 04:29 PM
With the new day night progression, do you think it will still get dark in the 3rd inning of games in the summer? It shouldn't be dark until the 7th at least.
# 23 YanksFan4Life @ 12/16/10 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by khronikos
By and large the shoulder and muscle tone of the arms are the biggest improvements. Not sure where you are seeing much improved textures though there are definitely some apparent improvements to skin and other things. It's not like 10 was horrible. I think this goes to show that 10 was clearly a decent start.

Something about Morneau's mouth in the 11 shot seems wrong. I think his face in 10 is more accurate to be honest. Why is his mouth so big there? Put it back! lol. http://www.thesportsbank.net/core/wp...inmorneau.jpeg

No question about the shoulder though they just look hokey in 10. I hope people are speaking up about stadiums so as much as possible sneaks it way in. A lot of AL teams still have not been updated by people in the threads!

Anybody notice how the fans are better and not so contrasty anymore?
EDIT: my bad..... erased post

# 24 Bigsheen @ 12/16/10 04:33 PM
wow these are amazing i had to go back and look to make sure they were at the same time of day. that dbacks one is crazy who much brighter it is. Also i noticed the arm hair in the first set. . .wow haha that much detail is crazy
# 25 DiamondbacksLive @ 12/16/10 04:49 PM
Upton's new stance should have his left foot planted on the ground instead of standing on its tip-toe. Otherwise, I like the arm level improvement.
# 26 rspencer86 @ 12/16/10 04:50 PM
The player model changes are nice, but the enhanced lighting and accurate scoreboards (LOVE this!) are catching my eye much more.
# 27 HustlinOwl @ 12/16/10 04:52 PM
correct GABP scoreboard in LF
# 28 TeixeiraFanatic @ 12/16/10 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondbacksLive
Upton's new stance should have his left foot planted on the ground instead of standing on its tip-toe. Otherwise, I like the arm level improvement.
Thats still his old stance, his hands are in different spots because his hands move in his stance.
# 29 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/16/10 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondbacksLive
Upton's new stance should have his left foot planted on the ground instead of standing on its tip-toe. Otherwise, I like the arm level improvement.
Originally Posted by TeixeiraFanatic
Thats still his old stance, his hands are in different spots because his hands move in his stance.
Stances, animations, etc etc are some of the final things to go into the game, you will not see everything reflected this early. Work in Progress.
# 30 El_MaYiMbE @ 12/16/10 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes all those shots are taken from the same time of day.
Will the early April games, and late September/October games get dark earlier?
# 31 Pared @ 12/16/10 05:00 PM
Ad boards behind the plate at Citi. Someone has an eye for detail!
# 32 Russell_SCEA @ 12/16/10 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondbacksLive
Upton's new stance should have his left foot planted on the ground instead of standing on its tip-toe. Otherwise, I like the arm level improvement.

Batting stances and pitching motions are one of the last things added before the game is done. Disclaimer this doesn't mean Upton has a new stance.
# 33 Pared @ 12/16/10 05:04 PM
Haha.... nice!
# 34 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/16/10 05:04 PM
The Morneau 10 & 11 arm proportion comparison is night and day

I noticed right away that you can now see the first 3 letters of Minnesota on his jersey !!

Also his forearms are now at a more natural angle

That alone is huge and should automatically improve the look of batting stances
# 35 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/16/10 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
Unbelievable. I had the PS2 for 09, so when I jumped to the PS3 for 10, I was so impressed with how real the players looked. And now they go and make them even better looking? I have a feeling I might get confused as to whether I am watching a real game or the Show.
Don't worry, that is pretty common with this game.
# 36 PsychoBulk @ 12/16/10 05:55 PM
[Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty]B - E - A - utiful[/Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty]

# 37 ped3328 @ 12/16/10 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by khronikos
By and large the shoulder and muscle tone of the arms are the biggest improvements. Not sure where you are seeing much improved textures though there are definitely some apparent improvements to skin and other things. It's not like 10 was horrible. I think this goes to show that 10 was clearly a decent start. Overall it looks fantastic except for one glaring thing.

Something about Morneau's mouth and face in the 11 shot seems wrong! He has regressed and sure hope he looks better in the final game. What are they doing exactly and what are they modeling his mouth after? His face in 10 is more accurate. Why is his mouth so big? He looks like a fatty. Put it back! lol. http://www.thesportsbank.net/core/wp...inmorneau.jpeg

No question about the shoulder though they just look hokey in 10. I hope people are speaking up about stadiums so as much as possible sneaks it way in. A lot of AL teams still have not been updated by people in the threads!

Anybody notice how the fans are better and not so contrasty anymore?
Wonderful pictures! Brian Wilson new pic looks so real! The beard leaves me speechless! But I agree, Justin Morneau looked much better and more like him last year. Hopefully, they can check his real looks on the above address and change it accordingly. Nice work, Russell.
# 38 rts5002 @ 12/16/10 07:08 PM
Kinda sad to see the sweat ring around Halladay's hat and he has long sleeves on...I'll take a little sadness though to balance out all this joy The player models look awesome, I thought the lighting added so much to last years game, and this year's lighting is better by leaps and bounds! gotta make a BIG pile of shame games to make the next 11 weeks go quicker!
# 39 rts5002 @ 12/16/10 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by HFX007
Not sure what one has to do with the other. Why are you sad that a pitcher is sweating and wearing long sleeves...he's still throwing a ball really hard and pitchers still sweat when its cold out
yes, but in last year's game players would have the sweat ring to start the game, and the pattern for all of them is the same. it'd be nice to see some sort of progression with it through the game, and more so for some players, like pitchers, than others. just an observation, not a complaint by any stretch. how can one complain about a game that has done so much for so many fans?!
# 40 mlp111 @ 12/16/10 08:39 PM
looks good, graphics look the same, well slightly better, color and lighting seen more enhanced

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